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The last rant about the chatroom
 Web Naughty Forums » General Discussion » The last rant about the chatroom


 User no longer registered.
The last rant about the chatroom

Can this be the last post, the last rant about the chatroom please?

We have three main issues here...

1)Rude men with erections looking for women to get them off, there's been no cure or solution for this in the past, what?....couple billion years or so? So don't look for us to find a solution anytime soon...the same can be said for number 2.

2.)Jealous women with a misguided need to be the center of attention. This one is just sad, and I really don't even wanna talk about it anymore...nuff said.

3)The good intentions of good men to protect and defend the honor of the women in the chatroom. Oh why... why you ask...is this an issue? Because women are not defenseless in there, they have the tools to use, no need for anyone else to get involved when the women are quite capable of a few little ole mouse clicks to temporarily block personal instant messages, "ignore" other chatters, or leave the room when they are being offended and come back later. Women who can't take care of themselves in there, shouldn't enter.

I'm sure all...okay...most of you behave in a responsible adult manner out there in the real world, and deal with all kinds of people and circumstances, you can dam well do it here too....WALK AWAY FROM FROM CONFLICTS! If a moderator does need to enter the chatroom, we are not gonna care who started what...we will clear the entire room if we have to!

IF you see yourself in 1 through 3, ya might wanna browse the Dr. Phil section of your favorite bookstore.

We luv ya, we really do, and the whole point of this website is for adults to enjoy the company of other adults, so lets not stray from that main point.

That's the starting gun, the marathon race to see who can have the most fun has officially started!

 August 24, 2006, 05:56

 52 / male
 aberdeen, Scotland, UK
Re: The last rant about the chatroom
  QUOTE (Chazzy @ August 24, 2006, 05:56)

Can this be the last post, the last rant about the chatroom please?

We have three main issues here...

1)Rude men with erections looking for women to get them off, there's been no cure or solution for this in the past, what?....couple billion years or so? So don't look for us to find a solution anytime soon...the same can be said for number 2.

2.)Jealous women with a misguided need to be the center of attention. This one is just sad, and I really don't even wanna talk about it anymore...nuff said.

3)The good intentions of good men to protect and defend the honor of the women in the chatroom. Oh why... why you ask...is this an issue? Because women are not defenseless in there, they have the tools to use, no need for anyone else to get involved when the women are quite capable of a few little ole mouse clicks to temporarily block personal instant messages, "ignore" other chatters, or leave the room when they are being offended and come back later. Women who can't take care of themselves in there, shouldn't enter.

I'm sure all...okay...most of you behave in a responsible adult manner out there in the real world, and deal with all kinds of people and circumstances, you can dam well do it here too....WALK AWAY FROM FROM CONFLICTS! If a moderator does need to enter the chatroom, we are not gonna care who started what...we will clear the entire room if we have to!

IF you see yourself in 1 through 3, ya might wanna browse the Dr. Phil section of your favorite bookstore.

We luv ya, we really do, and the whole point of this website is for adults to enjoy the company of other adults, so lets not stray from that main point.

That's the starting gun, the marathon race to see who can have the most fun has officially started!

could not have said it better myself chazzy
 August 24, 2006, 06:21

 User no longer registered.
Re: The last rant about the chatroom
slowpoke....you're a gem!

Let me tell ya ladies, if you haven't talked to him, or replied to his messages, you're fools, I tell ya! He does know how to respect you, your mind and your sensual side too!
Very respectfull and interesting man!
 August 24, 2006, 07:12

 56 / female
 daytona, Florida, US
Re: The last rant about the chatroom

 August 24, 2006, 07:13

 User no longer registered.
Re: The last rant about the chatroom
Just one more reminder to the chatters...

The lobby...this is for casual mixing, mingling, general discussions, some flirting, frolic and fun.

