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Does your cock have a name? Tell the truth!
 Web Naughty Forums » General Discussion » Does your cock have a name? Tell the truth!

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 70 / male
 Tidewater area, Virginia, US
Does your cock have a name? Tell the truth!
I was seeing a lady a while back who insisted my cock have a name. I told I had never considered it, since it's all apart of me, kinda like a package deal. Her response " It does have a mind of it's own dosen't it? I couldn't argue that point! Even though I was quite flattered with her suggestion, "Goliath", I still can't see the point. What do the guys and ladies think about this? Does your cock or pussy have a name?
 July 22, 2004, 08:10

 User no longer registered.
Re: Does your cock have a name? Tell the truth!
Cocks I have known.....Mr.Winkie, Chucky, Big Bob...
 July 22, 2004, 08:13

 70 / male
 Tidewater area, Virginia, US
Re: Re: Does your cock have a name? Tell the truth!
  QUOTE (Chazzy @ July 22, 2004, 08:13)
Cocks I have known.....Mr.Winkie, Chucky, Big Bob...

Hi Chazzy! Is this just a male thing or do women name theirs too?
 July 22, 2004, 08:20

 User no longer registered.
Re: Does your cock have a name? Tell the truth!
I don't name any of my bits, never felt compelled too!
 July 22, 2004, 08:23

 User no longer registered.
Re: Does your cock have a name? Tell the truth!
Never actualy had a name of my own, but a girl I dated long time ago, used to call me at work and say,,,"come on baby you gonna gimme some of that hammerdrill tonight"?
 July 22, 2004, 09:01

 User no longer registered.
Re: Does your cock have a name? Tell the truth!
  QUOTE (sunbuff10 @ July 22, 2004, 08:10)
I was seeing a lady a while back who insisted my cock have a name. I told I had never considered it, since it's all apart of me, kinda like a package deal. Her response " It does have a mind of it's own dosen't it? I couldn't argue that point! Even though I was quite flattered with her suggestion, "Goliath", I still can't see the point. What do the guys and ladies think about this? Does your cock or pussy have a name?

I have had almost exactly the same conversation with women. I never named any part of me, but these women wanted to apply a name to my dick.
 July 22, 2004, 09:06

 70 / male
 Tidewater area, Virginia, US
Re: Re: Does your cock have a name? Tell the truth!
  QUOTE (EugeneOregon @ July 22, 2004, 09:06)
  QUOTE (sunbuff10 @ July 22, 2004, 08:10)
I was seeing a lady a while back who insisted my cock have a name. I told I had never considered it, since it's all apart of me, kinda like a package deal. Her response " It does have a mind of it's own dosen't it? I couldn't argue that point! Even though I was quite flattered with her suggestion, "Goliath", I still can't see the point. What do the guys and ladies think about this? Does your cock or pussy have a name?

I have had almost exactly the same conversation with women. I never named any part of me, but these women wanted to apply a name to my dick.

Maybe they like to think ther being gang-banged.
 July 22, 2004, 09:53

 67 / male
 Burlington, Ontario, Canada
Re: Does your cock have a name? Tell the truth!
Althout my penis never responds to it, I frequently call him "STUPID PENIS!!!". Stubborn, uncoperative, and deson't know whats good for him! Dammit!
 July 22, 2004, 10:49

 User no longer registered.
Re: Does your cock have a name? Tell the truth!
no names for my little bits either. Never seemed like there was really a need.

However, I have been with all sorts of named penises:

Big John, Slick Willie, Petie, Pete, Handsome Jack, Mongo and Carl Cock.

There is no end to the wonders in this universe!
 July 22, 2004, 11:56

 User no longer registered.
Re: Re: Does your cock have a name? Tell the truth!
  QUOTE (kbateman @ July 22, 2004, 11:56)
no names for my little bits either. Never seemed like there was really a need.

However, I have been with all sorts of named penises:

Big John, Slick Willie, Petie, Pete, Handsome Jack, Mongo and Carl Cock.

