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The whole truth......
Whatcha think...is it even possible.
We all are biased, basing that on the facts that we each have a personal history that is unique to us, we have developed our own level of morals, scruples, attitude, etc...everything we have been exposed to since our birth colors the way we feel, look and see things....is it even possbible for anyone to process anything and then see only the truth of it?
October 13, 2006, 09:40 |
User no longer registered.
Re: The whole truth......
With self-observation and reflection, but the ego is such a persistent devil (literally), you only tend to get glimpses of the true self.
The sad thing is we all chase money, power, success etc. but it never really fills that emptiness completely. When all we need to do is rid ourselves from the ego and gain true consciousness.
The problem is everything gets so bloody complicated when you start to look for the truth and start reading about Alchemy, Gnosticism, C. G. Jung's archetypes etc.
October 13, 2006, 10:52 |
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Re: The whole truth......
What timing Chazzy - we have been dealing with and issue and I have been getting different info from all sources involved - it has literally made me sick. Longs story but rediculous. I really don't know what to believe anymore.
Then you get into the media/gov crap - I used to take what was being reported at face value. Not anymore. There are so many ways of twisting a situation and making it what you want it to be and what benefits you at the moment. What is our world coming too????
October 13, 2006, 11:28 |
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Re: The whole truth......
Sorry.. I've think I missed the point of this thread entirely.
October 13, 2006, 12:33 |
59 / couple Frozen Tundra, Minnesota, US
Re: Re: The whole truth......
QUOTE (CKTC @ October 13, 2006, 11:28)Then you get into the media/gov crap - I used to take what was being reported at face value. Not anymore. There are so many ways of twisting a situation and making it what you want it to be and what benefits you at the moment. What is our world coming too????
I know all too well on how the media will edit a news story for the sake of RATINGS. It doesn't matter about truth. The same goes for the goverment, it's all about their personal agenda.. Now that sucks...
October 13, 2006, 12:35 |
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Re: Re: The whole truth......
QUOTE (kinkykev @ October 13, 2006, 12:33)Sorry.. I've think I missed the point of this thread entirely. 
Nope...it's just a matter of perspective, I guess....
October 13, 2006, 12:36 |
User no longer registered.
Re: The whole truth......
is it even possbible for anyone to process anything and then see only the truth of it?
I don't believe so. The actual truth is percieved differently by each person, there will always be someone who can not see the truth as other's see it. Perception of the facts = personal truth.
October 13, 2006, 12:57 |
User no longer registered.
Re: The whole truth......
Yeah, I hear ya...all those studies done that determine how unreliable eyewitnesses can be, and things like "false memories" , do things like this ever make you wonder if you have seen what was really there to see, if you can trust your memory even when you heart says you can?
October 13, 2006, 13:03 |
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Re: The whole truth......
The real truth is a hard thing to find...one mans truth is another mans fantasy. Exploring all sides of a subject with a open mind is the only way to find it.
M Lev..
October 13, 2006, 17:15 |
User no longer registered.
Re: Re: The whole truth......
QUOTE (Leviathan4u @ October 13, 2006, 17:15)The real truth is a hard thing to find...one mans truth is another mans fantasy. Exploring all sides of a subject with a open mind is the only way to find it.
M Lev..
October 13, 2006, 17:19 |
User no longer registered.
Re: The whole truth......
Is your glass , half full or half empty... Yea, it's just a matter of perspective most of the time , but when life expieriences color your judgement you can, and usually do run into problems...!!!!
October 13, 2006, 18:45 |
User no longer registered.
Re: The whole truth......
Even in this ripe old-age of 45 I am at time miffed by what is perceived as the truth.....What can i say I'm still learning as what or who perspective I'm listening too as the wind blows
October 15, 2006, 11:14 |