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Do ya still got it goin on?
 Web Naughty Forums » General Discussion » Do ya still got it goin on?


 User no longer registered.
Do ya still got it goin on?
Don't take this the wrong way, I am not trying to conduct a survey on my self or anyone else, but I am at the age where I sometimes ask myself this question while at the same time, wondering where and if I still fit in anymore. And I also wonder if others around my age think this too. Is it something that a person knows for sure, or do we all sometimes need the reassurance of others. its probably a dumb topic and wont get many responses but what else is new.
 December 11, 2006, 22:23

 59 / couple
 Frozen Tundra, Minnesota, US
Re: Do ya still got it goin on?
Well buddy, I also sometimes wonder many of the same things as you. We are reasonably close in age, so I do know what is going through your brain. I have to try and compete with and do the same job as those who are half of my age. They want to have something to do with you only when they are in real tight jam. I know that one of these days I'll be coming home with black eyes, sore ribs, and more aches and pains that good old Ben- gay can cure. And like holy shit if they where to ever invite you to the local pub for a beer or something. But at least here I have some very wonderful friends, that I value so much more than you or they will ever imagine.
 December 12, 2006, 01:04

 64 / couple
 lake elsinore, California, US
Re: Do ya still got it goin on?
i'm at that age where i should be thinking the same thing. you know what...? i'm finding that more and more i am the oldest one on the beach these days. as far as fitting in... who cares. i've always walked to my own beat of the drum. besides, the younger generation tends to be a little on the selfish side so i'm happy where i'm at and with who i am.
 December 12, 2006, 02:10

 56 / female
 daytona, Florida, US
Re: Do ya still got it goin on?
Me, too, Liz. As far as fitting in, the only one I really care about fitting with is Warren, everyone else is just a moot point. I don't worry about their feelings or what they think of me. I am me, and if they don't like me, well, that's their problem, not mine.

 December 12, 2006, 06:25

 User no longer registered.
Re: Do ya still got it goin on?
that's a gr8 question HH..

as for me, I don't worry much about fitting in either. for the most part i do. i recognize you can't please everyone all the time (except in sex)

so for those i connect with, we're all the better for fittin in with one another..and at my age, the less mature aspect of popularity and that crap is long gone.

 December 12, 2006, 10:03

 User no longer registered.
Re: Do ya still got it goin on?
I like knowing all kinds of people from all walks of life, and of all ages.....not to fit in...but just to keep up with the everchanging world.
I like knowing what's going on.
 December 12, 2006, 10:08

 User no longer registered.
Re: Re: Do ya still got it goin on?
  QUOTE (Chazzy @ December 12, 2006, 10:08)
I like knowing all kinds of people from all walks of life, and of all ages.....not to fit in...but just to keep up with the everchanging world.
I like knowing what's going on.

yes...and the Internet has made it so much easier to meet people of all walks of life from all over the world..

god bless tiny tim and the internet..(and Al Gore for inventing it)
 December 12, 2006, 10:14

 70 / male
 Miller Beach, Indiana, US
Re: Do ya still got it goin on?
The longer we spend in this life, the more experience we gain and develop a better sense of "sizing people up". I guess with that experience that only time can provide, we become more able to be satisfied with who, what and where we are, hopefully without too many regrets. I too think that a lot of people much younger are self-absorbed and lack certain character qualities that we were taught by our parents. Then sometimes too I wonder if maybe I wasn't (to some extent) that way myself at that age. For the most part I'm satisfied with "where I am now" and concern myself very little with trying to impress others around me to gain their acceptance. Here I am, flaws and all, take me or leave me, life's too short to play games anymore. It's much more important to have a handful of good, genuine friends than being worried whether the whole damn world thinks you're a great person or not. Those that don't, "later..." and the later the better.
 December 12, 2006, 10:26

 User no longer registered.
Re: Do ya still got it goin on?
Older people have the tendancy to be a little self-absorbed too...allot people think that the only good music was the music they remember from their high school or glory days...and today's music has lyrics that make no sense, a beat you can't dance to, and rap is crap...when you hit that point...you've officially turned into your parents...cuz they said the same things about you and your music!
 December 12, 2006, 10:30

 User no longer registered.
Re: Re: Do ya still got it goin on?
  QUOTE (Tungmeister @ December 12, 2006, 10:26)
The longer we spend in this life, the more experience we gain and develop a better sense of "sizing people up". I guess with that experience that only time can provide, we become more able to be satisfied with who, what and where we are, hopefully without too many regrets. I too think that a lot of people much younger are self-absorbed and lack certain character qualities that we were taught by our parents. Then sometimes too I wonder if maybe I wasn't (to some extent) that way myself at that age. For the most part I'm satisfied with "where I am now" and concern myself very little with trying to impress others around me to gain their acceptance. Here I am, flaws and all, take me or leave me, life's too short to play games anymore. It's much more important to have a handful of good, genuine friends than being worried whether the whole damn world thinks you're a great person or not. Those that don't, "later..." and the later the better.

