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JUst a request, please..
 Web Naughty Forums » General Discussion » JUst a request, please..


 User no longer registered.
JUst a request, please..
Whether you hate me or not, please let me make a request, abs is not around right now, don't know when he'll be logging in but he will be, and things will be better, I'm so sure.

My request is that I would like all members, who have been here quite a long time and feel like they have a handle on all these problems, and feel they can express these concerns in a very clear and civil way, to please post here....I'm thinking that we can gather for a real time chat soon, hopefully with abs, hear the complaints and work out solutions...I can't promise this, because abs has the last word of course, but I would like to work towards a group of us working on solutions together...
I can't promise, because everything I do, has to be cleared with abs first...but I'm going to initiate this (and if abs don't like it, he's sooooo gonnna kick my ass and let me know it!)

I hope some of you will post your willingness to be a part of this, please?

 November 18, 2006, 09:59

 User no longer registered.
Re: JUst a request, please..
Sorry should have mentioned that if you don't want to post an answer to my request, just message me...that'll work too.
 November 18, 2006, 10:22

 User no longer registered.
Re: JUst a request, please..
Please, anyone who can tell me very specifically what the problems are, just message me...if you think I am the problem, please tell me...let's get this all started in a positive direction....
 November 18, 2006, 10:54

 User no longer registered.
Re: JUst a request, please..
In the dark here Chazzy.... what type of problems are people having? feel free to message me, instead of on thread. Good luck lovely lady

 November 18, 2006, 11:09

 User no longer registered.
Re: JUst a request, please..
i'm out of the loop too.. but think people want different things from the site. catering to one group makes the others feel left out etc. Then there are some people who may have slightly abrasive personalities that are in charge of certain aspects of the sight and that can easily piss people off, especially if they paid real money to be here.

i know you're a big meriam-webster fan Chazzy

{i]Naughty: vicious in moral character : WICKED b : guilty of disobedience or misbehavior[/i]

people come here to be naughty as the site name suggest. disobience and misbehavior is required.

anyhow i need to get out of here and go shoot a deer in the ass.
 November 18, 2006, 11:18

 User no longer registered.
Re: JUst a request, please..
I don't have much of a solution or really know the best way to go about dealing with something like this other than just to simply not come back which is rather somewhat dumb.

When I first joined, this site was fun and I got addicted fairly quick once I got in the roll of things. The forums was all that made it interesting as well as some of the people at the time who for the most part are no longer here due to personal reasons/life taking much of their time, etc.

In the last few months it seems some people didn't take the time to understand how this site was at first in which doesn't always last because things like this grows in which it did. Just after it does, theres always some sort of rules or certain 'regulations' that we have to follow because some people feels threatened or annoyed or whatnot and some way ruin it for the ones who are having a great time.

This site is a sex site, if you signed onto here, you're taking your own risk that people's going to want to meet up, have wild hot sex at any given chance. (In which this site offers a lot of safety ways to go about things like this). If you don't like it, don't feel comfortable, etc then don't do it. If they grew up learing no means no, they'll stop and move on. On the other hand, if you're one pestering someone because you're god forbid obsessed over them because they've got boobs/pussy or a dick... then don't be surprised if they diss you, take that as a compliment as in they don't want to waste your time in finding 'the right one' so you can have more time in drooling over the ones you find comfortable enough to do whatever makes you happy.
 November 18, 2006, 11:44

 64 / couple
 lake elsinore, California, US
Re: JUst a request, please..
i'm not sure what this thread is about. all i know is that abs and chazzy really do their best, along with the other mods, to keep this site a functioning well oiled wheel. i enjoy it to the fullest and have learned to respect the rules here. not a hard thing to do. whatever needs to be done, if i can be of help chaz, you can count on me.
 November 18, 2006, 14:34

 63 / male
 Beaver City, Nebraska, US
Re: JUst a request, please..
I am, for one, dumbfounded that this thread is even needed. we're supposed to be adults here for tits sake, adults not 9 year olds, having a squabble on the playground.I personally love this place, I have tons of fun in the forums, & lobby. This has been a fun, trouble free site till now.As adults, if there is something you want added or changed, we should send a civil message to the thread, "Suggestions" or one of the mods, or abs himself, not start a cyber riot.We all know the rules here, whats allowed & whats not. This site is light years ahead of the other sites, I've been on others, where insults, defaming, rudeness & such are allowed unchecked. The rules here are for your own safety, & to keep us all having a good time, by not allowing us to being rude to others.If you would have taken the time to read the rules here when you signed up, you would see, there are some lines they will not let you cross, those lines are not allowed to keep this very thing from happening.two of the things not allowed happened here, & now we see the result.Come on folks, we're adults here, if there is a problem, have a civil talk with the mods, don't start a fuckin riot, getting everyone who is on here in a uproar. I can't fuckin believe I'm even responding to a thread like this, that shouldn't even be necessary. Unfuckingbelievable!!
 November 18, 2006, 17:48

