59 / male dothan, Alabama, US
If you are married, have you ever cheated? and did you get caught?
Have you ever cheated on your spouse? Did you get caught? Would you do it again?
June 8, 2004, 09:35 |
41 / male Web Naughty
Re: If you are married, have you ever cheated? and did you get caught?
I've never been married or busted 
I caught one of my ex-girlfriends though. It was my first time I caught someone cheating on me. The sight wasn't pretty
June 8, 2004, 12:47 |
User no longer registered.
Re: If you are married, have you ever cheated? and did you get caught?
i was married for 12 years and cheated every chance i got ,guess i felt the need to be wanted by others or something/boredom who knows.i ALWAYS felt like a piece of shit later as my ex wasn`t a bad person and we had a pretty good sex life after being together that long.all i do know is i won`t do it again.it was to hard to live with the guilt.i never even fessed up after the divorce i never got caught but i wouldn`t like to be cheated on
June 8, 2004, 17:39 |
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Re: If you are married, have you ever cheated? and did you get caught?
I have never married. I have cheated on nearly every longterm relationship I have had. Usually when I had decided it was time to end. I have been caught, and I would do it again even if I knew I would be caught!
June 8, 2004, 17:58 |
64 / male salisbury, England, UK
Re: If you are married, have you ever cheated? and did you get caught?
married for 22 years and i have been an unscrupulous bastard with no morals what so ever for the best part of my adult life, i dont regret nothing and every time i had a legitamate reason in my head for doing it,only been close to getting caught when other people have let me down, but i have never been with another woman whose husband/boyfriend i knew personally. doesnt excuse me i know, but in this world that is my one lame claim to goodness. dont think st peter will see that way though!
June 14, 2004, 14:29 |
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Re: If you are married, have you ever cheated? and did you get caught?
I was married for 12 years and I was
a faithful, devoted wife for 11 of them. The last year I knew in my heart it was over and I had already given up. Never even came close to getting caught, although those who like the gossip, tossed around alot of rumours
about me fucking every other guy except the one I was fucking!
June 14, 2004, 14:39 |
52 / male Berkshire, England, UK
Re: If you are married, have you ever cheated? and did you get caught?
Very naughty of me, I know, but several years ago I lost my virginity to a married woman 8 years my senior.
Marriage was going through a bad patch, she was getting bored and was a pretty horny girl at the best of times, and with her husband away on exercise with the Army, I went to her place one night. We just chatted at first, she found out I was a virgin, and when I went back there a few days later she took my virginity.
Her husband suspected that she was cheating on him but didn't have any evidence and never guessed it was with me. As far as I know (he was posted a while later) she never got caught.
June 15, 2004, 15:25 |
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Re: If you are married, have you ever cheated? and did you get caught?
I've been married for 5 yrs and never cheated. I never even cheated on boyfriends even if I knew they were seeing other people. I'm horrible at lying. So I would probably get caught if I did. This way I don't have to lie.
June 18, 2004, 09:27 |
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Re: If you are married, have you ever cheated? and did you get caught?
I think you should go out and have some fun while your young,, you dont have to lie about it, just "beat around the bush" as they say.
June 18, 2004, 11:14 |
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Re: If you are married, have you ever cheated? and did you get caught?
suppose its time to add my two cents...
never been married, but i have never cheated and more than likely never will, just who i am. not sure i'd feel ok about it even with permission but then that wouldn't be cheating anyway. damn old fashioned values!
June 18, 2004, 12:02 |
66 / male Gwinette/Walton Co., Georgia, US
Re: If you are married, have you ever cheated? and did you get caught?
yup. nope.
June 18, 2004, 18:31 |
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Re: Re: If you are married, have you ever cheated? and did you get caught?
QUOTE (boredcountryboy @ June 18, 2004, 12:02)suppose its time to add my two cents...
never been married, but i have never cheated and more than likely never will, just who i am. not sure i'd feel ok about it even with permission but then that wouldn't be cheating anyway. damn old fashioned values!
I feel the same way. (bored's looking even more attractive now. Gotta love a man thats faithful) If I did do it I would probably feel like crap. I can have fun and still be faithful. Just like bored said with permission then it wouldn't be cheating.
June 21, 2004, 11:59 |
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Re: If you are married, have you ever cheated? and did you get caught?
What doya mean, bored looks more attractive??? Just cause he asked permission?? OH MAN,,, Now I feel like the guy that your mother warned you about,, But I don't even know if permission is enough, It might still be a SIN, ya better check with your minister first. LUV, hothands.