those are some good insights Tung...and some of this "knowledge" we acquire via our family and environment we grow up in..

yet, i think we are too judgemntal...if we skip the propensity to be judgmental then that eliminates the crap that eventually leads to conflict among other things.
 December 12, 2006, 10:30

 User no longer registered.
Re: Re: Do ya still got it goin on?
  QUOTE (Chazzy @ December 12, 2006, 10:30)
Older people have the tendancy to be a little self-absorbed too...allot people think that the only good music was the music they remember from their high school or glory days...and today's music has lyrics that make no sense, a beat you can't dance to, and rap is crap...when you hit that point...you've officially turned into your parents...cuz they said the same things about you and your music!

That would be me
 December 12, 2006, 10:31

 User no longer registered.
Re: Re: Re: Do ya still got it goin on?
  QUOTE (MoonHowler @ December 12, 2006, 10:31)
  QUOTE (Chazzy @ December 12, 2006, 10:30)
Older people have the tendancy to be a little self-absorbed too...allot people think that the only good music was the music they remember from their high school or glory days...and today's music has lyrics that make no sense, a beat you can't dance to, and rap is crap...when you hit that point...you've officially turned into your parents...cuz they said the same things about you and your music!

That would be me

 December 12, 2006, 10:47

 70 / male
 Miller Beach, Indiana, US
Re: Do ya still got it goin on?
And me! I AM turning into my crotchety old father! Chazzy's & Moon's comments above brought that to the forefront in my head. I refuse to patronize McDonalds as long as they run those seriously irritating Rap commercials on tv & radio. If they ever want me to satisfy my Quarterpounder and Big Mac attacks again, they better start playing Kristoferson or Jim Croce music!
 December 12, 2006, 11:12

 User no longer registered.
Re: Re: Do ya still got it goin on?
  QUOTE (Tungmeister @ December 12, 2006, 11:12)
And me! I AM turning into my crotchety old father! Chazzy's & Moon's comments above brought that to the forefront in my head. I refuse to patronize McDonalds as long as they run those seriously irritating Rap commercials on tv & radio. If they ever want me to satisfy my Quarterpounder and Big Mac attacks again, they better start playing Kristoferson or Jim Croce music!

your better off to stay as far away from McDonalds as you can, there food will clog an artery in a minute.
 December 12, 2006, 11:35

 64 / couple
 lake elsinore, California, US
Re: Re: Do ya still got it goin on?
  QUOTE (Chazzy @ December 12, 2006, 10:30)
Older people have the tendancy to be a little self-absorbed too...allot people think that the only good music was the music they remember from their high school or glory days...and today's music has lyrics that make no sense, a beat you can't dance to, and rap is crap...when you hit that point...you've officially turned into your parents...cuz they said the same things about you and your music!

that's too funny. i'm almost there...not all is crap but most of it is as far as i'm concerned.
 December 12, 2006, 13:31

 63 / male
 Beaver City, Nebraska, US
Re: Do ya still got it goin on?
Oh come on now really, most of you here have read a lot of my posts, do you think for one minute I care what people think of me? I try to be friends with everyone, but I'm realistic enough to know that ya just can't see eye to eye with everyone. I am who I am, if they like me, great, if not, I won't lose one second of sleep over it.
 December 12, 2006, 15:54

 User no longer registered.
Re: Re: Do ya still got it goin on?
  QUOTE (NRG4U @ December 12, 2006, 15:54)
Oh come on now really, most of you here have read a lot of my posts, do you think for one minute I care what people think of me? I try to be friends with everyone, but I'm realistic enough to know that ya just can't see eye to eye with everyone. I am who I am, if they like me, great, if not, I won't lose one second of sleep over it.

But....you can share your opinions and thoughts in a very courteous way....your momma taught you some manners...so even if your views and opinions are very strong, or opposite of someone else's...you don't give them a reason NOT to like you because of that.
 December 13, 2006, 09:09

 56 / female
 daytona, Florida, US
Re: Do ya still got it goin on?
As to music, I am not fond of most rap, just not my thing, I do however like a lot of todays music, My Chemical Romance has some good stuff as well as Evanessence, Army of Anyone and Linkin Park. There are others' lol, but I'll stop there before I get too far I don't really try to "fit in" I am me and I have to agree with NRG, if someone doesn't like me, well, there are a lot of people in the world, what's one less liking me going to do to me? Nothing.

