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 Web Naughty Forums » General Discussion » READ ME


 41 / male
 Web Naughty
I am thinking to shut down the chatroom for a while. I am tired of hearing compliants, sometimes I feel like I am dealing with 13 years olds

No offence...
 August 22, 2006, 09:37

 User no longer registered.
I'm so sorry it's come down to that. abs...you've done everything imaginable to accommodate every one...this is just very sad..
 August 22, 2006, 09:49

 56 / female
 daytona, Florida, US
I'm sorry, too, but you are the boss and if you feel that's best, you know we're behind you all the way.

 August 22, 2006, 10:09

 User no longer registered.
  QUOTE (pepper @ August 22, 2006, 10:09)
I'm sorry, too, but you are the boss and if you feel that's best, you know we're behind you all the way.

Yes..absolutely, Pepper! All the moderators will take a united stand with any and all of Absix's decisions!!!
 August 22, 2006, 10:16

 54 / female
 Pawling, New York, US
Took me a while to figure out what to say......

And Im a bit speechless....

and not on absix's decision, but on the fact that people act like that in chat....

 August 22, 2006, 10:41

 User no longer registered.
Well, if the complaints have to do with bad behavior in the chat room, I must say, I haven't experienced a lot of it myself. Some, yes. But not a lot. But if the complaints have to do with the chat room technology (people getting bumped, etc...), I say "tough noogies" to the complainers. It's a free room, for gosh sakes; take it or leave it.

If abs is getting a lot of complaints, I can understand his wanting (maybe) to give the chat room a break. Maybe he could post a big note in red ink saying that all complaints about the chat room technology will be scrupulously ignored. I don't know. I'm sure abs will do the best thing.
 August 22, 2006, 10:49

 User no longer registered.
  QUOTE (HeBoy @ August 22, 2006, 10:49)
Well, if the complaints have to do with bad behavior in the chat room, I must say, I haven't experienced a lot of it myself. Some, yes. But not a lot. But if the complaints have to do with the chat room technology (people getting bumped, etc...), I say "tough noogies" to the complainers. It's a free room, for gosh sakes; take it or leave it.

If abs is getting a lot of complaints, I can understand his wanting (maybe) to give the chat room a break. Maybe he could post a big note in red ink saying that all complaints about the chat room technology will be scrupulously ignored. I don't know. I'm sure abs will do the best thing.

Yes it is a free forum for those who aren't VIP members. However for those that are VIP members, is it not part of the package they are paying for? I don't see how you can just shut down a portion of a site that some members are paying for is all. I personally don't use the chatroom, however I know a lot of your paying members do. Something to consider.
 August 22, 2006, 11:08

 56 / female
 daytona, Florida, US
Re: Re: Re: READ ME
  QUOTE (ShyandSweet @ August 22, 2006, 11:08)
  QUOTE (HeBoy @ August 22, 2006, 10:49)
Well, if the complaints have to do with bad behavior in the chat room, I must say, I haven't experienced a lot of it myself. Some, yes. But not a lot. But if the complaints have to do with the chat room technology (people getting bumped, etc...), I say "tough noogies" to the complainers. It's a free room, for gosh sakes; take it or leave it.

If abs is getting a lot of complaints, I can understand his wanting (maybe) to give the chat room a break. Maybe he could post a big note in red ink saying that all complaints about the chat room technology will be scrupulously ignored. I don't know. I'm sure abs will do the best thing.

Yes it is a free forum for those who aren't VIP members. However for those that are VIP members, is it not part of the package they are paying for? I don't see how you can just shut down a portion of a site that some members are paying for is all. I personally don't use the chatroom, however I know a lot of your paying members do. Something to consider.

Technically, Shy, no it's not. It is a feature of the site in general, not something that is paid for in any way. And besides, it's Abs' site, he is the owner, so he makes the rules and if he is tired of hearing 13 year old behavior, then, I am behind him, 100%. shut it down till some grownup behavior is noted.
 August 22, 2006, 11:13

 User no longer registered.
I am sorry it has come to this as well. I will miss it if you go thru with this decision.
 August 22, 2006, 11:18

 59 / couple
 Frozen Tundra, Minnesota, US
WOW, I thought this was an adult site, but I guess not. I'm not in chat very often, but ABS, you do what you feel is necessary. I'll stand behind you.
 August 22, 2006, 11:23

 User no longer registered.
i understand where you are coming from abs, but i know that the chat room will be missed by alot of people, but everyone will have to respect your decision no matter what it is.
 August 22, 2006, 11:41

 User no longer registered.
It should be so simple.....not only does abs provide a free chatroom, he's even added the "red room"...and he's provided allot of extra features there such as....