June 21, 2004, 12:36 |
66 / male Gwinette/Walton Co., Georgia, US
Re: If you are married, have you ever cheated? and did you get caught?
24694u: WOW, nice pic's!
June 21, 2004, 12:54 |
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Re: Re: If you are married, have you ever cheated? and did you get caught?
QUOTE (jess8in2003 @ June 21, 2004, 12:54)24694u: WOW, nice pic's!  thanks we were REALLY bored andREALLY horny saturday
June 21, 2004, 13:31 |
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Re: If you are married, have you ever cheated? and did you get caught?
Not because he would ask permission silly. But because its pretty rare anymore to find a man who is faithful or feels bad about it if he has done it. Not feels bad because he got caught but because it happened period. I guess I'm just a one man woman unless its just for one night. And I have permission of course!
June 21, 2004, 14:49 |
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Re: If you are married, have you ever cheated? and did you get caught?
i've been free and single for almost a month now, and this very subject kept me from getting a little action this weekend (she had a ring). Starting to scare myself... not sure if i'm becoming mature or stupid?
by the way, thanks for the compliment. i was beginning to think there weren't any girls out there that still saw that as a good quality.
June 21, 2004, 17:26 |
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Re: Re: If you are married, have you ever cheated? and did you get caught?
QUOTE (boredcountryboy @ June 21, 2004, 17:26)i've been free and single for almost a month now, and this very subject kept me from getting a little action this weekend (she had a ring). Starting to scare myself... not sure if i'm becoming mature or stupid?
by the way, thanks for the compliment. i was beginning to think there weren't any girls out there that still saw that as a good quality. it`s the hat dude,face it oh well damn you and your morals and that country charm.i`m just a rough around the edges red neck not bitch`in mind you just who i am
June 21, 2004, 21:12 |
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Re: If you are married, have you ever cheated? and did you get caught?
can't be the hat, it got retired a bit ago
and the only difference between redneck and countryboy is the mason-dixon line
June 21, 2004, 22:17 |
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Re: If you are married, have you ever cheated? and did you get caught?
and the pickup truck. countryboys might have rust on theirs, rednecks worship their trucks and would bury it rather than drive it with rust.
June 22, 2004, 03:27 |
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Re: Re: If you are married, have you ever cheated? and did you get caught?
QUOTE (kbateman @ June 22, 2004, 03:27)and the pickup truck. countryboys might have rust on theirs, rednecks worship their trucks and would bury it rather than drive it with rust.
i wonder if thats why i became a painter?no shit it drives me nuts to have something wrong with my truck or to drive a stock truck anything with less than a 4" lift goes up and yes i wouldn`t mind being buried in my truck
June 22, 2004, 09:07 |
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Re: Re: If you are married, have you ever cheated? and did you get caught?
QUOTE (kbateman @ June 22, 2004, 03:27)and the pickup truck. countryboys might have rust on theirs, rednecks worship their trucks and would bury it rather than drive it with rust.
you're right, i got some rust, primer, two shades of paint... why shine something i'm denting tomorrow?
June 22, 2004, 15:37 |
69 / male McGaheysville, Virginia, US
Re: If you are married, have you ever cheated? and did you get caught?
I was very faithfully married 22 years , never even thought of cheating, it's just plain wrong, in my book. she started cheating , when i found out it was over. my new girlfriend and i have been together with other people , that is diff , we did it together. ... but she was a drunk , so had to go . now I'm looking again
June 24, 2004, 00:16 |
69 / male McGaheysville, Virginia, US
Re: If you are married, have you ever cheated? and did you get caught?
and the vehicles... if either of mine are even a little dirty , I refuse to drive them until i wash them . I kicked my girlfriend out , because she got a DUI in my Durango.
June 24, 2004, 00:18 |
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Re: If you are married, have you ever cheated? and did you get caught?
Married 15 years, never cheated. Cheated on though. Felt pretty shitty. I wouldn't do that to another. If it is over, move on, THEN start fucking others.
June 24, 2004, 12:48 |
69 / male McGaheysville, Virginia, US
Re: Re: If you are married, have you ever cheated? and did you get caught?
QUOTE (EugeneOregon @ June 24, 2004, 12:48)Married 15 years, never cheated. Cheated on though. Felt pretty shitty. I wouldn't do that to another. If it is over, move on, THEN start fucking others.
I agree wholeheartedly.it really makes you feel like shit, to be cheated on , especially if you would NEVER cheat yourself.
