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Graceful or clutzy?
Are you graceful and coordinated or are you one that can't walk and chew gum at the same time
Rate yourself on a scale of 1 to 10...1 being the clumsy end of the scale and 10 being the graceful end....
October 31, 2006, 10:52 |
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Re: Graceful or clutzy?
I would rate myself between a 9-10 based on what others have told me. I have performed numerous actions at the same time to demonstrate my skills.
October 31, 2006, 11:09 |
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Re: Graceful or clutzy?
I'm a 10+ I have the agillity of a cat, the eyes of an eagle, heart of a lion, and the courage of a mouse.
October 31, 2006, 11:31 |
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Re: Graceful or clutzy?
About a 8-9 for me....and the wife....is behind me with a frying pan , so I'll take the 5th with her !
M Lev...
October 31, 2006, 17:23 |
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Re: Graceful or clutzy?
I range from 5 to 10, depending on how much alcohol I consume.
November 1, 2006, 04:27 |
52 / male aberdeen, Scotland, UK
Re: Graceful or clutzy?
i would have to say somewhere between 5-10
November 1, 2006, 05:25 |
59 / couple Frozen Tundra, Minnesota, US
Re: Graceful or clutzy?
Well now that kinda depends on what I'm doing. Walking is a 10, but don't ask me to talk at the same time. Dancing is whole other story, I would rate me a 1. It's like watching a 2X4 bouncing around, unless its like the two step, then atleast I can kinda fake that.
November 1, 2006, 13:50 |
63 / male Beaver City, Nebraska, US
Re: Graceful or clutzy?
I think I'm pretty coordinated, I walk around on a 2x4 2-3 stories up sometimes at work. I couldn't have the success hunting if I tripped over everything, so I gotta think a 10
November 2, 2006, 00:12 |
56 / female daytona, Florida, US
Re: Graceful or clutzy?
probably 5 or 6. Sometimes I'm fine, other times I'll trip over a match in an empty floor ( and no, not drunk, lol)
November 2, 2006, 00:43 |
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Re: Re: Graceful or clutzy?
QUOTE (funlovingpair @ November 1, 2006, 13:50)Well now that kinda depends on what I'm doing. Walking is a 10, but don't ask me to talk at the same time. Dancing is whole other story, I would rate me a 1. It's like watching a 2X4 bouncing around, unless its like the two step, then atleast I can kinda fake that.
I'm a 1 in the dancing department, that's for sure.
November 2, 2006, 04:52 |
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Re: Graceful or clutzy?
I'm a clutzy type of person... but there are days where I can walk gracefully. Won't say anything more because... I'm just one helluva clutz.
November 2, 2006, 07:33 |
59 / couple Frozen Tundra, Minnesota, US
Re: Graceful or clutzy?
I'm not even close to being graceful. I'm a very big clutz?
November 2, 2006, 16:58 |
70 / male Miller Beach, Indiana, US
Re: Graceful or clutzy?
graceful as hell ---damn! just tripped over the dog!
November 2, 2006, 17:59 |
User no longer registered.
Re: Graceful or clutzy?
"Hello Ricky, I'm home"!!!(Lucille Ball, that's me)
tripping over the rug when I walk in the front door,
Yeah, sometimes I am a clutz, but usually I average about a 7-8. If I am tired, forget about it...
depends on the scenario, mood, what's going on at that moment, and how I am feeling.
November 3, 2006, 09:12 |
User no longer registered.
Re: Re: Graceful or clutzy?
QUOTE (Tungmeister @ November 2, 2006, 17:59)graceful as hell ---damn! just tripped over the dog!
My dogs MAKE me clumsy! They like to walk right in front of me... makes me feel awful when they accidentally get a knee to the head
November 3, 2006, 09:39 |
57 / female In the Sun, Arizona, US
Re: Graceful or clutzy?
I would say around 8, I love to dance, and can do that pretty well, but I get points knocked off since sometimes I get so wrapped up in what I am talking about (and I have to talk with my hands) then I could walk into a wall I am so focused on the conversation.
November 3, 2006, 13:19 |
User no longer registered.
Re: Re: Graceful or clutzy?
QUOTE (40something @ November 3, 2006, 13:19)I would say around 8, I love to dance, and can do that pretty well, but I get points knocked off since sometimes I get so wrapped up in what I am talking about (and I have to talk with my hands) then I could walk into a wall I am so focused on the conversation.
Let me guide your hand as we strut around the floor with grace and elegance not to bad in that department but I still a klutze at times
November 4, 2006, 02:34 |
User no longer registered.
Re: Graceful or clutzy?
Ok Ya'll!! Am I the only one confessing to be a clutz???
I trip UP stairs, I have caught my toe on a ledge that was on a 1 1/2 foot wall outside the grocery store - I was trying to jump over it with a bag of groceries - landed on the sidewalk on the other side while LMAO literally!! Some how fliped over my girlfriends back while doing the polka and landed on the dance floor.
As for walking - nope can't even handle that, this is recent - I was with my daughter shopping and on the way out to the car I. . . oh gosh . . . yes I did . . . I tripped . . . over . . . a . . . speed bump!! Talk about hilarious!
November 4, 2006, 04:00 |
User no longer registered.
Re: Graceful or clutzy?
I'm between the brake pedal and gas pedal...that's 2 out of 3
November 4, 2006, 06:19 |
63 / male Beaver City, Nebraska, US
Re: Re: Graceful or clutzy?
QUOTE (CKTC @ November 4, 2006, 04:00)Ok Ya'll!! Am I the only one confessing to be a clutz???
I trip UP stairs, I have caught my toe on a ledge that was on a 1 1/2 foot wall outside the grocery store - I was trying to jump over it with a bag of groceries - landed on the sidewalk on the other side while LMAO literally!! Some how fliped over my girlfriends back while doing the polka and landed on the dance floor.
As for walking - nope can't even handle that, this is recent - I was with my daughter shopping and on the way out to the car I. . . oh gosh . . . yes I did . . . I tripped . . . over . . . a . . . speed bump!! Talk about hilarious! I'd love to see you in action CKTC. Have you ever noticed when you screw up like that, you always look around quickly to see if anyone saw you??
November 4, 2006, 13:16 |
61 / male Bowl of Granola, Massachusetts, US
Re: Graceful or clutzy?
I'm only graceful when I sleep...
November 4, 2006, 17:57 |
64 / couple lake elsinore, California, US
Re: Graceful or clutzy?
i'm amazed at how graceful i can be, without even trying. i would say a 9.
November 4, 2006, 19:02 |
User no longer registered.
Re: Graceful or clutzy?
All things considered.. I'm pretty light on my feet for my size..6'4" 220...But after a FEW... I'm a little left-footed...!!!LOL...!!!!
November 5, 2006, 00:20 |