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Ohio Women
 Web Naughty Forums » General Discussion » Ohio Women

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 User no longer registered.
Re: Ohio Women
You know you will, and you are really real... and make me wish I were in Ohio
 August 11, 2004, 18:38

 User no longer registered.
Re: Ohio Women
nice reply, damnit you just made me post again.

just read your and kb's story.........need a cold shower now
 August 11, 2004, 19:04

 User no longer registered.
Re: Re: Re: Ohio Women
  QUOTE (curiousgirl @ August 11, 2004, 18:36)
  QUOTE (EugeneOregon @ August 11, 2004, 17:08)
why are we still talking about Ohio women? We might just as well be taling about area 51... A thing that is not real.

Am I invisible? Too horrible to mention? I vow from this day on I will never post in an ohio topic again.

Don't tell anyone, but your the reason we keep it alive!
 August 12, 2004, 03:52

 User no longer registered.
Re: Ohio Women
These two guys were walking through Metropolitan Park again. They saw a Pretty Woman sitting on a bench. One guy said to the other. Wow, that must be CuriousGirl, She's the only woman in Ohio. then they went home and had sex.
 August 12, 2004, 05:12

 User no longer registered.
Re: Re: Ohio Women
  QUOTE (kbateman @ August 12, 2004, 05:12)
These two guys were walking through Metropolitan Park again. They saw a Pretty Woman sitting on a bench. One guy said to the other. Wow, that must be CuriousGirl, She's the only woman in Ohio. then they went home and had sex.

Poor Curious...Think how hard this must be on her!
 August 12, 2004, 13:28

 User no longer registered.
Re: Ohio Women
Well it's FRIDAY!
 August 13, 2004, 08:06

 User no longer registered.
Re: Re: Re: Ohio Women
  QUOTE (DEye @ August 12, 2004, 13:28)
  QUOTE (kbateman @ August 12, 2004, 05:12)
These two guys were walking through Metropolitan Park again. They saw a Pretty Woman sitting on a bench. One guy said to the other. Wow, that must be CuriousGirl, She's the only woman in Ohio. then they went home and had sex.

Well we might not have quantity, but we do atleast have quality
 August 13, 2004, 08:08

 User no longer registered.
Re: Re: Re: Re: Ohio Women
Another day and still no Ohio Woman
 August 13, 2004, 16:07

 User no longer registered.
Re: Ohio Women

sorry, I am just bumping another post to the second page where I hope it dies.
 August 13, 2004, 20:21

 User no longer registered.
Re: Ohio Women
Hey, why not bump it!
 August 15, 2004, 03:18

 User no longer registered.
Re: Re: Ohio Women
  QUOTE (Chazzy @ August 15, 2004, 03:18)
Hey, why not bump it!

What could it hurt!
 August 15, 2004, 06:50

 User no longer registered.
Re: Re: Re: Ohio Women
  QUOTE (DEye @ August 15, 2004, 06:50)
  QUOTE (Chazzy @ August 15, 2004, 03:18)
Hey, why not bump it!

What could it hurt!

Ah, so close butt still so far away
 August 15, 2004, 10:55

 49 / female
 Salem, Ohio, US
Re: Ohio Women
Yes, there ARE Ohio women, some are quite alive and breathing. I personally know a bunch of them. Maybe I will talk some into signing onto this Website.
 August 15, 2004, 14:50

 49 / female
 Salem, Ohio, US
Re: Ohio Women
P.S. I am getting tired of my "X where a face should be"
 August 15, 2004, 14:51

 User no longer registered.
Re: Ohio Women
I've messaged absix, haven't heard back yet, (He's got the most adorable new girlfriend, and he's seems to prefer her company to ours! Go figure!)
 August 15, 2004, 15:12

 User no longer registered.
Re: Re: Ohio Women
  QUOTE (OhioJeni @ August 15, 2004, 14:50)
Yes, there ARE Ohio women, some are quite alive and breathing. I personally know a bunch of them. Maybe I will talk some into signing onto this Website.

Oh now you've done it!! Maybe won't cut it! Now that you've mentioned it, you can expect DEye to relentlessly remind you!!
 August 15, 2004, 15:14

 User no longer registered.
Re: Re: Re: Ohio Women
  QUOTE (Chazzy @ August 15, 2004, 15:14)
  QUOTE (OhioJeni @ August 15, 2004, 14:50)
Yes, there ARE Ohio women, some are quite alive and breathing. I personally know a bunch of them. Maybe I will talk some into signing onto this Website.

Oh now you've done it!! Maybe won't cut it! Now that you've mentioned it, you can expect DEye to relentlessly remind you!!

