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NON-physical abuse
What about NON-physical abuse?
When does a nasty argument fall into the category of emotional and/or verbal abuse?
Is it only "abusive" if the verbal and emotional attacks happen frequently or can a rare but vicious loss of temper still be called abuse?
Are they times when the "abused" are just too thinned skinned and are actually not abused, but simply unable to accept or deal with someone else's, anyone else's anger without suffering or getting hurt?
Should non-physical abuse be gaged by the severity of what's said and done, or by the severity of the effect the attacks have on the target or receiver?
December 12, 2006, 16:22 |
59 / couple Frozen Tundra, Minnesota, US
Re: NON-physical abuse
WOW, I've had to think about this one all day.
We all have found ourselves on the both sides of this. Ya know in that quick fit of rage where we say something before we think about it. But at least for the those of us that don't find ourselves in that situation very often, I think its not really too overly damaging in the long run. But for those persons, if we can call them persons and not animals, that the abuse is the norm, and not the exception, its very damaging. I've talked with people that allowed that behavior to go on, only because they are in fear of the next step, physical abuse. Verbal abuse is a control tactic that some will use to gain power over a person that they want to control by fear. It has been used for sexual power over someone, and to make someone feel less of themselves so they will be more likely to do things that they wouldn't do under a normal condition. It has even been used by men, to control a woman to the point that the woman has to sell their body for money.
There is absolutely no reason on this green earth for this type activity. It is demoralizing, degrading and the damage will last a life time, and that person will not be a good contributor to society, if one does not get professional help. It will totally strip any type of self confidence that one has, and for those that are the receiver, they have been enslaved only to serve the person that is the controller, and this is total bullshit and should never be tolerated by anyone.
I hope that I've some sense.
December 13, 2006, 02:50 |
User no longer registered.
Re: NON-physical abuse
Yep...I think ya about covered it flp!
I still wonder...those that resort or rely on verbal abuse, are they all really abusive people, or are some just people that don't have or have learned the social skills to communicate and interact in a productive way?
December 13, 2006, 10:40 |
User no longer registered.
Re: NON-physical abuse
They haven't learned respect and not to degrade and put down other people just to make themselves feel better!!! They may or may not resort to physical abuse in time but it's something they learn EARLY in life. It all goes back to that topic we had going many moons ago. You either stop the cycle with your own children or do to them what was done to you. It's your choice.... and like FLP said... if you can't get over it and become a better person, "get help!"
December 13, 2006, 10:45 |
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