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Is there anyone other than me that really enjoys just sitting with your lover and trading long slow deep full open mouth with tongue kisses for several hours at a time. I find that women are much better than men at this activity. Women are willing to sit and kiss, Men have to get to the "screwing" and will only kiss for about 5 minutes before the hands are in the clothing. Anyone else have opinions?
May 15, 2004, 17:39 |
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Re: Kissing
QUOTE (N/A @ May 15, 2004, 17:39)Is there anyone other than me that really enjoys just sitting with your lover and trading long slow deep full open mouth with tongue kisses for several hours at a time. I find that women are much better than men at this activity. Women are willing to sit and kiss, Men have to get to the "screwing" and will only kiss for about 5 minutes before the hands are in the clothing. Anyone else have opinions?
Kissing for hours. Touching, holding that's the real deal. Fucking is the grand final.
May 15, 2004, 17:46 |
64 / male OHIO, Ohio, US
Re: Kissing
noting wrong with some nice quality time on the couch or under the moon & stars. I have enjoyed just the feel of my partner in my arms and doing nothing but kissing her.
May 15, 2004, 17:48 |
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Re: Kissing
Men like kissing just as much,but we are well aware of womans unstable mood swings,reallizing this moment of pleasure could abruptly end, so its best to get in and out asap. Its like getting kicked out of paradise before you eat the apple!!
May 15, 2004, 18:11 |
64 / male OHIO, Ohio, US
Re: Kissing
I have to agree with hothands, you can spend 10minutes or two hours on the couch kissing and snuggling, say the wrong word or doing something they don't like and its all over for the night (hello rosie palmer and her five sisters!!)
May 15, 2004, 18:17 |
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Re: Kissing
WE ARE NOT THAT BAD!!!! BAD BOYS!!! NO SEX FOR YOU!!! but then I do occasionally have mood swings and ok you can fuck me .... WHAT!!!! YOU WANT A BJ!!!
maybe you are right... sigh
May 15, 2004, 19:08 |
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Re: Kissing
I kissed her lips dating, kissed her hand in marriage, kissed her forehead in sickness, I ask for sex and she says KISS MY ASS!
May 15, 2004, 20:23 |
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Re: Kissing
my current g/f and i both enjoy each others kissing very much.more often than not a peck turns into some intense french kissing followed by ending up on the couch/bedroom/kitchen table whatever,just from a kiss,it turns us both on very much
May 15, 2004, 20:27 |
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Re: Kissing
Enjoy it while you can,once you get married It will be just hallway sex!!! If you dont know what hallway sex is,,,, just ask!
May 15, 2004, 20:47 |
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Re: Re: Kissing
QUOTE (hothands @ May 15, 2004, 20:47)Enjoy it while you can,once you get married It will be just hallway sex!!! If you dont know what hallway sex is,,,, just ask! i was married for 12yrs and know all to well what hallway sex is i have absolutly no plans on re-marrying. other than the tax benifits i just can`t see a reason to
May 15, 2004, 20:56 |
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Re: Kissing
I think you would be better off to skip the tax benifit and pay the higher tax rate!
May 19, 2004, 01:17 |
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Re: Kissing
i`ll definatly take your advice on that one.there is way to much paperwork involved in a divorce. hope that the current girlfriend lasts forever but i thought that about my ex-wife to.divorce is definatly not on my list of things to do twice.
May 19, 2004, 08:54 |
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Re: Kissing
just live together, make a common law marriage contract. and when you are ready to part just follow your pre-arranged contractual obligations.
Less fighting, pre-arranged money splits, and no mucking about with lawyers and preachers.
May 19, 2004, 14:04 |
57 / female In the Sun, Arizona, US
Re: Kissing
Okay so now I have to ask - is this true? Because I love the kissing part. All of the different kinds of kisses. Kisses hello, kisses on the neck as he holds me from behind. Kisses as I lay in his arms, and tell him about my day...kisses before... kisses during .... kisses after. Until recently I thought kissing was a lost art. So many want to just ignore you until it is time to go to bed, and "just do it" (sorry nike don't mean to steal your phrase). Maybe men will get the idea that the kissing is what makes the rest something we want to spend time on.
