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To Bare or Not To Bare...................
I, for one, have never been to a strip club. The reason being is I don't really find women standng there dancing naked, a turn on! Don't get me wrong, I love the female form. It's just that with a strip club, there is no mystery; nothing left to the imaginaton.
I am a people watcher. More specificaly, a female people watcher!! When they are clothed, fully or partilly, there is a certain attraction to what they might be concealing underneath. I like to wonder what exactly that might be. I do have a good idea what that is, but the tease is the fun part. The prize is the unknown.
The way she walks by is the best part for me. That attitude of "I got your attention without being naked. Imagine what I could do when I'm naked"!!
Are we men simple multible celled creatures or what?
Keep on keepin' on ladies. You got the power. Any discension among the ranks?
September 8, 2006, 18:24 |
54 / female Pawling, New York, US
Re: To Bare or Not To Bare...................
People in general are just amazing!.....I'm also a people watcher...I can go to the mall and forget the shopping, I would rather sit on the bench and just look at every "unique" person that walks by me!....I am highly entertained by that!....And seem to have a comment for all...Along with a chuckle to a shudder! (Not sure thats the right word, but its when you get those chills and your body just shakes, well maybe this will explain it )
As far as strip clubs......To be there and watch a man stop in his tracks, drop the jaw, tilt their head, while licking their lips and loosing all ability to talk.........Now thats what would entertain me at a strip club.....I can have fun anywhere.....
September 9, 2006, 12:52 |
User no longer registered.
Re: Re: To Bare or Not To Bare...................
QUOTE (nykitten @ September 9, 2006, 12:52)People in general are just amazing!.....I'm also a people watcher...I can go to the mall and forget the shopping, I would rather sit on the bench and just look at every "unique" person that walks by me!....I am highly entertained by that!....And seem to have a comment for all...Along with a chuckle to a shudder! (Not sure thats the right word, but its when you get those chills and your body just shakes, well maybe this will explain it  )
As far as strip clubs......To be there and watch a man stop in his tracks, drop the jaw, tilt their head, while licking their lips and loosing all ability to talk.........Now thats what would entertain me at a strip club.....I can have fun anywhere.....
I think she pretty much summed it up for me too!!
September 9, 2006, 13:24 |
User no longer registered.
Re: To Bare or Not To Bare...................
Not to bare!! Was kidnapped to a male strip show for my 18th birthday - LOVED watching the guys dance!! However, when they took their clothes off, started winding in and out of the crowd for tips, and then one of them put on a personal show for me humping the air right in front of my face - I am sorry but it was really GROSS!
I can watch clothed body's dance for hours!
September 9, 2006, 23:39 |
User no longer registered.
Re: Re: To Bare or Not To Bare...................
QUOTE (CKTC @ September 9, 2006, 23:39)Not to bare!! Was kidnapped to a male strip show for my 18th birthday - LOVED watching the guys dance!! However, when they took their clothes off, started winding in and out of the crowd for tips, and then one of them put on a personal show for me humping the air right in front of my face - I am sorry but it was really GROSS!
I can watch clothed body's dance for hours!
Sound like that male dancer, shakin' his stuff in your face, was trying a little too hard to get your money and probably not ejoying himself anyway. Again, I believe clothing adds that mystery, that bit of unknown that keeps ya wondering.
Seeing someone totaly nude right off the bat is like flying from the east coast to the west coast and missing all the wonders and scenery along the way. Sure you arrive in a few hours but think of all you missed along the way.
The journey to a destination should be as enjoyable as the final destination. Shitty metaphor, huh?
September 10, 2006, 09:54 |
56 / female daytona, Florida, US
Re: To Bare or Not To Bare...................
Well, there is a little more to it, than standing naked on a stage, though I do end up naked, lol, I don't just stand there. Most of us don't. Yes, we do end up naked, but in most places I have danced, it is up to us, when we do. Some do it right away, some draw it out a bit and some don't at all! For me, 99% of the time I do, middle of the second song, but it also depends on what I am feeling, the reaction I am getting from the crowd and the music. If I am getting a great reaction, feeling good energy, I might wait till the second time I get on the stage to bare it all, just to build anticipation.
I love a strip club. Not just for the women, but I like to people watch too and also for the laid back atmosphere. Warren and i can go into a strip club and if I'm not dancing, just relax and have a good time. No fear of getting botherd, like in a regular club. Looked at? Absolutely. Watched? without end. But bothered? never have been.
More fun than a regular bar has ever thought of being and NOT a meat market.
September 10, 2006, 10:04 |
52 / male aberdeen, Scotland, UK
Re: To Bare or Not To Bare...................
u might find it hard to believe but i have never been to a strip club or had a stripper for my birthday, etc but if they were all like u pepper i would go visit every night
September 10, 2006, 22:02 |
56 / female daytona, Florida, US
Re: Re: To Bare or Not To Bare...................
QUOTE (slowpoke2 @ September 10, 2006, 22:02)u might find it hard to believe but i have never been to a strip club or had a stripper for my birthday, etc but if they were all like u pepper i would go visit every night
Thanks, sweets! I wish they were, too, it's be better than some of the ones I have seen!
September 11, 2006, 07:06 |
59 / couple Frozen Tundra, Minnesota, US
Re: To Bare or Not To Bare...................
I have been to strip clubs, and I find them to be enteraining. I have been to two types of clubs, ones where all the clothes come off, and one where they left some clothes on, all be it a triangle top and g-string bottom. It is really fun watching the people in the clubs.
September 11, 2006, 12:22 |