User no longer registered.
Public use of cell phones...
So where do you stand on this?
Are you someone that has their cellphone to thier ear and constantly chattering away at the grocery store, in your car, in lobbies, etc...or one that finds public cell phone gabbers kinda annoying?
Do you drive while dialing and talking, or pull over and park?
I will say, I was amazed recently, at how many people in a hospital emergency waiting room, whipped out a cell phone to answer it or make a call, while sitting there directly under a sign stating that cell phone use was prohibited!
July 7, 2006, 13:46 |
User no longer registered.
Re: Public use of cell phones...
BTW...there are very, very good reasons as to why cell phones are prohibited in hospitals.
July 7, 2006, 13:57 |
64 / couple lake elsinore, California, US
Re: Public use of cell phones...
i only use mine when absolutely necessary, work, or emergencies. it does bug me when ppl drive around with a cell phone glued to their heads and drive like crap, as if they own the road and should be excused because they are too busy on the phone.
July 7, 2006, 14:16 |
User no longer registered.
Re: Public use of cell phones...
I will NOT talk on the cell phone when I'm driving. If it rings, I let my daughter get it. If I'm alone, I wait till I stop somewhere and call them back. I can't stand it when someone gets up to the cashier at the store and is talking on the cell phone. That is the ultimate in rude!!!
Just my 2 cents
July 7, 2006, 14:27 |
User no longer registered.
Re: Public use of cell phones...
seldom even turn mine on anymore. If it is that important, the wil leave a messege. Never have it in a restaurant for the same reason.
July 7, 2006, 14:39 |
User no longer registered.
Re: Public use of cell phones...
When I was working, I was in the retail business. I had so many complaints on me because I would NOT wait on a customer who was talking on their cell phone. I see it as rude and disrespectful to me. I am sure they wouldn't like it if they came up to pay for their things and I was blabbering away on a phone, so I demanded the same respect. They would come up talking away and I would lean to the side and ask the next customer who wasn't too busy if they were ready to pay. When the first customer would get mad I would simply say, "when you are not so busy and you can show some respect then I will wait on you, until then I can wait on the others." 90% of the time they would either hang up or put the phone down.
As far as drivers and phones, I hate it with a passion. There are too many accidents that are caused by people not paying attention because of the damn phone. It just really scares me with these kids just getting their license and talking on a cell phone when they can barely drive as it is. There was a thing done around here that has proven (scientifically, of course) that driving while talking on a cell phone is more distracting and dangerous than driving legally intoxicated (which is .08 here).
Just my 2 cents worth. I am trying to get as much posting in as I can while I have the time. I know I will go through withdrawals when I am away.
July 7, 2006, 15:07 |
User no longer registered.
Re: Public use of cell phones...
I hate a cellphone. And I want to get a big electronic sign to put on my truck for all those idiots that think they can drive and talk at the same time that says "that's not a phone booth you're driving". I wish the cops would start enforcing that law at least
July 7, 2006, 15:26 |
User no longer registered.
Re: Public use of cell phones...
I don't mind a cell phone in a store, when the converstiona is "They don't have that, what else should I get instead?" or "I'm running late, hon, grabbing something for supper, can you go pick up the kids?" Those are usually brief low key conversations.
It's the rudeness of the loud talking, gossiping, chit chat people that annoys me... and talking on the phone while driving a car is just freakin' crazy!
July 7, 2006, 15:29 |
User no longer registered.
Re: Public use of cell phones...
My thing is, we got along just fine without them for eons so what's so different now? First, they were a novelty which was fine. Now....people act like they'd die without one. Plus, my own opinion is that they have killed social interaction. Before, if you wanted to talk to a friend, you went and visited. Now, it's a quick hello, how you doing, and a hang up.
July 7, 2006, 15:38 |
52 / male aberdeen, Scotland, UK
Re: Re: Public use of cell phones...
