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 Web Naughty Forums » General Discussion » Spring........


 User no longer registered.
We went to Lowe's this weekend and got a Shumard Red Oak and a Lace Bark Elm to plant. All of the stuff we've planted in the last year has raised the value of our home/property $10,000!

It's amazing what good landscaping can do.

What are y'alls plans? Gettin' any new plants?

 April 3, 2006, 15:46

 User no longer registered.
Re: Spring........
I'm working on a lovely batch of dandy lions for thie spring. I seem to have a green thumb with these. Lovely green leaves and beautiful yellow flowers

  QUOTE (MoonHowler @ April 3, 2006, 15:46)
We went to Lowe's this weekend and got a Shumard Red Oak and a Lace Bark Elm to plant. All of the stuff we've planted in the last year has raised the value of our home/property $10,000!

It's amazing what good landscaping can do.

What are y'alls plans? Gettin' any new plants?

 April 3, 2006, 15:53

 User no longer registered.
Re: Re: Spring........
  QUOTE (DEye @ April 3, 2006, 15:53)
I'm working on a lovely batch of dandy lions for thie spring. I seem to have a green thumb with these. Lovely green leaves and beautiful yellow flowers

  QUOTE (MoonHowler @ April 3, 2006, 15:46)
We went to Lowe's this weekend and got a Shumard Red Oak and a Lace Bark Elm to plant. All of the stuff we've planted in the last year has raised the value of our home/property $10,000!

It's amazing what good landscaping can do.

What are y'alls plans? Gettin' any new plants?

 April 3, 2006, 15:54

 58 / male
 platte city, Missouri, US
Re: Spring........
  QUOTE (MoonHowler @ April 3, 2006, 15:46)
We went to Lowe's this weekend and got a Shumard Red Oak and a Lace Bark Elm to plant. All of the stuff we've planted in the last year has raised the value of our home/property $10,000!

It's amazing what good landscaping can do.

What are y'alls plans? Gettin' any new plants?

do you really want to know what my plans are??????
 April 3, 2006, 16:16

 User no longer registered.
Re: Spring........
What I planted , I can't talk about...!!!
 April 3, 2006, 16:23

 User no longer registered.
Re: Spring........
I live for digging in the dirt and playing in the mud! I landscape with a bunch of really big-ass rocks and lots of flowers and plants. Hard as I try though, I just can't seem to buy plants because of some well thought out landscaping plans, but instead, I come home with the backseat of my car full of plants that made me go "Ohhhhhh PRETTY!!!"
 April 3, 2006, 16:24

 65 / female
 McGaheysville, Virginia, US
Re: Spring........
The advantage to designing flower beds for other people is that I get to buy all of the flowers that I like, arrange any way that I like and then get paid for it! I love my job!
 April 3, 2006, 16:30

 User no longer registered.
Re: Re: Spring........
  QUOTE (DEye @ April 3, 2006, 15:53)
I'm working on a lovely batch of dandy lions for thie spring. I seem to have a green thumb with these. Lovely green leaves and beautiful yellow flowers

  QUOTE (MoonHowler @ April 3, 2006, 15:46)
We went to Lowe's this weekend and got a Shumard Red Oak and a Lace Bark Elm to plant. All of the stuff we've planted in the last year has raised the value of our home/property $10,000!

It's amazing what good landscaping can do.

What are y'alls plans? Gettin' any new plants?

Got a hell of a nice crop of poison oak I'll share with anybody that wants some..

