72 / male Phoenix, Arizona, US
This one is for mystic1 in Vermillion !
So Ole and Lena have a big todo and now Ole is move in vit his best friend Lars And it come along Saturday night and Lars Says to Ole " Ole Les us yust go to town und see vats agoin on?
But Ole says, " No My heart it ache for Lena I tink I yust stay here and watch de television You yust go on vid out me Lars!" So Lars goes to town and when he gets home he bursts into the house all excited and says Damn Ole you yust shoulda come vit me to town, der was big excitement vas a fire and der bakery she burnt down Everyone vas der!
And Ole says Ya I already know all bout dat Lats, I vatched it on KELO Channel 11.... And Lars just kinda harumphed and went to bed !
Now Saturday comes around again and Lars says Ole Les go into town und see vats goin on!
But Ole says " No I dont tink so I still pine for Lena!
I yust stay here und vatch some television! So Lars takes off for town and comes back a few hours later to burst into the house again exclaiming "Ole you yust shoulda come mit me to town Big excitement Some guy stabbed another guy at the card room and....
But Ole interjects wid I know I know Lars I seen it on the news on KELO Channel 11 ! And Lars sulks off to bed!
Now a third week rolls by and its Saturday night again and this time Lars really waxes Ole to go vit him but Ole says" No Lars I yust stay here at home und vatch television this one last week you yust go ahead vit out me!"
Well Lars goes to town but it vas a wery dull night and nothing happening in town, but on his walk home in the dark he spies this big old BOAR hog all tangled up in a barb wire fence and being a bit horny and thinkin to his self Well It's dark and nobody's out here to vatch me decides to pork the old Boar hog in the ass, a couple times even. Then he heads on home and struts into the house and announces to Ole "You yust shoulda come vit me to town tonight I got laid twice!"
And Ole turns to Lars and says Oh! In a pigs ass you did!"
And Lars says "God Damn that KELO Channel 11 !"
From a raised in South Dakota native
September 11, 2006, 09:33 |
71 / male Vermillion, South Dakota, US
Re: This one is for mystic1 in Vermillion !
that channel 11, they are pretty good....
September 11, 2006, 10:47 |
59 / couple Frozen Tundra, Minnesota, US
Re: This one is for mystic1 in Vermillion !
September 11, 2006, 11:59 |
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This one is for mystic1 in Vermillion !