QUOTE (largocpl1 @ July 7, 2006, 15:07)When I was working, I was in the retail business. I had so many complaints on me because I would NOT wait on a customer who was talking on their cell phone. I see it as rude and disrespectful to me. I am sure they wouldn't like it if they came up to pay for their things and I was blabbering away on a phone, so I demanded the same respect. They would come up talking away and I would lean to the side and ask the next customer who wasn't too busy if they were ready to pay. When the first customer would get mad I would simply say, "when you are not so busy and you can show some respect then I will wait on you, until then I can wait on the others." 90% of the time they would either hang up or put the phone down.
As far as drivers and phones, I hate it with a passion. There are too many accidents that are caused by people not paying attention because of the damn phone. It just really scares me with these kids just getting their license and talking on a cell phone when they can barely drive as it is. There was a thing done around here that has proven (scientifically, of course) that driving while talking on a cell phone is more distracting and dangerous than driving legally intoxicated (which is .08 here).
Just my 2 cents worth. I am trying to get as much posting in as I can while I have the time. I know I will go through withdrawals when I am away.
driving while on your phone is against the law here now, even just sitting in your car while talking on your phone is banned, you have to use hands free kit now if u want to use it
July 7, 2006, 15:50 |
User no longer registered.
Re: Public use of cell phones...
i dont even always answer mine while sitting alone in my house. LOL
but yes the people who leave their phones on and have loud annoying "rings" while in stores etc bug the hell out of me... where is the common curtousy for those around you? and to the arrogant ones who actually cause a traffic jam at the register because they're having a conversation on the phone and cant comprehend the idea of actually waiting the 3 minutes till they're outside is beyond me.
but then I'm odd and just have a natural hatred for phones all together.
July 7, 2006, 16:03 |
User no longer registered.
Re: Public use of cell phones...
OK...I'm a cell phone addicted person. I am always in touch with friends and family...I try not to have conversations in stores but my cell phone is always with me...I answer it all the time...I drive with it (via hands free set). I'm one of those people you all hate....so...shoot me...lol
July 7, 2006, 17:09 |
59 / couple Frozen Tundra, Minnesota, US
Re: Public use of cell phones...
I also have my phone with at all times. I do not always answer when it rings. It is the only phone I have. And there is times when you need the phone when you are driving. My opinion
July 7, 2006, 21:20 |
41 / male Sayreville, New Jersey, US
Re: Public use of cell phones...
You want to use your cellphone in the car? Get a handsfree device! You wanna chat in while gorcery shopping? Go outside or just stay on the side. However I use mine a lot cuz of my job, otherwise I tend to pick up, I have ppl calling me at 2 in the morning, can't you just wait till morning
July 8, 2006, 02:11 |
User no longer registered.
Re: Public use of cell phones...
I dont really like talkin on the phone much, i'll keep it to brief as much as possible and hang up. Although its kinda hard sometimes when my friends love to chit chat about little stuff. At work, the girls get a bit annoyed (in a jokingly manner) that I'm always on my phone texting. They asked why not just call him, etc? Guess I'm just weird like that.
When working in retailing I had customers like that, that would come through my line and keep jabbering as in its no big deal and it doesn't bother anyone. Only wish I would've had enough guts to tell somone like who mentioned earlier about them being on the phone going thru the checkout line.
Thing that drives me a bit bonkers is when people are talking on the phone... in the BATHROOM while sitting on the toilet! Kind of a weird thing because if you're sitting there in one stall trying to take a shit or what have you, in the next stall is some chick gossiping about their friends, families, etc.
July 8, 2006, 10:53 |
54 / female Pawling, New York, US
Re: Re: Public use of cell phones...
QUOTE (Chazzy @ July 7, 2006, 13:57)BTW...there are very, very good reasons as to why cell phones are prohibited in hospitals.
This is true, but I noticed the other day while in the hospital with my husband that they are allowed now......At least in our hospital....Last I knew you couldn't use them, but they have changed the rules around here since then.......
However, I only use my phone when I have too.....I just don't call to gab, unless Im home.....
As a matter of fact, I hate the phone so much, I don't even have a home phone anymore!
July 8, 2006, 14:19 |
User no longer registered.
Re: Public use of cell phones...
WTF?? Caught a little bit of a news report that a certain percentage of you cell phone users are faking it?
When out in public you just "pretend" to be talking to someone on your cell phone?
