57 / male Tecumseh, Michigan, US
This one's out there....
My fetish is one you don't hear of often.I would love to either play the role of a "superhero" and have a female "villian" tie my ankles and wrists and sexually "torture" me.The flip side is me being the "villian" and tying a "superheroine" down and teasing and tormenting her until she cums by vibrator.Probably will go unfulfilled...
April 20, 2004, 11:30 |
User no longer registered.
Re: This one's out there....
Nothing wrong with that! Allot of fantasies have "characters" might as well dress 'em for the part. Allot of shops sell costume sets for him and her, Tazan and Jane, and all that, the french maid costume has been around for ever. Why let it go unfullfilled?
April 24, 2004, 23:59 |
57 / male Tecumseh, Michigan, US
Re: This one's out there....
Well,there's a question for ya!Has many answers,first of which being finding a willing participant.Probably not gonna be my s/o,and not sure where else I would turn,but thanks for at least letting me know it's not too far out!!You rock Chazzy!!
May 4, 2004, 11:27 |
User no longer registered.
Re: This one's out there....
I have a cape and green leotard that should be adequate to be "the green kitten".
you need a costume that I can remove to reveal your secret identity, during the torture and just before your inevitable escape and defeat of the evil "green kitten". meow.
love this idea. by the way
May 6, 2004, 20:30 |
57 / male Tecumseh, Michigan, US
Re: This one's out there....
thanks kbateman.nice to know it's not too far out there.if i'm ever in virginia,i will be sure to bring my costume for you to remove,you evil green kitten-love the name by the way.i can just imagine the tortures you could bring to the table as i'm tied unable to stop you from having your way...just remember,when i get free it's my turn-hehehehehehe!!could be some fun!!
May 7, 2004, 11:27 |
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Re: This one's out there....
of course, as the "good crime fighter super hero ultra dude type" you would only turn me in to the authorities for punishment. You would be too fucking stoic to take the time to fuck my brains out before riding off into the sunset, At least that is the way I remember the comic book heroes.
May 7, 2004, 16:12 |
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Re: This one's out there....
are there any costume shops that rent "crotchless" tights with their superhero costumes?
May 9, 2004, 20:03 |
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Re: This one's out there....
you can be one of our faithful wards. if you want to be on the bad guys side we will call you the pink furball. and if you are on the good guy's side you will have to match him up. of course you could also be a completely different evil bad girl,
May 9, 2004, 20:16 |
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Re: This one's out there....
well, the good guys usually go thankless, and the bad guys usually end up tied up,,,,might have to go with the bad guys team...
May 9, 2004, 21:20 |
57 / male Tecumseh, Michigan, US
Re: This one's out there....
Ahh but this "superhero" has a dark side...and probably tie you both up and have his way with you-the green kitten and the pink furball getting payed back by the blue knight,re-affirming that crime doesn't pay....or does it??
May 12, 2004, 12:09 |
User no longer registered.
Re: This one's out there....
Sounds like we may need to hire the services of professional referees !!
May 12, 2004, 14:58 |
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Re: This one's out there....
the blue Knight better be careful, or he might run afoul of that ever present danger "the blue balls".
May 12, 2004, 17:32 |
57 / male Tecumseh, Michigan, US
Re: This one's out there....
Holy pain in the Batpole!The Blue Knight is always careful...except when he slips up and gets captured by evil villainesses...also file blue balls under "been there,done that" category.It's all fun...
May 17, 2004, 11:01 |
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Re: This one's out there....
you should delve into the dark side of the blue knight a little more, Bruce Wayne was a closet flamer, what, a caped millionaire in a tight body suit with a "youthful Ward", these days he would be thrown in the clink and the key would be melted or just tossed in with Michael Jackson and forgotten.
May 19, 2004, 14:47 |
User no longer registered.
Re: This one's out there....
After I thought this over, I've decided I want to be the little spitfire reporter, who gets kidnapped (and used) by the villian, rescued ( and used some more) by the superhero, his sidekick, the sidekick's sidekick, the commissioner, his trusted chief of police, the rest of the police force, before getting kidnaped again (and used again) by the villian.
May 24, 2004, 04:37 |
57 / male Tecumseh, Michigan, US
Re: This one's out there....