 User no longer registered.
Re: JUst a request, please..
Thank you all, so much, I've been reading all my mail, and responding one on one all morning with you, and all I gotta say right now is, you've been a fantastic help, you've expressed your opinions, comments, complaints and suggestions in such a clear, cool way...can't say thank you enough! Ya'all are a blastin' fantastic bunch of people and I'll never be able to express just how helpful you have been...thank you!
 November 20, 2006, 10:46

 User no longer registered.
Re: JUst a request, please..
I would be willing to take part in being in a group to resolve problems. I don't have any real problems with WN myself. I just have not made and encounters yet with women in my area and I know why. This is not a WN problem it is a personal problem and it should resolve itself in time. I have made many friends here and I love them all.

Chazzy I know that you have done an excelent job of helping people here and we all appreciate it very much. If there is anything that I can do to make things better then by all means ask me. I want to be involved.
 November 20, 2006, 11:14

 User no longer registered.
Re: Re: JUst a request, please..
  QUOTE (skrr6689 @ November 20, 2006, 11:14)
I would be willing to take part in being in a group to resolve problems. I don't have any real problems with WN myself. I just have not made and encounters yet with women in my area and I know why. This is not a WN problem it is a personal problem and it should resolve itself in time. I have made many friends here and I love them all.

Chazzy I know that you have done an excelent job of helping people here and we all appreciate it very much. If there is anything that I can do to make things better then by all means ask me. I want to be involved.

All you gottta do is just write me a message and tell me your concerns and complaints...can't fix somethin'...if we don't know it's broken!
 November 20, 2006, 11:21

 User no longer registered.
Re: JUst a request, please..
Chazzy, I think you know where I stand on this issue. I don't see any problems with WN whatsoever! The only thing I've seen are people bitching too much about this or that... and the ones that bitch are usually the ones that leave within a week or so. The really good people tend to stick around for the long haul. WN truly is a community of great people. If someone is looking for a "quick fix," I suggest they find a sight called "let's get together tonight and fuck!" if such a thing exists. If you live in the real world and know that these things take time, stick around, meet new people , make friends.

As far as the site itself, There's so much here to see and new things always popping up around the bend. I think it's awesome the way it is
 November 20, 2006, 11:26

 User no longer registered.
Re: Re: JUst a request, please..
  QUOTE (MoonHowler @ November 20, 2006, 11:26)
Chazzy, I think you know where I stand on this issue. I don't see any problems with WN whatsoever! The only thing I've seen are people bitching too much about this or that... and the ones that bitch are usually the ones that leave within a week or so. The really good people tend to stick around for the long haul. WN truly is a community of great people. If someone is looking for a "quick fix," I suggest they find a sight called "let's get together tonight and fuck!" if such a thing exists. If you live in the real world and know that these things take time, stick around, meet new people , make friends.

As far as the site itself, There's so much here to see and new things always popping up around the bend. I think it's awesome the way it is

I have to concur with Moon. WN is the best site on the net and all they great people on here make it great. I am very glad that I joined because I have made so many new friends and I have communicated with several through other means as well as in the chat rooms.
 November 20, 2006, 11:32

 55 / male
 any, Tennessee, US
Re: JUst a request, please..
I had a problem once. Looked in the mirror and figured out the cause. This is the best site by far. Where can you get so much with for free. You cant bitch if its this good and doesnt cost anything. I have been here over a year and no complaints.
 November 21, 2006, 09:02

 41 / male
 Web Naughty
Re: Re: JUst a request, please..
  QUOTE (nashvllesugrdady @ November 21, 2006, 09:02)
I had a problem once. Looked in the mirror and figured out the cause. This is the best site by far. Where can you get so much with for free. You cant bitch if its this good and doesnt cost anything. I have been here over a year and no complaints.

 November 21, 2006, 09:20

 User no longer registered.
Re: Re: Re: JUst a request, please..
I think this is the best site-NO COMPLAINTS.
 November 21, 2006, 14:57

 Web Naughty Forums » General Discussion » JUst a request, please..

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