Who Me? Am I that relentless? Did I ever tell you, you look so sexy in black?
 August 16, 2004, 06:56

 User no longer registered.
Re: Ohio Women
Thank you! I wear allot of black, cuz I spill allot and it doesn't' show as bad
 August 16, 2004, 07:36

 User no longer registered.
Re: Re: Ohio Women
  QUOTE (Chazzy @ August 16, 2004, 07:36)
Thank you! I wear allot of black, cuz I spill allot and it doesn't' show as bad

Just think more woman in Ohio! Hope they sign up before I have to give up my AOL account. $ is tight so it's the kids Dish Network or my AOL. Hope for the best plan for the worst
 August 16, 2004, 10:59

 49 / female
 Salem, Ohio, US
Re: Ohio Women
I have talked to a single girlfriend here in Salem and told her that it is fun here. and at no cost for most things. She is here with me now and looking at the posts. She is pretty, 30, like me, (I mean 30, like me, she is much prettier) ouch!...and hitting me on the arm right now. I will talk her into joining. I have decided her name should be like mine, so OhioAshley.... but she wants "RunningWithScissors"

She's a nut.... ouch! another hit.
 August 16, 2004, 15:16

 49 / female
 Salem, Ohio, US
Re: Ohio Women
OK, OK, I have joined and my friend Jeni will not leave me alone until I say something. so HI everybody. She picked the pictures. only two I have that she wanted to put here. I will have to stop listening to her. I wanted to put on a picture of me in a turtle neck sweater. (it is a nice turtleneck sweater!)
 August 16, 2004, 15:37

 49 / female
 Salem, Ohio, US
Re: Ohio Women
OH.... OH.... so not fair!!!!! she has a picture already, after ten seconds!!!! It must be the cute factor!!!! sigh!
 August 16, 2004, 15:41

 User no longer registered.
Re: Re: Ohio Women
  QUOTE (OhioJeni @ August 16, 2004, 15:16)
I have talked to a single girlfriend here in Salem and told her that it is fun here. and at no cost for most things. She is here with me now and looking at the posts. She is pretty, 30, like me, (I mean 30, like me, she is much prettier) ouch!...and hitting me on the arm right now. I will talk her into joining. I have decided her name should be like mine, so OhioAshley.... but she wants "RunningWithScissors"

She's a nut.... ouch! another hit.

So now two cute Ohio ladies...My lucky day
 August 16, 2004, 16:04

 User no longer registered.
Re: Re: Ohio Women
  QUOTE (OhioAshley @ August 16, 2004, 15:37)
OK, OK, I have joined and my friend Jeni will not leave me alone until I say something. so HI everybody. She picked the pictures. only two I have that she wanted to put here. I will have to stop listening to her. I wanted to put on a picture of me in a turtle neck sweater. (it is a nice turtleneck sweater!)

Hello Ashley and welcum! It a nice picture Jeni picked for you. Hope you post a bit and have some fun. It's a great bunch of people.
 August 16, 2004, 16:05

 User no longer registered.
Re: Re: Ohio Women
  QUOTE (OhioJeni @ August 16, 2004, 15:41)
OH.... OH.... so not fair!!!!! she has a picture already, after ten seconds!!!! It must be the cute factor!!!! sigh!

Nope it's nothing but a digital cluster fuck. Hope it's fixed soon. If it were based only on cute, your pictures would be up along time ago
 August 16, 2004, 16:07

 User no longer registered.
Re: Re: Re: Ohio Women
So were back to no Ohio Woman? And I got all dressed up in my best 'D' for this!
 August 17, 2004, 13:04

 49 / female
 Salem, Ohio, US
Re: Ohio Women
Hi DEye. I added one on my profile that I picked. I see Jen has her picture working, I am going to have to call her and tell her.

I can only see the tiny thumbnail photo, but yours looks like a hoot. send me a bigger one, I am told one can do that.
 August 17, 2004, 14:49

 User no longer registered.
Re: Re: Ohio Women
  QUOTE (OhioAshley @ August 17, 2004, 14:49)
Hi DEye. I added one on my profile that I picked. I see Jen has her picture working, I am going to have to call her and tell her.

I can only see the tiny thumbnail photo, but yours looks like a hoot. send me a bigger one, I am told one can do that.

Only VIP members can do such Naughty stuff Us poor folk have to make do
 August 17, 2004, 16:58

 User no longer registered.
Re: Re: Re: Ohio Women
  QUOTE (DEye @ August 17, 2004, 16:58)
  QUOTE (OhioAshley @ August 17, 2004, 14:49)
Hi DEye. I added one on my profile that I picked. I see Jen has her picture working, I am going to have to call her and tell her.

