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I know we all have some blessings in our lives but has anyone ever had an experience that they truly believe to be a miracle? I'm not even sure if "miracle" is the right word for my story, but it comes pretty close.
It was about 7 months till my next appointment with my OBGYN when I found out I was pregnant with my tater. The doctor did the usual tests and sent them off to be tested... as usual. A couple of weeks later he calls me in and gives me some news that shook me and my family to the core. My results came back as having "severe displacia of the cervix" which is one step below cervical cancer. 7 months away from my next appt... meaning that I had seen him 5 months earlier and had nothing abnormal with my tests.
Cervical cancer can creep up on you through the years or it can hit you in no time. Mine hit me in no time! The thing about it is, I had been using birth control ever since I had my son 5 years earlier and it worked perfectly... until this time. If it had not have happened, who knows what stage the cancer would have been! If not treated, cervical cancer, just like any other cancer, will spread like wildfire in some people.
There was nothing the doctor could do till after the baby was born. I went in 6 weeks after and had a "leep procedure" done. Went back a couple of weeks later and had to have cells sent off for testing to make sure it was gone. All the prayers and support from my family worked! I'm healthy and fixed!! (had both procedures done at once! lol)....
Anyhow, this is the story of my "little miracle... and my fourth blessing." Without him coming into this world, I don't know where'd I'd be now or what kind of state I would be in.
On a lighter note... My last two kiddos were conceived after attending a Lynyrd Skynyrd concert... Next time I go to see 'em I'm gonna storm back stage and demand they pay me CHILD SUPPORT!!!!
March 24, 2006, 11:36 |
58 / male platte city, Missouri, US
Re: Blessings/Miracles
QUOTE (MoonHowler @ March 24, 2006, 11:36) I know we all have some blessings in our lives but has anyone ever had an experience that they truly believe to be a miracle? I'm not even sure if "miracle" is the right word for my story, but it comes pretty close.
It was about 7 months till my next appointment with my OBGYN when I found out I was pregnant with my tater. The doctor did the usual tests and sent them off to be tested... as usual. A couple of weeks later he calls me in and gives me some news that shook me and my family to the core. My results came back as having "severe displacia of the cervix" which is one step below cervical cancer. 7 months away from my next appt... meaning that I had seen him 5 months earlier and had nothing abnormal with my tests.
Cervical cancer can creep up on you through the years or it can hit you in no time. Mine hit me in no time! The thing about it is, I had been using birth control ever since I had my son 5 years earlier and it worked perfectly... until this time. If it had not have happened, who knows what stage the cancer would have been! If not treated, cervical cancer, just like any other cancer, will spread like wildfire in some people.
There was nothing the doctor could do till after the baby was born. I went in 6 weeks after and had a "leep procedure" done. Went back a couple of weeks later and had to have cells sent off for testing to make sure it was gone. All the prayers and support from my family worked! I'm healthy and fixed!! (had both procedures done at once! lol)....
Anyhow, this is the story of my "little miracle... and my fourth blessing." Without him coming into this world, I don't know where'd I'd be now or what kind of state I would be in.
On a lighter note... My last two kiddos were conceived after attending a Lynyrd Skynyrd concert... Next time I go to see 'em I'm gonna storm back stage and demand they pay me CHILD SUPPORT!!!!
mirracles come in all forms there are miracles everyday. people just dont take the time to see them, they are around us in every way. what am i talking about???? OUR CHILDREN the only people on this planet that will give you true unconditional LOVE nothing is better than seeing a baby smile nothing is better than having your toddler give you a hug and saying I WUB U they have a great since of healing in their laughs and to look into their eyes when they see something new for the first time. they are the true miracles of life and we have to embrace them and learn from them as they learn from us. but thats just my thoughts.
March 24, 2006, 11:51 |
User no longer registered.
Re: Blessings/Miracles
Absolively, positutely!!
March 24, 2006, 11:52 |
User no longer registered.
Re: Blessings/Miracles
Let me try that again.... hehe
Absotively, posilutely!!
That's better
March 24, 2006, 11:53 |
User no longer registered.
Re: Blessings/Miracles
I won't question God's motives, just thank him you and your tater are still here with us.
March 24, 2006, 11:58 |
59 / couple Frozen Tundra, Minnesota, US
Re: Re: Blessings/Miracles
QUOTE (Chazzy @ March 24, 2006, 11:58)I won't question God's motives, just thank him you and your tater are still here with us.
To you Moon:
Thank you for being here with us, you make this place even more special.
March 24, 2006, 13:17 |
54 / couple ALTOONA, Pennsylvania, US
Re: Blessings/Miracles
mirracles come in all forms there are miracles everyday. people just dont take the time to see them, they are around us in every way. what am i talking about???? OUR CHILDREN the only people on this planet that will give you true unconditional LOVE nothing is better than seeing a baby smile nothing is better than having your toddler give you a hug and saying I WUB U they have a great since of healing in their laughs and to look into their eyes when they see something new for the first time. they are the true miracles of life and we have to embrace them and learn from them as they learn from us. but thats just my thoughts.
i am gonna have to agree with just4urplsur. my kids are definitely little miracles....until they hit PUBERTY!!!
March 24, 2006, 13:41 |
58 / male platte city, Missouri, US
Re: Blessings/Miracles
well we are glad that you are here some of us more than others
March 24, 2006, 13:43 |
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