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National "what" day???
I know that just about every day and every week is National "something" day/week, and I wanted to start posting them a single thread, but I've tried a few quick searches but can't find a good online source that lists all those obscure holidays and celebrations...anyone got a calendar or online source for this?
August 4, 2006, 08:34 |
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Re: National "what" day???
try googling "odd holidays"
August 4, 2006, 09:05 |
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Re: National "what" day???
Thanks, let me know whatcha find, Moonhowler sent me a good holiday link, but I'm having a little trouble navigating that site... I just need more coffee..
August 4, 2006, 09:07 |
54 / female Pawling, New York, US
Re: National "what" day???
OK for today you will be celebrating.......
Coast Guard Day
National chocolate chip day
Braham Pie day......
August 4, 2006, 09:14 |
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Re: National "what" day???
hey when is chocolate chip day, i'm up for that one
August 4, 2006, 09:18 |
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Re: National "what" day???
...and I thought everyday was chocolate chip day!
What's a Braham Pie, and is it made with chocolate chips? Do I need to google that?
August 4, 2006, 09:18 |
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Re: National "what" day???
May is National Masturbation Month
August 4, 2006, 09:36 |
54 / female Pawling, New York, US
Re: National "what" day???
This week its......
Simplify your life week!
August 4, 2006, 11:22 |
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Re: Re: National "what" day???
QUOTE (nykitten @ August 4, 2006, 11:22)This week its......
Simplify your life week!
Ha! We will all laugh and thumb our nose at that one!
August 4, 2006, 11:25 |
54 / female Pawling, New York, US
Re: National "what" day???
OK, I can't copy and paste all of this, so I have to write it all out....So here it goes....
This month we celebrate.....
National win with civility month
National Inventors month
National Immunization awareness month
Family meal month
Childrens' Vision & Learning month
Spinal Muscular Atrophy Awareness Month
Cataract awareness month
Childrens' Eye Health & Safety Month
Black Business Month
Get Ready for Kindergarten Month
And my favorite......
Happiness Happens Month!
August 4, 2006, 13:00 |
54 / female Pawling, New York, US
Re: National "what" day???
OK weekly celebrations for Aug......
Worlds breastfeeding week 1-7th
Simplify your life week 1-7th
National Fraud Awareness week 4-10th
Exhibitor Appreciation week 7-11th
Psychic Week 7-11th
Knights of Columbia Family week 7-13th
Don't Wait! Celebrate! 7-13th
Sturgis Bike Rally 7-13th
Elvis Week 8-16th
Thanks for All the Gifts Week 13-19th
National Resurrect Romance week 13-19th
Weird Contest week 14-18th
National Aviation Week 14-20th
Save Your Smile Week 20-26th
Be Kind To Humankind Week 25-30th
August 4, 2006, 13:19 |
54 / female Pawling, New York, US
Re: National "what" day???
I will make sure I write the daily ones as the day approaches....But since we missed the first few days I will write the list up until the 4th!
The 1st of Aug.....
Girlfriends Day
Lughnasa (I had to look that one up)
The Celtic harvest festival on August 1st takes place in Ireland,
Respect for Parents Day
Rounds Resounding Day
National Night Out
It comes to my attention that the next day with a celebration was today......So I will return with the next celebration on the proper day....
Until next time......
August 4, 2006, 13:27 |
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Re: Re: National "what" day???
QUOTE (nykitten @ August 4, 2006, 13:19)Worlds breastfeeding week 1-7th
Sturgis Bike Rally 7-13th
you'd think these two would be the same week but who am I to arue against two weeks of boobs.
flash them one week shake'em the next
August 4, 2006, 13:27 |
54 / female Pawling, New York, US
Re: Re: Re: National "what" day???
QUOTE (boredcountryboy @ August 4, 2006, 13:27) QUOTE (nykitten @ August 4, 2006, 13:19)Worlds breastfeeding week 1-7th
Sturgis Bike Rally 7-13th
you'd think these two would be the same week but who am I to arue against two weeks of boobs.
flash them one week  shake'em the next
Good one!
August 4, 2006, 13:35 |
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Re: National "what" day???
The Celtic harvest festival on August 1st takes place in Ireland
I wanna go!!!
August 4, 2006, 13:57 |
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Re: National "what" day???
Damn, missed it!
August 4, 2006, 13:58 |
54 / female Pawling, New York, US
Re: Re: National "what" day???