There is no end to the wonders in this universe!

I was thinking of calling him:"Master Bateman"
 July 23, 2004, 13:28

 User no longer registered.
Re: Does your cock have a name? Tell the truth!
I wonder where you can register a cock's name. Is it possible to make it official? Legal?

I could start a new website called the International Cock Registry. For $40.00 you can register your cock, by Name, Size and Picture. I would give you a unique ID Number and even mail you an offical certificate and ID Card.
 July 23, 2004, 16:12

 User no longer registered.
Re: Re: Does your cock have a name? Tell the truth!
  QUOTE (kbateman @ July 23, 2004, 16:12)
I wonder where you can register a cock's name. Is it possible to make it official? Legal?

I could start a new website called the International Cock Registry. For $40.00 you can register your cock, by Name, Size and Picture. I would give you a unique ID Number and even mail you an offical certificate and ID Card.

Hey you can register a star why not a cock? I think you shoud supply a stencil instead of the id card
 July 23, 2004, 16:57

 User no longer registered.
Re: Does your cock have a name? Tell the truth!
mine is wandering through life with no identity, just another nameless dick.
 July 23, 2004, 18:08

 User no longer registered.
Re: Does your cock have a name? Tell the truth!
OK after much reflection, I have decided to name my cock and have the name tattooed on it. The name shall be... "Hello, I am Gary's cock, I hope you enjoy your experiences with me and come back for more"
 July 23, 2004, 18:08

 User no longer registered.
Re: Re: Does your cock have a name? Tell the truth!
  QUOTE (boredcountryboy @ July 23, 2004, 18:08)
mine is wandering through life with no identity, just another nameless dick.

Then your dick is a John Doe???
 July 23, 2004, 21:43

 70 / male
 Tidewater area, Virginia, US
Re: Re: Re: Does your cock have a name? Tell the truth!
  QUOTE (DEye @ July 23, 2004, 16:57)
  QUOTE (kbateman @ July 23, 2004, 16:12)
I wonder where you can register a cock's name. Is it possible to make it official? Legal?

I could start a new website called the International Cock Registry. For $40.00 you can register your cock, by Name, Size and Picture. I would give you a unique ID Number and even mail you an offical certificate and ID Card.

KB, I can send you my electric vibra-etcher

Hey you can register a star why not a cock? I think you shoud supply a stencil instead of the id card

 July 23, 2004, 22:08

 70 / male
 Tidewater area, Virginia, US
Re: Re: Re: Re: Does your cock have a name? Tell the truth!
  QUOTE (sunbuff10 @ July 23, 2004, 22:08)
  QUOTE (DEye @ July 23, 2004, 16:57)
  QUOTE (kbateman @ July 23, 2004, 16:12)
I wonder where you can register a cock's name. Is it possible to make it official? Legal?

I could start a new website called the International Cock Registry. For $40.00 you can register your cock, by Name, Size and Picture. I would give you a unique ID Number and even mail you an offical certificate and ID Card. [/quote

Hey you can register a star why not a cock? I think you shoud supply a stencil instead of the id card

Damn, did it again!!! Lets scroll ALL the way down,
KB, I can send you my electric vibra-etcher!
 July 23, 2004, 22:11

 User no longer registered.
Re: Does your cock have a name? Tell the truth!
Let's insert microchips in thier dicks, you know, like the vets do for pets,
 July 24, 2004, 02:32

 User no longer registered.
Re: Re: Does your cock have a name? Tell the truth!
  QUOTE (Chazzy @ July 24, 2004, 02:32)
Let's insert microchips in thier dicks, you know, like the vets do for pets,

Ouch! I' for one have had enough stuff inserted in mine to last a lifetime...
 July 24, 2004, 04:40

 User no longer registered.
Re: Does your cock have a name? Tell the truth!
Due to low cost effectivness, I probably won't be sending implants or microchips, but I can send a safety pin with the name on a tag. Instructions will be to clip it to the appropriate organ.
 July 24, 2004, 18:02

