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Animal Lovers
Are you an animal lover? How many pets do you have?
I have a dog (German shepherd), 3 cats (moggies), 14 Koi and freshwater tropical fish.
October 12, 2006, 08:18 |
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Re: Animal Lovers
we currently have 4 ferrets. mickey, mallory, chewy, and zu. we would have a dog, but we aren't supposed to have pets here.. so needless to say the ferrets are our secret.
October 12, 2006, 08:24 |
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Re: Animal Lovers
Adore animals, call me Dr. Tica Dolittle!! Currently I have no animals. I have had several dogs; Irish Setter-Eric, a German Shepard-Hercules, Collie-Bonnie, English Terrier-Toto. Several cats Spice-long haired, Tiger-tabby, Moe-blue russian, and KC (Krazy Cat)-toy cat. Turtles, guinea pigs.
Have been a house sitter to many dogs, cats, birds, mice, guinea pigs, and yes once a snake.
October 12, 2006, 08:30 |
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Re: Animal Lovers
tica, I did have two guinea pigs myself, but unfortunately foxes got them 
leeuh, ferrets can have quite a nasty bit, can't they?
October 12, 2006, 08:49 |
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Re: Animal Lovers
Allot of you know about the newest pet I have, Schnagsy, the three legged cat, and he joined 7 others here.
I live in a rural area, just on the edge of a tiny town, I guess it looks like a perfect place to dump unwanted animals, and these animals think my house looks like the perfect place to make their new home.
Also have a really big, old deaf dog here too.
If it were merely my choice, I wouldn't have so many animals here, it's allot of work and expense, but they are rescued and abandoned animals I could not turn my back on...and of course, I do love them all!
October 12, 2006, 08:52 |
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Re: Re: Animal Lovers
QUOTE (Chazzy @ October 12, 2006, 08:52)Allot of you know about the newest pet I have, Schnagsy, the three legged cat, and he joined 7 others here.
I live in a rural area, just on the edge of a tiny town, I guess it looks like a perfect place to dump unwanted animals, and these animals think my house looks like the perfect place to make their new home.
Also have a really big, old deaf dog here too.
If it were merely my choice, I wouldn't have so many animals here, it's allot of work and expense, but they are rescued and abandoned animals I could not turn my back on...and of course, I do love them all!
I hear ya Chazzy, Moe and KC were resue cats that I adopted.
October 12, 2006, 08:57 |
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Re: Animal Lovers
Poor Schnagsy, he was a full grown, un-neutered cat living in the bushes of a motel parking lot last winter, with a dead mangled hind leg.
We found United Animal Nation on line, and with the kindest cooperation of a local vet, we were able to get the leg amputated and he is doing superb now!
United Animal Nation hooked us up with a animal rescue foundation funded by Doris Day.
I'll help anyone by sending you the link if you should need to provide care for a rescued animal.
October 12, 2006, 09:12 |
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Re: Re: Animal Lovers
QUOTE (kinkykev @ October 12, 2006, 08:49)tica, I did have two guinea pigs myself, but unfortunately foxes got them
leeuh, ferrets can have quite a nasty bit, can't they?
im not going to lie ferrets do have an odor about them, but it can be maintained so it isn't overly stinky. we have drops we put in their water that kills the odor from the inside out, as well as feret cologne that i use daily on them. they are fun to have though. always getting into SOMETHING they shouldn't be in. lol
October 12, 2006, 09:15 |
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Re: Animal Lovers
Ferret cologne, is that by Armani? I think I have some of that in the bathroom cabinet.
October 12, 2006, 09:22 |
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Re: Animal Lovers
I have 3 dogs, Bear, he's Lab, Chow and timber wolf, Baby, she's a Husky and then the baby Dakota a product of the first two
October 12, 2006, 09:24 |
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Re: Re: Animal Lovers
QUOTE (kinkykev @ October 12, 2006, 09:22)Ferret cologne, is that by Armani? I think I have some of that in the bathroom cabinet.
why yes it is, and it smells like cucumber melon.. so now the question is do YOU smell like cucumber melon?? lol okay better stop before we get lol
October 12, 2006, 09:30 |
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Re: Animal Lovers
We had a ferret once. Little bastard grabbed a hold of my wrist and wouldn't let go! I'll never own one again Although I do like 'em.
I grew up with everything from possums to snakes. Everyone here knows I love animals. As of now we have 5 dogs. 3 were strays... all Australian Cattle Dog mutts... I got my Beagle when he was 5 weeks old from my sister in law when her's had puppies. Last but not least, my baby girl She's half Weimaraner, half Border Collie... we rescued her and 11 of her litter mates. Best dog I ever had! We have a connection that will never be matched.... and my babies are HER babies! My daughter has a skunk gecko, sticky fingers
On a side note... I've had many rats and they make AWESOME pets! Very smart rodents.