I can only see the tiny thumbnail photo, but yours looks like a hoot. send me a bigger one, I am told one can do that.

Only VIP members can do such Naughty stuff Us poor folk have to make do

Nice addition! You ladies both have beautiful butts!
 August 17, 2004, 16:59

 User no longer registered.
Re: Ohio Women
Now That Finally We Have Several OHIO Women, Can someone please let this Thread fall to the category of "forgotten".

BTW, Jen and Ashley you are both beautiful and I think you should comed see me in Virginia. Welcome!
 August 17, 2004, 17:48

 User no longer registered.
Re: Re: Ohio Women
  QUOTE (kbateman @ August 17, 2004, 17:48)
Now That Finally We Have Several OHIO Women, Can someone please let this Thread fall to the category of "forgotten".

BTW, Jen and Ashley you are both beautiful and I think you should comed see me in Virginia. Welcome!

See how you are! I finally get some company and you try to steel um! I'm sure they won't take kindly to all those mean things you said about beautiful Ohio woman
 August 17, 2004, 17:58

 User no longer registered.
Re: Ohio Women
I have to agree with KB - Jen and Ashley are both beautiful additions to Webnaughty and represent Ohio at its best. NC has nothing on either of you (I'm missing Buckeye women).
 August 17, 2004, 19:46

 47 / female
 small town, Minnesota, US
Re: Re: Ohio Women
  QUOTE (kbateman @ August 17, 2004, 17:48)
Now That Finally We Have Several OHIO Women, Can someone please let this Thread fall to the category of "forgotten".

BTW, Jen and Ashley you are both beautiful and I think you should comed see me in Virginia. Welcome!

Die thread die! lmao...sorry had to put my twocents in!
 August 17, 2004, 19:57

 User no longer registered.
Re: Ohio Women
Don't be sorry tease, you're a strong woman, but your willpower just couldn't take it anymore!

...and you know I soooooooo understand !!
 August 17, 2004, 20:17

 70 / male
 Tidewater area, Virginia, US
Re: Ohio Women
OhioAshley, Since you don't have your own thread I would like use this one to welcome you here! You are one beautiful lady! Love your pictures, especially the beach one. I'd love to be there running around naked with you!
 August 17, 2004, 22:58

 User no longer registered.
Re: Re: Ohio Women
  QUOTE (sunbuff10 @ August 17, 2004, 22:58)
OhioAshley, Since you don't have your own thread I would like use this one to welcome you here! You are one beautiful lady! Love your pictures, especially the beach one. I'd love to be there running around naked with you!

very thoughtful sun, I usually give a new welcome thread when I happen to be online at the time they appear on the forum. I wasn't online when Ashley joined and since she had already made her aquaintance with most of you and another thread would have been redundant. Some introduce themselves with a new thread at their first post. Anyone can introduce themselves in this way, and anyone can post a welcome thread for someone they notice is new on the forum.
 August 17, 2004, 23:08

 User no longer registered.
Re: Re: Ohio Women
  QUOTE (DEye @ July 15, 2004, 12:52)
Maybe I should have called this "OHIO WOMAN" cause so far curiousgirl is the one and only! Hahah I guess you win! Who should I make the check out to?

hey DEye been gone for awhile but it sure looks like ohio is picking up big time with jenny and amy?
 August 20, 2004, 13:59

 User no longer registered.
Re: Re: Re: Ohio Women
  QUOTE (24694u @ August 20, 2004, 13:59)
  QUOTE (DEye @ July 15, 2004, 12:52)
Maybe I should have called this "OHIO WOMAN" cause so far curiousgirl is the one and only! Hahah I guess you win! Who should I make the check out to?

hey DEye been gone for awhile but it sure looks like ohio is picking up big time with jenny and amy?

OOPS ashley i ment
 August 20, 2004, 15:23

 User no longer registered.
Re: Ohio Women
Been wondering where you have been!!
 August 20, 2004, 15:26

 User no longer registered.
Re: Re: Re: Re: Ohio Women
  QUOTE (24694u @ August 20, 2004, 15:23)
  QUOTE (24694u @ August 20, 2004, 13:59)
  QUOTE (DEye @ July 15, 2004, 12:52)
Maybe I should have called this "OHIO WOMAN" cause so far curiousgirl is the one and only! Hahah I guess you win! Who should I make the check out to?

Hey join the fun. Youv'e been away too long!

hey DEye been gone for awhile but it sure looks like ohio is picking up big time with jenny and amy?