 December 13, 2006, 09:22

 80 / male
 A whoop and a hollar from Dallas, Texas, US
Re: Do ya still got it goin on?
As a card carrying "Old Fart" my perspective is that you are only as old as you feel, some days I feel ancient, some days like a kid again. I like to "hang out" with young people as it keeps me young. My 8 year old grandson is a real joy and my guilty pleasure is watching cartoons with him. My wife and daughter both tell me to "act my age", but why? I at times have a lot of fun on MySpace or Yahoo if I find kids who don't flee from me as a pedophile who will actually chat for a while. I refuse to grow up and/or act my age. That would take all the fun out of life! "Fitting in" is your responsibility, you have to be flexible and open to "new" (to you) ideas. I listen to almost any kind of music and will admit I'm not the biggest rap/hip-hop fan alive. Listen and participate with an open mind. There are many experiences for those who look for them. I second the kudos for Al Gore for "inventing the Internet". It has given me many things to check out things I never even dreamed that existed. Just embrace life and all its many twists and turns. It is not perfect, but neither am I.

Thank you everyone for being yourselves and letting me in to a corner of your life. Web Naughty is and will be a great place to find caring and wonderful people for me and I hope for all of you. Thanks Abs and all the mods--keep up the good work!

Happy Holidays.....
 December 13, 2006, 15:07

 User no longer registered.
Re: Do ya still got it goin on?
That was a fantastic post Smitty, you can come into the corner of my life and talk anytime, by the way I have an 8 yr old grandson also. Peace be with you and have a Merry Christmas, as well as to the rest of you here on Webnaughty.
 December 13, 2006, 17:11

 70 / male
 Miller Beach, Indiana, US
Re: Do ya still got it goin on?
and right back atcha' HH! Have a great Christmas!
 December 13, 2006, 17:41

 User no longer registered.
Re: Do ya still got it goin on?
I do indeed still have it going on - I've had more than my share of tender young things give me the up and down followed by the sexy smile - so that's how I know if I wanted to - I could have it - I also have more than my share of guys of all ages give me the wolf calls or whistles when I walk through their area - it sure feels good even though I don't encourage them - and makes me keep up the hard work of working out six days a week even when I don't want to - there's something to be said for the occasional ego and self-esteem boost and I have to say I love it when it happens!
 December 16, 2006, 13:42

 52 / male
 aberdeen, Scotland, UK
Re: Re: Do ya still got it goin on?
  QUOTE (NRG4U @ December 12, 2006, 15:54)
Oh come on now really, most of you here have read a lot of my posts, do you think for one minute I care what people think of me? I try to be friends with everyone, but I'm realistic enough to know that ya just can't see eye to eye with everyone. I am who I am, if they like me, great, if not, I won't lose one second of sleep over it.

i agree with u, i got an email from someone from another site i am on saying that they don't know why i was on there i was never going to find someone or have fun because i was a fat ugly b*****d, which is probably true but i don't care like u say i am who i am
 December 16, 2006, 23:22

 63 / male
 Beaver City, Nebraska, US
Re: Do ya still got it goin on?
Anyone with a attitude like that isn't someone I would want to know anyway slowpoke. People like that, are usually very superfical, and two faced, only seeing the shell outside, when there is so much more to a person. If the most beautiful lady in the world , was hitting on me, & I knew she had a smelly little attitude like that, I couldn't even see myself dating her. People who are mean for no reason are very unattractive to me. Unless you had said something rude or insulting to her to provoke a remark like that, ( and from what I know about you, & what I've seen in the forums, I can't see you doing anything like that) she had no call for that remark, & you are better off striking out with her. I knew when I joined this site, my chances of actually hooking up with someone were very, very remote, because of my location. But I have made some very special friendships with people here, that are as dear to me as ones I had since childhood. You seem like a nice enough guy, & deserve a nice lady. People like the lady that sent you that e-mail, is someone that should be avoided. People that treat people like trash, should be given what they gave. Keep your chin up slowpoke, if it's meant to be, it will be,maybe not as soon as you like, but when it's meant to be. If not, at the least ,their are some very cool people here that make super friends once you get to know them.
 December 17, 2006, 00:24

