User no longer registered.
Who GOES THERE??????????
This is strictly a question for the ladies.
If you were in bed naked with the lights out, blindfolded and someone crawled between your thighs and started to dine at your portal, would you be able to distinguish if it was your significant other or just a very generous individual there to give you a splendid time? Could you tell by their style, whether the individual was male or female?
You would not be allowed to touch the persons head or face and the person would not be wearing cologne or perfume. He or she would not speak or moan. The person's hair would be tied back. Basically, no clues except the style and technique!!
Could you really distinguish who or what sex? Would you care?
Please be specific. This is a purely scientific survey!!
December 16, 2006, 07:13 |
56 / female daytona, Florida, US
Re: Who GOES THERE??????????
Yes, I could distinguish. There is a particular way that Warren dines and I would know if it were not him. If it were not, could I tell if the diner were a man or a woman? that might be a little harder, but I think I probably could.....eventually....might take a while.... 
December 17, 2006, 22:58 |
User no longer registered.
Re: Who GOES THERE??????????
QUOTE (voyeurbill @ December 16, 2006, 07:13)This is strictly a question for the ladies.
If you were in bed naked with the lights out, blindfolded and someone crawled between your thighs and started to dine at your portal, would you be able to distinguish if it was your significant other or just a very generous individual there to give you a splendid time? Could you tell by their style, whether the individual was male or female?
You would not be allowed to touch the persons head or face and the person would not be wearing cologne or perfume. He or she would not speak or moan. The person's hair would be tied back. Basically, no clues except the style and technique!!
Could you really distinguish who or what sex? Would you care?
Please be specific. This is a purely scientific survey!!
in the interest of science, I volunteer to be the "placebo tongue"!!!
December 18, 2006, 08:21 |
User no longer registered.
Re: Re: Who GOES THERE??????????
QUOTE (TropiFun @ December 18, 2006, 08:21) QUOTE (voyeurbill @ December 16, 2006, 07:13)This is strictly a question for the ladies.
If you were in bed naked with the lights out, blindfolded and someone crawled between your thighs and started to dine at your portal, would you be able to distinguish if it was your significant other or just a very generous individual there to give you a splendid time? Could you tell by their style, whether the individual was male or female?
You would not be allowed to touch the persons head or face and the person would not be wearing cologne or perfume. He or she would not speak or moan. The person's hair would be tied back. Basically, no clues except the style and technique!!
Could you really distinguish who or what sex? Would you care?
Please be specific. This is a purely scientific survey!!
in the interest of science, I volunteer to be the "placebo tongue"!!!
Actually, I was to be the designated "volunteer" tongue for this highly scientific survey. If the female test subject were to guess my sex. I would not prematurely stop the experiment, for we must complete the session for the integrity of the experiment.
Either way, I get mine!
December 18, 2006, 08:34 |
81 / male somewhere, Nebraska, US
Re: Who GOES THERE??????????
i would probably be able to tell right away if it was a man, by the scrape of whiskers, if on the other hand it was a female, would i care WHICH female.......no and HELL no !
December 18, 2006, 09:41 |
User no longer registered.
Re: Re: Who GOES THERE??????????
QUOTE (Dave2big @ December 18, 2006, 09:41)i would probably be able to tell right away if it was a man, by the scrape of whiskers, if on the other hand it was a female, would i care WHICH female.......no and HELL no !
As to the the first 19 words of your post, are you coming out or is there a "misunderstanding" as to the actual intention of my survey? You are correct as to the whiskers giving the sex identity away. As an added condition,the male would have to shave a couple of times with a new blade to assure a baby-butt smooth face, before he would be allowed to participate in my survey. We must have as few clues as possible so as to protect the integrity of this very important survey.
I reiterate, would you "ladies" be able to discern what "sex" your tongue wielder if the tests were devoid of all clues?
December 18, 2006, 10:47 |
54 / female Pawling, New York, US
Re: Who GOES THERE??????????
I would have to say that I would know without a doubt.....Its impossible to not know the person you have that connection with....You know there touch, how they proceed with passion.....The passion comes from within....No one else could bring that to the table, no matter how hard they try....At least for me!
December 28, 2006, 09:57 |
64 / couple lake elsinore, California, US
Re: Who GOES THERE??????????
yes, i agree - i would definitely know if it were not my sig-other. also a definite yes as to the technique giving it away as to whether it were male or female. women just know where and how, are more gentle and delicate in the operation, have smaller heads and are smoother in the facial area. no doubt in my mind ~ i would just know.
December 28, 2006, 16:40 |