70 / male Miller Beach, Indiana, US
If you could place a hidden camera anywhere in the world, where would you put it?
In my own shower, I just love myself.
November 8, 2006, 17:55 |
61 / male Bowl of Granola, Massachusetts, US
Re: If you could place a hidden camera anywhere in the world, where would you put it?
I already have one at the House of Representatives. You may viewed it. It's called CSPAN?...
November 8, 2006, 18:19 |
59 / couple Frozen Tundra, Minnesota, US
Re: If you could place a hidden camera anywhere in the world, where would you put it?
The Oval Office, then we would be able to see just how much bullshit goes on, no matter who's in office.
November 8, 2006, 20:50 |
User no longer registered.
Re: Re: If you could place a hidden camera anywhere in the world, where would you put it?
Tom Cruise and Katie Holmes bedroom- so we can see if Tom is as strange in bed as he is in the rest of the world. Is it just me or does Mr. Cruise and Michael Jackson seem like the most peculiar celebrities around. I imagine Katie could also put on quite a show!
November 9, 2006, 14:46 |
User no longer registered.
Re: If you could place a hidden camera anywhere in the world, where would you put it?
I've already had my Black and Whites place them, and I'm not gonna tell.
November 9, 2006, 15:26 |
70 / male Miller Beach, Indiana, US
Re: Re: If you could place a hidden camera anywhere in the world, where would you put it?
QUOTE (ticaD @ November 9, 2006, 15:26)I've already had my Black and Whites place them, and I'm not gonna tell.
may I have copies of the tapes?
November 9, 2006, 17:27 |
User no longer registered.
Re: If you could place a hidden camera anywhere in the world, where would you put it?
Patrick Depmsey's dressing room...McYummy
November 9, 2006, 18:14 |
User no longer registered.
Re: If you could place a hidden camera anywhere in the world, where would you put it?
Just thought of another one...Bill and Hilary's bedroom to see how much action the maid gets...would that be the Senator pleasing her or the President...lol
November 9, 2006, 18:20 |
User no longer registered.
Re: If you could place a hidden camera anywhere in the world, where would you put it?
In the garage with the washer and dryer. I wanna catch that @*$$%&^(@#)@* sock monster in the act!
November 10, 2006, 09:32 |
63 / male Beaver City, Nebraska, US
Re: If you could place a hidden camera anywhere in the world, where would you put it?
In my living room, I wanna see who keeps hiding the remote in the couch cushions
November 10, 2006, 17:39 |
70 / male Miller Beach, Indiana, US
Re: Re: If you could place a hidden camera anywhere in the world, where would you put it?
QUOTE (NRG4U @ November 10, 2006, 17:39)In my living room, I wanna see who keeps hiding the remote in the couch cushions
I can see the recording now. There's NRG sleeping on the sofa, he shifts a little and the remote slips off his belly and falls behind the currently malformed cushion...gets up in the morning bitching 'cause he has to walk all the way over to the tv to turn it on and has to tune in the Weather Channel for work by going "UP" or DOWN" one f**king channel at a time.
November 10, 2006, 18:45 |
57 / male wild and wonderful, West Virginia, US
Re: Re: If you could place a hidden camera anywhere in the world, where would you put it?
QUOTE (MoonHowler @ November 10, 2006, 09:32)
I think it's invisible and can teleport cause it's here too And it's got a thing for kids socks for some reason
November 10, 2006, 21:23 |
64 / couple lake elsinore, California, US
Re: Re: If you could place a hidden camera anywhere in the world, where would you put it?
QUOTE (Juilianna @ November 9, 2006, 18:20)Just thought of another one...Bill and Hilary's bedroom to see how much action the maid gets...would that be the Senator pleasing her or the President...lol
nice one! i've always wondered myself.
i would put it in my house in hawaii. next best thing to being there.
November 10, 2006, 21:26 |
User no longer registered.
Re: If you could place a hidden camera anywhere in the world, where would you put it?
