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 Web Naughty Forums » General Discussion » Solicitors


 User no longer registered.
Just had one come to my door. Hard headed sob, too! Next time, I'm takin' my 12 gauge with me..... I'll open the door, cock it, and ask, "May I help you?"

How do y'all handle 'em?
 June 27, 2006, 09:06

 User no longer registered.
Re: Solicitors
I have a pitbull, if she does not like what is going on, she cocks her head sideways for a monent like she is sizing up the situation, if it continues or she hears or see's a posibility of trouble, the hair goes up on her back, then the teeth come out with a suttle growl, you will know it is time to leave.
 June 27, 2006, 09:28

 User no longer registered.
Re: Solicitors
My baby girl does that too...... 'cept she doesn't hesitate... she hates anyone she doesn't know lol
 June 27, 2006, 09:54

 User no longer registered.
Re: Solicitors
I just say no thank you and shut the door. However, I did have to call the police on one outfit that stopped by my place 3 days in a row - they were warned during their second visit that I would, must not have believed me!! That is not how I normally am, but when it comes to my home and my privacy there are limits!!
 June 27, 2006, 11:09

 User no longer registered.
Re: Solicitors
I had a friend who swore by his method of dealing with door to door solicitors.
He said he'd answer the door in his underwear, invite them on in, and picking his nose all the while.
By the way, I've heard the nose picking thing is an excellent deterent if you're out all alone and suspect you are being stalked or followed by a rapist.
 June 27, 2006, 11:25

 User no longer registered.
Re: Re: Solicitors
  QUOTE (MoonHowler @ June 27, 2006, 09:54)
My baby girl does that too...... 'cept she doesn't hesitate... she hates anyone she doesn't know lol

WAtch and learn from her! Kids are great for that.
 June 27, 2006, 12:24

 63 / male
 Beaver City, Nebraska, US
Re: Solicitors
We don't get to many door to door salesmen around here, but we do get Jahova Wittnesses. They are very persistant, I've tried being polite, to being very rude with thesame results. They still want to stand there & preach to you. But... just answer the door naked, invite them in for coffee, & I promise the results to be much different... errrrr... uhhhh perhaps we've come at a bad time, we'll come back later. But they never have. I've done this & I swear by it. It didn't bother me but they seemed pretty uncomfortable,.
 June 28, 2006, 04:37

 User no longer registered.
Re: Solicitors
i live in some sort of aparments and can see if anyone goes to another person's door and if i see someone at another door.. i'll get my son and leave my place because im bad at dealing with them. Just makes me want to rip the brochure they give out in front of them.

otherwise if im at home and didnt know they were around... i'd answer the door and just tell them no thanks and close the door and lock it and go back at whatever i was doing.
 July 1, 2006, 23:38

 59 / couple
 Frozen Tundra, Minnesota, US
Re: Solicitors
Most times I just don't answer the door.

 July 1, 2006, 23:50

 57 / female
 In the Sun, Arizona, US
Re: Solicitors
My ex used to tell them he was a satan worshiper and they were welcome to join in his rituals!

no problems
 July 2, 2006, 00:53

 User no longer registered.
Re: Solicitors
Take the shotgun with you and pretent you have jst finished cleaning it.

Make sure to ask him if he knew you are related the Dick cheney.
 July 2, 2006, 02:14

 63 / male
 Beaver City, Nebraska, US
Re: Re: Solicitors
  QUOTE (40something @ July 2, 2006, 00:53)
My ex used to tell them he was a satan worshiper and they were welcome to join in his rituals!

no problems

Thats too funny... never thot of that one
 July 2, 2006, 09:26

 58 / male
 platte city, Missouri, US
Re: Solicitors
  QUOTE (MoonHowler @ June 27, 2006, 09:06)
Just had one come to my door. Hard headed sob, too! Next time, I'm takin' my 12 gauge with me..... I'll open the door, cock it, and ask, "May I help you?"

How do y'all handle 'em?