A setting to turn off private instant messages if you are being bothered by them

An "ignore" feature to ignore anyone who is rude to you or harrasses you.

"save chat session" so if there is a serious issue of harrassment and such, we will be able to see that clearly from the saved session you forward to us...

If there are those that want to use the chatroom and use it frequently, then LEARN HOW TO USE IT AND MAKE SURE YOU ARE FAMILIAR WITH IT'S RULES, GUIDELINES, FEATURES AND SETTINGS!!!!
With the just the few tools I"ve mentioned here, ya'all should be able to handle most things yourself...if not, then yes, contact a moderator....

 August 22, 2006, 11:51

 User no longer registered.
Well, again, I certainly HOPE abs doesn't have to end the chat room. I rather enjoy it.
 August 22, 2006, 12:46

 41 / male
 Web Naughty
Sorry, I was really disappointed at the moment. I won't shut it down because I won't allow a few bad apples to spoil everything. We'll see... the chatroom is a priviledge, not a right.

If some people think this is bad - well, I will be the first one to tell them to go to Adult Friend Finder and find out how 'friendly' their chat is.

 August 22, 2006, 14:06

 User no longer registered.
I agree Abs........
I am in there damn near every night, and there isnt That many problems (compared to the number of chatters)

Yes, ya get an occational problem person that doesn't want to play by the rules or respect the other members.

We have options in dealing with these people.....just USE them!!!!
Female Lev
 August 22, 2006, 14:12

 User no longer registered.
Just a thought.

Is it possible to make a user, new or not read the rules and verify they understand them??
 August 22, 2006, 14:28

 User no longer registered.
  QUOTE (absix @ August 22, 2006, 14:06)
Sorry, I was really disappointed at the moment. I won't shut it down because I won't allow a few bad apples to spoil everything. We'll see... the chatroom is a priviledge, not a right.

If some people think this is bad - well, I will be the first one to tell them to go to Adult Friend Finder and find out how 'friendly' their chat is.

Abs, luvya baby!!!
 August 22, 2006, 14:30

 User no longer registered.
Hey Abs, just tell the people who are complaining not to use it if they do not like it
 August 22, 2006, 15:34

 User no longer registered.
  QUOTE (baller @ August 22, 2006, 15:34)
Hey Abs, just tell the people who are complaining not to use it if they do not like it

You just hit the nail on the head!
 August 22, 2006, 15:39

 User no longer registered.
The problem as I see it is people tend to forget this IS an ADULT website, not your local quilting society. The majority of the people are here for two reasons...to find somebody to screw and to get away from the problems in their lives and have a little fun NOT to listen to other peoples problems. Sure, there are alot of us that have gotten to "know" each other but it's helpful to remember that humans don't keep secrets and this is where I see some problems...and people getting their feelings hurt. I'll listen to anything anybody has to say and I have unlimited patience but most people don't, and don't really care. We are SUPPOSEDLY all adults, if you cannot handle disappointment as well as you handle "fun" then you don't need to be here. The mods and Abs shouldn't have to "mod" at all, except to ban the occasional asshole. If you cannot handle the environment or deal with your bad choices then leave...don't take the rest of us down with you.
Secondly, even though this is an adult "sex" site, the majority of men still have a problem with two little letters...NO. How many times do you have to be told, night after night by the same people "NO, I don't want to". Here, as in RL the WOMEN make the decisions not us. Sure, we have to ask to see if they might want to spend some time with us but not every day,every night, same people, constantly after being told NO. LEARN RESPECT!!! Just because they are here DOESN'T mean they are just cum receptacles awaiting your deposit!!! I know some Ladies try to be nice but it won't work, trust me. "Ignore" is good but "being nice" just encourages these lowlifes, they won't change just by you "being nice". Shoot that message off to the mods and get rid of them. I feel so sorry for the Ladies that come in here and knowing what they have to go through just to be able to chat and all. Irritates the hell out of me and I know it does some of the other "regular" men. So, let's weed out the "problem" people, better for ALL of us.
Sorry to expound overlong. The thought of Abs even considering closing the chat kind of irritated me...irrationally maybe but there it is. Since I'm here alot, I pretty much know what he might be referring to and it's all BS to begin with. If you aren't mentally and emotionally capable of policing yourself...ourselves...then leave, plain and simple. Don't ruin it for the rest of us. Not everybody is going to get along and sometimes feelings will get hurt but you have to get over it, through it or something. I enjoy most everybody that comes into chat. Would really hate to lose that privilege
My 2 cents worth and THANK YOU Abs for the revision of your decision.
 August 22, 2006, 15:41

 68 / male
 dayton, Ohio, US
Thx ABS...uda man...
Can I ask what the complaints pertain to? Or is that none of my business. Either way Hats off to u ABS,...Thx..
 August 22, 2006, 15:42

 80 / male
 A whoop and a hollar from Dallas, Texas, US
If everyone ignores the idiots in chat all you have to see is his name in the RH box. It only takes a right click to turn it off and on. After a few minutes of zero response he (usually a he) will get bored and leave. All these poor people are craving is attention, even if it is negative. The nice feature is that you don't have to even see his crap! Don't feed his anger and save the chat room(s) for all of us.