 User no longer registered.
Re: Re: Does your cock have a name? Tell the truth!
  QUOTE (kbateman @ July 24, 2004, 18:02)
Due to low cost effectivness, I probably won't be sending implants or microchips, but I can send a safety pin with the name on a tag. Instructions will be to clip it to the appropriate organ.

well then, if you're concerned about cost, large upholstery staples are a real bargain!!
 July 25, 2004, 03:32

 70 / male
 Tidewater area, Virginia, US
Re: Re: Does your cock have a name? Tell the truth!
  QUOTE (kbateman @ July 23, 2004, 16:12)
I wonder where you can register a cock's name. Is it possible to make it official? Legal?

I could start a new website called the International Cock Registry. For $40.00 you can register your cock, by Name, Size and Picture. I would give you a unique ID Number and even mail you an offical certificate and ID Card.

Sheez, after reading all this I hope your registration will be voluntary, cause if it's not my ass and my John Doe dick is leaving the country!!!
 July 25, 2004, 10:29

 User no longer registered.
Re: Does your cock have a name? Tell the truth!
Hmmmm. register the cocks, but all the pussies can run around like strays...
 July 25, 2004, 17:26

 64 / female
 mesa, Arizona, US
Re: Does your cock have a name? Tell the truth!
mt tits are just "the girls".
but i always did favor the name "mr.happy" for a man's cock.
 July 27, 2004, 12:46

 User no longer registered.
Re: Does your cock have a name? Tell the truth!
that is the name of my favorite little electric toy "mr. happy"

and I like your idea about the industrial staples. Surgical staples for the registration tags would be adequate, but industrial staples are the bomb!
 July 27, 2004, 13:39

 64 / female
 mesa, Arizona, US
Re: Does your cock have a name? Tell the truth!
if they need an id card, should it have a photograph, or a, for lack of a better term, a fingerprint?
then on saturday night, instead of spending a lot of money, we could just go down to the jail and watch them book suspects. maybe even watch the body cavity searches.
which reminds me, my ex's cock was his "mobile body cavity search unit" had a model#, but i forgot what it was.
yep, every thursday and saturday, it was the old body cavity search.
 July 28, 2004, 03:21

 User no longer registered.
Re: Does your cock have a name? Tell the truth!
photograph's are optional, but an outline drawing would be useful for comparisons. the main ID would still be the permanent ID label stapled with industrial staples right to the registered organs.
 July 28, 2004, 15:23

 70 / male
 Tidewater area, Virginia, US
Re: Does your cock have a name? Tell the truth!
Now ladies! You are having entirlely to much fun with this topic. Maybe we can change the subject or something. This started out as "does your cock have a name." How about names to avoid....Like Peewe or Mikee (Life cereal fame, he will screw anything) then ther's Mr Bill from Saturday night live, oh noooo.
 July 28, 2004, 22:17

 64 / female
 mesa, Arizona, US
Re: Does your cock have a name? Tell the truth!
if mr. bobbit would of had a "low-jack" in his, the police would off found it sooner. i wonder what the weiner bobbit was named. perhaps it was a snap-on tool.
one of my gentleman friends (i've decided it sounds stupid to call a man with grandchildren a boyfriend) called his "big jim and the twins" but it didn't do much good. it was like a dog with no legs. you called it but it never came.
you can't tell but i am giggling up a storm. i love my dentist he gives me fun meds
 July 28, 2004, 23:24

 User no longer registered.
Re: Does your cock have a name? Tell the truth!
I decided to bring this one back up because it was just too much fun. Now we have a new cast of people to ask too.
 January 10, 2006, 15:25

 52 / male
 Louisville, Kentucky, US
Re: Does your cock have a name? Tell the truth!
I guess I missed this one.

My ex always called mine my "little buddy." *shrugs* I guess it works.

