72 / male Phoenix, Arizona, US
Little Johnny!
So one day the Teacher tells the class When you come to school tomorrow I want you each to tell me a story with a moral ending and then tell me what the moral to the story is!
So the next morning she say Ok Susy you go first! And Susy says "Well we were taking our dhicken's eggs to market in a basket in the back of our pickup when Daddy hit a bump and the basket flew out and all the eggs busted!
And the Teacher says What was the moral to the story and Susy says "Don't put all your eggs in one basket teacher! and the Teacher says Very Good Susy! Mary you're next
And Mary says "We raise chickens for market and we had 20 eggs ready to hatch yesterday, but only 12 of them hatched a chick! And the Teacher says What was the moral Mary? And Mary says Oh Don't count all your chickens before they're hatched Teacher! That's wonderful Mary
Now there sits that dirty little Johnny with his arm waving in the air and she says OK Johnny, but remember this story MUST have a moral to it!
And Johnny says "My Uncle Billy was flying a mission in Viet Nam one day when his Helicopter was shot down by the enemy and he had to bail out with only a case of beer, a 50 caliber machin gun, and a machette, so on the way down in his parachute he drank the whole case of beer! But he landed in the middle of 100 Viet Cong troops! So he used the 50 caliber machine gun to kill 70 viet cong and then he ran out of bullets so he whipped out his machette and hacked 20 more viet cong to death before it broke choopping off the head of one of them viet cong soldiers, and he had to kill the last ten viet cong with his bare hands Teacher!
The Teacher is aghast with horror but says Johnny! WHAT is the MORAL to that story??
And Dirty Johnny says " Well Teacher, You don't fuck with my Uncle Billy when he's been drinking beer!"
August 30, 2006, 06:54 |
71 / male Vermillion, South Dakota, US
Re: Little Johnny!
***bass drum and cymbals***
August 30, 2006, 09:51 |
User no longer registered.
Re: Little Johnny!
August 30, 2006, 11:23 |
59 / couple Frozen Tundra, Minnesota, US
Re: Little Johnny!
August 30, 2006, 12:01 |
User no longer registered.
Re: Little Johnny!
August 30, 2006, 14:52 |
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