 April 3, 2006, 18:31

 59 / couple
 Frozen Tundra, Minnesota, US
Re: Spring........
Let's see here, I have one big old pine that has lot's big pines that I have to rake every other day, Oh yea, and about 6 big ass burr oak trees, that in the fall will drop about 1000 acorns each. And those acorns make some nice dents in the car hood.
 April 4, 2006, 01:14

 69 / male
 McGaheysville, Virginia, US
Re: Spring........
I have the most amazing brown thumb,I kill every plant I touch a big flowerbed in front of my store was dead and dying, mostly weeds, but Wildflower brought it back to life, this summer it will look beautiful. Thanks Wildflower
 April 4, 2006, 02:20

 65 / female
 McGaheysville, Virginia, US
Re: Re: Spring........
  QUOTE (hardrock1955 @ April 4, 2006, 02:20)
I have the most amazing brown thumb,I kill every plant I touch a big flowerbed in front of my store was dead and dying, mostly weeds, but Wildflower brought it back to life, this summer it will look beautiful. Thanks Wildflower

your very welcome. one more opportunity for me to buy flowers that I don't need!
 April 4, 2006, 08:01

 55 / couple
 blythe, California, US
Re: Spring........
when i buy a house i go in and put in a new kitchen and bathrooms and work on the yard if i have to and try to turn them in under 90 days.......get me a good profit......P.S. Butters can tare down some walls .....damn she's good
 April 4, 2006, 08:06

 60 / male
 Bowl of Granola, Massachusetts, US
Re: Spring........
Not much to plant in this asfault jungle... and rc? need any help planting your crop this year?...
 April 4, 2006, 08:08

 54 / female
 Pawling, New York, US
Re: Spring........
Well, I have a big green thumb!...I love to play in the garden....Kind of like a place for some peace I guess, even if it is just sitting on my ass weeding!.....

But I have huge gardens in my yard....Made all of them from scratch!....Had to dig up grass and all kinds of shit to make them!....I also built stone walls around them.....I would love to build my fish pond this year, but not sure I can yet.....

Although my favorite flower is a daisy, my garden is filled with Lilacs, white and purple (another favorite) Hydrangeas, white, blue, and pink, Lots of daisy's, the yellow ones, and that "carpet" one.....Kinda of like those flowers that grow on rock walls, they are more like a ground covering, and they flower in the early spring!.....

It has been a lot of work in my gardens, being that there were two here, that have been growing for the past 40 yrs, and for the last 10 she never weeded them!....They were overrun with Lilly of the valley...which took me three years to completely clean out!....However, thats how I made all the other gardens.....I was able to take stuff from hers and make about four more gardens!...

Anyone need hostas?....(did I spell that right?)

I also took my Weeping Cherry tree when I moved here from my other house.....I love trees!...And it has gotten big and beautiful!....

You asked moon!....
 April 4, 2006, 13:01

 46 / male
 Florissant, Missouri, US
Re: Spring........
i do have a grounds keeper certificate if any body needs help took landscaping and has lots of experience in the field: planting,prunning,cutting grass,rake leaves,snow removal,irrigation,retaining walls,line ball fields,etc etc etc

yes you did spell hostas right
 April 4, 2006, 14:16

 User no longer registered.
Re: Re: Spring........
  QUOTE (tomboy6978 @ April 4, 2006, 14:16)
i do have a grounds keeper certificate if any body needs help took landscaping and has lots of experience in the field: planting,prunning,cutting grass,rake leaves,snow removal,irrigation,retaining walls,line ball fields,etc etc etc

yes you did spell hostas right

I could use some suggestions, I want to replace a Hydrangea (the old fashioned "snowball" type) It looks good while its green and blooming but once it dies out in early fall, it just looks dead and ugly. The area is mostly shady, with some filtered sunlight and already has beds of Hosta and varigated perriwinkle. Since this is in the front of the house, I want a bush that has some nice color and blooms, and will look good for a longer period of time than the Hydrangea.
Any suggestions on what I could replace it with, anyone?
 April 4, 2006, 14:25

 54 / female
 Pawling, New York, US
Re: Re: Spring........
  QUOTE (tomboy6978 @ April 4, 2006, 14:16)
i do have a grounds keeper certificate if any body needs help took landscaping and has lots of experience in the field: planting,prunning,cutting grass,rake leaves,snow removal,irrigation,retaining walls,line ball fields,etc etc etc

yes you did spell hostas right

Thanks!......And come over to prune anytime!....
 April 4, 2006, 14:35

 46 / male
 Florissant, Missouri, US
Re: Re: Re: Spring........
  QUOTE (Chazzy @ April 4, 2006, 14:25)

