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About to invest in a good mattress set..
 Web Naughty Forums » Advice Line » About to invest in a good mattress set..


 User no longer registered.
About to invest in a good mattress set..
Anybody gone through this ordeal lately and can offer any advice?
Memory foam, pillow tops, ugh...I'm exhausted enough from the research!
 May 3, 2006, 12:10

 54 / female
 Pawling, New York, US
Re: About to invest in a good mattress set..
I have a king size bed, and paid 500 for that therapeutic pad you put on it....Its that memory foam.....I LOVE it!....It is truly comfy!....Although Im sure if the whole thing was like that it would be even better!....
 May 3, 2006, 12:18

 User no longer registered.
Re: About to invest in a good mattress set..
So far, and I've been groupgoogling my brains out all morning, I've found that anything with the memory foam is very recommended, was looking at some Spring Air mattresses, but I'm hearing thier warranty/ service end of things can really suck...
 May 3, 2006, 12:24

 58 / male
 platte city, Missouri, US
Re: About to invest in a good mattress set..
dont go with any that has springs in them
 May 3, 2006, 12:44

 User no longer registered.
Re: About to invest in a good mattress set..
Okay, this is a cut and paste out of a google group, and the kinda stuff I've been reading all morning, which explains the massive headache I feel right now.....but allot of good information....

The foundation (box spring) significantly increases the life expectancy of the mattress. It is a common myth that box springs are not important in the purchase of bedding. It is true that a mattress on a new box spring will feel the same as a mattress on an old box spring. The problem with using an old box spring is that the mattress
will last 1/3 as long as one on a new box spring. Most brand name mattresses these days will last 10 years on a new box spring while a mattress on an old box spring will only last 3 to 4 years. Look for mattresses with steel reinforced box springs, they will add to longevity. BUY THE WHOLE SET, MATTRESS AND BOX SPRING. Because it does
not make financial sense to just purchase the box spring, all of our buying guide information is for entire sets.

There are three things you need to know about coils in mattresses.

1) The number of coils in a mattress should correspond to how much support a mattress gives you. For instance, a mattress with 300 coils
will give you less support than a mattress with 700 coils. This is not to say that a mattress with 300 coils is a bad mattress - you may like the amount of support a certain 300 coil mattress provides. If you are looking for a very firm mattress you should look for one that has a high coil count. It should be noted here that this is a general rule and there are exceptions. Some of the most expensive and comfortable mattresses in the world have 412 coils.

2) The second area that you should look at with regard to the coils in a mattress is the gauge of the coils. The gauge equals the number of coils of this size it would take to make an inch. Heavy gauge (thick) coils will offer a great deal of support while light gauge coils will give you less support. There is nothing wrong with having
heavy or light gauge coils in your mattress. The problem comes when someone tries to sell you a mattress with a low coil count and heavy gauge wire as a firm mattress. This mattress will become lumpy quickly because it does not have enough coils. Most brand name mattress companies stay within a reasonable range when making their mattresses.

3) The third area that you should consider when looking for a mattress is the connections between the coils. Most of the time the
number and quality of these interconnecting wires is not published. If there are too few of these interconnecting wires a mattress can lose its shape more quickly than one that has an adequate amount. Mattresses that sag quickly usually have few interconnecting wires.

 May 3, 2006, 12:59

 User no longer registered.
Re: About to invest in a good mattress set..
The upholstery on top of the mattress is most important for the basic comfort of the body. The upholstery choice is up to you! Do you want to feel like you are sleeping on a feather bed while actually getting the real support your body needs?- look for a "pillow top". Do you
want to feel like you are sleeping on a board?- look for the cover that has the thinnest upholstery they have. Neither one of these choices will lead to a poor night's sleep because the upholstery is
simply there for the times you are awake while in bed. You will get the same support from a "pillow top" as you will with a "regular-top" on the same bed. The choice should be made by what feels the best to you when you try the mattress.

The sweet spot in mattresses tends to be in the $500 - $700 range for a queen set*. Since this is the price range at which most mattresses are sold, manufacturers ensure that units in this range are of excellent quality. If you are looking to ensure that you will have luxurious sleep for the next 12 to 15 years, you should purchase a top
of the line mattress.

Each manufacturer has a number of lines of mattresses. Within each line are famous "Good, Better, Best" labels.

Good - Fewer coils, fewer comfort choices, less durability
Better - Average coils, full line of comfort choices, average durability
Best - High number of coils, full line of comfort choices, high durability

Within each line there are at least three "labels" for you to choose from. One corresponding to "Good", one for "Better", one for "Best". Note that for some brands there may be several intermediate levels.