QUOTE (Chazzy @ August 4, 2006, 09:18)...and I thought everyday was chocolate chip day!
What's a Braham Pie, and is it made with chocolate chips? Do I need to google that?
Braham was named the "Homemade Pie Capital of Minnesota" by Gov. Rudy Perpich in 1990. Our fame for pie began in the 1930s and 40s when folks would drive to their lake homes, taking the "shortcut to Duluth through Braham." After driving from the Twin Cities they would stop at the Park Cafe for pie and coffee.
August 4, 2006, 14:04 |
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Re: Re: National "what" day???
QUOTE (MoonHowler @ August 4, 2006, 13:58)Damn, missed it!
Ya got a whole year to plan on going to the next one!
August 4, 2006, 14:11 |
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Re: National "what" day???
I had gotten an email not too long about something similar to this, although I think I deleted it. Maybe I can still find it. I'll check it out soon enough and let you know if I found it or not.
August 4, 2006, 21:58 |
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Re: Re: National "what" day???
QUOTE (MoonHowler @ August 4, 2006, 13:57)The Celtic harvest festival on August 1st takes place in Ireland
I wanna go!!!
They harvest Celtics in Ireland?? Sounds inhumane
August 4, 2006, 23:23 |
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Re: National "what" day???
Bored,sober and lonely
August 4, 2006, 23:42 |
54 / female Pawling, New York, US
Re: National "what" day???
Today lets celebrate.....
Work like a Dog Day
National Gymnastic Day
National Mustard Day
Woman's Pro Football Day
August 5, 2006, 08:31 |
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Re: National "what" day???
lmao...would one of these days happen to be "get new glasses day?" look at your post nyk and thought the "childrens vision and health day" said "chickens vision and health day"....ummmm maybe that means it's time to fry the chicken..or bake it..or roast it...oh heck now I'm hungry
August 5, 2006, 11:59 |
54 / female Pawling, New York, US
Re: Re: National "what" day???
QUOTE (hotnsexy2 @ August 5, 2006, 11:59)lmao...would one of these days happen to be "get new glasses day?" look at your post nyk and thought the "childrens vision and health day" said "chickens vision and health day"....ummmm maybe that means it's time to fry the chicken..or bake it..or roast it...oh heck now I'm hungry
August 5, 2006, 12:19 |
54 / female Pawling, New York, US
Re: National "what" day???
Today's celebrations....
Friendship day
National Fresh Breath Day
National Kid's day
Psychic Sunday
Sisters' Day
August 6, 2006, 11:19 |
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Re: National "what" day???
anyone have a toothbrush i can borrow??
August 6, 2006, 11:19 |
56 / male The OC, California, US
Re: National "what" day???
Damnit damnit damnit...
On one calenadar I found that July 24 was National Coffee Day.
On another I found that July 24 was National Tequila Day.
Either way...I blew it on July 24. I sooooooooo could've gotten rip roaring drunk and stayed awake the whole time.
I need a new calendar.
August 6, 2006, 12:25 |
59 / couple Frozen Tundra, Minnesota, US
Re: National "what" day???
Well then, I have to say.
Happy friendship day to all our Friends on Web naughty.
August 6, 2006, 13:50 |
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Re: Re: National "what" day???
QUOTE (bikerchick69 @ August 6, 2006, 11:19)anyone have a toothbrush i can borrow?? I have a brand new one you can have!
August 6, 2006, 20:49 |
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Re: National "what" day???
08-07-06 is be nice to Studley Day!
August 6, 2006, 20:51 |
54 / female Pawling, New York, US
Re: National "what" day???
Today's Celebrations.......
Particularly Preposterous Packing Day
Professional Speakers Day
August 7, 2006, 09:35 |
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Re: National "what" day???
QUOTE (Chazzy @ August 4, 2006, 08:34)I know that just about every day and every week is National "something" day/week, and I wanted to start posting them a single thread, but I've tried a few quick searches but can't find a good online source that lists all those obscure holidays and celebrations...anyone got a calendar or online source for this?
It must be give stayhard43756 some head day
August 7, 2006, 09:37 |
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Re: National "what" day???
It's national "drool over a foreigner day!" ..... every day
August 7, 2006, 09:39 |
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Re: Re: National "what" day???
QUOTE (MoonHowler @ August 7, 2006, 09:39)
That the same as "hot for a brit" day??