I don't know about an id card for it, but I wouldn't mind getting it a tag saying "Kiss me, I'm Irish" or something like that.
 January 10, 2006, 15:32

 54 / female
 Pawling, New York, US
Re: Does your cock have a name? Tell the truth!
Nope!...... But I can be called a Bitch at times!....
 January 10, 2006, 15:53

 User no longer registered.
Re: Does your cock have a name? Tell the truth!
I got a friend whose boyfriend is named Eddy.. and she wanted to name his cock and being she once called him Edward and he said he wasn't in favor for that name and asked her not to say that again. So.. thats when she came up with Ed-wood.
 January 10, 2006, 16:08

 User no longer registered.
Re: Does your cock have a name? Tell the truth!
 January 10, 2006, 17:29

 53 / male
 millville, New Jersey, US
Re: Does your cock have a name? Tell the truth!
If I gave it a name, I fear it might just usurp all control, making me its slave and puppet, doomed for all eternity to walk the earth, doing its evil bidding, buying corvettes, winking and pointing all the time, next thing ya' know...POLYESTER! AHHHHHHHHH!
 January 10, 2006, 19:34

 User no longer registered.
Re: Does your cock have a name? Tell the truth!
I thought all men named theirs. I guess I was wrong.
 January 10, 2006, 19:52

 User no longer registered.
Re: Re: Does your cock have a name? Tell the truth!
  QUOTE (darkmark666 @ January 10, 2006, 19:34)
If I gave it a name, I fear it might just usurp all control, making me its slave and puppet, doomed for all eternity to walk the earth, doing its evil bidding, buying corvettes, winking and pointing all the time, next thing ya' know...POLYESTER! AHHHHHHHHH!

Corvettes! Now where talking. The hell with sex, none to be had around here...But corvettes yea baby! Make mine 1969 or 1970 BB 4 speed drop top. Plastic or leather its all ok
 January 11, 2006, 07:11

 53 / male
 millville, New Jersey, US
Re: Does your cock have a name? Tell the truth!
396? or 427? yeah, maybe a 69' 428 SCJ Mach 1, too! hmmmm,that does give me an idea, though...perhaps I shall name my dick after all...how about: "The ol' Shelby COBRA" oh, god I have to stop with the left handed cigarettes!I'm f-ing corny today!
 January 11, 2006, 10:15

 User no longer registered.
Re: Does your cock have a name? Tell the truth!
No name for mine. Only adjectives of wonder, might, glory, etc. . .
 January 11, 2006, 11:47

 User no longer registered.
Re: Does your cock have a name? Tell the truth!
how about ol po po
 January 11, 2006, 14:56

 User no longer registered.
Re: Re: Does your cock have a name? Tell the truth!
  QUOTE (darkmark666 @ January 11, 2006, 10:15)
396? or 427? yeah, maybe a 69' 428 SCJ Mach 1, too! hmmmm,that does give me an idea, though...perhaps I shall name my dick after all...how about: "The ol' Shelby COBRA" oh, god I have to stop with the left handed cigarettes!I'm f-ing corny today!

hey! you two... stop all this car talk as this is a sex website is it not? Not lets lose these women with this car talk that so called guys think they know. LOL...

nah, its okay.. kinda of a turn on to think that guys off of here knows a bit about vehicles.
 January 11, 2006, 15:20

 69 / male
 McGaheysville, Virginia, US
Re: Does your cock have a name? Tell the truth!
If we are going with car names , there is no other.....HEMI ....well maybe a 68 COPO 427 Camaro
 January 11, 2006, 15:42

 54 / male
 Elko, Nevada, US
Re: Does your cock have a name? Tell the truth!
OK its time to tell ......he's name is.....drum roll please....MR. HAPPY....
 January 14, 2006, 14:38

 User no longer registered.
Re: Re: Does your cock have a name? Tell the truth!
  QUOTE (bignasty @ January 14, 2006, 14:38)
OK its time to tell ......he's name is.....drum roll please....MR. HAPPY....

