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Saftey Talk
These are some of the things from our last saftey letter.
I will leave it you to you to decide wheather these should apply to truck drivers.
The caption is Sleep like a baby --during the day.
TRucking involves long hours on the raod, many of those hours are during the night. In fact more than 22 million americans work the 11-7 shift. According to the National Sleep Foundation about 10-29% report falling asleep on the job. Here's how to work nights and stay awake.
Keep it dark,cool and quiet
Install light blocking and sound absorbing curtains or shades in your bedroom. Run a fan to lower the temp and block out noise.
Relax your stomach
Avoid caffines less than 5 hours before bedtime, eat lightly, never go to bed too hungry or too full
Ask about sleepiing aids
Although they do not cure sleep problems, prescription sleep medications may help for short term use. Tell your doctor if you work nights
Nap as needed
short naps can help fight drowsiness. You may wake feeling groggy, but that feeling should subside within 5 to 15 minutes.
Stay alert at work
Take short breaks and try to complete your most tedious tasks right away. Night shift workers hit their lowest period around 4am.
Shift workers aren't the only ones not getting enough sleep. In a national survey, 40% of adults said lack of sleep interfered with daily activities. Take steps to get good rest no matter when you work!!
I'm one my way to Home Depot to get the ceiling fan and aroma therapy candles for he truck. Good thing it has a tall sleeper
June 26, 2006, 03:37 |
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Re: Saftey Talk
I've had to put some suggestions like these into practice starting about a month ago...husband started working a nite shift, and it's been hell for both of us to adjust to it, actually, it's been easier on him to just adjust his sleep/work cycle, it's been harder on me, to work around his wake/sleep/work cycle and get everything done around here. I can't garden and such at night, can't vacuum or do anything too noisey during the day, so I'm stuck just grabbing an hour or two of sleep whenever I can.
June 26, 2006, 13:17 |
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