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What Were They Thinkin'?
I'm growing very tired of hearing about those three idiots that attempted the Mt. HOOD climb in WASHINGTON STATE. In f**kin' winter no less! Climbers that attempt say, a Mt EVEREST climb in NEPAL, plan those climbs years in advance with many support people included to be attempted in the s-u-m-m-e-r!! The Mt HOOD group were just that, three people, p-e-r-i-o-d, with no back up support, no communication equipment (a cell phone?) and to do so at the worst time of the year? What were the wives thinking going along with their plans? What were these three village idiots participatng in, a college fraternaty initiation?
Ya' know what ya' got now? A whole bunch of people risking their lives attempting to rescue these three popsicles. Of well, the wives and families have something to look forward to this christmas, a big fat bill for all the man hours devoted to what has evolved, from a rescue operation to a recovery operation. What a legacy they left their families, huh? Three 30 somethin'(?) idiots that amassed a bill for the families to pay off!! MERRY F**KIN" CHRISTMAS!!!
I just wish the local and national news organizations would stop romanticizing this stuff. Every brain-dead, under experienced butt wipe, will be trying their luck, climbing one of the toughest climbs in the world. Then there will be more and more over publicized, unsuccessful rescue attempts with possibly some rescuers dying.
Thank god, the TIBETAN government screens all requests for an attempt at Mt. EVEREST. They do not let any wanna-be climbers, such as the Mt. HOOD popsicles, anywhere near their mountain. They know what can happen and they are in no position to finance a rescue mission if something goes wrong. Their philosophy is, "once you leave for base camp and something goes wrong, tough sh*t, you and Mt. EVEREST are one, forever"!! They charge the climbing party a sh*t load of money and they get their money upfront, "before" the climb leaves for base camp! This is done to discourage all but the most qualified and organized of climbers.
I can imagine that just because these three popsicles could scale a rock wall at SIX FLAGS, they felt they could conquer Mt. HOOD and in the winter time yet!!
Oh well!! Am I being just a tad too harsh on the lads? Oh, I hope not!!
December 18, 2006, 06:32 |
60 / male Bowl of Granola, Massachusetts, US
Re: What Were They Thinkin'?
Ok now...Breathe...Count to ten slowly...Feel better? Now just remember one thing, without stupid people, rescue workers would have no one to save... They are job security...
December 18, 2006, 06:40 |
User no longer registered.
Re: Re: What Were They Thinkin'?
QUOTE (GentleGiant388 @ December 18, 2006, 06:40)Ok now...Breathe...Count to ten slowly...Feel better? Now just remember one thing, without stupid people, rescue workers would have no one to save... They are job security...
Yeh, you're right GG, I tend to NOT tolerate stupidity. How shallow of me!!! I have to become more compassionate and be willing to accept others stupidity as a disability. I should revel in it and not judge people inflicted with this malady.
I'm a bad boy! HaHa
December 18, 2006, 06:54 |
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Re: What Were They Thinkin'?
The TIBETAN govt, now charges each individual climber in a Mt. EVEREST climbing party $4000 plus a fee of $50,000 for the total climb of the group over and above the individual members and the ancillary fees. That also charge for any sherpas used to get the supplies to the base camp,$1100 each!! They also get a fee for any local talent needed during the climb.
Big-Big money and NO amateur popsicles need apply.
December 18, 2006, 07:05 |
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Re: What Were They Thinkin'?
I have been following the Mt. Hood climbers story, and also been following the Discovery channel series "Everest"
I'll never understand what the drive and motivation is for these people attempting to climb to the summit of the highest mountains, but I assume there is some undeniable drive in them to do this.
I do think it very selfish for anyone with family to leave behind to do this.
December 18, 2006, 07:22 |
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Re: Re: What Were They Thinkin'?
QUOTE (Chazzy @ December 18, 2006, 07:22)I have been following the Mt. Hood climbers story, and also been following the Discovery channel series "Everest"
I'll never understand what the drive and motivation is for these people attempting to climb to the summit of the highest mountains, but I assume there is some undeniable drive in them to do this.
I do think it very selfish for anyone with family to leave behind to do this.
CHAZZY, if I was your husband, would you give me your permission to climb something like Mt F**kin' HOOD? In the f**kin' winter time no less?
Actually, I would not want to leave your wrm bed for anything,especially for some dumb-ass climb up some cold, f**kin' mountain with my two "buddies"!! Sounds like a BROKEBACK MOUNTAIN adventure to me!!
I know, I'm just a cold hearted son-of-bitch.
December 18, 2006, 07:59 |
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Re: What Were They Thinkin'?
Hell VB....I have a tough time as it is...getting the lazy fuck to climb out of bed to go to work!
But...if I were married to the adventerous kind, I would probably remind him that he is no longer a single man , and shouldn't live live like one, that he is part of a couple now, and I would expect him to start thinking like that...he could still get his adrenaline kicks, but I would expect him to consider the risks he takes, if he is not ready for that than he should continue his adventurous life as a single man , not a family man.
But...I still do not, nor do I ever expect to understand at all why these people MUST climb these summits...
December 18, 2006, 08:16 |
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Re: What Were They Thinkin'?
Do you mean to tell me, that lazy sack of sh*t, still doesn't appreciate what he's got? F**k him, give him the boot. A real man would kill for the privilege of being with you. What, he doesn't even want to get up for work? Has he no pride? Sounds like a loser to me. Do not get stuck with a loser.
Send him my love, will 'ya?
Sorry for sticking my nose in your business, but I stick up for my friends no matter what!!
