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What is wrong with people nowadays?
Over the past several weeks there have been hostage takings and shootings at schools. What is the matter with these people? What are their motives? I know there are no connections among them all but they all happened at schools. Why do these people select schools and why do they target girls? The latest being the Amish girls in PA. The victims in Montreal were both girls and boys but the other incidents in the USA were girls being targeted except for the principle. I just feel sick when I hear of these incidents.
October 3, 2006, 11:01 |
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Re: What is wrong with people nowadays?
It makes me sick, too... and it scares the hell out of me! One of the girls in Colorado was shot in the back of the head while she tried to run! What kind of sick fuck would do something like that????
I've always felt somewhat safe in my small town and so have my children. I always knew we were vulnerable, though.... Nobody's completely safe. Seeing it happen in an Amish community was a total shock to me! I won't even begin to try to imagine what those children went through and what their parents are going through...... Truly tragic
October 3, 2006, 11:09 |
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Re: What is wrong with people nowadays?
The problem is we likely will never know why these maniacs do this because they are all dead too and many of them never leave any inclinations or notes as to why they do it. In some cases the authorities might know some details but I don't think much is being told to the general population. Like you said Moon no place in this world is completely safe from people like this. Who would have thought that an Amish school in a small community would be targeted? Those people must be going through hell right now and if the remaining girls survive what kind of a life will they have? They were all shot point blank in their heads so they all must have some brain damage. I have lost loved ones to death but never because of a violent death and I cannot begin to understand how these Amish people feel. I know that I feel anguish and sorrow for them.
October 3, 2006, 11:29 |
70 / male Miller Beach, Indiana, US
Re: What is wrong with people nowadays?
I think any rational person is shocked by these tragedies and we frequently look for a rational explanation and there isn't any. These acts are completely irrational (insanely so) and go against our normal sense of logic, morals or regard for life and makes us realize that none of us are immune from such evils.
October 3, 2006, 11:55 |
59 / couple Frozen Tundra, Minnesota, US
Re: What is wrong with people nowadays?
The events of late are truly tragic. My heart goes out those families who have lost loved ones, and hope and pray for the full and speedy recovery of those injured.
I thought the same as you all. There are some very sick f**k's out there. The guy from PA, had planned this for some weeks. He had also planned to go to the school for some time, with the intention of molesting the girls. This guy left a suicide note, saying that he was distraught over his baby's death in 1997. She lived for 20 minutes, and was a preemie. The other thought in the note, was that he claimed to have molested 2 female family members 20 years ago, at the time the girls were 3 and 5. So far they have not been able to confirm that. He also stated that he was having thoughts of molesting again, and claimed he couldn't live with that. My answer to that would have been, a 20 cent bullet to your head, the dumb asshole, but no he had terrorize ten children, and their families and a community of innocent people instead. The one good thing was that another little girl was able to escape with the boys, otherwise there would have been 11 victims. This shit-for-brains asshole, even had a 2X4 with eye-hooks screwed into it. They figure that he was going to fix that board to the something, and molest the little girls. This guy had planned to be there for awhile, as he had 600 rounds in a case, and even a change of clothing. But everything went a rye for him as the police arrived to soon.
October 3, 2006, 20:48 |
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Re: Re: What is wrong with people nowadays?
QUOTE (tungslav @ October 3, 2006, 11:55)I think any rational person is shocked by these tragedies and we frequently look for a rational explanation and there isn't any. These acts are completely irrational (insanely so) and go against our normal sense of logic, morals or regard for life and makes us realize that none of us are immune from such evils.
I do agree with you there, no possible reasonable explanation...that's what's so terrifying to us? No sex offender's list with his name on it, no police record, no outward signs to warn us at all, he just appeared to be a normal regular guy that finally snapped, but he was a monster all along.
October 4, 2006, 11:07 |
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Re: What is wrong with people nowadays?
The problem is, unfortunately, this is the way it's suppose to be and only to get worse. These people have lost all hope of any kind. This particular crime was a attack against God and his people for the lose of his own child. It's this kind of unspoken and unknown evil that's made us the way we are, always watching. These kind of people are everywhere and Everyone better start watching their ass. If you just go through life blinded,without seeing the bigger picture, you may be next. There has been a substantial increase in violent crime...according to the F.B.I....