October 12, 2006, 09:56 |
63 / male Beaver City, Nebraska, US
Re: Animal Lovers
I have had a pet coon I sort of adopted after I ran over the mother.It was fun when he was little, giving him sugar cubes & watch him wash it as they do all their food, only to see it dissappear, the look on his face But as he got older, just couldn't keep him outta anything.,Now I have a Timber Wolf that goes hunting & rides the motorcycle with me
October 12, 2006, 12:32 |
59 / couple Frozen Tundra, Minnesota, US
Re: Animal Lovers
We ahve always had serveral animals around. Gerbils, cats, fish, dogs. All but the cats have gone on to better things. Both cats have rescued, the first one, Messy, Ma almost ran it over with the car. It was 2.2 lbs when we got it, and real mess, so the name. We had to hand feed it and nurse it back to health. The second one, youngest son found it as a stray, but we said no more cats, but we'll keep for the weekend until we find the owner. Well about 7 years later, ya know the story....
October 12, 2006, 12:49 |
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Re: Re: Animal Lovers
QUOTE (funlovingpair @ October 12, 2006, 12:49)
... but we said no more cats.....
Oh yeah, I said that too, about 6 cats ago!
October 12, 2006, 13:57 |
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Re: Re: Re: Animal Lovers
QUOTE (Chazzy @ October 12, 2006, 13:57) QUOTE (funlovingpair @ October 12, 2006, 12:49)
... but we said no more cats.....
Oh yeah, I said that too, about 6 cats ago!
lol it works with ferrets too.. believe me no one actually wakes up one day and says "i just need four ferrets in my hose." lol
October 12, 2006, 17:37 |
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Re: Animal Lovers
I have a pet PENIS.. About 7" long and weights about 6.4 oz's ...Love to be petted, but has a habit of throwing up on people... I pretty much keep him locked up...!!!! LMAO...!!!
October 12, 2006, 21:02 |
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Re: Re: Animal Lovers
QUOTE (Chazzy @ October 12, 2006, 08:52)Allot of you know about the newest pet I have, Schnagsy, the three legged cat, and he joined 7 others here.
I live in a rural area, just on the edge of a tiny town, I guess it looks like a perfect place to dump unwanted animals, and these animals think my house looks like the perfect place to make their new home.
*Note to self* Find chazzy's house and leave all five cats!!
F Lev
October 13, 2006, 00:59 |
59 / couple Frozen Tundra, Minnesota, US
Re: Re: Re: Animal Lovers
QUOTE (Leviathan4u @ October 13, 2006, 00:59) QUOTE (Chazzy @ October 12, 2006, 08:52)Allot of you know about the newest pet I have, Schnagsy, the three legged cat, and he joined 7 others here.
I live in a rural area, just on the edge of a tiny town, I guess it looks like a perfect place to dump unwanted animals, and these animals think my house looks like the perfect place to make their new home.
*Note to self* Find chazzy's house and leave all five cats!!
F Lev
Don't worry, F Lev. The cats will find her house for ya. Its that homing beacon that Chazzy can't find the off switch to....
October 13, 2006, 01:02 |
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Re: Re: Animal Lovers
QUOTE (rchamberlain @ October 12, 2006, 21:02)
Is that the size they reach, when fully grown? I'm obviously no feeding mine enough!
October 13, 2006, 03:48 |
56 / female daytona, Florida, US
Re: Animal Lovers
I have one dog at the moment, Warren got him for me a few years ago from the shelter. I was originally looking for a beagle or beagle mix (which I would still like to have, lol), but you know how it goes. One just snags your heart right away and no matter what you came there for, that's the one you takr home.
His name is Athos Wyndham (the second part was their name for him) and he was part of a litter of pups, mixed breed German Shephard and possibly Chow, that someone threw over their fence. He was the only one not hiding in the corner when we came in, and reached his paw out of the cage to us. That was it, lol, I fell.
Would love to have more, and am still looking for a Beagle (I had wanted a dog big enough to have fun with, but small enough to be in my lap, which Athos outgrew, FAST), but I also realize we are not home enough to have more than one dog.
October 13, 2006, 05:29 |
80 / male A whoop and a hollar from Dallas, Texas, US
Re: Animal Lovers
We only have one dog. Fudge is a Schnauzer/terrier mix and a "pound rescue" We got him at 5 weeks or so and he is almost 8 now. Very bright, he understands almost everything we say around him and surprises us with his actions all the time. I have had dogs most of my life and really enjoy the bond they seem to have with people. My favorite prayer is: "Lord make me the kind of person my dog thinks I am!"
October 13, 2006, 09:07 |
User no longer registered.
Re: Animal Lovers
Poor Schnagsy the threee legged cat, I just noticed this morning when I had him outside, when he goes at running at full gallop, he has to really work hard to keep from going in a circle...kinda like trying to row a boar with only one oar on one side...
October 13, 2006, 10:39 |
User no longer registered.
Re: Animal Lovers
I see so many of us have "rescued" pets....how often do they (our pets) rescue us?
I know when I'm tensed, overwhelmed, etc....I can count on at least one of the eight cats to do something totally stupid and silly and make me laugh outloud at them...and isn't it true of them, that they really know when you're not well, or unhappy, and do their part to try to make you feel all better?
October 13, 2006, 13:24 |