Personal note: if you must drink and become a behavior problem....take it somewhere besides chat...not all drunks are sociable and fun to be with.
 August 22, 2006, 16:16

 User no longer registered.
  QUOTE (JusFun1 @ August 22, 2006, 15:41)
The problem as I see it is people tend to forget this IS an ADULT website, not your local quilting society. The majority of the people are here for two reasons...to find somebody to screw and to get away from the problems in their lives and have a little fun NOT to listen to other peoples problems. Sure, there are alot of us that have gotten to "know" each other but it's helpful to remember that humans don't keep secrets and this is where I see some problems...and people getting their feelings hurt. I'll listen to anything anybody has to say and I have unlimited patience but most people don't, and don't really care. We are SUPPOSEDLY all adults, if you cannot handle disappointment as well as you handle "fun" then you don't need to be here. The mods and Abs shouldn't have to "mod" at all, except to ban the occasional asshole. If you cannot handle the environment or deal with your bad choices then leave...don't take the rest of us down with you.
Secondly, even though this is an adult "sex" site, the majority of men still have a problem with two little letters...NO. How many times do you have to be told, night after night by the same people "NO, I don't want to". Here, as in RL the WOMEN make the decisions not us. Sure, we have to ask to see if they might want to spend some time with us but not every day,every night, same people, constantly after being told NO. LEARN RESPECT!!! Just because they are here DOESN'T mean they are just cum receptacles awaiting your deposit!!! I know some Ladies try to be nice but it won't work, trust me. "Ignore" is good but "being nice" just encourages these lowlifes, they won't change just by you "being nice". Shoot that message off to the mods and get rid of them. I feel so sorry for the Ladies that come in here and knowing what they have to go through just to be able to chat and all. Irritates the hell out of me and I know it does some of the other "regular" men. So, let's weed out the "problem" people, better for ALL of us.
Sorry to expound overlong. The thought of Abs even considering closing the chat kind of irritated me...irrationally maybe but there it is. Since I'm here alot, I pretty much know what he might be referring to and it's all BS to begin with. If you aren't mentally and emotionally capable of policing yourself...ourselves...then leave, plain and simple. Don't ruin it for the rest of us. Not everybody is going to get along and sometimes feelings will get hurt but you have to get over it, through it or something. I enjoy most everybody that comes into chat. Would really hate to lose that privilege
My 2 cents worth and THANK YOU Abs for the revision of your decision.

 August 22, 2006, 16:50

 User no longer registered.
  QUOTE (JusFun1 @ August 22, 2006, 15:41)
The problem as I see it is people tend to forget this IS an ADULT website, not your local quilting society. The majority of the people are here for two reasons...to find somebody to screw and to get away from the problems in their lives and have a little fun NOT to listen to other peoples problems. Sure, there are alot of us that have gotten to "know" each other but it's helpful to remember that humans don't keep secrets and this is where I see some problems...and people getting their feelings hurt. I'll listen to anything anybody has to say and I have unlimited patience but most people don't, and don't really care. We are SUPPOSEDLY all adults, if you cannot handle disappointment as well as you handle "fun" then you don't need to be here. The mods and Abs shouldn't have to "mod" at all, except to ban the occasional asshole. If you cannot handle the environment or deal with your bad choices then leave...don't take the rest of us down with you.
Secondly, even though this is an adult "sex" site, the majority of men still have a problem with two little letters...NO. How many times do you have to be told, night after night by the same people "NO, I don't want to". Here, as in RL the WOMEN make the decisions not us. Sure, we have to ask to see if they might want to spend some time with us but not every day,every night, same people, constantly after being told NO. LEARN RESPECT!!! Just because they are here DOESN'T mean they are just cum receptacles awaiting your deposit!!! I know some Ladies try to be nice but it won't work, trust me. "Ignore" is good but "being nice" just encourages these lowlifes, they won't change just by you "being nice". Shoot that message off to the mods and get rid of them. I feel so sorry for the Ladies that come in here and knowing what they have to go through just to be able to chat and all. Irritates the hell out of me and I know it does some of the other "regular" men. So, let's weed out the "problem" people, better for ALL of us.
Sorry to expound overlong. The thought of Abs even considering closing the chat kind of irritated me...irrationally maybe but there it is. Since I'm here alot, I pretty much know what he might be referring to and it's all BS to begin with. If you aren't mentally and emotionally capable of policing yourself...ourselves...then leave, plain and simple. Don't ruin it for the rest of us. Not everybody is going to get along and sometimes feelings will get hurt but you have to get over it, through it or something. I enjoy most everybody that comes into chat. Would really hate to lose that privilege
My 2 cents worth and THANK YOU Abs for the revision of your decision.