M Lev..
October 4, 2006, 14:32 |
60 / male Bowl of Granola, Massachusetts, US
Re: What is wrong with people nowadays?
I'm reminded of that movie, "January Man" with Kevin Kline. Like most of these killers, their crimes are one of publicity. That every need of being known by others. To see that this is true, just take a look at the mug shots of the criminals. Any one of us could have passed them on the street and never even registered a thought about them. One crime ending in their death and they're burned in our memories for ever. Mention the word, "Columbine" and 90 percent of the room will picture the boys who did the deed in vivid detail, like it was yesterday. These individuals want to be finally acknowledged as being alive once. Schools are going to be always a target, mostly because it makes for sensational news stories. Every news center and media outlet will cover it and we will watch, like a train wreck in the works.
Here's food for thought. How many folks out there work for large companies? Have you been there for years? Do you know who works in the sanitation department, copy room, maintenance, security office, or any other places where faceless folks may work right along with you? Imagine being one of these soft spoken people, never getting acknowlegement for ever existing at all. Try this one too. Next time you walk down a busy street, look around. Check out the people. Take a good look at that plain guy or girl, you know the ones. The ones you almost never give a glance, unless they're in your way. Imagine what it's like to be lonely in a crowded room. To you, the ends justify the means. So what if some school kids lives are ended so suddenly, at least now everyone will know who are and the media will make sure of that...
October 4, 2006, 16:31 |
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Re: What is wrong with people nowadays?
I find that the media can be as cruel and as cold as the killers they report about.It's only about the story they don't care how it effect everyone who reads it. I had eye opening experience with the media myself when my father past away awhile back he had a heart attack and hit his head on his dresser blood everywhere the police said it was suspect and the media ran wild with and I had found him and was the number one suspect the police found the next day that he had a heart attack but the media ran the story for a week before they drop it I remember seeing my father house on the news everyday for a week till they finally drop the story I don't trust the media to tell the truth in anyway the like to fictionalize the story so the can get people to buy the paper or watch on the TV
October 4, 2006, 23:37 |
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Re: What is wrong with people nowadays?
October 5, 2006, 08:34 |
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Re: What is wrong with people nowadays?
well it problay of part a a decay in values. this didn't happen so m uch in the 50's and 60's. even the eighties weren't that bad. mobile phone's internet. and so on are I think part of the problem. too much news also. I mean D-day could not have been planned if CNN were around.
tits not just these people it is the world that has gone mental.
in holland instead of shooting kids they mollest paramedics and police officers.
in France the people living in the banlieu drop fridges on top of policemen and burn the cars of others living there.
so its sick what is happening in the world. I mean even in Palastinia they turn on eachother.
its a fucked up world.
October 5, 2006, 08:57 |
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Re: What is wrong with people nowadays?
Grieve for the families. Protect the ones you love to the best of your ability. Treat others as you would like to be treated. Lend a helping hand... an ear, a shoulder to cry on. CS&N once said... "Teach your children well...." Have faith in God.
These are some, not all, of the things we can do. The rest is out of our hands.....
October 5, 2006, 11:16 |
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Re: Re: What is wrong with people nowadays?
QUOTE (MoonHowler @ October 5, 2006, 11:16)Grieve for the families. Protect the ones you love to the best of your ability. Treat others as you would like to be treated. Lend a helping hand... an ear, a shoulder to cry on. CS&N once said... "Teach your children well...." Have faith in God.
These are some, not all, of the things we can do. The rest is out of our hands.....
... so much is truly out of our hands....in a way, we (civilized and human) are just basically animals, like animmals in the wild...some animals are predators, some are rabid, some genetically mutant, and all of these are capable of preying on the weaker or unprotected...
October 5, 2006, 12:05 |
63 / male Beaver City, Nebraska, US
Re: What is wrong with people nowadays?
Even worse, I saw on fox news , that their were actually people there to protest the funeral, what the fuck. Can't they even bury their dead in peace. It ought to be legal to gut-shoot the protesters
October 6, 2006, 11:04 |
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Re: What is wrong with people nowadays?
Why would anyone protest the funerals? These people doing the protesting must not be decent people. How would they like it if people protested funerals of their loved ones? What is this world coming to?
