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They really do have shit for brains!
 Web Naughty Forums » General Discussion » They really do have shit for brains!


 59 / couple
 Frozen Tundra, Minnesota, US
They really do have shit for brains!
On our local news tonight, they had a report on a U.S. Marine coming home from Iraq with his unit, comprising of 30 Marines. A staff sargent was held up and questioned in L.A. for about 30 minutes, by TSA, as he had been placed on the watch list. Last April he had come home from Iraq when his first tour of duty ended, the TSA agents detected gun powder on his boots. He missed his flight home and had to take another flight. He was reunited with his unit as they waited at the MSP airport for him. All the marines where in full uniforms and their id's and their travel orders with them.
 April 12, 2006, 02:50

 56 / female
 daytona, Florida, US
Re: They really do have shit for brains!
Uh...Duh....I dono....maybe he's a SOLDIER??! Jeez, ok, these people are soooo STOOPID!

 April 12, 2006, 06:53

 User no longer registered.
Re: They really do have shit for brains!
I can understandsee security being a major issue..but it took 'em 30 minutes to clear the guy???

My vote for the "Shit-for-brains" award goes to the 911 dispacther who decided the little boy calling for his sick mother(who did die before any help was ever sent) was a prankster.
 April 12, 2006, 07:37

 65 / female
 McGaheysville, Virginia, US
Re: They really do have shit for brains!
when I lived in NJ a young boy got tangled up in a clothes line with it around his neck. since the mom was trying to get him untangled she had the 8 yr old daughter call 911. They refused to take the call because they said she was too young and an adult had to call. The boy died. It was big news for a couple years.
 April 12, 2006, 07:57

 User no longer registered.
Re: Re: They really do have shit for brains!
  QUOTE (Chazzy @ April 12, 2006, 07:37)
I can understandsee security being a major issue..but it took 'em 30 minutes to clear the guy???

My vote for the "Shit-for-brains" award goes to the 911 dispacther who decided the little boy calling for his sick mother(who did die before any help was ever sent) was a prankster.

I saw that. Made me sick to my stomach, literally
 April 12, 2006, 10:04

 59 / couple
 Frozen Tundra, Minnesota, US
Re: They really do have shit for brains!
I just can't believe what the system has become. I used to dispatch for the county sheriff here, and believe me you just knew when it was a prank and when the young caller was serious, but too young to understand the situation. It's appalling that this even occurs today.
 April 12, 2006, 12:45

 User no longer registered.
Re: They really do have shit for brains!
What's funny is..... when my 10 yr. old was about 4 or 5, he thought it would be neat to call 911. They called back, I told 'em I was in the kitchen and didn't notice he picked up the phone. They had to come out and check the whole damn house to make sure nothing was wrong! Guess they thought I was beating him or something. City police got there and my beagle bit one of the assholes..... whole other story!
 April 12, 2006, 14:38

 User no longer registered.
Re: They really do have shit for brains!
Of all the scams, of all the cons, of all the ways to defraud.....faking giving birth to sextuplets????

Geez..it's trash like that could give us Missourians a bad name!
 April 14, 2006, 13:39

 User no longer registered.
Re: They really do have shit for brains!
New York, New York

To Whom it May Concern,

Love and Kisses,
 April 14, 2006, 14:58

 User no longer registered.
Re: They really do have shit for brains!
did anyone but me wonder how they were going to produce sextuplets when all those companies who were busy falling all over each other for publicity started requesting photo shoots for advertisement??
 April 16, 2006, 10:47

 54 / female
 Pawling, New York, US
Re: Re: They really do have shit for brains!
  QUOTE (Chazzy @ April 14, 2006, 14:58)
New York, New York

To Whom it May Concern,

Love and Kisses,

It was technically CT, and they did....
 April 16, 2006, 14:57

 User no longer registered.
Re: They really do have shit for brains!
Well, I'm so happy to have a "happy ending" update! I'm lucky to catch as much 10 minutes at a time of CNN news, and all I've heard for over a week is "something something New York blah blah cat stuck in a wall yada yada".

Poor Kitty!! but it's all good now!!!
 April 16, 2006, 20:16

 60 / male
 Bowl of Granola, Massachusetts, US
Re: They really do have shit for brains!
That one about the little boy that got rejected by 911... The dispatcher will probably only be able to get a job as a tellermarketer. Now we can all hang up on them...
 April 20, 2006, 12:22

 59 / couple
 Frozen Tundra, Minnesota, US
Re: Re: They really do have shit for brains!
  QUOTE (GentleGiant388 @ April 20, 2006, 12:22)
That one about the little boy that got rejected by 911... The dispatcher will probably only be able to get a job as a tellermarketer. Now we can all hang up on them...