Very well expressed.
 August 22, 2006, 17:07

 User no longer registered.
Re: Re: Re: READ ME
  QUOTE (ShyandSweet @ August 22, 2006, 15:39)
  QUOTE (baller @ August 22, 2006, 15:34)
Hey Abs, just tell the people who are complaining not to use it if they do not like it

You just hit the nail on the head!

I love your pic

I know I know
 August 22, 2006, 18:09

 63 / male
 Beaver City, Nebraska, US
I thought the chat room problem had been fixed, what the Hell is going on people??? You're aboiut to lose a wonderful part of this site
 August 22, 2006, 22:19

 User no longer registered.
  QUOTE (JusFun1 @ August 22, 2006, 15:41)
The problem as I see it is people tend to forget this IS an ADULT website, not your local quilting society. The majority of the people are here for two reasons...to find somebody to screw and to get away from the problems in their lives and have a little fun NOT to listen to other peoples problems. Sure, there are alot of us that have gotten to "know" each other but it's helpful to remember that humans don't keep secrets and this is where I see some problems...and people getting their feelings hurt. I'll listen to anything anybody has to say and I have unlimited patience but most people don't, and don't really care. We are SUPPOSEDLY all adults, if you cannot handle disappointment as well as you handle "fun" then you don't need to be here. The mods and Abs shouldn't have to "mod" at all, except to ban the occasional asshole. If you cannot handle the environment or deal with your bad choices then leave...don't take the rest of us down with you.
Secondly, even though this is an adult "sex" site, the majority of men still have a problem with two little letters...NO. How many times do you have to be told, night after night by the same people "NO, I don't want to". Here, as in RL the WOMEN make the decisions not us. Sure, we have to ask to see if they might want to spend some time with us but not every day,every night, same people, constantly after being told NO. LEARN RESPECT!!! Just because they are here DOESN'T mean they are just cum receptacles awaiting your deposit!!! I know some Ladies try to be nice but it won't work, trust me. "Ignore" is good but "being nice" just encourages these lowlifes, they won't change just by you "being nice". Shoot that message off to the mods and get rid of them. I feel so sorry for the Ladies that come in here and knowing what they have to go through just to be able to chat and all. Irritates the hell out of me and I know it does some of the other "regular" men. So, let's weed out the "problem" people, better for ALL of us.
Sorry to expound overlong. The thought of Abs even considering closing the chat kind of irritated me...irrationally maybe but there it is. Since I'm here alot, I pretty much know what he might be referring to and it's all BS to begin with. If you aren't mentally and emotionally capable of policing yourself...ourselves...then leave, plain and simple. Don't ruin it for the rest of us. Not everybody is going to get along and sometimes feelings will get hurt but you have to get over it, through it or something. I enjoy most everybody that comes into chat. Would really hate to lose that privilege
My 2 cents worth and THANK YOU Abs for the revision of your decision.

do you feel better now jus , but well said bro, we are in agreement.
 August 23, 2006, 00:16

 User no longer registered.
Well...I am in the chat room heaps and there are loads or really fun, smart, kind and caring people. However, I have not only witnessed this "13-Year Old" behavior, but been subject to it as well. Although, annoying and a bit irritating..it is manageable and survivable, right? If everyone would take the attitude to just blow it off we would get much much further. If you feel the need to speak your piece do so, in PM preferably, and than move on.

Didn't we grow out of tattling?? If I remember correctly tattling just ended up producing unwanted results (IE..chat room being shut down) and the entire group ends up suffering for a few people who wear their heart on their sleeves. We as a society tend to dwell on things we cannot change (the little shit) and at the end of the day if you are alive and healthy. Aren't you doing pretty good? Dwelling on this little shit makes you nasty and bitter and makes you hate life, don't we all have bigger fish to fry...instead of worrying about someone calling you a "Bitch". I know we all do and so does Ab's..so keep the complaints to legitimate harassment for everyone sake, please.

