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The price of taking a walk on the beach
 Web Naughty Forums » General Discussion » The price of taking a walk on the beach


 User no longer registered.
The price of taking a walk on the beach
We me and the wife were vacationing this last weekend and took an evening walk on the beach with are little dog and got a ticket when we were having a nice walk....it was amazing cause the cop ran after us to give us our ticket we took our ticket but I was shocked when i called to find out how much it was seventy dollars if I pay in ten day wow no more walks with the romantic sunset with lassie for me
 July 10, 2006, 23:40

 User no longer registered.
Re: The price of taking a walk on the beach
I had the same thing happen, yaers ago, at 6 am on sunday morning taking my kids fishing, Although the parking lot was empty the officer gave me a ticket for using the municiple lot, and I did not have a municiple winow sticker, I explained that I lived in the county and the county does not sell stickers, only municipalities do! he was an A. Hole and said tell it to the judge, I just paid it because to loose 4 hrs work to be in court would have been more than the fine.
 July 10, 2006, 23:52

 59 / couple
 Frozen Tundra, Minnesota, US
Re: The price of taking a walk on the beach
Oh yes, the government boys, don't ya love it??
 July 11, 2006, 00:50

 41 / male
 Sayreville, New Jersey, US
Re: The price of taking a walk on the beach
Your lucky you didn't try to pee I had 6 police officers with flash lights pointing at me.......they thought I was a drug dealer xixi, then again the a.holes gave me a ticket for the ridiculous $300 damn it...
 July 11, 2006, 11:21

 53 / male
 millville, New Jersey, US
Re: The price of taking a walk on the beach
See the object is: You stay in your house. You Leave only to go to work, or make a purchase. You may choose to make all purchases online, via the internet, and, additionally, opt to work from home, thus negating the opportunity for ANY other human contact, whatsoever, And replacing it all with warm, fuzzy...isolation. So be a good little gear, and earn and spend, earn and spend...Just don't try to go out that door...Somebody owns everything out there. And they are watching! (My paranoid rhetoric for the day.)BUT DAMNIT, its true...
 July 11, 2006, 11:30

 User no longer registered.
Re: The price of taking a walk on the beach
Here in Missouri, due to the low life meth makers, you can't even go shop at Walmart without running a risk of being reported, stopped, searched, and for some, even jailed over common household purchases in your shopping bags along with your legal limit of allergy pills....
No one at the check out will tell you...."hmmmmm I see you have sudaphed, kitty litter, coffee filters, rubbing alcohol, potting soil, paint thinner,....hope ya got bail money, cuz I'm calling the hotline as soon as you head for that exit door!"
Never mind that you also have in your cart, coffee to go with those filters, cat food not just cat litter, paint and brushes, not just paint thinner, plants and pots, not just potting soil, and nasal spray, not just suda-phed.
No where do any employess or stores have any warnings for you that purchasing any combination of three common items that happen to be on the meth watch list could ruin you life or at least cost you a great inconvienince.
The news often carries stories of regular folk, who found themselves and thier cars parked on the side of the road, getting everthing torn apart and searched.
It's the price we pay for living in the state of tweakers....
 July 11, 2006, 11:45

 59 / couple
 Frozen Tundra, Minnesota, US
Re: The price of taking a walk on the beach
Oh Chazzy, you have no idea how big that price is. It is actually staggering. But as for being pulled over and having your vehicle searched? Boy oh boy that sounds like they have crossed the line of unreasonable search and seizure, ya know one of those constitutional amendments thingys. Do you know has anyone pushed this in the court system. I know I would be like steaming fricking mad. And with my big mouth, I would end up in the county lock-up.
 July 11, 2006, 13:02

 User no longer registered.
Re: The price of taking a walk on the beach
  QUOTE (bulrfush @ July 10, 2006, 23:40)
We me and the wife were vacationing this last weekend and took an evening walk on the beach with are little dog and got a ticket when we were having a nice walk....it was amazing cause the cop ran after us to give us our ticket we took our ticket but I was shocked when i called to find out how much it was seventy dollars if I pay in ten day wow no more walks with the for romantic sunset with lassie for me

Could of been worse...just think if your dog would have crapped on the beach...you could have got life with no parole...

