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Re: Seen any good [regular movies] ?
Yep, I believe it has a following. Scared the bejeebies out of me, too! lol Then he had to go and look all sexy in one of his other awesome movies, Ladyhawke
He played in Blade Runner, too, didn't he?
July 6, 2007, 09:26 |
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Re: Seen any good [regular movies] ?
"Smokin' Aces"....Ben Affleck, Alicia Keyes....I'd kinda define it as a doode flick...
But I really liked it!
July 7, 2007, 13:50 |
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Re: Seen any good [regular movies] ?
Bridge to Terabithia- 2 thumbs WAY up!
Pan's Labyrinth- 2 thumbs WAY WAY up!! (It's a spanish film with English subtitles but well worth the watch!)
I cried like a baby during both of 'em.
July 19, 2007, 08:20 |
60 / male Bowl of Granola, Massachusetts, US
Re: Seen any good [regular movies] ?
The latest, "Harry Potter" should I go see or wait for the DVD...
July 19, 2007, 11:27 |
56 / female daytona, Florida, US
Re: Seen any good [regular movies] ?
Go see it, then tell me all about it, lol!
July 19, 2007, 11:39 |
47 / female north, England, UK
Re: Seen any good [regular movies] ?
Tears of the Sun.
Bruce Willis movies aren't usually my thing - but I make an exception for this one.
July 19, 2007, 11:43 |
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Re: Re: Seen any good [regular movies] ?
QUOTE (GentleGiant388 @ July 19, 2007, 11:27)The latest, "Harry Potter" should I go see or wait for the DVD...
GO SEE IT!!! We're takin' the kiddos to see it this weekend for my son's birthday. Well, him and his daddy are gonna watch Transformers. He's only 7. He's not as much into HP as the older kiddos. Me, my daughter and my other son are gonna watch it.
I'll tell ya' about it Monday!
July 20, 2007, 09:04 |
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Re: Seen any good [regular movies] ?
Harry Potter: The Order of the Phoenix
2 thumbs WAY up!!
July 25, 2007, 08:15 |
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Re: Seen any good [regular movies] ?
Check out 'Hot Fuzz' if you haven't already seen it, very funny!
July 25, 2007, 09:38 |
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Re: Re: Seen any good [regular movies] ?
QUOTE (kinkykev @ July 25, 2007, 09:38)Check out 'Hot Fuzz' if you haven't already seen it, very funny!
Is it out on DVD already? I know I'll like it. I loved Shawn of the Dead
July 25, 2007, 09:51 |
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Re: Seen any good [regular movies] ?
NM... just looked it up. It comes out next Tuesday
July 25, 2007, 10:03 |
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Re: Seen any good [regular movies] ?
Sorry Moon, I didn't realise it hadn't come out on DVD yet, if you like the humour of 'Shaun of the Dead' you'll love 'Hot Fuzz'.
July 25, 2007, 10:28 |
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Re: Seen any good [regular movies] ?
"Hot Fuzz" is on my queue..I just watched "Reno911" I laughed...The Public Service Announcements" were a hoot!
July 25, 2007, 14:53 |
66 / female Richmond, Missouri, US
Re: Re: Seen any good [regular movies] ?
QUOTE (MoonHowler @ July 6, 2007, 08:10)I watched the new version of The Hitcher with Sean Bean. I liked it. I can't help but yell at the stupid people in horror movies.... the whole time I was yelling, "check the gun for bullets, you dumb ****!!!"
LOL. I catch myself doing the same thing. I watched The Hills Have Eyes Unrated today! Wow, have to say it about did me in! Laid in my bed curled up watching it with no interruptions!
July 28, 2007, 15:17 |
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Re: Seen any good [regular movies] ?
Watched Shooter at the weekend, as an action movie it certainly hit the mark!
Sorry **blush**
July 30, 2007, 10:21 |
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Re: Seen any good [regular movies] ?
I watched Hot Fuzz last night. 2 thumbs up! I liked it a lot!..... yarp!
August 1, 2007, 08:36 |
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Re: Seen any good [regular movies] ?
I recently watched "The Exorcism of Emily Rose"....I was looking forward to a pretty good spooky movie, with maybe some impressive special effect demons and ghosts...but got something totally different from it.
It's based on a true story and it's worth google "Emily Rose" before or after seeing the movie. There you can see actually photos, audios of the exorcism, etc....The story is more about legalities and the court trial, charges being brought up on the Priest who over a long period of time performed numerous exorcism on a young women. The trial was to decide whether it was the priest's practice of exorcisms which meant the lack of psychiatric treatments was responsible for her death.
August 9, 2007, 17:25 |
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Re: Seen any good [regular movies] ?
wild hogs..starring john travolta, tim allen, william h. macey, and i can't remember the other guy...was pretty funny..it will be out on dvd next week...i recomend it, if you like motor cycles...i think it was don cheadle...but i can't be sure....