As as single woman on this site, I can't agree with JusFun1 more.."NO" last time I checked was still "NO" and meant cease and desist. Oh Yeah, Guys quick tip "Wanna Fuck" is not a good opening line if you want to have half a chance with the ladies.

At the end of the day the ultimate decision is Ab's. (Ab's as a side note you can't please everyone and last time I checked majority rules.) Please everyone for his sake and ours too...Stop the Insanity! This is just a chat room after all and if you don't like it you should leave...nobody made you hit the " Live Chat " button and guess what...the "X" in the corner box..gets you right out.

This is supposed to be fun, right?? Please..make sure you mind your manners and the rules...there are very few and easy to remember. If you aren't sure contact a Mod or for heaven's sake just ask in the room. The people are nice and I assure you someone will be more that happy to answer your questions.

I guess I have rambled on quite enough...but Ab's just wanted to say THANK YOU! I personally love the site and have been to others and there is no comparison to the chat at all. Also, thank you to the moderators for listening to us and helping us when we do have issues. Thank you again... and peace out!
 August 23, 2006, 01:11

 User no longer registered.
Okay...we do expect members to notify us if someone is harrassing and threatening anyone in the chatroom, it's not "tattling"....just as we encourage ya'all to report spammer profiles when you run across them, or scam message if you should happen to recieve them.

There's allot of buttons and features to be used in the chatroom, not just the "enter" button, and everyone who loves to chat needs to take the time to navigate around, get familiar with them and use them.

Too many times a moderator has to go to the chatroom when there is a minor problem because no one in there, after being reminded several times before, remembers to use the "ignore" feature!

The Lev's spend a majority of their time monitoring the chatroom, and they do an excellent job of it, but it's a sad waste of their time when the same people have to be reminded to just "ignore".

If there is anything that the "ignore" feature can't fix, then yes..."tattle" to a moderator!!!
 August 23, 2006, 03:50

 52 / male
 aberdeen, Scotland, UK
i don't go into chat a lot but when i do i respect all that are in there at the time, it is not hard, if u respect them they respect u and everyone get's on
 August 23, 2006, 06:07

 41 / male
 Web Naughty
 August 23, 2006, 06:09

 80 / male
 A whoop and a hollar from Dallas, Texas, US
A big thank you to all the moderators...you get all the complaints and not many thank you's. Absix, this is the best and friendliest site that I have found. Thanks for providing it to us and I hope that a few 13-14 year old minds don't manage to ruin it for everybody.

JusFun1 and TicaD, you guys are very articulate and have expressed what all the regulars are thinking. Hats off to both of you.

Dammit, lets just go have fun!
 August 23, 2006, 10:24

 57 / male
 wild and wonderful, West Virginia, US
I couldn't agree more smitty
 August 23, 2006, 10:47

 User no longer registered.
You men that have posted here, you're all good men, respectfull men, and we do appreciate that about you very much...don't let the other "bad men" drag you down...use the features in the chatroom and do not engage in anything confrontational with them....
 August 23, 2006, 11:41

 User no longer registered.
  QUOTE (Chazzy @ August 23, 2006, 11:41)
You men that have posted here, you're all good men, respectfull men, and we do appreciate that about you very much...don't let the other "bad men" drag you down...use the features in the chatroom and do not engage in anything confrontational with them....

 August 23, 2006, 12:37

 User no longer registered.
It only takes a few bad apples to spoil the whole tree Did I say that right? lol

I completely understand the choice you might have to make. This site is so wonderful with OR without the chat room, I probably wouldn't miss it! Everyone knows I live for the forums, anyhow. Get rid of those and I'll clamp my canines into your ass cheek!!! lmao

Webnaughty, you've tried the rest, stick with the best!
 August 23, 2006, 15:00

 User no longer registered.
agree with that Moon
 August 23, 2006, 15:02

 User no longer registered.
Don't know what happen don't care but I love this site and all the folks here that I've talk to and shared post don't do the chat room that much ........But hats off to all that run it can be challenging at time to be a mod Wouldn't want anything taken away from the site so please folk play nice and respect all who are here
 August 23, 2006, 22:42

 User no longer registered.
Actually, of late, it's rare I show up. I make myself available when I'm on and not available when I'm off. But, I do understand the frustration and I agree. Do what you must. You have done an excellent job and it has paid off for many and we are greatful! . The few bad eggs will always be there unfortuneately.
 August 24, 2006, 03:12

 User no longer registered.
dont di it!I dont chat much, but its fun to read. how else are us non-paying members going to meet others
 August 24, 2006, 20:55

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