55 / couple blythe, California, US
Baby Boomers - Then & Now
Then: Killer Weed
Now: Weed Killer
Then: Being caught with Hustler magazine
Now: Being caught by Hustler magazine
Then: Hoping for a BMW
Now: Hoping for a BM
Then: The Grateful Dead
Now: Dr. Kevorkian
Then: Getting out to a new, hip joint
Now: Getting a new hip joint
Then: Moving to California because it's cool
Now: Moving to California because it's warm
Then: Being called into the principal's office
Now: Storming into the principal's office
Then: Peace Sign
Now: Mercedes Logo
Then: OJ, cutting & slashing
Now: OJ, cutting & slashing
Then: Getting your head stoned
Now: Getting your headstone
Then: "The Making of the President"
Now: The making of the President
Then: "Going blind"
Now: REALLY going blind
Then: Long hair
Now: Longing for hair
Then: Acid rock
Now: Acid reflux
Then: Worrying about no one coming to your party
Now: Worrying about no one coming to your funeral
Then: President Johnson
Now: The President's johnson
Then: Fighting to get rid of the lying President
Now: Fighting to keep the lying President
Then: The perfect high
Now: The perfect high-yield mutual fund
Then: Elvis in the army
Now: Elvis in a UFO
Then: Keg
Now: EKG
Then: Swallowing acid
Now: Swallowing antacid
Then: You're growing pot
Now: Your growing pot
Then: Watching John Glenn's historic flight with your parents
Now: Watching John Glenn's historic flight with your kids
Then: Trying to look like Marlon Brando or Elizabeth Taylor
Now: Trying not to look like Marlon Brando or Elizabeth Taylor
Then: Passing the driving test
Now: Passing the vision test
Then: Seeds and stems
Now: Roughage
Then: Popping pills, smoking joints
Now: Popping joints
Then: Whatever?.
Now: Depends
Then: "Off the pigs"
Now: "No bacon please, I am watching my cholesterol"
Then: Ommmmmm
Now: Ummmmm
April 4, 2006, 05:20 |
User no longer registered.
Re: Baby Boomers - Then & Now
Again.. TOO FUNNY...!!!!
April 4, 2006, 05:45 |
65 / female McGaheysville, Virginia, US
Re: Baby Boomers - Then & Now
April 4, 2006, 08:09 |
61 / male southwest, Colorado, US
Re: Baby Boomers - Then & Now
April 4, 2006, 08:43 |
59 / couple Frozen Tundra, Minnesota, US
Re: Baby Boomers - Then & Now
April 4, 2006, 12:04 |
54 / female Pawling, New York, US
Re: Baby Boomers - Then & Now
April 4, 2006, 15:12 |
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