The RED room....go here for cybersex , if no one else is in there, tuff shit, wait there till the party starts but DO NOT GO INTO THE LOBBY WITH A STRONG WANKIN' NEED AND ASK OR HARRASSS FOR CYBERSEX THERE...KEEP IT IN THE RED ROOM PLEASE!
 August 24, 2006, 08:22

 80 / male
 phoenix, Arizona, US
Re: The last rant about the chatroom

Ok Chazzy if you say so. No more being a gentleman and trying to defend the honor of a woman. All that good upbringing shot to hell in one paragraph---hehehe
Chivalry is now dead---lol
 August 24, 2006, 12:36

 User no longer registered.
Re: Re: The last rant about the chatroom
  QUOTE (azcapt @ August 24, 2006, 12:36)

Ok Chazzy if you say so. No more being a gentleman and trying to defend the honor of a woman. All that good upbringing shot to hell in one paragraph---hehehe
Chivalry is now dead---lol

Sad isn't capt? But it is the only way really....and do consider one point of this....some women like men to fight over them, but that's just one reason.....
 August 24, 2006, 13:44

 User no longer registered.
Re: The last rant about the chatroom
Chazzy, you should be a carpenter. Ya hit the nail on the head!!
 August 24, 2006, 14:12

 80 / male
 phoenix, Arizona, US
Re: Re: Re: The last rant about the chatroom
  QUOTE (Chazzy @ August 24, 2006, 13:44)
  QUOTE (azcapt @ August 24, 2006, 12:36)

Ok Chazzy if you say so. No more being a gentleman and trying to defend the honor of a woman. All that good upbringing shot to hell in one paragraph---hehehe
Chivalry is now dead---lol

Sad isn't capt? But it is the only way really....and do consider one point of this....some women like men to fight over them, but that's just one reason.....

fighting over them is one thing---but being totally rude and offensive to them is something else----sorry old school teachings
kick in when that happens.
 August 24, 2006, 15:35

 User no longer registered.
Re: The last rant about the chatroom
i think every one need to act an adult n respect other n stop act like childlish!!!!!right on chazzy!!!!!!!that how i feel!!!!no need to start a fight fpor nothing!!!!
 August 24, 2006, 16:57

 User no longer registered.
Re: The last rant about the chatroom
I quite agree Capt. It galls me to see what these women go through from the particular idiots that, night after night, cannot or will not take no for an answer. I tend to bite my tongue because, as Chazzy so eloquently stated, women do know how to handle themselves BUT...when these dolts start in on open chat on them, it's very difficult not to come to their "aid", and most are appreciative. And yes, there are a few here who do like to be "fought" over...I know these particular ones and can cope with them. If being a gentleman and having a chivalrous outlook offends some feminazical, skewed view that some females may have of the world, then I apologize but...we have reached an impasse. I, for one, will NEVER stop defending a LADY, even those N.O.W. pukes. So, until the "normal" people are begun to be listened to, all there is are the tales of the idiots that are CAUSING all the troubles that seem to be going on lately and nothing will get fixed...just "nuclear" measures will be taken, like clearing the entire chatroom. I apologize if I have offended anyones "sensibilities"...actually, no I don't...my sensibilities have been offended too but I can work through that and continue on without whining about it.
 August 24, 2006, 17:03

 52 / male
 aberdeen, Scotland, UK
Re: Re: The last rant about the chatroom
  QUOTE (pepper @ August 24, 2006, 07:13)

Ty pepper, it was so kind of u to say that, u are a sweetheart too , also Ty too chazzy for your kind words
 August 24, 2006, 17:12

 User no longer registered.
Re: Re: The last rant about the chatroom
  QUOTE (JusFun1 @ August 24, 2006, 17:03)
I quite agree Capt. It galls me to see what these women go through from the particular idiots that, night after night, cannot or will not take no for an answer. I tend to bite my tongue because, as Chazzy so eloquently stated, women do know how to handle themselves BUT...when these dolts start in on open chat on them, it's very difficult not to come to their "aid", and most are appreciative. And yes, there are a few here who do like to be "fought" over...I know these particular ones and can cope with them. If being a gentleman and having a chivalrous outlook offends some feminazical, skewed view that some females may have of the world, then I apologize but...we have reached an impasse. I, for one, will NEVER stop defending a LADY, even those N.O.W. pukes. So, until the "normal" people are begun to be listened to, all there is are the tales of the idiots that are CAUSING all the troubles that seem to be going on lately and nothing will get fixed...just "nuclear" measures will be taken, like clearing the entire chatroom. I apologize if I have offended anyones "sensibilities"...actually, no I don't...my sensibilities have been offended too but I can work through that and continue on without whining about it.

