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Who do you
 Web Naughty Forums » General Discussion » Who do you


 User no longer registered.
Who do you
this may be a repeat of another post.....
Who do you find the most intriging to talk to on this site? No this does not mean "who do you want to fuck ". If this is a repeat, then maybe the new peeps can have a say.
 August 23, 2006, 02:14

 User no longer registered.
Re: Who do you
There are so many people on this site that truly enjoy chatting with.
 August 23, 2006, 12:35

 User no longer registered.
Re: Who do you
There are countless numbers that I enjoy talking with and hearing from.
 August 23, 2006, 13:15

 User no longer registered.
Re: Who do you
There are so many genuine people here that I always enjoy interacting with that it really is hard to narrow it down to one person. I've made many friends, each with their own personalities, interests, etc. It's different for every person that I talk to. I enjoy them all
 August 23, 2006, 15:03

 User no longer registered.
Re: Who do you
ok, then lets narrow it to a few. Chazzy makes me laugh a lot and TicaD is also funny shit. Good laughs all the time.
 August 23, 2006, 15:04

 User no longer registered.
Re: Who do you
This will have to be spread out over time in this topic. If I leave anyone out, I didn't mean to or I don't have time to write about everyone.... so I'll do it in pieces

Yes, D makes me laugh as well and she's fun to talk to. Very lighthearted, that's a good thing. Chazzy, I consider her my "brother in arms," so to speak. We play off of each other a lot in the forums and try our best to keep certain topics from becoming extinct! Not to mention that I love what she has to say and that she's been here for me from the start. Pepper doesn't talk much but as long as I know she's a "moonie," I'm a happy camper!! She's been here for me from the start, as well. I love talking cars with BCB, although we haven't in a while.... and he likes Waylon!!

I'll write more later
 August 23, 2006, 15:14

 User no longer registered.
Re: Who do you
Ok, before I go, I must admit that there are 3 women here that I do consider "true friends." Not that I don't consider anyone else a true friend. A true friend in the sense that I've gotten to know them well and I trust them. I would confide in them if need be and trust that they would do the same and keep it to themselves. They haven't let me down so far and I believe they never will!

Chazzy, NYK, and Pepper.

 August 23, 2006, 15:19

 54 / female
 Pawling, New York, US
Re: Re: Who do you
  QUOTE (MoonHowler @ August 23, 2006, 15:19)
Ok, before I go, I must admit that there are 3 women here that I do consider "true friends." Not that I don't consider anyone else a true friend. A true friend in the sense that I've gotten to know them well and I trust them. I would confide in them if need be and trust that they would do the same and keep it to themselves. They haven't let me down so far and I believe they never will!

Chazzy, NYK, and Pepper.

As I feel the same about you!.....
 August 23, 2006, 16:02

 User no longer registered.
Re: Who do you
i think all of the women love talking to me...jk. Not that pompous. There are several on here who i enjoy sparring with, hope they enjoy the banter with me as well.
 August 23, 2006, 16:50

 User no longer registered.
Re: Who do you
TicaD and I have chatted several times in the lobby. She is sweet and caring.

Wildnsexy and I have also chatted a few times. I like her a lot.

Hotnsexy and I have developed a bond. She is one special woman.

Chazzy and NYK have been helpful to me since I joined. They are a couple of precious jewels.

CKTC has been wonderful too and I like Emka a lot too.
I have never in my life communicated with anyone as hot, gorgeous and sexy as Pepper. She is one reason why I keep coming back.

Lizonya and I have traded E-mails on here and I pray every day for her.

I have found friends in Mrmusicman and Smitty.

MoonHowler has encouraged me to submit my songs in the writers corner and I have submitted several. I am flattered that she and others think that my work is good. Moon I also like Waylon Jennings and I was saddened when he passed away. He was my all time favourite country singer.

Baller is a fellow Albertan and I am thrilled to know him through this medium. Maybe he and I can shoot a round of golf one day. I am not very good but I do enjoy the sport.

To close I just find it so pleasing that so many people especially women of all ages will talk with me and make me feel good.

Thank you all.
 August 23, 2006, 17:31

 54 / female
 Pawling, New York, US
Re: Who do you
So many people fit so many different needs......As was stated before, however like Moon, I would have to come back over and over again to finish my list .....

I have loved talking to PeterPan since the day he has joined....I love the fact that he is from another country, and I have learned so much about his culture as I have taught him a little about mine....I receive a good morning from him often, and its a great way to start a day!....He is witty and yet dopey!...And those two together make for a great conversation and many smiles!.......Not to mention he is pretty darn cute to look at!

Another person I adore talking to is DEye....Ummmmm and did anyone notice his new picture?....It's amazing!...Get your peek now before he takes it off...He is funny like that!....

Anyway back to the topic.....I am lucky enough to talk to him almost everyday as well, and he does nothing but bring a smile to my face!....Just a real down to earth genuine guy!...One of the best friends you can have!.....We can pretty much talk about anything and have been there for each other through some tough times!......Thanks DEye!.....