I could use some suggestions, I want to replace a Hydrangea (the old fashioned "snowball" type) It looks good while its green and blooming but once it dies out in early fall, it just looks dead and ugly. The area is mostly shady, with some filtered sunlight and already has beds of Hosta and varigated perriwinkle. Since this is in the front of the house, I want a bush that has some nice color and blooms, and will look good for a longer period of time than the Hydrangea.
Any suggestions on what I could replace it with, anyone?

maybe try rose bushes i can keep them blooming from spring all the way til fall before prune before hard winter frost
 April 4, 2006, 14:38

 54 / female
 Pawling, New York, US
Re: Re: Re: Spring........
  QUOTE (Chazzy @ April 4, 2006, 14:25)
  QUOTE (tomboy6978 @ April 4, 2006, 14:16)
i do have a grounds keeper certificate if any body needs help took landscaping and has lots of experience in the field: planting,prunning,cutting grass,rake leaves,snow removal,irrigation,retaining walls,line ball fields,etc etc etc

yes you did spell hostas right

I could use some suggestions, I want to replace a Hydrangea (the old fashioned "snowball" type) It looks good while its green and blooming but once it dies out in early fall, it just looks dead and ugly. The area is mostly shady, with some filtered sunlight and already has beds of Hosta and varigated perriwinkle. Since this is in the front of the house, I want a bush that has some nice color and blooms, and will look good for a longer period of time than the Hydrangea.
Any suggestions on what I could replace it with, anyone?

Something that blooms for a good amount of time, and is a bush.......

Not too sure about your zone, but here, nothing really blooms for too long like that......

But, here. I would either put, rhododendron, azalea, rose bush, lilac bush, crab-apple bushes are pretty as well, nice red leaves.....

If you want something more filling, Physithia is pretty when it blooms, and stays green.....And a fire bush is beautiful in the fall!....

Im sure someone will know more options, Im stuck in NY landscaping!.....
 April 4, 2006, 14:43

 46 / male
 Florissant, Missouri, US
Re: Spring........
or you could try hollys they tend to bloom little red berries from spring until some time during fall
 April 4, 2006, 14:47

 59 / couple
 Frozen Tundra, Minnesota, US
Re: Spring........
Try hardy chrysanthemums.
 April 4, 2006, 14:54

 46 / male
 Florissant, Missouri, US
Re: Spring........
try flowering dogwoods or red osier dogwood,impatiens,fringed bleeding heart
 April 4, 2006, 15:03

 54 / couple
 ALTOONA, Pennsylvania, US
Re: Re: Spring........
  QUOTE (nykitten @ April 4, 2006, 13:01)
Well, I have a big green thumb!...I love to play in the garden....Kind of like a place for some peace I guess, even if it is just sitting on my ass weeding!.....

But I have huge gardens in my yard....Made all of them from scratch!....Had to dig up grass and all kinds of shit to make them!....I also built stone walls around them.....I would love to build my fish pond this year, but not sure I can yet.....

Although my favorite flower is a daisy, my garden is filled with Lilacs, white and purple (another favorite) Hydrangeas, white, blue, and pink, Lots of daisy's, the yellow ones, and that "carpet" one.....Kinda of like those flowers that grow on rock walls, they are more like a ground covering, and they flower in the early spring!.....

It has been a lot of work in my gardens, being that there were two here, that have been growing for the past 40 yrs, and for the last 10 she never weeded them!....They were overrun with Lilly of the valley...which took me three years to completely clean out!....However, thats how I made all the other gardens.....I was able to take stuff from hers and make about four more gardens!...

Anyone need hostas?....(did I spell that right?)

I also took my Weeping Cherry tree when I moved here from my other house.....I love trees!...And it has gotten big and beautiful!....

You asked moon!....