Pepper's bedroom.... seeing her in action would never get old!!
November 11, 2006, 23:23 |
User no longer registered.
Re: If you could place a hidden camera anywhere in the world, where would you put it?
In my own house...would love to see how these cats conspire to do all those devious deeds they do when I'm gone or asleep...
November 13, 2006, 10:36 |
User no longer registered.
Re: Re: If you could place a hidden camera anywhere in the world, where would you put it?
QUOTE (Chazzy @ November 13, 2006, 10:36)In my own house...would love to see how these cats conspire to do all those devious deeds they do when I'm gone or asleep...
I agree with Chazzy's house-but it would be to see her and not the cats. Unless of course its her cat on the prowl.
November 13, 2006, 12:13 |
70 / male Miller Beach, Indiana, US
Re: If you could place a hidden camera anywhere in the world, where would you put it?
at Hollywood & Vine and watch all the interesting (frequently freaky) people walk by
November 13, 2006, 19:40 |
81 / male somewhere, Nebraska, US
Re: If you could place a hidden camera anywhere in the world, where would you put it?
in my closet ,m to see just who the hell keeps shrinking all of my damn pants!!! i CANT be gaining that much weight!! lol
November 13, 2006, 20:19 |
User no longer registered.
Re: If you could place a hidden camera anywhere in the world, where would you put it?
I n my fridge.. I know I can't drink all that much beer.. .Uhh, I just re-veiwed the tape, and NEVERMIND...!!!!
November 13, 2006, 20:33 |
70 / male Miller Beach, Indiana, US
Re: Re: If you could place a hidden camera anywhere in the world, where would you put it?
QUOTE (rchamberlain @ November 13, 2006, 20:33)
hey RC, you think it's easy for me to jump on a plane every day, mess w/that god awful airport security, run my VISA bill up just to sneak a few beers from your fridge? Well it isn't but it's fun!
ps- will mail your spare set of keys back if you pay my VISA bill...
November 13, 2006, 20:55 |
User no longer registered.
Re: If you could place a hidden camera anywhere in the world, where would you put it?
Alright .. But let's get together and buy one of those MAGIC fridges ,you see on the Bud Light commercials...!!!!
November 13, 2006, 21:09 |
User no longer registered.
Re: If you could place a hidden camera anywhere in the world, where would you put it?
I would hide one in everyone of your houses!!
November 15, 2006, 23:46 |
User no longer registered.
Re: Re: If you could place a hidden camera anywhere in the world, where would you put it?
QUOTE (ticaD @ November 15, 2006, 23:46)I would hide one in everyone of your houses!!
Oh geez, woman! Not the bathroom!!
November 16, 2006, 09:48 |
User no longer registered.
Re: Re: Re: If you could place a hidden camera anywhere in the world, where would you put it?
QUOTE (MoonHowler @ November 16, 2006, 09:48)
how bout the cab of Moon's old blue truck...and why do they call the back end of a truck, the bed?
November 16, 2006, 13:16 |
User no longer registered.
Re: If you could place a hidden camera anywhere in the world, where would you put it?
...maybe a proctologist's exam room...cam pointed right at the face so you can catch all the different expressions of men getting their prostrates checked.....Ha! Pretty sick right???
November 17, 2006, 12:05 |
User no longer registered.
Re: If you could place a hidden camera anywhere in the world, where would you put it?
my Dr. is this hot female brunette babe..imagine..wink, wink..only time in my life i got turned out during a prostate exam...ha, ha..
November 17, 2006, 15:21 |
61 / male Bowl of Granola, Massachusetts, US
Re: Re: If you could place a hidden camera anywhere in the world, where would you put it?
QUOTE (ticaD @ November 15, 2006, 23:46)I would hide one in everyone of your houses!!
You couldn't find me in my house!...Hell, I can't find me in my house...and I know where I am!...sort ta...
November 17, 2006, 18:04 |