 User no longer registered.
Re: Do ya still got it goin on?
To me, I think that question is kinda broaden out in general? When I read the question and some of the responses, I see the answer as I'm still trying to figure myself out.
I got it going on. Some may think sexual ways, some may not and with this question, I'm not thinking sexual. I see the question more of do you fit in with others (as from what most of the responses are to it as well). I used to think that I get along with everyone, and I still do, and yet am coming to my senses that I do not need to stick around them if they don't do any good for myself and not have to feel bad about it. I've especially learned a lot of this from work. There's a diversity group at work and sometimes it sucks because they're all unique in their own way and some days we all clash and some days we don't. You'd think I'd keep rambling on to 'support my theory' but I'm not going to. That's all I can really say of it for now.
 December 17, 2006, 00:29

 User no longer registered.
Re: Do ya still got it goin on?
When I first wrote the question I did not realy know for sure what it meant either, But I hear a lot of women using that phase towards men as well as women, and I see now from all the replys that you are right you can take it many different ways. Another phase that I do not fully understand is " She's All That". I guess when your my age and you dont understand the current lingo anymore you dont have it going on anymore as well,,,, and I suppose its not a bad thing just a new station in life to work, live and love from.
 December 17, 2006, 07:17

 52 / male
 aberdeen, Scotland, UK
Re: Re: Do ya still got it goin on?
  QUOTE (NRG4U @ December 17, 2006, 00:24)
Anyone with a attitude like that isn't someone I would want to know anyway slowpoke. People like that, are usually very superfical, and two faced, only seeing the shell outside, when there is so much more to a person. If the most beautiful lady in the world , was hitting on me, & I knew she had a smelly little attitude like that, I couldn't even see myself dating her. People who are mean for no reason are very unattractive to me. Unless you had said something rude or insulting to her to provoke a remark like that, ( and from what I know about you, & what I've seen in the forums, I can't see you doing anything like that) she had no call for that remark, & you are better off striking out with her. I knew when I joined this site, my chances of actually hooking up with someone were very, very remote, because of my location. But I have made some very special friendships with people here, that are as dear to me as ones I had since childhood. You seem like a nice enough guy, & deserve a nice lady. People like the lady that sent you that e-mail, is someone that should be avoided. People that treat people like trash, should be given what they gave. Keep your chin up slowpoke, if it's meant to be, it will be,maybe not as soon as you like, but when it's meant to be. If not, at the least ,their are some very cool people here that make super friends once you get to know them.

thanks, i did not respond to her after her saying that but it didn't bother me in the first place (she did not have a pic on her profile), there are a few people in here who knows what i am like inside and not just by what i look like on the outside, ok i am fat, some would say ugly, not as big as others but that is only the outside, there is more to me and if they don't see that, like you say i don't give them the time of day
 December 17, 2006, 09:21

 81 / male
 somewhere, Nebraska, US
Re: Re: Do ya still got it goin on?
  QUOTE (Chazzy @ December 12, 2006, 10:30)
Older people have the tendancy to be a little self-absorbed too...allot people think that the only good music was the music they remember from their high school or glory days...and today's music has lyrics that make no sense, a beat you can't dance to, and rap is crap...when you hit that point...you've officially turned into your parents...cuz they said the same things about you and your music!

sorry to argue dear , but rap is NOT music !! if that makes me old, i have tons of company that arent nearly as old as i am !!!
 December 17, 2006, 11:38

 User no longer registered.
Re: Do ya still got it goin on?
sorry to argue dear , but rap is NOT music !! if that makes me old, i have tons of company that arent nearly as old as i am !!!

If you really want to take a closer look, I believe music originated back in the days of tribal people, chanting, humming, stomping of the feet, and all individual characteristics being brought together, and as much as I do not like rap myself, I still beleive it is a form of chanting which sends a message to one another by harmonized lip and body movements
 December 17, 2006, 11:54

 User no longer registered.
Re: Do ya still got it goin on?
I can enjoy some rap...not all rap, but some....along with some R and B, classical, bluegrass, punk....popular country music is at the very bottom of my list.
I don't listen because I want to "fit in"...I just figure the music of my era..eh...I've heard it all, listened to it allot, I'm done with that..and I really enjoy listen to stuff I've never heard before.
 December 18, 2006, 07:30

 User no longer registered.
Re: Re: Do ya still got it goin on?
  QUOTE (hothands @ December 17, 2006, 11:54)
sorry to argue dear , but rap is NOT music !! if that makes me old, i have tons of company that arent nearly as old as i am !!!

If you really want to take a closer look, I believe music originated back in the days of tribal people, chanting, humming, stomping of the feet, and all individual characteristics being brought together, and as much as I do not like rap myself, I still beleive it is a form of chanting which sends a message to one another by harmonized lip and body movements

Totally agree hothands, they missed a C out when they named it.
 December 18, 2006, 09:04

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