MY GOD WOMAN is there anything u cant do.....lol please come help me with my flowers.
 April 4, 2006, 15:12

 54 / female
 Pawling, New York, US
Re: Re: Re: Spring........
  QUOTE (HAPPILYHORNY @ April 4, 2006, 15:12)
  QUOTE (nykitten @ April 4, 2006, 13:01)
Well, I have a big green thumb!...I love to play in the garden....Kind of like a place for some peace I guess, even if it is just sitting on my ass weeding!.....

But I have huge gardens in my yard....Made all of them from scratch!....Had to dig up grass and all kinds of shit to make them!....I also built stone walls around them.....I would love to build my fish pond this year, but not sure I can yet.....

Although my favorite flower is a daisy, my garden is filled with Lilacs, white and purple (another favorite) Hydrangeas, white, blue, and pink, Lots of daisy's, the yellow ones, and that "carpet" one.....Kinda of like those flowers that grow on rock walls, they are more like a ground covering, and they flower in the early spring!.....

It has been a lot of work in my gardens, being that there were two here, that have been growing for the past 40 yrs, and for the last 10 she never weeded them!....They were overrun with Lilly of the valley...which took me three years to completely clean out!....However, thats how I made all the other gardens.....I was able to take stuff from hers and make about four more gardens!...

Anyone need hostas?....(did I spell that right?)

I also took my Weeping Cherry tree when I moved here from my other house.....I love trees!...And it has gotten big and beautiful!....

You asked moon!....

MY GOD WOMAN is there anything u cant do.....lol please come help me with my flowers.

Need a PA road trip soon!....
 April 4, 2006, 15:18

 54 / couple
 ALTOONA, Pennsylvania, US
Re: Spring........
do u need directions kitten. lol
 April 4, 2006, 15:19

 65 / female
 McGaheysville, Virginia, US
Re: Re: Spring........
  QUOTE (nykitten @ April 4, 2006, 13:01)

Although my favorite flower is a daisy, my garden is filled with Lilacs, white and purple (another favorite) Hydrangeas, white, blue, and pink, Lots of daisy's, the yellow ones, and that "carpet" one.....Kinda of like those flowers that grow on rock walls, they are more like a ground covering, and they flower in the early spring!.....

Anyone need hostas?....(did I spell that right?)

You asked moon!....

The "carpet" one is probably creeping phlox, in NJ we called in mountalin pinks. It's one of my favorites too! and if you need to get rid of hostas let me know. I'm rebuilding flower beds in my yard that have been abandoned for more than 15 yrs!
 April 4, 2006, 15:20

 46 / male
 Florissant, Missouri, US
Re: Spring........
Missouri has a transitional zone soil zones are 5b and 6a
 April 4, 2006, 15:22

 54 / female
 Pawling, New York, US
Re: Re: Re: Spring........
  QUOTE (wildflower59 @ April 4, 2006, 15:20)
  QUOTE (nykitten @ April 4, 2006, 13:01)

Although my favorite flower is a daisy, my garden is filled with Lilacs, white and purple (another favorite) Hydrangeas, white, blue, and pink, Lots of daisy's, the yellow ones, and that "carpet" one.....Kinda of like those flowers that grow on rock walls, they are more like a ground covering, and they flower in the early spring!.....

Anyone need hostas?....(did I spell that right?)

You asked moon!....

The "carpet" one is probably creeping phlox, in NJ we called in mountalin pinks. It's one of my favorites too! and if you need to get rid of hostas let me know. I'm rebuilding flower beds in my yard that have been abandoned for more than 15 yrs!

Thats exactly what it is!.....It's one of my favorites...I think I have a picture of it from last year....If I do I will send it to you......But I took all of whats in my garden from my house before I sold it.....Didn't have to buy a thing!....
 April 4, 2006, 15:23

 65 / female
 McGaheysville, Virginia, US
Re: Re: Re: Re: Spring........
  QUOTE (nykitten @ April 4, 2006, 15:23)
  QUOTE (wildflower59 @ April 4, 2006, 15:20)
  QUOTE (nykitten @ April 4, 2006, 13:01)

Although my favorite flower is a daisy, my garden is filled with Lilacs, white and purple (another favorite) Hydrangeas, white, blue, and pink, Lots of daisy's, the yellow ones, and that "carpet" one.....Kinda of like those flowers that grow on rock walls, they are more like a ground covering, and they flower in the early spring!.....