 May 3, 2006, 12:59

 User no longer registered.
Re: About to invest in a good mattress set..

Notice the example below. Both retailers have the exact mattresses but they are given different label names. Manufacturers and retailers do this to protect themselves from price shopping. If the consumer is
unable to take an ad from one competitor to another, the retailer does not need to compete mattress versus mattress. This is one of the most confusing areas in purchasing a mattress.

Retailer #1
Brand Line Label Level Price

Company X Back Helper Gold Cordoba Good $399
Back Helper Gold Pinto Better $499
Back Helper Gold Cadillac Best $599

Retailer #2
Brand Line Label Level Price

Company X Back Helper Gold Sundance Good $399
Back Helper Gold Regal Better $499
Back Helper Gold Lincoln Best $599

Manufacturers will make different label names geared toward different types of retailers.

- Sleep shops
- Furniture stores
- Department stores
- National chain retailers

What services to expect from retailers

Free delivery
Removal of old mattress and box spring
Free frame
Credit options - There should be several ways you can pay for the mattress over time.
Free setup
Comfort guarantee (30-60 days)

The comfort guarantee is exceptional in the days of buying mattresses over the phone or Internet. You are able to sleep on the mattress for 30 days to determine whether you like it or not. If you do not like it, your sales representative will help you choose another mattress that will likely feel better.

Most require that you sleep on the mattress for at least 30 days to truly determine if the mattress is right for you. It takes at least a
month to determine whether you will like a mattress or not. It is very common for people to dislike their new mattress the first three weeks they own it, but rave about it after they have slept on it for a

Extra firm---

$ 350 - $399
Sealy Posturepedic Mecca
Spring Air Back Supporter Back Bracer
Serta Perfect Sleeper Extra Firm

$ 400 - $449
Spring Air Back Supporter Esquire
Simmons Beautyrest Premium Luxury Firm
Serta Premium Super Firm
Spring Air Enhancer Deluxe
Serta Perfect Sleeper Firm

$ 450 - $500
Sealy Posturepedic Extra Firm
Simmons Beautyrest Extra Firm


Manufacturer Make Model

$ 350 - $399
Sealy Posturepedic Mecca
Comfort Source Royal Comfort Collection Grand Duke
Simmons Back Care Signature
IBC Back Control
Simmons Beautyrest Luxury Firm
Restonic ComfortCare Loren
Sealy Posturepedic Hillrock
Simmons Back Protector
Restonic Comfort Care Bellmead
Sealy Posturepedic Barrister
Simmons Beautyrest Laguna
Serta Royalrest Regalia
Spring Air Back Bracer

$ 400 - $449
Simmons Beautycomfort Firm
Back Care Entree
Serta Extra Pride
Sealy Monterey
Serta Pearl
Serta Perfect Sleeper Exquisite
Serta Perfect Sleeper Woodfield
Sealy Posturepedic Exculsive
Sealy Posturepedic Premier
Serta Premium Luxury Firm
Sealy Posturepedic Lancaster
Sealy Posturepedic Caravelle
Restonic ComfortCare Mirage
Simmons Beautyrest Dorchester
Simmons Beautyrest Sussex
Spring Air Spine Saver Mint
Ortho Posture D'Elegance
Serta Perfect Sleeper Canterbury

$ 450 - $500
Simmons Beautyrest Ultra
Sealy Posturepedic Cushion Firm
Sealy Posturepedic Marta
Simmons Beautyrest Savannah
Serta Perfect Sleeper Brockton
Sealy Posturepedic Collette
Sealy Posturepedic Sotherby
Sealy Posturepedic Essex
Serta Ultimate Electra

Then there are the air mattresses. These aren't the camping type, but an outgrowth of the waterbed market. What is hard to find is any useful data on the longevity of the materials. Vinyl and plastics break down over time, and I guess the airbeds haven't been around long
enough that cutomers are complaining about split seams or leaks.

Airbeds are pricy but have the advantage that you can change the firmness to suit your needs, and you never need to worry about springs sagging and that inevitable body pit that occurs on a spring mattress. I like the idea of the removable topping on some of these mattresses..