I wouldn't hold my breath on that. It will probably be a nasty gram in their file, on life goes on. Where's the justice?????????
 April 20, 2006, 12:39

 User no longer registered.
Re: They really do have shit for brains!
funlovingpair, one of you mentioned working as a dispatch? I wanted to ask you, is determining real calls from pranks and making the decision to dispatch personnel or not part of a dispatcher's training? Or is a dispatcher's primary concern is relaying the information from the calls to the appropriate departments and services?
When this story first became headline news, it just seemed so obvious who was at blame for the tragic mistake, but then after thinking it all through, I had to wonder if the dispatcher was a product of training or a person with bad judgment.
 April 20, 2006, 12:53

 71 / male
 dallas, Texas, US
Re: Re: They really do have shit for brains!
  QUOTE (Chazzy @ April 20, 2006, 12:53)
funlovingpair, one of you mentioned working as a dispatch? I wanted to ask you, is determining real calls from pranks and making the decision to dispatch personnel or not part of a dispatcher's training? Or is a dispatcher's primary concern is relaying the information from the calls to the appropriate departments and services?
When this story first became headline news, it just seemed so obvious who was at blame for the tragic mistake, but then after thinking it all through, I had to wonder if the dispatcher was a product of training or a person with bad judgment.

i think bad judgment; all call should be check on like moonhowler said,and that's my thinking and i'm sticking to it. Shit for brains goes to her
 April 20, 2006, 16:27

 59 / couple
 Frozen Tundra, Minnesota, US
Re: Re: They really do have shit for brains!
  QUOTE (Chazzy @ April 20, 2006, 12:53)
funlovingpair, one of you mentioned working as a dispatch? I wanted to ask you, is determining real calls from pranks and making the decision to dispatch personnel or not part of a dispatcher's training? Or is a dispatcher's primary concern is relaying the information from the calls to the appropriate departments and services?
When this story first became headline news, it just seemed so obvious who was at blame for the tragic mistake, but then after thinking it all through, I had to wonder if the dispatcher was a product of training or a person with bad judgment.

OK I'll try this again, I ended up with the long version and got booted off the site.

The short version- I really can't give you a good answer for it, but dispatching is very very stressful. There is a thousand things going on at the same time. But, I think that in this case, and this is only a guess, it is probably a result of poor training, it cost to much, and someone with little experience, and the departments policy's and procedures. Dispatchers are poorly paid, poorly trained, and under extreme stress. Just remember that you get what you pay for. And since these people are not in the public eye, like the police officers, they are not thought about much.
Sorry I couldn't give you a good answer, but it's the about the best one I can give.
This is one of those topics that can be debated for ever, and no matter what the answer is, no one will like it. Chazzy if you want the long version, just let me know.
 April 21, 2006, 01:21

 User no longer registered.
Re: They really do have shit for brains!
My first reaction to the story and hearing the recording was just shock, and anger aimed at the dispatcher. Then I started recalling a friend from the past and remebering her stress when she first started her dispactchting job at a small town police station. It seems that although she handled every call according to her "training" her supervisors would often tell her she was wrong, and what she shoud have done, these complaints were either contradicted her training, or was excluded from her training. I think it was her supervisor's hindsight that was so confusing for her. If the incident didn't go well after she dispatched the call, then in their hindsight, she would become a scapegoat.
After awhile of thinking about the recent 911 story, I had to wonder if this dispacther had often caught hell for the used resources it takes to check out prank calls, and she was reacting to that inspite of her training, or if 911 dispatching training needs to be reviewed, is it dispatching office policies that are responsible for incidents like this and not so much the personnel who have poor management to answer to?
 April 21, 2006, 07:42

 59 / couple
 Frozen Tundra, Minnesota, US
Re: They really do have shit for brains!
Just remember that shit runs down hill. If your the one on the bottom, your the shit. Dispatchers are public employees and subjected to all of the political pressure of the powers to be. I recall one time when I had come to work, the powers to be were taking recordings of events that happened the night before. One of the hospitals and it's rescue squad had done a training scenario that ended up not going to their liking. First they wanted the county to pull a trailer that held extra supplies, so I called for a sergeant and he told them NO. Then I got really busy, I had every one of my officers running from one end of the county to the other, and even had calls waiting for them. The hospital called and was bitching that we were not responding to their needs. Luckily for me, the Captain had walked in and I gave him the update, and he talked with the hospital and told them we were just to busy to help with their drill. But I guess that did not set well with the hospital and the next day they lodged a complaint. When I show up for work, the investigators were taping everything from night before. I told them they should just go and talk with the Captain if there was a problem as he was there and helped me out the night before. Well they must have as I never heard another word from this. Btu this is the kinda of shit you put yourself into when you are in this position. You have put up with assholes that the first words out of their mouths is I'm a tax payer and you have to listen to me, to the screaming lunatics that forgot to take their happy pills. This is a job that is the must thankless job on earth. It was really fun, and it really sucked at the same time.
 April 21, 2006, 12:29