June 24, 2004, 22:12 |
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Re: If you are married, have you ever cheated? and did you get caught?
i always liked the south african theory of cheating. The man goes out to hunt and his buddy comes over to take care of his wife (in all things). When asked if he cares that another man sleeps with his wife while he is out, he replies "why should I. she'll still be the same woman when I come home won't she!"
June 25, 2004, 03:10 |
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Re: Re: If you are married, have you ever cheated? and did you get caught?
QUOTE (kbateman @ June 25, 2004, 03:10)i always liked the south african theory of cheating. The man goes out to hunt and his buddy comes over to take care of his wife (in all things). When asked if he cares that another man sleeps with his wife while he is out, he replies "why should I. she'll still be the same woman when I come home won't she!"
Yea, just a bit messy!
June 25, 2004, 09:22 |
52 / couple nothing, Arizona, US
Re: If you are married, have you ever cheated? and did you get caught?
My first marraige we both cheated.I am re-married,older and a bit wiser,now. I love my husband and I would never cause him the pain that I felt years ago.Once you cheat,you lose a piece of your heart(I call it the TRUST section)and once thats gone, you might as well say goodbye and go your seperate ways.So my answer is "NO!" and I will not cheat on my husband (even if cheated on)I'll just say "Good-Bye",and go on with my life and let him go on with his.But never will I stay married to a man who cheats on me!
June 25, 2004, 10:18 |
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Re: If you are married, have you ever cheated? and did you get caught?
Ive been married to the same woman for over 30 yrs, have never cheated, now shes 50, obese, can't hardly breath, smokes 3 pks. a day, an a 12pk. of pepsi, doesn't want to have anything to do with sex in the past year, says shes sorry and that she loves me, this is a big difference from a size 4, 100lb, and fuckin 3 & 4 times a day, feel like I should have left her 5yrs ago when she started putin on the weight, still love her but this shit is gettin real old fast, I find my self being short tempered and snappy with her cause of the situation, I dont know, It feels like cheatin is right around the corner for me, I guess I didnt join this website just to say hi to people, so for me I dont have an answer, what ever happens, happens, although, I do like kbatemans african hunter theory!!!
June 25, 2004, 21:47 |
69 / male McGaheysville, Virginia, US
Re: If you are married, have you ever cheated? and did you get caught?
cant say i agree with cheatin, but it sounds like she is asking for it
June 25, 2004, 22:41 |
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Re: If you are married, have you ever cheated? and did you get caught?
Sounds to me like its ultimatum time for her. I guess I would rather leave than cheat. Or at least be told "hey ice princess give it up or get out" than find out later that my man was going somewhere else behind my back.
I give someone the same consideration that I expect to get back in return but thats just me and my damn old fashioned ways. Always getting in the way of fun.
June 25, 2004, 22:43 |
52 / couple nothing, Arizona, US
Re: If you are married, have you ever cheated? and did you get caught?
It's called RESPECT,if my husband doesn't respect me enough to be honest and talk about the situation(his wants ,needs and desires)then why would I want to be with him. I believe that people respect the truth,they might not like it, but they do respect it.
June 26, 2004, 00:25 |
48 / male lemoore, California, US
Re: If you are married, have you ever cheated? and did you get caught?
ive cheated and i dont know how i feel really. not with her anymore though. I am in an open marrige now
June 26, 2004, 00:54 |
48 / male lemoore, California, US
Re: If you are married, have you ever cheated? and did you get caught?
u r very sexy
hell all women r
June 26, 2004, 00:56 |
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Re: Re: If you are married, have you ever cheated? and did you get caught?
QUOTE (curiousgirl @ June 25, 2004, 22:43)
I give someone the same consideration that I expect to get back in return but thats just me and my damn old fashioned ways. Always getting in the way of fun.
damn if it weren't for the sexy pic next to this i'd have thought i wrote it.... why you gotta be taken already?
June 26, 2004, 08:34 |
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Re: Re: Re: If you are married, have you ever cheated? and did you get caught?
QUOTE (boredcountryboy @ June 26, 2004, 08:34) QUOTE (curiousgirl @ June 25, 2004, 22:43)
I give someone the same consideration that I expect to get back in return but thats just me and my damn old fashioned ways. Always getting in the way of fun.
damn if it weren't for the sexy pic next to this i'd have thought i wrote it.... why you gotta be taken already?
the crush began... how are you tonight sweetie?
September 14, 2004, 18:22 |