Maybe...just maybe I might be able to see a reason like...you see someone approaching, you don't want to talk to so you pretend your answering your phone so you can skim by with just a nod and a wave? Maybe I could see that...but just to make yourself look like a busy, important or popular person? That's just sad.
July 24, 2006, 06:46 |
59 / couple Frozen Tundra, Minnesota, US
Re: Public use of cell phones...
I haven't had a home land line for more than 2 years. Everything is done from the cell phone. When I at the hospital, they have certain area that for cell phone use. They have signs all over saying no cells phone use in rooms. But we have to keep ours on and ready, just in case work has to get a hold of us, or for emergency use.
July 24, 2006, 10:39 |
User no longer registered.
Re: Public use of cell phones...
well basically i only use my cellphones in discreet places not to bother people's business. i mean sanctity and privacy of others must be respected at all times.
July 25, 2006, 05:15 |
User no longer registered.
Re: Re: Public use of cell phones...
QUOTE (funlovingpair @ July 24, 2006, 10:39)I haven't had a home land line for more than 2 years. Everything is done from the cell phone.  When I at the hospital, they have certain area that for cell phone use. They have signs all over saying no cells phone use in rooms. But we have to keep ours on and ready, just in case work has to get a hold of us, or for emergency use.
I've seen people using cell phones in hospital rooms, hospital corridors, and emergency room lobbies, and all these places have clear signs with large print stating that cell phones are prohibited in these areas, in spite of that, people are answering and making calls.
I've heard the reason hospitals prohibit the use of cell phones in those areas because cell phones use radio waves, and these waves can interfer with hospital equipment and pacemakers.
July 25, 2006, 05:31 |
User no longer registered.
Re: Re: Public use of cell phones...
QUOTE (bikerchick69 @ July 8, 2006, 10:53)I dont really like talkin on the phone much, i'll keep it to brief as much as possible and hang up. Although its kinda hard sometimes when my friends love to chit chat about little stuff. At work, the girls get a bit annoyed (in a jokingly manner) that I'm always on my phone texting. They asked why not just call him, etc? Guess I'm just weird like that.
When working in retailing I had customers like that, that would come through my line and keep jabbering as in its no big deal and it doesn't bother anyone. Only wish I would've had enough guts to tell somone like who mentioned earlier about them being on the phone going thru the checkout line.
Thing that drives me a bit bonkers is when people are talking on the phone... in the BATHROOM while sitting on the toilet! Kind of a weird thing because if you're sitting there in one stall trying to take a shit or what have you, in the next stall is some chick gossiping about their friends, families, etc.
I have been in that situation in the public BATHROOM, where you are doing your business, and concentrating, and all of the sudden you think they are talking to you. That freaks me out, you feel like they are right in the same stall as you, then you really feel an embarrassment.
July 25, 2006, 08:56 |
User no longer registered.
Re: Public use of cell phones...
I was in the pharmacy pickin' up some prescriptions the other day when in walks a man..... talkin' to himself? to the cashier?..... I wasn't sure at first. He was on a "hands free" device. That really chapped my hide. Me and the cashier lady looked at each other and shook our heads
July 25, 2006, 13:41 |
User no longer registered.
Re: Public use of cell phones...
Myself, I have been known on several occasions to tell people to "get the f*** off the phone, you aint that damn important", especially when they are holding up the check out line!
Female Lev
July 25, 2006, 13:46 |
User no longer registered.
Re: Public use of cell phones...
rarely use my cell phone.it annoys the me, i see people who just left there house on the cell phone is your life that busy, phone calls where a way to stop and take a breath from your life, enjoy hearing from a friend now your on the run, thinking of a dozen other things instead of giving your full attention to the person on the other end
July 25, 2006, 13:57 |
User no longer registered.
Re: Public use of cell phones...
I really get annoyed if a sales clerk is having a private conversation on a cell phone at the same time they are checking out my purchases, aside from just being rude, it interferres with me needing to ask for things behind the counter, or help with something I couldn't find on my own, etc...and it slows down the check out process, meaning more people standing in line for a longer time.
July 28, 2006, 05:26 |
59 / couple Frozen Tundra, Minnesota, US
Re: Re: Re: Public use of cell phones...
