59 / male wilkes-barre, Pennsylvania, US
the thinker and the thought
while you are watching your present experience, are you aware of SOMEONE watching it? Can you find in addition to the experience itself, an experiencer? Can you, at the same time, read THIS sentence and think about yourself reading it? You will find that, to think about yourself reading it, you must for a brief second stop reading. The first experience is reading.The second experience is the thought "I am reading". Can you find any thinker, who is thinking the thought, "I am reading?". When present experience is the thought "I am reading", can you think about yourself thinking this thought?
Once again, you must stop thinking just, "I am reading". You pass to a third experience, which is the thought, "I am thinking that I am reading". Do not let the rapidity with which these thoughts can change deceive you into feeling that you think them all at once.
But what has happened? Never at any time were you able to separate yourself from present thought, or your present experience. The present experience was reading. When you tried to think about yourself reading, the experience changed, and the next experience was the thought "I am reading". You could not separate yourself from this experience without passing on to another. It was "ring around the rosy". When you were thinking, "I am reading this sentence", you were not reading it. In other words, in each present experience you were NEVER AWARE OF BEING AWARE. You were never able to separate the THINKER FROM THE THOUGHT, THE KNOWER FROM THE KNOWN. All you ever found was a new thought, a new experience.
To be aware then, is to be aware of thoughts, feelings sensations, desires, and all other forms of experience. Never at any time are you aware of any thing which is NOT experience, not a thought, or feeling, but instead an experiencer, thinker, or feeler. If this is so, what makes us think that any such thing exists?
June 30, 2006, 08:38 |
64 / couple lake elsinore, California, US
Re: the thinker and the thought
ooooooh, that was deep!
here's one for you ~ it's an anagram and can be read forward & backwards: amanaplanacanalpanama
pretty deep, huh?
July 2, 2006, 22:46 |