September 5, 2006, 21:54 |
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Re: Kissing
I am like a puppie when it comes to kissing, if you put it in front of me, or in range of my lips and give me the slightest hint, I will definitely try to kiss and lick,,,,hahaha,,,,
September 6, 2006, 03:53 |
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Re: Kissing
I've been in two long term relationships with men who were extremely bad kissers...even though they had so many other outstanding qualities, I couldn't help but to miss kissing...
September 6, 2006, 06:02 |
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Re: Re: Kissing
QUOTE (Chazzy @ September 6, 2006, 06:02)I've been in two long term relationships with men who were extremely bad kissers...even though they had so many other outstanding qualities, I couldn't help but to miss kissing...
Iguess that kissing is probably one of those things, you either got it, or you do not.
September 6, 2006, 15:01 |
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Re: Kissing
I love to kiss and long drawn out ones at that. I don't have to go to the sex right away. Kissing is an important part of foreplay and it should last for as long as necessary.
September 6, 2006, 16:00 |
59 / couple Frozen Tundra, Minnesota, US
Re: Kissing
Kissing is always nice. It's is a nice way to show affection no matter where you are. even the quick pecks are nice. sometimes just a kiss is something that a person needs to feel special.
September 6, 2006, 17:50 |
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Re: Kissing
Think if you have a little kissing session (if you want to call it that) before anything else takes place, that tells you a lot. The touching and kissing goes hand in hand on that one as far as how you want to express yourself to the person you're kissing.
September 6, 2006, 22:28 |
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Re: Re: Kissing
QUOTE (hothands @ May 15, 2004, 20:23)I kissed her lips dating, kissed her hand in marriage, kissed her forehead in sickness, I ask for sex and she says KISS MY ASS!
isn't that like hall way sex when you walk by you both say f___ you
September 6, 2006, 22:39 |
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Re: Kissing
Yes,, I guess it would fall into that catogory,,and stress also.
September 7, 2006, 03:39 |
54 / female Pawling, New York, US
Re: Kissing
The way I see it, when you look at kissing whether its slow and long, or short and to the point, I believe comes from how passionate the person your with will be, or is!......The more they appreciate the kissing, the more passionate they are!
September 7, 2006, 08:34 |
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Re: Re: Kissing
QUOTE (nykitten @ September 7, 2006, 08:34)The way I see it, when you look at kissing whether its slow and long, or short and to the point, I believe comes from how passionate the person your with will be, or is!......The more they appreciate the kissing, the more passionate they are!
I have a real passionate part of me,,,to bad your not here right now, I would show you for the rest of the day, and maybe then some.
September 7, 2006, 08:39 |
54 / female Pawling, New York, US
Re: Re: Re: Kissing
QUOTE (hothands @ September 7, 2006, 08:39) QUOTE (nykitten @ September 7, 2006, 08:34)The way I see it, when you look at kissing whether its slow and long, or short and to the point, I believe comes from how passionate the person your with will be, or is!......The more they appreciate the kissing, the more passionate they are!
I have a real passionate part of me,,,to bad your not here right now, I would show you  for the rest of the day, and maybe then some.
I have come to learn that you ARE a very passionate man !.....
September 7, 2006, 08:50 |
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Re: Kissing
I know that you are passionate as well, I have also heard that two people together with passion can cure anything,,, Got anything that needs mending?
September 8, 2006, 00:03 |
57 / male Waukesha, Wisconsin, US
Re: Re: Kissing
QUOTE (nykitten @ September 7, 2006, 08:34)The way I see it, when you look at kissing whether its slow and long, or short and to the point, I believe comes from how passionate the person your with will be, or is!......The more they appreciate the kissing, the more passionate they are! I'd love to spens all day kissing you!
September 8, 2006, 21:03 |
63 / male Beaver City, Nebraska, US
Re: Kissing
Not sure,think I need to wait till I have a partner before I can answer that one, but it sounds like a lot of fun.