What would you do if I came to your door selling something????
 July 2, 2006, 10:13

 User no longer registered.
Re: Re: Solicitors
  QUOTE (just4urplsur @ July 2, 2006, 10:13)
  QUOTE (MoonHowler @ June 27, 2006, 09:06)
Just had one come to my door. Hard headed sob, too! Next time, I'm takin' my 12 gauge with me..... I'll open the door, cock it, and ask, "May I help you?"

How do y'all handle 'em?

What would you do if I came to your door selling something????

I'd yank your ass inside and see what ya' have to offer!
 July 3, 2006, 10:03

 60 / male
 Bowl of Granola, Massachusetts, US
Re: Re: Solicitors
  QUOTE (NRG4U @ June 28, 2006, 04:37)
We don't get to many door to door salesmen around here, but we do get Jahova Wittnesses. They are very persistant, I've tried being polite, to being very rude with thesame results. They still want to stand there & preach to you. But... just answer the door naked, invite them in for coffee, & I promise the results to be much different... errrrr... uhhhh perhaps we've come at a bad time, we'll come back later. But they never have. I've done this & I swear by it. It didn't bother me but they seemed pretty uncomfortable,.

My mom is a secret weapon against them. She a Mormon. They come to the door, and like flys to a spiders web, she entangles them. They end up leaving with a fist full of literature and a copy of the book of mormon, dazed and confused. No bull, I've seen it happen. They walk around the neighborhood aimlessly...
 July 3, 2006, 11:40

 User no longer registered.
Re: Solicitors
We had Jehovah's Witness people at out door once and they started preaching how they view the bible. I told them that each religion interprets the bible in different ways. I then said that my religion does not go door to door to tell people how they should be interpreting the bible because we have too much respect for others beliefs so then so should you people. They then stood there with their mouths wide open not knowing what to say next and I said good bye and closed the door. They have not been back since.
 July 5, 2006, 16:50

 User no longer registered.
Re: Solicitors
I do not get a lot of door to door people but for whatever reason I get at least 3-4 telemarketers a day. I get really pissed off so I now turn it into an enjoyment. As soon as i realize it is a telemarketer i ask them to "hold" and then i see how long they will stay on the other line. Also a really loud whistle into the phone works wonders. Another favorite is telling them you will buy whatever they are selling if they will sing a song. If they are sumb enough to try I laugh at them and hang up.
 July 5, 2006, 17:54

 41 / male
 Sayreville, New Jersey, US
Re: Re: Solicitors
  QUOTE (baller @ July 5, 2006, 17:54)
I do not get a lot of door to door people but for whatever reason I get at least 3-4 telemarketers a day. I get really pissed off so I now turn it into an enjoyment. As soon as i realize it is a telemarketer i ask them to "hold" and then i see how long they will stay on the other line. Also a really loud whistle into the phone works wonders. Another favorite is telling them you will buy whatever they are selling if they will sing a song. If they are sumb enough to try I laugh at them and hang up.

Well, most of the time I get someone of them on the line it's fun as hell, most of the time they are foreign and of we do have some troubles pronouncin some words, I always make the repeat terms and condiions they offer, xixi I dont know why but I'm LMAO .....
 July 5, 2006, 18:23

 60 / male
 Bowl of Granola, Massachusetts, US
Re: Re: Solicitors
  QUOTE (baller @ July 5, 2006, 17:54)
I do not get a lot of door to door people but for whatever reason I get at least 3-4 telemarketers a day. I get really pissed off so I now turn it into an enjoyment. As soon as i realize it is a telemarketer i ask them to "hold" and then i see how long they will stay on the other line. Also a really loud whistle into the phone works wonders. Another favorite is telling them you will buy whatever they are selling if they will sing a song. If they are sumb enough to try I laugh at them and hang up.

Here's another thing you might try baller... Leave a portable radio by the phone. When you ask them to hold, turn on the radio and leave the receiver next to the speaker. It'll be just like those big companies that put us on hold and force us to learn all the words to the, "Girl from Eponimia"...(I probably didn't spell that right, but you know what I mean)...
 July 5, 2006, 19:08

 55 / couple
 blythe, California, US
Re: Solicitors
Metalica or Limp Bizkit wroks well @ 95bds
 July 6, 2006, 01:36

 Web Naughty Forums » General Discussion » Solicitors

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