August 7, 2006, 09:41 |
54 / female Pawling, New York, US
Re: Re: National "what" day???
QUOTE (MoonHowler @ August 7, 2006, 09:39)
I see that PP is doing his job!....
August 7, 2006, 09:43 |
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Re: Re: Re: National "what" day???
QUOTE (nykitten @ August 7, 2006, 09:43) QUOTE (MoonHowler @ August 7, 2006, 09:39)
I see that PP is doing his job!....
That would be "ga ga for a greek" day....
August 7, 2006, 09:45 |
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Re: Re: Re: Re: National "what" day???
QUOTE (Chazzy @ August 7, 2006, 09:45) QUOTE (nykitten @ August 7, 2006, 09:43) QUOTE (MoonHowler @ August 7, 2006, 09:39)
I see that PP is doing his job!....
That would be "ga ga for a greek" day....
Chaz, your mind scares me sometimes That's what I was gonna write next! lol
August 7, 2006, 09:53 |
54 / female Pawling, New York, US
Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: National "what" day???
QUOTE (MoonHowler @ August 7, 2006, 09:53) QUOTE (Chazzy @ August 7, 2006, 09:45) QUOTE (nykitten @ August 7, 2006, 09:43) QUOTE (MoonHowler @ August 7, 2006, 09:39)
I see that PP is doing his job!....
That would be "ga ga for a greek" day....
Chaz, your mind scares me sometimes  That's what I was gonna write next! lol
Ohhhhh Good one Chazzy!
August 7, 2006, 10:27 |
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Re: National "what" day???
OK, here's an dude for the three of you!
And a for moon who started it. I won't spank the other two cause I'm afraid they'll ask for more
August 8, 2006, 03:00 |
54 / female Pawling, New York, US
Re: National "what" day???
Today's celebrations.......
Happiness Happens Day
Sneak Some Zucchini On Your Neighbors Porch Night
August 8, 2006, 10:53 |
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Re: Re: National "what" day???
QUOTE (nykitten @ August 8, 2006, 10:53)
Sneak Some Zucchini On Your Neighbors Porch Night
Okay....I immediatly thought of kbateman's profile/ad when I read that one!
August 8, 2006, 10:56 |
54 / female Pawling, New York, US
Re: National "what" day???
Sorry, guys, didn't have access to the Internet yesterday....
However yesterday was celebrate...
National Underwear Day
Filipina-American Recognition Day
Veep day
August 10, 2006, 12:11 |
54 / female Pawling, New York, US
Re: National "what" day???
Today's Celabrations.....
National Duran Duran Appreciation Day
S'mores Day
August 10, 2006, 12:13 |
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Re: National "what" day???
MMMMM I can do s'mores!
August 10, 2006, 13:31 |
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Re: National "what" day???
I saw on Food Netword that February 21st is National Sticky Bun Day
Not to be confused with "BUNS!!!"
August 10, 2006, 13:42 |
80 / male phoenix, Arizona, US
Re: Re: National "what" day???
QUOTE (MoonHowler @ August 10, 2006, 13:42)I saw on Food Netword that February 21st is National Sticky Bun Day
Not to be confused with "BUNS!!!"
well if you only have one sticky bun, some didnt finish the job they started
August 10, 2006, 14:01 |
71 / male Vermillion, South Dakota, US
Re: Re: National "what" day???
QUOTE (ShyandSweet @ August 4, 2006, 09:18)hey when is chocolate chip day, i'm up for that one
everyday .... chocolate chips, white almond bark, and pretzels
see, there is NO fat in pretzels ....
makes a great combination ....
August 10, 2006, 21:17 |
54 / female Pawling, New York, US
Re: National "what" day???
Today's celebrations.....Technically its celebrated the 11- 13th
Kool-Aid Day
August 11, 2006, 10:34 |
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Re: Re: National "what" day???
QUOTE (nykitten @ August 11, 2006, 10:34)Today's celebrations.....Technically its celebrated the 11- 13th
Kool-Aid Day
Don't anyone do anything stupid to celebrate... like trying to run through a brick wall
August 11, 2006, 10:35 |
54 / female Pawling, New York, US
Re: National "what" day???
Aug 12th celebrations
International Youth Day
Eleanore Roosevelt Day
Elvis Presley Commemoration Day
Vinyl Record Day
National Garage Sale Day
August 14, 2006, 11:29 |