cute BN maybe Miss Happy should meet Mr.Happy....Just kidding around.She is pretty hard to handle.
 January 14, 2006, 16:08

 User no longer registered.
Re: Re: Does your cock have a name? Tell the truth!
  QUOTE (hardrock1955 @ January 11, 2006, 15:42)
If we are going with car names , there is no other.....HEMI ....well maybe a 68 COPO 427 Camaro

Now as I've seen first hand the Hemi cars are pretty cool and bring alot of money but the frnt suspension sucks! Give me an L-88 vette any day. The bitch is now you can buy the power and way better handeling and a Hemi too if ya still have the itch, right off the showroom floor. 2006 06 vette, Viper or several others will run circles around and 60 or 70's muscle care and get 20+ miles per gallon doing it. The question remains will the modern computer controlled cars ever become classics let alone investments? Ok back to sex...
 January 14, 2006, 19:01

 User no longer registered.
Re: Re: Re: Does your cock have a name? Tell the truth!
  QUOTE (DEye @ January 14, 2006, 19:01)
  QUOTE (hardrock1955 @ January 11, 2006, 15:42)
If we are going with car names , there is no other.....HEMI ....well maybe a 68 COPO 427 Camaro

Now as I've seen first hand the Hemi cars are pretty cool and bring alot of money but the frnt suspension sucks! Give me an L-88 vette any day. The bitch is now you can buy the power and way better handeling and a Hemi too if ya still have the itch, right off the showroom floor. 2006 06 vette, Viper or several others will run circles around and 60 or 70's muscle care and get 20+ miles per gallon doing it. The question remains will the modern computer controlled cars ever become classics let alone investments? Ok back to sex...




 January 14, 2006, 19:04

 User no longer registered.
Re: Re: Re: Re: Does your cock have a name? Tell the truth!
  QUOTE (bikerchick69 @ January 14, 2006, 19:04)
  QUOTE (DEye @ January 14, 2006, 19:01)
  QUOTE (hardrock1955 @ January 11, 2006, 15:42)
If we are going with car names , there is no other.....HEMI ....well maybe a 68 COPO 427 Camaro

Now as I've seen first hand the Hemi cars are pretty cool and bring alot of money but the frnt suspension sucks! Give me an L-88 vette any day. The bitch is now you can buy the power and way better handeling and a Hemi too if ya still have the itch, right off the showroom floor. 2006 06 vette, Viper or several others will run circles around and 60 or 70's muscle care and get 20+ miles per gallon doing it. The question remains will the modern computer controlled cars ever become classics let alone investments? Ok back to sex...





 January 14, 2006, 19:16

 User no longer registered.
Re: Does your cock have a name? Tell the truth!
if you were to stand a couple feet in front of me, your back towards me... and I told you to BEND OVER BITCH

This is to all of you guys...

Would I be seeing your so called John Doe's neighbor balls hanging half way to the ground?? Because of gravity taking it's toll on your nutty balls and such?...

cant help it when my mind wanders into smoething like this.. not that it happens much.. but when it does, how can i not ask?!
 January 14, 2006, 19:30

 User no longer registered.
Re: Re: Does your cock have a name? Tell the truth!
  QUOTE (bikerchick69 @ January 14, 2006, 19:30)
if you were to stand a couple feet in front of me, your back towards me... and I told you to BEND OVER BITCH

This is to all of you guys...

Would I be seeing your so called John Doe's neighbor balls hanging half way to the ground?? Because of gravity taking it's toll on your nutty balls and such?...

cant help it when my mind wanders into smoething like this.. not that it happens much.. but when it does, how can i not ask?!

Look---> what do you see?
 January 14, 2006, 19:34

 User no longer registered.
Re: Does your cock have a name? Tell the truth!
if youre wondering how i came about to ask such a thing.. i'll save you from asking..

after ol deye here told me to BEND OVER BITCH .... bravo for him for having the balls to say such a thing to a woman like myself. Ha!
Then I got the thinking... and so there you have it..
 January 14, 2006, 19:35
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