September 9, 2006, 10:19 |
57 / male wild and wonderful, West Virginia, US
Re: Kissing
Personally I love kissing. It doesn't matter if it's a quick kiss g'bye or a long session on the couch. I suppose I'm just a passionate person or somethin
September 9, 2006, 10:25 |
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Re: Kissing
S-Sexually Sensual
The science of kissing is called Philematology.
Yeah, it's true, philematology is the scientific study of kissing, with a sociological and an anthropological background. This wide-spread phenomenon had to have come from somewhere, and of course, whenever a question is asked, someone's got to find a way to answer it! I know what you're thinking...that kissing is natural, something we just do. This is definitely not the case. Upon finding out that many different cultures in the world hadn't even 'discovered' kissing until they were introduced to it, anthropologists decided that kissing is a learned behavior, not an instinctive one. And of course, there has to be a reason to learn it, we don't just pull things out of thin air! And thus, the research started...
To put the evolution of kissing into a long, sociological explanation that could get confusing, we'll have to refer to the theory of survival of the fittest. I won't go into the entire theory, as it is much longer than anything I'd expected to explain on here, as well as the fact that overworking my brain on something that's not even scholarly is probably not the smartest or most entertaining thing to be doing today. So, here is a teeny tiny lesson on survival of the fittest, in regards to diversity of immunology:
Let's say (for the sake of simplifying everything) that there are six major proteins in immune systems that fight off different diseases or disorders. Depending on how 'well-made' your immune system is, you could have anywhere between one and six of these proteins, having one meaning that you are less likely to fight off the diseases or disorders that the other five would fight off, and having six meaning your immune system is well balanced and can fight off most diseases and disorders. And of course, all of the fractions in between. But how do we end up with these immune system proteins?
The answer lies in our parents...if our father has two and our mother has three different ones, we come out with about five out of six of these proteins. On the other hand, if our father has two and our mother has the same two, we only end up with two of the proteins, rendering our bodies exposed to diseases and disorders we wouldn't end up with in the first case. So, we can come to the conclusion that we want our parents to have a great diversity of immunology, and we also want to instinctively seek out partners with an immunology quite different from our own. And how do we know who that partner is? Well...by the way they smell.
See, human beings (and all other animals) give off pheromones in our scent, and we unconsciously register how genetically potential a partner is when we catch a whiff of them. Thousands of years ago, people who were attracted to each other (it is believed) would walk up and get up close and sniff each other's faces. It seems silly, but you can compare this to your cat, rubbing his face up against another cat, or your dog, putting his nose up to...well, you get the point...it should start to make sense (or scents!). Theorists assume that kissing evolved from that, as the touching of lips becomes quite inevitable when one is always up in another's face.
And of course, there's the obvious fact that it feels good. Our lips and tongues are packed with nerve endings, rendering them a few of the most sensitive places in our bodies. But that's just an outwardly physical side of the 'feeling good' bit. Inwardly and physically, when we kiss someone we really like, we get the same sort of high as we would while bungee jumping or playing a really physical sport. This high is caused by neurotransmitters in our brains, one of the most well-known being dopemine (yes, the name for the drug does come from the name of the chemical). It attaches itself to the mesolimbic pleasure centers in our brains, giving us a high, as we get with amphetamines such as meth.
And the difference between doing a drug containing amphetamines and actually kissing someone? Although drugs seem more logical because the high is more instant, more intense, and doesn't come with the complications of the sexes, drugs always come with post-depression. Where kissing someone you like will release dopemine in your head, amphetamines in drugs will only let your high last a little while before depleting all of the neurotransmitters, leaving you in a post-depressive state. So apparently, it's better to find someone you like and engage in some lip-locking than it is to do other...not-so-legal things...
Phewwww.... Okay now that I got the scientific part out of the way... I just love to kiss!!
You must remember this, a kiss is just a kiss...
~ Herman Hupfeld
September 9, 2006, 12:41 |
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Re: Kissing
well said tica
September 9, 2006, 17:17 |