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A tip for the guys
A couple of weeks ago, my girlfriend said she wanted to Nair my nether region. Since I always shave anyway, I figured what the hell? BIG MISTAKE! Not that it hurt, but the next day, I went to take my briefs off and my sack was stuck to them. I literally had to peel them off! Ouch! I actually bled. After a shower, I powdered, just in case. No such luck. It happened everyday for over a week. And stupid me, when I read the container, it said "Not for use on male genitals". We laugh about it now, but believe me, at the time, it wasn't funny! So if that's ever proposed to you, RUN LIKE HELL!!!
July 11, 2006, 14:44 |
User no longer registered.
Re: A tip for the guys
QUOTE (freensleazy @ July 11, 2006, 14:44)A couple of weeks ago, my girlfriend said she wanted to Nair my nether region. Since I always shave anyway, I figured what the hell? BIG MISTAKE! Not that it hurt, but the next day, I went to take my briefs off and my sack was stuck to them. I literally had to peel them off! Ouch! I actually bled. After a shower, I powdered, just in case. No such luck. It happened everyday for over a week. And stupid me, when I read the container, it said "Not for use on male genitals". We laugh about it now, but believe me, at the time, it wasn't funny! So if that's ever proposed to you, RUN LIKE HELL!!!
That stuff isn't for use in FEMALE ..... um..... areas! What were you thinking, man?!!!
July 11, 2006, 14:50 |
80 / male phoenix, Arizona, US
Re: A tip for the guys
Now thats what i call a real pain in the "balls"
July 11, 2006, 15:14 |
User no longer registered.
Re: A tip for the guys
I shaved my crotch once with my electric razor, after clipping the pubes short first with sissors, and man I turned red and when I bathed I was in pain. Electric razors are only meant for the face guys. The pubic area is way too sensitive an area. I suffered from razor burn down there for a week. I have not shaved since. What is the least painful method of removing pubic hair?
July 11, 2006, 16:10 |
User no longer registered.
Re: Re: A tip for the guys
QUOTE (nineforu @ July 11, 2006, 16:10)I shaved my crotch once with my electric razor, after clipping the pubes short first with sissors, and man I turned red and when I bathed I was in pain. Electric razors are only meant for the face guys. The pubic area is way too sensitive an area. I suffered from razor burn down there for a week. I have not shaved since. What is the least painful method of removing pubic hair? I use that new Gillette Power Razor. I was abit nervous about using a blade but its better than an electric. Just used it this morning, never even a nick and no pain at all
July 11, 2006, 16:14 |
User no longer registered.
Re: A tip for the guys
Nair works fine as long as you don't leave the shit on for too long
July 11, 2006, 20:34 |
User no longer registered.
Re: A tip for the guys
Hubby uses nair and it works great with no pain - only leave on for 5-10 minutes and then make sure you shower after to get it all off!
Do NOT use on Female areas - hurts like hell!!
July 12, 2006, 00:17 |
59 / couple Frozen Tundra, Minnesota, US
Re: A tip for the guys
We also have used Nair. Ma was OK on the upper part, but not near the important stuff. She also used it on me. Not such a good idea either. It was only about two minutes and I was burning like hell. Now I only use my regular shaving gel and a twin blade razor. I don't leave the shaving gel on very long either. It's starts to burn after about 7 minutes or so. Hummm I wonder about electrolysis, no way. Bad thought!!!!
July 12, 2006, 01:48 |
55 / couple blythe, California, US
Re: A tip for the guys
July 12, 2006, 18:39 |
54 / female Pawling, New York, US
Re: A tip for the guys
They have this new thing out now called "Coolglide"
Hre is some info I found on it:
What is CoolGlide?
The CoolGlide system presents a revolution in hair removal. Using technology beyond that of other lasers, the CoolGlide can disable hundreds of hair follicles in less than one second, and promises long-lasting results for all skin types.
Our CoolGlide hair removal system is cleared for permanent hair reduction. It is a non-invasive laser specifically designed to eliminate undesired hair from all parts of the body. The CoolGlide system generates intense, long pulsed laser light through an actively-cooled handpiece. The laser effectively disables unwanted pigmented hair follicles, thus impairing their growth. The laser's cold handpiece is placed gently on the skin and glides along as pulses of light are delivered from the laser. When the light penetrates the skin, it selectively damages the root of the un-wanted hair.
