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 Web Naughty Forums » General Discussion » Dreamscapes!


 User no longer registered.
Well i screwed up and put a reply in another topic instead of making a new one! But anyway...
I had a dream that was quite disturbing...I'm a very vivid dreamer, and I remember at least one a night.I don't know if this is already a topic because i never get through all 64 pages of General disc. Well, a bunch of us from WB were in an old shack in the woods, talking and mingling, and these people outside (whom we can't really see, just shadows) were taunting us and caught the shack on fire...Scared me shitless because we couldn't get out! no joke...What do you think this means, if anything, and what strange dreams have you had lately?
 June 29, 2006, 11:42

 80 / male
 phoenix, Arizona, US
Re: Dreamscapes!
It means you and mrs blue had better stop shacking up in groups.----lol --especially in a woody shack--hehe
you are making to much noise and waking the spirits of dead indians duhhhhh
 June 29, 2006, 12:25

 User no longer registered.
Re: Dreamscapes!
Ask Moonhowler about your dream, she has a thread here about interpeting dreams for ya'all...

My guess is...ya'al are still kinda new here, and although you are enjoying allot of new friends and they are enjoying you, you're still a little concerned about be too active or too public here, afraid of offending someone, or concerned that there are others here that won't like you, like a subconscience fear?

Could be that, but I hope not...you won't find a friendlier place on the internet or the "real world"!
We luv ya!

 June 29, 2006, 15:34

 User no longer registered.
Re: Dreamscapes!
  QUOTE (Bluevortex @ June 29, 2006, 11:42)
Well i screwed up and put a reply in another topic instead of making a new one! But anyway...
I had a dream that was quite disturbing...I'm a very vivid dreamer, and I remember at least one a night.I don't know if this is already a topic because i never get through all 64 pages of General disc. Well, a bunch of us from WB were in an old shack in the woods, talking and mingling, and these people outside (whom we can't really see, just shadows) were taunting us and caught the shack on fire...Scared me shitless because we couldn't get out! no joke...What do you think this means, if anything, and what strange dreams have you had lately?

Well if you were with a bunch of people from the WB..(the Warner Brothers network) I'm sure it was a nightmare, from the shows we've seen. Now WN people would be a different story..

 June 29, 2006, 17:09

 User no longer registered.
Re: Dreamscapes!
A building on fire, although an image of destruction, may have a positive meaning. As a symbol of liberation, a building fire could urge dreamers to eliminate dead wood blocking new paths to progress.

This one's too funny

Forest or wood:
The darkness and dense concentration of trees and plants make of the forest an eloquent symbol of the unconscious and its concealed impulses. Jung sees in the fear of penetrating the forest the dreamer's anxiety about what the unconscious mind might reveal. For Freud, more literally, that penetration is a sexual act, the tangled vegetation a symbol of pubic hair.

Fear of the unseen:
Not knowing who or what is out there in the darkness is perhaps the most universal of all anxiety dreams. It is experienced particularly frequently among people embarking on a course of psychoanalysis or any other therapy that will reveal hitherto unexamined areas of the self. Like conscious terror of the dark, such dreams may be rooted in ancient fear acquired when our primordial ancestors were prey to large, nocturnal carnivores.

The Jungian archetype of the shadow represents the darker, primal aspect that is inherent in every person. The shadow can never be eliminated, but the prejudices and other potentially destructive urges that it represents are a lifelong challenge, less likely to overwhelm us the more we are prepared to confront them.

 June 30, 2006, 09:28

 Web Naughty Forums » General Discussion » Dreamscapes!

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