My father passed away a few years ago and our funeral procession was not even respected by other motorists. Other motorists were honking their horns at us and swearing at us for holding up the traffic. I never saw anything so disrespectful in my life. Some people don't show any compassion towards others or display feelings of sympathy. It makes me sick.
October 6, 2006, 12:39 |
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Re: What is wrong with people nowadays?
Ridiculus...I believe in this state we even have a law prohibiting protesting and protesters of ANY kind, for any reason or cause to be with in so many yards or feet of a funeral or funeral procession...
October 6, 2006, 12:51 |
User no longer registered.
Re: What is wrong with people nowadays?
I wish we had a law like that. Some of our funeral processions have police escorts but some motorists still display disregard and disrespect. I wonder how they would feel if it happened to them while they are in a funeral procession?
October 6, 2006, 13:05 |
User no longer registered.
Re: What is wrong with people nowadays?
The Amish shooting took place not too far from where I live. We locals got the benefit of the extremes from local and national news who invaded everywhere in Lancaster County. Lots of factual "news" with lots of variations on the truth. But, none was more morbid than the protestors. That was just plain hate.
It all boils down to basic respect and individual responsibility. In today's society, no one really cares about their neighbor. Hell, most people could not tell you who their neighbors are, anymore.
God knows what the next generations will be like???
October 8, 2006, 23:12 |
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Re: What is wrong with people nowadays?
in regards to the protesters, they are nothing more than a waste of oxygen as far as i am concerned. it's ALMOST unleeuh like of me to say something like that. (i am usually the first one to jump up and defend people's right to act stupid)
the up rise in violence in schools sickens me more every day. it seems like there really is no "safe" place anymore for our children to go to school. at one point, ryan and i decided that lil red would probably go to private school or a church school. (for a better education, and in hopes that she would be safer than in public school) now it seems like that really isn't the case anymore. (the being safer part anyway)
what really got to me yesterday was that on fox news they were reporting about the funeral of the shooter of the Amish girls. most of the guests at the funeral were Amish themselves. the ultimate sign of forgiveness!!
i'm sure that i have more to say on the subject, but that's all for now.
October 9, 2006, 08:53 |
User no longer registered.
Re: Re: What is wrong with people nowadays?
QUOTE (rhyunleeuh @ October 9, 2006, 08:53)
.....what really got to me yesterday was that on fox news they were reporting about the funeral of the shooter of the Amish girls. most of the guests at the funeral were Amish themselves. the ultimate sign of forgiveness!!
i'm sure that i have more to say on the subject, but that's all for now.
And I do remember all the protesting done after the Columbine massacre...protesting the mourning of the shooters.....fuck...they were just children too..yes they murdered...but I was so torn.
Not mourning the shooters along with the victims? This is the same type of segregation that drove the shooters to their actions? But how could the families of the victims show any grief for those that ended the lives of thier own children for no reason they could make any sense of?
They were all just children, it was all just too tragic and sad...they all were just children....
October 9, 2006, 10:01 |
User no longer registered.
Re: Re: Re: What is wrong with people nowadays?
QUOTE (Chazzy @ October 9, 2006, 10:01) QUOTE (rhyunleeuh @ October 9, 2006, 08:53)
.....what really got to me yesterday was that on fox news they were reporting about the funeral of the shooter of the Amish girls. most of the guests at the funeral were Amish themselves. the ultimate sign of forgiveness!!
i'm sure that i have more to say on the subject, but that's all for now.
And I do remember all the protesting done after the Columbine massacre...protesting the mourning of the shooters.....fuck...they were just children too..yes they murdered...but I was so torn.
Not mourning the shooters along with the victims? This is the same type of segregation that drove the shooters to their actions? But how could the families of the victims show any grief for those that ended the lives of their own children for no reason they could make any sense of?
They were all just children, it was all just too tragic and sad...they all were just children....
i remember when columbine happened.. vaguely. i was in high school, and i'm not going to lie i was more concerned with what i was going to wear to the high school football game than i was about what was going on in the world. but now i realize that those kids that did that (YES they were just kids) had some serious issues. looking at lil red i can't help but wonder HOW a child ends up like that.
i have vowed to be an active part of lil red's life, in hopes that she will never feel the same way.
October 9, 2006, 12:09 |
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