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Work ethics..
How loose, or tight are your work ethics?
Is it alright to call in and take a sick day, when you're not sick? Is it alright to take home a few supplies from work, just for personal use? Make a personal phone call or check your email on company time?
Do you keep any sort of "mental" tabs on this sort of thing and think of it as taking a little of what's really owed to you, and keep it all in balance?
September 13, 2006, 04:32 |
User no longer registered.
Re: Work ethics..
I never got to call in sick when I worked with my dad. He knew better I never tried, anyhow. If I was too tired, I'd sleep on the way... it usually took us at least a half an hour to get to a job. As far as taking things off the job. Hell yeah! Of course, they were things that would get thrown away so it only seemed right. Wood, tile, stuff like that.
September 13, 2006, 09:24 |
59 / couple Frozen Tundra, Minnesota, US
Re: Work ethics..
Ma and I owned a business for 5 years and we never once had to close because of illness. Since then however, Ma has had to call in sick two days this year, and I have only called in sick once in the almost 2 yrs where I work now. Where I work, the rule is nothing in, nothing out. We have e-mail and intranet, internet at work. E-mail is the offical way of communications at work. The internet will only allow us to visit sites that are run by the state only, and of course we have our intranet for our facility use only. MA has no computer at her work station(s), and she doesn't use anything that would be of use at home.
September 13, 2006, 13:12 |
User no longer registered.
Re: Work ethics..
I own my own business, and more or less do what I want. If I want to say screw it for the day I do. If the customers don't like it...they can take it somewhere else, which they never do, being the next closet place is 50 miles away...one way.
M Lev...
September 13, 2006, 14:28 |
User no longer registered.
Re: Work ethics..
I took a sick day yesterday and was going to go in at lunch but my boss phoned in and told me to take the whole day. I could have made it but since i had the green light i stayed home
September 13, 2006, 15:53 |
User no longer registered.
Re: Work ethics..
We both have very strong work ethics - I don't remember hubby taking a day off for being sick, ever. I will take a sick day if I need a sick day - but not to goof off, just not in me.
September 13, 2006, 18:54 |
57 / female In the Sun, Arizona, US
Re: Work ethics..
Good discussion, I have found that students don't necessarily find school as important as work. They will work all night and then sit in class falling asleep like that will actually work, just being in class means they are learning. If there is a big test they take off... there just isn't the same work ethic. At the hospital the thing that bothers me the most is being late. There is nothing more difficult than working your 12 hour shift and still waiting to give report so you can get home to your own family and waiting and waiting.
September 13, 2006, 19:17 |
User no longer registered.
Re: Work ethics..
what pisses me off is that parents will call in and excuse an absense at school just because they were to damn lazy to get out of bed
September 13, 2006, 19:18 |
User no longer registered.
Re: Re: Work ethics..
QUOTE (baller @ September 13, 2006, 19:18)what pisses me off is that parents will call in and excuse an absense at school just because they were to damn lazy to get out of bed
WOW.....there is still such a thing as an excused absence there? Not here, every absence is unexcused, except if you have a letter from a doctor, on their letterhead. Parents have no say so here. If the child has a common cold, you have to take them to the doctor(for the doctor to tell ya there is nothing they can do) or be unexcused! To many absences (six) in a semester means summer school or Saturday school.
As for work....I have never been late or called in sick if I wasnt sick
Female Lev
September 13, 2006, 22:25 |
81 / male san diego, California, US
Re: Work ethics..
Work is WAY over-rated!
September 14, 2006, 00:32 |