Anyone need hostas?....(did I spell that right?)

You asked moon!....

The "carpet" one is probably creeping phlox, in NJ we called in mountalin pinks. It's one of my favorites too! and if you need to get rid of hostas let me know. I'm rebuilding flower beds in my yard that have been abandoned for more than 15 yrs!

Thats exactly what it is!.....It's one of my favorites...I think I have a picture of it from last year....If I do I will send it to you......But I took all of whats in my garden from my house before I sold it.....Didn't have to buy a thing!....

You got lucky. every time I move into a house I rebuild or establish gardens and then move in Feb and have to leave everything behind. I'd love to see the pictures of your gardens! thanks
 April 4, 2006, 15:27

 65 / female
 McGaheysville, Virginia, US
Re: Re: Re: Spring........
  QUOTE (Chazzy @ April 4, 2006, 14:25)

I could use some suggestions, I want to replace a Hydrangea (the old fashioned "snowball" type) It looks good while its green and blooming but once it dies out in early fall, it just looks dead and ugly. The area is mostly shady, with some filtered sunlight and already has beds of Hosta and varigated perriwinkle. Since this is in the front of the house, I want a bush that has some nice color and blooms, and will look good for a longer period of time than the Hydrangea.
Any suggestions on what I could replace it with, anyone?[/quote

The obvious choics are holly, azaela, or rhododendron. they all need higher acid soil. Another choice might be a St Johns Wort. The purple variety has yellow flowers though the summer and orange berries through the fall into winter.Unfortunitly it dies back over the winter. The regular green variety also has yellow flowers and then orange berries but it doesn't die back as much in the winter. Just a suggestion...
 April 4, 2006, 16:04

 User no longer registered.
Re: Spring........
All that seems to grow in my yard is the pile of dog shit from the dog ( great dane ) next door ...!!! I think It's really a horse , but I can't prove it...!!!!
 April 4, 2006, 17:02

 65 / female
 McGaheysville, Virginia, US
Re: Re: Spring........
  QUOTE (rchamberlain @ April 4, 2006, 17:02)
All that seems to grow in my yard is the pile of dog shit from the dog ( great dane ) next door ...!!! I think It's really a horse , but I can't prove it...!!!!

Of course fertilizer is good to have. Maybe I can help you learn to make things grow...
 April 4, 2006, 17:06

 User no longer registered.
Re: Spring........
I've visited your garden and I must say... very nice and it smells wonderful...!!!!
 April 4, 2006, 17:14

 65 / female
 McGaheysville, Virginia, US
Re: Re: Spring........
  QUOTE (rchamberlain @ April 4, 2006, 17:14)
I've visited your garden and I must say... very nice and it smells wonderful...!!!!

 April 4, 2006, 17:16

 User no longer registered.
Re: Re: Spring........
  QUOTE (tomboy6978 @ April 4, 2006, 14:47)
or you could try hollys they tend to bloom little red berries from spring until some time during fall

The youpin holly has a female and a male and I believe only the females grow the berries.... please correct me if I'm wrong.. and yes, they are a very hard shrub.

 April 5, 2006, 01:57

 User no longer registered.
Re: Spring........
Ya hit on a good point, Moon....alot of blooming or fruit(nut, berry) are females that need a male plant pollen to produce. Catalogs and nurseries don't often mention that when your buying.
 April 5, 2006, 07:30

 User no longer registered.
Re: Spring........
Lets see....IF the rain and snow ever stops we will get our anual veggie garden started. Canning takes a large amount of my time. We also have fruit and not trees to upkeep.And boysenberry patches to maintain. Jams and Jellies from our house are a necessary item for many friends and family from Cali to Texas.

Female Lev
 April 5, 2006, 09:32

 Web Naughty Forums » General Discussion » Spring........

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