AMEN JUS!! It's men like you that make woman feel like a lady, never stop being respectful to us, as we truly appreciate your kindness towards us.
 August 24, 2006, 17:24

 User no longer registered.
Re: The last rant about the chat room
It seems that there has been a lot of discussion of the chat room and who offended who or what steps the offended can take to hopefully cure the problems.

I see many interesting points that we have all made and they all have some sense of value and moral behind them.

As for the men who do defend us in the chat room way to go. I respect that in a man and not because I can't take care of myself or own well being. I respect it because it brings out a trait in their personality of who they are as a person. I do not agree that they should be told to chill and be silent as then they are being told to not be themselves.

I myself have seen some of the things said in the chat room that were not appropriate nor should have been spoken about some of the men and woman and have stood up for them. Again not because they are defenseless, but as a friends honor I did so. Especially if they are not even in the room to defend their own name.

As for cleaning out the chat room or ending it so to speak, I don't feel this is the way to go. Absix you have worked hard in making it possible for all of us to connect with each other and take appropriate measures in filtering what we want to be apart of and what we don't.

So a big Thank you goes out to you Ab and all of the monitors for helping people when they feel troubled.

I know I wrote a post not to long ago called Friend or Foe. My intention was never to stir up trouble,but to have feed back from some of the members as to how they felt about some trashing the names of others, so I am very apologetic Ab if you felt otherwise about my intentions.

In my opinion I do have a good time in the chat room when I am there and I have had some help in dealing with issues from there from the monitors. (Thx again NYkitten).

So Ab please leave the chat in, and everyone else please don't take it as a given, that it will always be there. As an adult remember that we are all there to have fun and meet others. Play nice or naughty what ever you prefer, but don't take advantage of the simple things in life.
 August 24, 2006, 17:57

 81 / male
 san diego, California, US
Re: The last rant about the chatroom
My take on this:

If it is a continuing problem with certain people being rude & obnoxious, give them ONE warning to cease & desist.

If they don't stop, discontinue their membership.

Why should the rest suffer for the actions of a few.

Seems pretty simple to me.

But then I'm old & feeble minded...........

I'm just sayin'
 August 24, 2006, 18:08

 User no longer registered.
Re: The last rant about the chatroom
No I'm not going to say what's on my mind about this subject..other than it's a shame it continues
 August 25, 2006, 03:35

 User no longer registered.
Re: The last rant about the chatroom
Well maybe I will...problems in chat will resolve themselves...and close friends will always be there for each other. I'm a little tired of hearing it over and over...the horse is dead..bury it!!

As for being disrepectful to people in chat...I've seen worse examples of that in the forums.
 August 25, 2006, 03:38

 User no longer registered.
Re: The last rant about the chatroom
Okay...one more time, I'll sum this all up...

1)Women...it's up to YOU to "ignore" and block private IM's, or walk away from the room when men offend you.
Do not expect or allow other men or persons to get involved when you can handle it yourself.

2)Do not expect us to come in and fix something that you have escalated yourself by engaging in a conflct or confrontation.
If we (moderators)have to enter the room for a dispute, we are very likely to clear the whole room, everyone will be kicked out, (you can come back in later)

3)Good men with good upbringing, the best you can do for women being offended and harrassed in the chatroom is make sure they know how to block and ignore, or suggest that all of you clear the room for a little while.

Any more comments, suggestions, or complaint concerning the chatroom, just contact me by private message, and well talk it over one on one...please.

 August 25, 2006, 03:41

 Web Naughty Forums » General Discussion » The last rant about the chatroom

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