 July 11, 2006, 14:05

 User no longer registered.
Re: The price of taking a walk on the beach
At our walmart the other day I saw the lady in front of me get carded for purchasing bleach - the DOB had to be entered into the computer before scanning anything else!

And what is wrong with walking on the beach???
 July 12, 2006, 00:03

 59 / couple
 Frozen Tundra, Minnesota, US
Re: Re: The price of taking a walk on the beach
  QUOTE (CKTC @ July 12, 2006, 00:03)
At our walmart the other day I saw the lady in front of me get carded for purchasing bleach - the DOB had to be entered into the computer before scanning anything else!

And what is wrong with walking on the beach???

Come on now. You could mess up the sand.
 July 12, 2006, 02:57

 User no longer registered.
Re: Re: The price of taking a walk on the beach
  QUOTE (Chazzy @ July 11, 2006, 11:45)
Here in Missouri, due to the low life meth makers, you can't even go shop at Walmart without running a risk of being reported, stopped, searched, and for some, even jailed over common household purchases in your shopping bags along with your legal limit of allergy pills....
No one at the check out will tell you...."hmmmmm I see you have sudaphed, kitty litter, coffee filters, rubbing alcohol, potting soil, paint thinner,....hope ya got bail money, cuz I'm calling the hotline as soon as you head for that exit door!"
Never mind that you also have in your cart, coffee to go with those filters, cat food not just cat litter, paint and brushes, not just paint thinner, plants and pots, not just potting soil, and nasal spray, not just suda-phed.
No where do any employess or stores have any warnings for you that purchasing any combination of three common items that happen to be on the meth watch list could ruin you life or at least cost you a great inconvienince.
The news often carries stories of regular folk, who found themselves and thier cars parked on the side of the road, getting everthing torn apart and searched.
It's the price we pay for living in the state of tweakers....

I do know very well about the meth thing my wife makes soaps and lotions for a living and we have to buy a lot of lye and that a big ingredient in meth go Threw that a lot
 July 12, 2006, 11:33

 75 / male
 Center, Missouri, US
Re: The price of taking a walk on the beach
You just have to say "no" when these things happen. I've watched our freedoms eroding away now for several years and I'm old enough to know that I can probably pay the bail, likely not to lose my job, but most of all, they're my rights and you have to stand up for them once in a while.

I say "no" when they ask for my phone number when I check out at a store (yes, some stores do that) and if they're trained to tell it's just for surveys, I ask them if they want to take my money or I can get it elsewhere. I've had two "run-ins" with the TSA about items that I had carried for years (extra PDA stylus for example) and refused to give them up. I won both times.

The point is, we won't have any freedoms left if we continue to let them take them. I was less than assertive about things when I was younger so I understand, but I guess age makes you say "what the hell" it's fun to jerk these ---holes around. Most of them are so stupid, you can tie them in knots when it comes to rational argument.
 July 12, 2006, 22:08

 User no longer registered.
Re: Re: The price of taking a walk on the beach
  QUOTE (funlovingpair @ July 11, 2006, 13:02)
Oh Chazzy, you have no idea how big that price is. It is actually staggering. But as for being pulled over and having your vehicle searched? Boy oh boy that sounds like they have crossed the line of unreasonable search and seizure, ya know one of those constitutional amendments thingys. Do you know has anyone pushed this in the court system. I know I would be like steaming fricking mad. And with my big mouth, I would end up in the county lock-up.

I PM'd ya with a link for a newstory.
 July 13, 2006, 07:39

 User no longer registered.
Re: The price of taking a walk on the beach
FLP - Uh huh!! - By making it wetter!
 July 13, 2006, 13:01

 User no longer registered.
Re: Re: The price of taking a walk on the beach
  QUOTE (doneff @ July 11, 2006, 11:21)
Your lucky you didn't try to pee I had 6 police officers with flash lights pointing at me.......they thought I was a drug dealer xixi, then again the a.holes gave me a ticket for the ridiculous $300 damn it...

But im sure you've learned your lesson baby... but dang i'd laugh my ass off if i'd see it..
 July 15, 2006, 01:45

 Web Naughty Forums » General Discussion » The price of taking a walk on the beach

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