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 Web Naughty Forums » General Discussion » More profile talk....


 User no longer registered.
More profile talk....
What do you think of some profiles? Does it intrique women or turn them off to see a married man state in his ad that his wife is frigid, or "he doesn't get what he needs at home"?
What do men think when they read a woman's profile that says something like "Pissed off at husband" or "He's cheating and I want to get back at him"? Does it just spell t-r-o-u-b-l-e ? Or make you think "Hey, I could get lucky with this one!"
What makes you decide to pass and keep looking, or make you add them on to your naughty list ?
Does seeing phrases like "Just want NSA" "looking for a fuck buddy " or "Just want to have one nite stands" fill your search criteria or make you think " I need to feel special and someone that will fuck anyone at anytime is just not for me" even though sex may be what you are looking for too?
What are some of the things you read in a profile text that make you click "next" or cause you think that a person is a good possiblity for making contact with?
 July 11, 2006, 10:15

 59 / couple
 Frozen Tundra, Minnesota, US
Re: More profile talk....
The animal instinct in me says "yes, an easy one". But the then of course, the more analytical side of me kicks in and says " hold on now, do you really want that kind of trouble?". Obviously, there more to it than we'll really know, when someone posts a profile as such as those being questioned. I really think that it's trouble brewing, and would be a good thing just to stay away from that. Hell I have enough to deal with, don't need any more.
 July 11, 2006, 12:34

 80 / male
 phoenix, Arizona, US
Re: More profile talk....
I get a laugh out of some of the profiles. Although some are very inviting and you say hmmmm, you know its not going to happen because even though it sounds great---you may not meet their criteria---based on age or location or type of person---. I have found that once you talk to some of the people in chat, they are really nothing like their profile--its all a front to catch your eye. I could name a few here, but would be basing it on my thoughts only as to what they are really like. Others however are exactly like their profile, and that could be good or bad depending on what your interest are. I find that some are very open and honest, while others hide their true emotions just to make friends and once they do you can sometimes get them to open up and be their true selves.
 July 11, 2006, 13:39

 User no longer registered.
Re: More profile talk....
I wish I could come up with better profiles. Mine tend toward boring.
 July 11, 2006, 17:52

 User no longer registered.
Re: More profile talk....
Well, revenge makes me run like the cops are after me so that's definantly a no-go. I actually have to get to know someone first, even a little bit, before progressing to the "next" stage so...I would guess some intelligence in their profile message would get me to stop and ponder. Contrary to popular belief, some men are very selective
 July 11, 2006, 18:58

 57 / male
 wild and wonderful, West Virginia, US
Re: More profile talk....
I agree with Jusfun I'm very selective when it comes to women.
 July 11, 2006, 20:58

 75 / male
 Center, Missouri, US
Re: More profile talk....
Well, Chazzy, I think you just described all the lying, deception and manipulation that goes into male-female relationships. It's a curse that we live with --- don't talk about it, for the love of pete, don't ever understand the rules of male/female sexuality and flirting and, thus here we are. No better than our primate ancestors emerging from the caves with erections and wet vaginas and no idea what to do with them.

I hope that all the lies that women told me made me wiser and I hope all the lies that men told you make you wiser. It's a long and arduous journey. Do I take anyone seriously --- especially women? I'm trying but I look for that little grain of truth. Profiles? I don't even bother with them. They're cute like high school girls that dot their "i"s with smiley faces. How sincere is that? It's a long process and just a profile thought out in advance is hardly the real person.

On the other hand, I've never had the experience of "finding" someone on the internet for sex or otherwise. Tonight I'm on one city, tomorrow I'm several hours airplane ride to the next and so on.

I do enjoy the thoughts, replying to them and seeing others reply, but that's the extent of service from places like this --- just testing thoughts and ideas. I'm at least thankful for that.
 July 11, 2006, 22:39

 User no longer registered.
Re: More profile talk....
The whole thing is kind of a toss-up all depends on each person, who they say they are and who they really are. Ive have went out with women dating them for several months spending hundreds of dollars some of them into the thousands with no sex just to find out I was being used for some reason or other, so as it stands now, I think it is very cool when a woman comes right out and says: Hey no strings attached, Im married and I just want a dicrete fuck buddy to spend some time with me and have fun together. That would be right up my alley,,,and knowing that I would go all out for her, but so far that has not happened to me either.
 July 13, 2006, 15:41

 Web Naughty Forums » General Discussion » More profile talk....

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