Buying a good mattress set is harder than buying a car. Not only are there various options and quality levels, but the store branding makes it impossible to know what you are getting or if you are paying the best price. I've only been marginally satisfied with the last two sets that we purchased, and I'm sensitive enough to the body pit that I'll probably suggest our next set be an air mattress.
 May 3, 2006, 13:00

 User no longer registered.
Re: About to invest in a good mattress set..
Now, the air mattress things sounds real good, but I'm worried about the durability cuz of all the animals running loose in my house, like the big dog that knows better but jumps up on the bed anyway, and the cats that like to sneak up in the middle of the night and do that "puddy puddy purr purr" thingy that cats do...
 May 3, 2006, 13:02

 58 / male
 platte city, Missouri, US
Re: Re: About to invest in a good mattress set..
  QUOTE (Chazzy @ May 3, 2006, 13:02)
Now, the air mattress things sounds real good, but I'm worried about the durability cuz of all the animals running loose in my house, like the big dog that knows better but jumps up on the bed anyway, and the cats that like to sneak up in the middle of the night and do that "puddy puddy purr purr" thingy that cats do...

the air mattresses will stand up to your animals all of them no matter four legs or two legs.
 May 3, 2006, 15:59

 User no longer registered.
Re: About to invest in a good mattress set..
Do you have an air mattress? If ya do, what brandname? How long have you had it?
 May 3, 2006, 16:49

 58 / male
 platte city, Missouri, US
Re: Re: About to invest in a good mattress set..
  QUOTE (Chazzy @ May 3, 2006, 16:49)
Do you have an air mattress? If ya do, what brandname? How long have you had it?

i have a sleep number bed ive had it for about two years and i love it
 May 3, 2006, 20:35

 User no longer registered.
Re: About to invest in a good mattress set..
make sure it's one that doesnt make noise when youre doing the deed?

ahh hell ignore me.. i might've had too much to drink...

 May 7, 2006, 17:04

 User no longer registered.
Re: About to invest in a good mattress set..
I bought a mattress set for $399 and let me tell you..It's firm and soft and does well in long athletic competitions. It's always the fly by night sales that get you the good bargains.....Wish you all the same good fortune!

 May 7, 2006, 17:57

 User no longer registered.
Re: About to invest in a good mattress set..
now i have a serta perfect sleeper other than a little noise its fucking great had it for 3 years now and no complants other than the noise
 May 8, 2006, 01:07

 User no longer registered.
Re: About to invest in a good mattress set..
Some years ago when times were good we got a Select Comfort bed. It is WONDERFUL! Took a few days to get use to it, and it can be warm in the summer. All in all It is something I'd hate to do without
 May 11, 2006, 11:58

 User no longer registered.
Re: Re: About to invest in a good mattress set..
  QUOTE (DEye @ May 11, 2006, 11:58)
Some years ago when times were good we got a Select Comfort bed. It is WONDERFUL! Took a few days to get use to it, and it can be warm in the summer. All in all It is something I'd hate to do without

Wanna go mattess shopping with me, DEye?
 May 11, 2006, 12:01

 User no longer registered.
Re: Re: About to invest in a good mattress set..
  QUOTE (DEye @ May 11, 2006, 11:58)
Some years ago when times were good we got a Select Comfort bed. It is WONDERFUL! Took a few days to get use to it, and it can be warm in the summer. All in all It is something I'd hate to do without

If you want a normal set look at the Original Matteress Company here in Cleveland area. They can ship anywhere and will save you $100.'s of dollars over a national brand.
 May 11, 2006, 12:01

 User no longer registered.
Re: Re: Re: About to invest in a good mattress set..
  QUOTE (Chazzy @ May 11, 2006, 12:01)
  QUOTE (DEye @ May 11, 2006, 11:58)
Some years ago when times were good we got a Select Comfort bed. It is WONDERFUL! Took a few days to get use to it, and it can be warm in the summer. All in all It is something I'd hate to do without

Wanna go mattess shopping with me, DEye?

Oh you have no ideer how much!
 May 11, 2006, 12:02

 User no longer registered.
Re: Re: Re: About to invest in a good mattress set..
  QUOTE (DEye @ May 11, 2006, 12:01)
  QUOTE (DEye @ May 11, 2006, 11:58)
Some years ago when times were good we got a Select Comfort bed. It is WONDERFUL! Took a few days to get use to it, and it can be warm in the summer. All in all It is something I'd hate to do without

If you want a normal set look at the Original Matteress Company here in Cleveland area. They can ship anywhere and will save you $100.'s of dollars over a national brand.

I think it atcually the Original Matteress Factory!
 May 11, 2006, 12:03

 Web Naughty Forums » Advice Line » About to invest in a good mattress set..

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