OOPS ashley i ment

 August 20, 2004, 15:52

 User no longer registered.
Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Ohio Women
  QUOTE (DEye @ August 20, 2004, 15:52)
  QUOTE (24694u @ August 20, 2004, 15:23)
  QUOTE (24694u @ August 20, 2004, 13:59)
  QUOTE (DEye @ July 15, 2004, 12:52)
Maybe I should have called this "OHIO WOMAN" cause so far curiousgirl is the one and only! Hahah I guess you win! Who should I make the check out to?

hey DEye been gone for awhile but it sure looks like ohio is picking up big time with jenny and amy?

OOPS ashley i ment

Hey join the fun. Youv'e been away too long! (Stupid program!!)
 August 20, 2004, 15:53

 User no longer registered.
Re: Re: Ohio Women
  QUOTE (Chazzy @ August 20, 2004, 15:26)
Been wondering where you have been!!

You too! Don't want you to turn into a lurker! Have to tickle you to death if that happens
 August 20, 2004, 15:54

 User no longer registered.
Re: Re: Re: Ohio Women
  QUOTE (DEye @ August 20, 2004, 15:54)
  QUOTE (Chazzy @ August 20, 2004, 15:26)
Been wondering where you have been!!

You too! Don't want you to turn into a lurker! Have to tickle you to death if that happens

look at the Ohio Woman Thread 2nd most post on the board! 191+ !!!
 August 20, 2004, 15:58

 49 / female
 Salem, Ohio, US
Re: Ohio Women
Hello, I just spent way too much time reading this tread... It seems, DEye, that you have been persistent... It kinda puts pressure on us new Ohio women, huh? I hope Ash comes over tonight. she has no working 'puter of her own, so she has to share mine. Salem is not a big town. we are here, (she at my constant begging/nagging) to have fun and some sexy talk . If you knew the guys from Salem, you would understand.
 August 20, 2004, 16:16

 User no longer registered.
Re: Re: Ohio Women
  QUOTE (OhioJeni @ August 20, 2004, 16:16)
Hello, I just spent way too much time reading this tread... It seems, DEye, that you have been persistent... It kinda puts pressure on us new Ohio women, huh? I hope Ash comes over tonight. she has no working 'puter of her own, so she has to share mine. Salem is not a big town. we are here, (she at my constant begging/nagging) to have fun and some sexy talk . If you knew the guys from Salem, you would understand.

We should fix um up with the woman from Cleveland, they could bore each other to death
 August 20, 2004, 16:29

 User no longer registered.
Re: Re: Ohio Women
  QUOTE (OhioJeni @ August 20, 2004, 16:16)
Hello, I just spent way too much time reading this tread... It seems, DEye, that you have been persistent... It kinda puts pressure on us new Ohio women, huh? I hope Ash comes over tonight. she has no working 'puter of her own, so she has to share mine. Salem is not a big town. we are here, (she at my constant begging/nagging) to have fun and some sexy talk . If you knew the guys from Salem, you would understand.

No pressure just have fun. It all about fun!
 August 20, 2004, 16:33

 User no longer registered.
Re: Ohio Women
we have been on vacation and came back to computer problems.no hot august nights for us but we had a lot of fun anyway.
 August 20, 2004, 16:48

 69 / male
 McGaheysville, Virginia, US
Re: Re: Re: Re: Ohio Women
  QUOTE (DEye @ August 20, 2004, 15:58)
  QUOTE (DEye @ August 20, 2004, 15:54)
  QUOTE (Chazzy @ August 20, 2004, 15:26)
Been wondering where you have been!!

You too! Don't want you to turn into a lurker! Have to tickle you to death if that happens

look at the Ohio Woman Thread 2nd most post on the board! 191+ !!!

this makes 197 can we 200 tonight? i think we can
 August 20, 2004, 17:04

 User no longer registered.
Re: Re: Ohio Women
  QUOTE (24694u @ August 20, 2004, 16:48)
we have been on vacation and came back to computer problems.no hot august nights for us but we had a lot of fun anyway.

No hot anything roud here! Glade to hear your havin fun...Hope it's all been sex!
 August 20, 2004, 17:52

 User no longer registered.
Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Ohio Women
  QUOTE (hardrock1955 @ August 20, 2004, 17:04)
  QUOTE (DEye @ August 20, 2004, 15:58)
  QUOTE (DEye @ August 20, 2004, 15:54)
  QUOTE (Chazzy @ August 20, 2004, 15:26)
Been wondering where you have been!!

You too! Don't want you to turn into a lurker! Have to tickle you to death if that happens

look at the Ohio Woman Thread 2nd most post on the board! 191+ !!!

this makes 197 can we 200 tonight? i think we can

How many does that make! KB is going to be pissin' bullets if this make it to 200!
 August 20, 2004, 17:53
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