QUOTE (Chazzy @ July 25, 2006, 05:31) QUOTE (funlovingpair @ July 24, 2006, 10:39)I haven't had a home land line for more than 2 years. Everything is done from the cell phone.  When I at the hospital, they have certain area that for cell phone use. They have signs all over saying no cells phone use in rooms. But we have to keep ours on and ready, just in case work has to get a hold of us, or for emergency use.
I've seen people using cell phones in hospital rooms, hospital corridors, and emergency room lobbies, and all these places have clear signs with large print stating that cell phones are prohibited in these areas, in spite of that, people are answering and making calls.
I've heard the reason hospitals prohibit the use of cell phones in those areas because cell phones use radio waves, and these waves can interfer with hospital equipment and pacemakers.
They can and do interfer with the telemetry equipment that hospitals use. But it's more because of your proximity to the equipment, not that its the radio waves, as they are always present everywhere you are.
July 28, 2006, 07:44 |
User no longer registered.
Re: Public use of cell phones...
Thanks for explaining that, flp...I'm no techie, but I'm happy to learn anything from reliable sources!
July 28, 2006, 08:13 |
60 / male Bowl of Granola, Massachusetts, US
Re: Public use of cell phones...
This is kind of funny... I was in a bar and the bartender immediately asked me what I wanted. After getting a beer, she went down to the other side of the bar to talk to some of the other patrons. When I was finished, I asked for another one. She kept blowing me off, so I called the bar, knowing she'd answer the phone. I asked her for another and she slammed the phone down, yelling at me for interupting her conversation. I just got up and left without paying, telling her to hit re-dial when she wasn't so busy. I called the bar owner and told him of my plight. He called her, and I guess she yelled at him, thinking it was me. I guess that was the last time she ignored another customer...
July 28, 2006, 14:26 |
54 / female Pawling, New York, US
Re: Re: Public use of cell phones...
QUOTE (GentleGiant388 @ July 28, 2006, 14:26)This is kind of funny... I was in a bar and the bartender immediately asked me what I wanted. After getting a beer, she went down to the other side of the bar to talk to some of the other patrons. When I was finished, I asked for another one. She kept blowing me off, so I called the bar, knowing she'd answer the phone. I asked her for another and she slammed the phone down, yelling at me for interupting her conversation. I just got up and left without paying, telling her to hit re-dial when she wasn't so busy. I called the bar owner and told him of my plight. He called her, and I guess she yelled at him, thinking it was me. I guess that was the last time she ignored another customer...
Now that was a good one!
July 28, 2006, 15:13 |
User no longer registered.
Re: Public use of cell phones...
Ran across this ad on the internet this morning....
So silly....
free popularity dialer
Have you ever been in a situation where you wished your cell phone would ring? Maybe you wanted to look extra important or popular on that hot date. Or maybe you just needed an excuse to escape from an unpleasant meeting.
With "The Popularity Dialer", you can plan ahead. Via a web interface, you can choose to have your phone called at a particular time (or several times). At the elected time, your phone will be dialed and you will hear a prerecorded message that's one half of a conversation. Thus, you will be prompted to have a fake conversation and will easily fool those around you.
Click on the options below to listen to the call you will receive when you use the dialer:
August 8, 2006, 04:47 |
User no longer registered.
Re: Re: Public use of cell phones...
QUOTE (Chazzy @ August 8, 2006, 04:47)Ran across this ad on the internet this morning....
So silly....
free popularity dialer
Have you ever been in a situation where you wished your cell phone would ring? Maybe you wanted to look extra important or popular on that hot date. Or maybe you just needed an excuse to escape from an unpleasant meeting.
With "The Popularity Dialer", you can plan ahead. Via a web interface, you can choose to have your phone called at a particular time (or several times). At the elected time, your phone will be dialed and you will hear a prerecorded message that's one half of a conversation. Thus, you will be prompted to have a fake conversation and will easily fool those around you.
Click on the options below to listen to the call you will receive when you use the dialer:
I realty need this. Nothing like paying someone to send spam to my phone.
August 8, 2006, 06:24 |