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Going around in a circle and repeating certain "cycles"...I do have this strong belief that we all do it, but are we aware of it in ourselves, or is something we can only see in others? For me, it really seems that seeing the repeating cycles in someone else, is the most effective way I have of seeing them in my life and history, and recognizing them is of course, the only way to "break" them.
As tons of others, I grew up in a dysfunctional family, there was some abuse inside and outside the home that I was forced to deal with from my very early toddler years.
No need to go any furter into that.
This being part of me from my earliest memories, it wasn't till much, much later on that I recognized a circle or cycle of behaviour that stems directly from this history of mine.
Being surrounded day and nite, by persons with rage, emotional problems, just constant turmoil...left me with something that should be, and I've always considered a good and noble charateristic...tolerance of others.
But this high tolerance level also spun off a self destructive cycle I spent the better part of my life repeating.
I tolerate too much....every failed relationship and marriage was because I could not see things, habits, personality flaws and differences as a warning signal, I overlook these things too easily, hell, don't even see 'em, which means I would end up with a very incompatable person being a huge part of my life, and I tolerate them too long.
So...now, do you see anything in yourself, a pattern, a repeating history, a cycle? Do you recognize your cycle, but not sure why you keep repeating it? Do you find yourself wondering "Why does this always happen to me?"
but just haven't a clue as to what the answer to that may be?
July 5, 2006, 09:15 |
User no longer registered.
Re: Circles....
I find that I get involved in online relationships quite easily and I seem to keep looking for more of them. After awhile these relationsips break down and then in a few months they return. I had a relationship with a woman from Ontario and we had a big fight after about 5 months and she told me not to contact her ever again so I never. Three weeks later she phoned me and wanted to be back in my life. She said that she could not continue without my presence even though it was only online. We had resumed and continued our online relationship until just last week when we had another big spat. This time she said that she was through with me. I have not heard from her since. We had been online with each other for over a year and we had developed such a loving bond. I will not get into details of what caused the break ups but the fault lies with both of us. It always takes two to fight and no one person is at fault.
I also had other online relationships during this time and one other had also come to an abrupt end last week but she is still communicating but we have not talked to any great length since the break up.
The other relationships that I have online are mostly with friends ranging from other parts of Canada, the USA, the UK, Europe, Australia, Asia and several from Africa. Some of these come and go for weeks to months leave and then return. Some have not returned while others return for the third to fourth times.
I am finding my friends on WN are much more understanding and very helpful. I am very happy that I found this site.
July 5, 2006, 12:45 |
59 / male wilkes-barre, Pennsylvania, US
Re: Circles....
round and round and round she goes and where she stops nobody knows. It's interesting to recognize the circles or cycles in life .Not only do we go in circles but the world itself is also going in circles.all the planets circle the sun. the moons circle the planets.Even our ca lander which seems to start at one point (Jan) and end at another (Dec). is actually a cycle. Even life and death is a cycle.
But the important question is where does it all start?
Obviously it starts NOW.
It's ingrained in are common sense that the present is the result of the past. (cause and effect). But I like to turn it around and say that THE PAST IS THE RESULT OF THE PRESENT.
Lets suppose that this universe stated with a big bang as some cosmologists believe. Now when that bang happened, it was the present. And so the universe began in what we will call a NOW moment, then it goes on doing its stuff.When any event that we now call the past came into being, it came into being in the PRESENT and out of the PRESENT. And it is in the present and only the present that you have the ability to change and make decision that will determine the past.
July 20, 2006, 07:17 |
71 / male Vermillion, South Dakota, US
Re: Re: Circles....
QUOTE (heretopleaseyou @ July 20, 2006, 07:17)round and round and round she goes and where she stops nobody knows. It's interesting to recognize the circles or cycles in life .Not only do we go in circles but the world itself is also going in circles.all the planets circle the sun. the moons circle the planets.Even our ca lander which seems to start at one point (Jan) and end at another (Dec). is actually a cycle. Even life and death is a cycle.
But the important question is where does it all start?
Obviously it starts NOW.
It's ingrained in are common sense that the present is the result of the past. (cause and effect). But I like to turn it around and say that THE PAST IS THE RESULT OF THE PRESENT.
Lets suppose that this universe stated with a big bang as some cosmologists believe. Now when that bang happened, it was the present. And so the universe began in what we will call a NOW moment, then it goes on doing its stuff.When any event that we now call the past came into being, it came into being in the PRESENT and out of the PRESENT. And it is in the present and only the present that you have the ability to change and make decision that will determine the past.
your post reminded me of this quote...
"The future is not a result of choices among alternative paths offered by the present, but a place that is created--created first in the mind and will, created next in activity. The future is not some place we are going to, but one we are creating. The paths are not to be found, but made, and the activity of making them, changes both the maker and the destination."
August 4, 2006, 23:25 |
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