I agree with you about men who would risk their lives doing something that effects so many others. Apparently, these three dick-heads, probably thought they were indestructible; you know the way you feel when you're say, F-I-F-T-E-E-N f**kin' years old. They probably never grew up and never accepted their responsibilities to their wives and families.
When you hit your thirties and you marry, f**kin' play time's over!!
The trend these last 10 or 20 years is if you are suicidal, make damn sure you take as many poor souls along for the ride as possible. F**kin' selfish is what this attitude is!!!!!
December 18, 2006, 09:08 |
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Re: What Were They Thinkin'?
I do believe that when a person decides to get married and start a family, then they are intelligent enough to re asses their priorities....family first.
If a person is not ready to settle down, then he shouldn't be married with four kids...
December 19, 2006, 08:13 |
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Re: Re: What Were They Thinkin'?
QUOTE (Chazzy @ December 19, 2006, 08:13)I do believe that when a person decides to get married and start a family, then they are intelligent enough to re asses their priorities....family first.
If a person is not ready to settle down, then he shouldn't be married with four kids...
Four kids huh? Dumb ass!
The two remaining missing climbers will probably not be found until spring, at the earliest or maybe they've become one with the environment. Avalanches have a way of burying everything in their path.
December 19, 2006, 08:59 |
59 / couple Frozen Tundra, Minnesota, US
Re: What Were They Thinkin'?
Hey VB, are we done with ranting and raving yet???
Just remember that everyone, I do mean everyone, including you, have made poor decisions in their lives. We tend not to think about what could go wrong, as that happens to everyone else, and not us. Just remember that these 3 popsicles, as you put it, are very seasoned and veterans of this activity. If I remember right, at least one of these popsicles also has climbed Mt Everest. So ya just never know when you will be one those, that only happens to the other guy, victims.
December 19, 2006, 12:40 |
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Re: Re: What Were They Thinkin'?
QUOTE (funlovingpair @ December 19, 2006, 12:40)Hey VB, are we done with ranting and raving yet???
Just remember that everyone, I do mean everyone, including you, have made poor decisions in their lives. We tend not to think about what could go wrong, as that happens to everyone else, and not us. Just remember that these 3 popsicles, as you put it, are very seasoned and veterans of this activity. If I remember right, at least one of these popsicles also has climbed Mt Everest. So ya just never know when you will be one those, that only happens to the other guy, victims.
You know FLP, your absolutely right about people make mistakes, including me. Some mistakes I have made were embarrassing, some were trivial and some inconvenienced family members. None that time couldn't heal.
I guess I was too harsh in my posts about this subject except the notion that they attempted the climb in winter. Honestly, I do hope they find the other two alive!
This is my final post on this subject. No more RANTS as you put it so succinctly.
December 19, 2006, 13:17 |
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Re: What Were They Thinkin'?
Bunggie Jumping never made much sense to me either, I guess I just stay on the porch with the puppies.
December 19, 2006, 15:17 |
59 / couple Frozen Tundra, Minnesota, US
Re: Re: What Were They Thinkin'?
QUOTE (hothands @ December 19, 2006, 15:17)Bunggie Jumping never made much sense to me either, I guess I just stay on the porch with the puppies.
Hey there Hothands, If ya got another rocking chair on that there porch of yours, I bring some and we'll both watch the puppies.
December 19, 2006, 18:30 |
64 / couple lake elsinore, California, US
Re: Re: Re: What Were They Thinkin'?
QUOTE (funlovingpair @ December 19, 2006, 18:30)
now that's my idea of a good time. and can we please stop referring to these men as popsicles??? there is something so wrong about that!
December 19, 2006, 19:33 |
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Re: Re: Re: Re: What Were They Thinkin'?
QUOTE (lizonya @ December 19, 2006, 19:33) QUOTE (funlovingpair @ December 19, 2006, 18:30)
now that's my idea of a good time. and can we please stop referring to these men as popsicles??? there is something so wrong about that!
Liz, you too, are correct. Sometimes I can be a cold individual when it comes to these kind of events. After 57 years (my birthday is today), I still have a partial vacuum where my compassion should be. I will try to curb my disdain for people who do things that turn out bad.
December 20, 2006, 05:03 |
User no longer registered.
Re: What Were They Thinkin'?
Happy Birthday VB!
I don't think you're cold hearted really, just excitable maybe!
I think a little "anger" towards these climbers is kinda natural...I got angry with them, angry for attempting this while their families and loved ones worried themselves sick, angry for taking the unnecessary chance that did result in widows and fatherless children.
Mr. Kim, that I understood, he died doing what he did FOR his children, these men did it in spite of the fact they had children.
I really do feel for the families left behind with all their grief and unanswered questions. I'm sure we all do of course, but there's can be an anger factor when it all was so avoidable.
But then...I can't even begin to understand or imagine why...as I have said before...why these people must climb these mountains.
Has anyone else been catching any episodes of the Discovery Channels "Everest"
I have been watching this series, just in hopes of catching a glimpse of what exactly drives and motivates a person to walk away from a good life near sea level, knowing what they are doing will in the least result in parts of their flesh and bone being amputated from frostbite, make them a witness to the slow death of fellow climbers, or it will take their own life.
December 20, 2006, 07:40 |
64 / couple lake elsinore, California, US
Re: What Were They Thinkin'?
happy birthday voyeurbill - and many more...
December 20, 2006, 19:37 |
User no longer registered.
Re: Re: What Were They Thinkin'?
QUOTE (lizonya @ December 20, 2006, 19:37)happy birthday voyeurbill -  and many more...
Thanks to you and CHAZZY, two gorgeous broads! You two have been so thoughtful and kind to me. Why, I haven't a clue................
December 21, 2006, 00:41 |