Bikerchick I have become very close to as well....I get to talk to her daily and she has to be one of the sweetest people I know.....We have more of a "sister" type relationship, and its nice to have somewhat of an extended family all over the world!.......I have been lucky enough to have met some really great lifetime friends....People that when I dont talk to after a day or two I worry!.....I have gotten so much more from this site than I could have ever expected....And I am so grateful for that!.....

There are so many more other people I talk to, but those I listed are the ones that I talk to more often than anyone else.....

 August 23, 2006, 17:32

 80 / male
 phoenix, Arizona, US
Re: Who do you

Their are quite a few people on here that I enjoy talking with and busting there shoes every chance I get. I think they know who they are, and I hope they enjoy my humor as well. And everyone on here deserves agrouphug.
 August 23, 2006, 20:16

 56 / female
 daytona, Florida, US
Re: Re: Who do you
  QUOTE (MoonHowler @ August 23, 2006, 15:19)
Ok, before I go, I must admit that there are 3 women here that I do consider "true friends." Not that I don't consider anyone else a true friend. A true friend in the sense that I've gotten to know them well and I trust them. I would confide in them if need be and trust that they would do the same and keep it to themselves. They haven't let me down so far and I believe they never will!

Chazzy, NYK, and Pepper.

I can say the same of you, Moon, you always either make me laugh or think, both of which are good things and I am honored that you consider me a friend. I have to add to the list, of Chazzy, NYK, also, Fem half of the Levs. But the ladies I have named and those I am getting to know have really been better friends than ANY females I know in person. They take me for who I am and don't assume think I'm out to backstab them or steal their guys.

This is not to say that I don't consider, Male Lev, DEye, Abs, BCB or any of the guys on here friends, I do. I would and have happily sat with them to shoot the breeze or talk for hours, up till now, on IM only for some, but I hope one day to change that!

 August 23, 2006, 22:01

 User no longer registered.
Re: Who do you
There's a few on here who I think are the greatest. Everyone here makes it great for the most part anyhow. I do like to talk to a few that has been here as long as myself or even longer. Those that has been here longer, I haven't gotten much of a chance to really get to be around the same time as being 'online'. I don't want to make anyone think they've been left out and such because I think you're all great in your own cool way. Although, like NYK mentioned... for those that I talk to everyday, you get to feel more of a connection to and such.

NYK for being there when I needed her the most and vice versa. We've gotten to know each other a lot and I don't know anyone better to have gotten to know and cherish!

Feels like I won a Grammy having to think of these things.. like writing up a long thank-you letter! But, in that case, since I'm at the 'microphone'... THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK YOU VERY MUCH. *wink wink*

Deye just because you're one of a kind. You're a smart guy and you know how to keep humor going.

DM.... where in the hell are ya, ya shit?! Well damn it anyhow, BEND OVER BITCH! How'd you like that?!

To my all time favorite, BCB. I could say a million things about you to let people know that you mean more than the world to me but words can't even describe it. All I can say is that you're the best thing that's come along and I would not have had it any other way.
 August 23, 2006, 22:43

 User no longer registered.
Re: Who do you
BC is just a sweetheart. Her and BCB make each other happy in whatever form and that's a good thing

Capt, what can I say about him? I thought he was a gentlemen. He proved me wrong. He's just another horny man like the rest of 'em! ..... hehe j/k. He lives in Phoenix, he can't be all bad

Nine, a brilliant songwriter. I love reading his lyrics. So much talent!!!

Liz.... another sweetheart who, although I don't write to her every day, I worry about her so much and pray for her all the time. Nobody should have to go through something like that, but when you care about them, it makes it that much worse.........

Jamie.. a cutie pie Very sweet and always a gentlemen! Nice to everybody, never has a bad thing to say about people. Perfect attitude for WN and the kind we need more of!!

I have been trying to write about someone else but I still can't find the right words and I don't want it to sound cheesy.... soon, maybe... *sigh*

To be continued......
 August 24, 2006, 11:46

 User no longer registered.
Re: Who do you
Ok, this is actually kinda fun!

Before I leave for the day I have to mention the Levs ! I don't really like talkin' to them 'cause they scare the hell out of me, to tell you the truth! ... hehe, juuuuuuuuuust kiddin'! Quite the contrary. I think we have a lot in common.. opinions on certain matters, way of life, how to have a good time. If they ever made it to Texas, I'd have to take 'em campin' on the Brazos, do some tubin', maybe some river raftin', play some horseshoes, go shootin', kick back in lawn chairs with an ice cold beer and shoot the sh*t! And I'm guessin' they kinda talk like me, the accent, so it wouldn't be hard to understand 'em.......

They're just good people!
 August 24, 2006, 15:24

 Web Naughty Forums » General Discussion » Who do you

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