The CoolGlide can remove hair from all parts of the body including the face, legs, arms, underarms, and back, as well as sensitive areas like the chest, nipples, and bikini line.
How does CoolGlide compare with other hair removal methods?
Shaving, waxing, and depilatory creams are all temporary methods which must be repeated on a frequent basis. Hair removal with CoolGlide offers longer lasting results.
How do CoolGlide treatments compare with electrolysis?
Electrolysis is a tedious, invasive and painful process that involves inserting a needle into each hair follicle and delivering an electrical charge to destroy them one at a time. Electrolysis often requires years of treatments at regular intervals. CoolGlide delivers non-invasive light energy to hundreds of hair follicles at one time. In just a few minutes, CoolGlide can effectively treat an area that would take over an hour with electrolysis.
What are CoolGlide treatments like?
CoolGlide's handpiece, as the name implies, cools and soothes your skin as it glides along. When the pulse of light is delivered, some patients experience a mild stinging or pinching sensation. No local anesthesia or pain medication is typically required. Some patients prefer a topical anesthetic when sensitive areas are treated.
What about side effects?
Slight reddening and local swelling of the skin, similar to a sunburn, may occur in some patients. These effects typically last 24 hours or less. In rare instances, blistering may occur. Consult with your medical professional for complete information on the benefits and risks of treatment.
Does skin color make a difference?
With CoolGlide's unique design we have the flexibility to treat all skin types. Before CoolGlide, tanned patients were denied treatment due to increased risk of undesireable side effects.
CoolGlide Excel's longer wavelength allows it to treat all skin tones, not just patients with light skin and dark hair. You can now be treated all year long, and don't have to wait for your tan to fade. While patients with fair skin still respond the best, medical studies have indicated that tanned patients can achieve hair reduction equal to that of non-tanned patients without undesireable side effects with the CoolGlide.
How many treatments are required?
The number of treatments you may require for optimal long-term benefits depend on the area you wish to have treated, the hair density and your hair's growth cycle. Your hair grows in cycles and many factors influence its growth. Age, ethnicity, weight, hormones, diet, medication and metabolism all play a part in your hair's location, thickness and resilience.
Are there any restrictions on my activity after treatment?
After your treatment, the area is cleansed and you can return to your normal activities immediately. Your physician may recommend that you use a specially formulated skin care product line or prescribe a skin care regimen especially formulated for your skin type. The use of sun screen is recommended on any treated areas exposed to the sun. As always, it is a good idea to limit your sun exposure.
July 14, 2006, 09:59 |
User no longer registered.
Re: A tip for the guys
>>Slight reddening and local swelling of the skin,>>
I can achieve this effect just fine without CoolGlide. 
July 14, 2006, 12:23 |
53 / male millville, New Jersey, US
Re: Re: A tip for the guys
QUOTE (HeBoy @ July 14, 2006, 12:23)>>Slight reddening and local swelling of the skin,>>
I can achieve this effect just fine without CoolGlide.
Yeah, Reddening? Swelling? And they call it "cool" glide?
July 14, 2006, 13:07 |
User no longer registered.
Re: A tip for the guys
The only time I did any shaving "down there" was a few years back for my vasectomy. Once was enough, I've got enough scars in other places from tools, so that's the last place I really want "tool" damage.
July 15, 2006, 10:40 |
User no longer registered.
Re: A tip for the guys
I used nair for a couple years, now I use Veet.
July 15, 2006, 15:06 |
User no longer registered.
Re: A tip for the guys
My god people! The bottles on these things warn you a dozen times not to use them on genitalia...
Yes, I have said the same, "Oh, how bad can it be," and tried it. Never again.
Wax and razor blades for me.
July 16, 2006, 12:45 |
User no longer registered.
Re: Re: A tip for the guys
QUOTE (kbateman @ July 16, 2006, 12:45)My god people! The bottles on these things warn you a dozen times not to use them on genitalia...
Yes, I have said the same, "Oh, how bad can it be," and tried it. Never again.
Wax and razor blades for me.
Jerking the hair out of your Labia Major seems more painfull than a tiny sting(only if you leave the product on to long) let alone the pulling and stretching of those sensitive little lips from the wax,,,
July 16, 2006, 18:01 |