August 9, 2007, 23:00 |
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Re: Seen any good [regular movies] ?
I watched 300 the other night. Didn't like it near as much as I thought I would.
August 10, 2007, 08:29 |
55 / male Leicester, England, UK
Re: Seen any good [regular movies] ?
Blades of steel.
Made me laugh at a time when I needed too.
August 10, 2007, 14:12 |
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Re: Re: Seen any good [regular movies] ?
QUOTE (cobaltheat @ August 10, 2007, 14:12)Blades of steel.
Made me laugh at a time when I needed too.
Is that "Blades of Steel" or "Blades of Glory"
I should be getting Blades of Glory soon...I sure could use some laughter myself.
August 10, 2007, 14:21 |
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Re: Re: Re: Seen any good [regular movies] ?
QUOTE (Chazzy @ August 10, 2007, 14:21) QUOTE (cobaltheat @ August 10, 2007, 14:12)Blades of steel.
Made me laugh at a time when I needed too.
Is that "Blades of Steel" or "Blades of Glory"
I should be getting Blades of Glory soon...I sure could use some laughter myself. it's one of those so stupid it's funny movies...you have to laugh...
August 11, 2007, 01:59 |
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Re: Seen any good [regular movies] ?
Will Ferrell's in it... how can ya' go wrong?
Disturbia..... very slooooooooooooooooow... not too bad, I reckon. One of those you'll only watch once in your life.
Reno 911 I lmao!
August 13, 2007, 08:32 |
47 / female north, England, UK
Re: Seen any good [regular movies] ?
Stepford Wives, (my sis' choice!) Oh dear, what a load of s*it!!
Ballistic: Ecks Vs Sever - (Antonio Banderas.. ) Now that was good!
August 13, 2007, 08:48 |
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Re: Seen any good [regular movies] ?
Blood Diamond - Good film, not too sure about Leonardo DiCaprio's South African accent.
August 13, 2007, 11:29 |
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Re: Seen any good [regular movies] ?
it's an oldie, but i watched ti anyways..."support your local gunfighter" i think that's the name of it...i know the was a sequel "support your local sheriff"...james garner stars...
August 13, 2007, 12:03 |
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Re: Seen any good [regular movies] ?
The Number 23 - Good idea, badly executed. Even the great Jim Carrey couldn't save it.
<---- Now I'm in trouble!
August 14, 2007, 07:16 |
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Re: Re: Seen any good [regular movies] ?
QUOTE (lonelyandhorny @ August 9, 2007, 23:00)wild hogs..starring john travolta, tim allen, william h. macey, and i can't remember the other guy...was pretty funny..it will be out on dvd next week...i recomend it, if you like motor cycles...i think it was don cheadle...but i can't be sure.... oh, sorry...it was MARTIN LAWRENCE...not Don Cheadle....where the f@#$% did i come up with him?
August 14, 2007, 16:56 |
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Re: Re: Seen any good [regular movies] ?
QUOTE (kinkykev @ August 14, 2007, 07:16)The Number 23 - Good idea, badly executed. Even the great Jim Carrey couldn't save it.
<---- Now I'm in trouble!
I rented that movie... took it back before I had a chance to watch it.
Wild Hogs was hilarious! The soundtrack is good, too
I'll be watching a movie called Vacancy tonight. I'd never heard of it. Saw it on the shelf and it looks pretty good. It has Luke Wilson and Kate Bekinsale in it. I'll let ya'll know how it was.
August 15, 2007, 08:48 |
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Re: Seen any good [regular movies] ?
Vacancy was pretty good. It started out really slow but by the end, I was screaming at the characters! This is definitely not an Underworld character for Kate but she comes through in the end.
There were some previews on the special features that looked really good!
30 Days of Night
Vantage Point
Both look worth watching.... another one looked like it might be worth a watch, too.... Revolver.
I think they're all coming to theaters soon.
August 16, 2007, 08:17 |
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Re: Seen any good [regular movies] ?
Watch Mission Impossible 3 last nite...thought it was better than the first two...not a big fan of Tom Cruise...though he was good in Risky business and Top Gun.
August 16, 2007, 09:19 |
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Re: Re: Seen any good [regular movies] ?
QUOTE (jaback @ August 16, 2007, 09:19)Watch Mission Impossible 3 last nite...thought it was better than the first two...not a big fan of Tom Cruise...though he was good in Risky business and Top Gun. days of thunder was a good cruise flick too...
August 16, 2007, 19:23 |
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Re: Re: Seen any good [regular movies] ?
QUOTE (MoonHowler @ August 16, 2007, 08:17)Both look worth watching.... another one looked like it might be worth a watch, too.... Revolver.
I think they're all coming to theaters soon.