 User no longer registered.
Re: They really do have shit for brains!
Thanks for giving us your time with this subject...I know part of the news media's job is to grab attention and ratings, it's easy to get caught up in the images they supplied us of that crying child, and no doubt, someone should be held accountable. There's always two sides, if not even more, to every story, and laying it all on a scapegoat won't bring any justice or force changes that need to be made.
I have not heard any updates on this story.
That sweet motherless boy deserves to grow up knowing that he mother's death brought about some changes that will prevent other children from his experience.
 April 25, 2006, 14:46

 59 / couple
 Frozen Tundra, Minnesota, US
Re: They really do have shit for brains!
Chazzy, I couldn't agree more with you. I not overly trusting of the media with any story. There is one time when I was involved in a organization and they, the national news, ran a story. Our public relations dude did a good with the interview, but after the national media did all it's editing, I couldn't believe that is was the same story. Needless to say, our public relations dude lost his job.
 April 25, 2006, 16:39

 User no longer registered.
Re: They really do have shit for brains!
Did ya catch the news story about the two women who committed insurance fraud by crashing a van into a tree?

They video taped it...
 September 14, 2006, 07:26

 73 / male
 small town (South Jersey), New Jersey, US
Re: They really do have shit for brains!
Hey I have to agree with Funlovingcouple and also with Cazzy to. But until you have been there in the heat of an emergency under the stress that the dispatcher goes through then it is a tough one to totally condemn. I spent thirty years in the Law Enforcement field as a lowly street officer all the way to the top. And I have sat in an assisted the dispatchers on emergencies. When the emergencies accrue it takes a certain kind of person to keep calm as the person on the other side is screaming at you, or the noise of gun fire at the other end of the phone is so loud you can't here the person talk. Or even your fellow officers screaming for help as they are being killed. No please do not judge all dispatcher for the mistakes one may make under menace stress. And yes the management needs to control and train better but as in any government job, especially Law Enforcement, we get lousy pay for the duty we do, even dispatchers. What I am trying to say is people who usually do public service are dedicated good people who usually try their best and are also human. When a dispatcher received 10 calls in a three minute period and five are serious emergencies and three are asking for directions and two are 911 with no one talking and one is just a scream. Well you decide. Is the scream real or just some teenager busting the cops balls. What happened in those cases where children died and people did not get assistance is bad and heart breaking, but until you have lived and walked in their life please don't judge everyone the same.
 September 14, 2006, 23:50

 59 / couple
 Frozen Tundra, Minnesota, US
Re: Re: They really do have shit for brains!
  QUOTE (lonerwolf @ September 14, 2006, 23:50)
Hey I have to agree with Funlovingcouple and also with Cazzy to. But until you have been there in the heat of an emergency under the stress that the dispatcher goes through then it is a tough one to totally condemn. I spent thirty years in the Law Enforcement field as a lowly street officer all the way to the top. And I have sat in an assisted the dispatchers on emergencies. When the emergencies accrue it takes a certain kind of person to keep calm as the person on the other side is screaming at you, or the noise of gun fire at the other end of the phone is so loud you can't here the person talk. Or even your fellow officers screaming for help as they are being killed. No please do not judge all dispatcher for the mistakes one may make under menace stress. And yes the management needs to control and train better but as in any government job, especially Law Enforcement, we get lousy pay for the duty we do, even dispatchers. What I am trying to say is people who usually do public service are dedicated good people who usually try their best and are also human. When a dispatcher received 10 calls in a three minute period and five are serious emergencies and three are asking for directions and two are 911 with no one talking and one is just a scream. Well you decide. Is the scream real or just some teenager busting the cops balls. What happened in those cases where children died and people did not get assistance is bad and heart breaking, but until you have lived and walked in their life please don't judge everyone the same.

Been there, done that...
 September 15, 2006, 01:41

 70 / male
 Miller Beach, Indiana, US
Re: They really do have shit for brains!
And we can add George W's press conference today.
 September 15, 2006, 19:33

 User no longer registered.
Re: Re: They really do have shit for brains!
  QUOTE (pepper @ April 12, 2006, 06:53)
Uh...Duh....I dono....maybe he's a SOLDIER??! Jeez, ok, these people are soooo STOOPID!

Do you know what "TSA" stands for?? ......Thousands Standing Around !!!!

Take a good look at the security people at the next airport you use. Are they or are they not the dumbest looking f**ks you ever layed your eyes on???
 September 18, 2006, 11:45

 59 / couple
 Frozen Tundra, Minnesota, US
Re: Re: Re: They really do have shit for brains!
  QUOTE (voyeurbill @ September 18, 2006, 11:45)
  QUOTE (pepper @ April 12, 2006, 06:53)
Uh...Duh....I dono....maybe he's a SOLDIER??! Jeez, ok, these people are soooo STOOPID!

Do you know what "TSA" stands for?? ......Thousands Standing Around !!!!

Take a good look at the security people at the next airport you use. Are they or are they not the dumbest looking f**ks you ever layed your eyes on???

Not the dumbest, but definitely the second dumbest.
 September 19, 2006, 00:50

 Web Naughty Forums » General Discussion » They really do have shit for brains!

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