Great film, it's got lots of Kabbalistic undertones (Madonna's influence I expect).
August 17, 2007, 05:29 |
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Re: Re: Re: Seen any good [regular movies] ?
QUOTE (kinkykev @ August 17, 2007, 05:29) QUOTE (MoonHowler @ August 16, 2007, 08:17)Both look worth watching.... another one looked like it might be worth a watch, too.... Revolver.
I think they're all coming to theaters soon.
Great film, it's got lots of Kabbalistic undertones (Madonna's influence I expect).
No offense, it probably is good, but it kinda looked like Goodfellas on crack!! Looked "hard to keep up with..." Know what I mean?
August 17, 2007, 08:16 |
47 / female north, England, UK
Re: Seen any good [regular movies] ?
The Bourne Ultimatum - Simply Superb.
August 17, 2007, 08:39 |
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Re: Re: Re: Re: Seen any good [regular movies] ?
QUOTE (MoonHowler @ August 17, 2007, 08:16) QUOTE (kinkykev @ August 17, 2007, 05:29) QUOTE (MoonHowler @ August 16, 2007, 08:17)Both look worth watching.... another one looked like it might be worth a watch, too.... Revolver.
I think they're all coming to theaters soon.
Great film, it's got lots of Kabbalistic undertones (Madonna's influence I expect).
No offense, it probably is good, but it kinda looked like Goodfellas on crack!!  Looked "hard to keep up with..." Know what I mean?
Your right, it could be taken as a simple gangster movie, but if you look under the surface there's a lot of esoteric messages there. I think!
August 17, 2007, 08:54 |
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Re: Re: Seen any good [regular movies] ?
QUOTE (Liberalwife @ August 17, 2007, 08:39)The Bourne Ultimatum - Simply Superb.
Last two were good, so I'll check that one out.
August 17, 2007, 08:58 |
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Re: Re: Seen any good [regular movies] ?
QUOTE (Liberalwife @ August 17, 2007, 08:39)The Bourne Ultimatum - Simply Superb.
Enjoyed the first two ...hope to see the next one soon...
August 17, 2007, 09:43 |
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Re: Seen any good [regular movies] ?
Amazing Grace - Very good 
The story of William Wilberforce and his fight for the abolition of slavery.
August 23, 2007, 05:58 |
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Re: Seen any good [regular movies] ?
"Zodiac" Pretty good and very suspenseful.
August 23, 2007, 07:30 |
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Re: Re: Seen any good [regular movies] ?
QUOTE (Chazzy @ August 23, 2007, 07:30)"Zodiac" Pretty good and very suspenseful.
Just read some of the reviews on IMDB about this, I don't know how i missed it but it's now on my list.
August 23, 2007, 08:26 |
60 / couple Hot and Balmy, England, UK
Re: Seen any good [regular movies] ?
Saw Deja Vu with Denzel Washington, Brilliant but you must watch it and keep up with it. Took friend with me and it went straight over her head. lol. bless.
August 23, 2007, 16:07 |
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Re: Seen any good [regular movies] ?
Bourne Ultimatum and Rush Hour 3
August 23, 2007, 16:24 |
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Re: Seen any good [regular movies] ?
I like alot of different films but my favorite has got to be the Usual Suspects.One of the best movie endings ever!
August 28, 2007, 14:06 |
56 / female daytona, Florida, US
Re: Seen any good [regular movies] ?
I did finally get to go see "Transformers" and it lived up to my every expectation and hope....in other words....
It was freakin' AWESOME!!!!!!
August 28, 2007, 15:46 |
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Re: Re: Seen any good [regular movies] ?
QUOTE (pepper @ August 28, 2007, 15:46)
I watched it over the weekend, and i agree, it's brilliant.
Watched hairspray yesterday, not as good as the original. John Travalta is the best thing about the film
August 28, 2007, 15:55 |
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Re: Seen any good [regular movies] ?
I watched Blades of Glory last night. OMG! I laughed my ass off through the whole thing! Had to rewind some of the parts, it was so damn funny!!! I highly recommend it!!
Bo Bice sings the song at the end. Had to check the credits. I had no idea it was him.
August 29, 2007, 09:20 |
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Re: Seen any good [regular movies] ?
i just watched "ZOOM" starring Tim Allen. kinda a box office flop, but in all honesty, it was pretty funny, in my opinion.
September 5, 2007, 23:38 |
47 / female north, England, UK
Re: Seen any good [regular movies] ?
Shooter - Mark Wahlberg. Good stuff!
September 6, 2007, 11:49 |
56 / female daytona, Florida, US
Re: Seen any good [regular movies] ?
I'm waiting for the 18th, "We Are Marshall" finally hits the dvd section.
Since Huntington is my hometown, I can't wait to see it in the film and see some of my old haunts.
September 6, 2007, 15:56 |