I'm picking up what yer puting down there Chazzy...like the way you think.And I could see you in that role completely.Maybe I want to be the villian being he is going to get to kidnap you twice...hmmmmm,so what to do to you the second time?The mind boggles....
May 24, 2004, 07:45 |
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Re: This one's out there....
Wouldn't boggle your mind, you know how those villian always have those elaborate devices and plans!!
May 24, 2004, 08:16 |
57 / male Tecumseh, Michigan, US
Re: This one's out there....
Yes,yes they do have both of those don't they.And I can relate to a degree-just no superheroines in the area to launch my evil plans on!Maybe one day....
June 2, 2004, 11:24 |
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Re: This one's out there....
Maybe you need a villianess to kidnapp you, put in certain danger, then that's when the superheroine (who's actually someone close to you on a routine daily basis) will don her shiny tights and alter personality to pull you from deaths jaws, but not before you watch, while all bound up, the major cat fight between superheroine and villianess!!!
June 28, 2004, 22:44 |
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Re: This one's out there....
i think I would love to be the villianess that captures the sexpot reporter (cameraman, newsgirl, whatever) and forces her to submit to repeated cunnilingus for days and days. The superhero could break in just in time to prevent her from having her 1000th orgasm thereby saving the world!
June 29, 2004, 16:45 |
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Re: This one's out there....
Well, a few more tweaks, and this one's ready to hit the storyboard!
July 20, 2004, 23:44 |
46 / female Zeeland, Michigan, US
Re: Re: This one's out there....
QUOTE (Chazzy @ April 24, 2004, 23:59)Nothing wrong with that! Allot of fantasies have "characters" might as well dress 'em for the part. Allot of shops sell costume sets for him and her, Tazan and Jane, and all that, the french maid costume has been around for ever. Why let it go unfullfilled?
Hell yeah, mine is the Doc nothing wrong with it at all.
July 23, 2004, 20:12 |
User no longer registered.
Re: This one's out there....
you mean an evil doc, like Dr. No, or Dr.
Deviant ?? Of course not! You're the girl with the medical doctor fetish! That must make you look forward to a pap test every year!
August 15, 2004, 01:30 |
User no longer registered.
Re: This one's out there....
Sounds like a hands-on experience to me?
August 25, 2004, 13:55 |
User no longer registered.
Re: This one's out there....
(sigh...)I need a very thorough mammogram
October 21, 2004, 19:23 |
69 / male McGaheysville, Virginia, US
Re: This one's out there....
Dr Rick at your service , mammograms a specialty ( many other specailties too)
October 21, 2004, 19:53 |
User no longer registered.
Re: This one's out there....
be thorough, I haven't had one yet, ( that's so bad, my dad nags me about, it's so cute, he call it a "monogram"
October 21, 2004, 21:10 |
User no longer registered.
Re: Re: This one's out there....
QUOTE (Chazzy @ October 21, 2004, 21:10)be thorough, I haven't had one yet, ( that's so bad, my dad nags me about, it's so cute, he call it a "monogram" 
If you dont eat red meat, eat 9 servings of fresh fruits and vegtables a day and keep your body PH around 7.5 (slightly alkaline) or take Juice Plus+ ( a very expensive whole food suplement) you will never get cancer.
October 21, 2004, 21:26 |
47 / female small town, Minnesota, US
Re: Re: Re: This one's out there....
QUOTE (hothands @ October 21, 2004, 21:26) QUOTE (Chazzy @ October 21, 2004, 21:10)be thorough, I haven't had one yet, ( that's so bad, my dad nags me about, it's so cute, he call it a "monogram" 
If you dont eat red meat, eat 9 servings of fresh fruits and vegtables a day and keep your body PH around 7.5 (slightly alkaline) or take Juice Plus+ ( a very expensive whole food suplement) you will never get cancer.
Hate to say it but hot thats not true...Some ppl (like me) carry a bad genetic code and in it I have a cancer causing something..lol...DOnt know what its called..But no matter what I do or have done I would still have gotten sick! Sorry..
October 21, 2004, 21:45 |
User no longer registered.
Re: This one's out there....
The only bad genetic code you have is the poor diet, eating habits and lack of exercise, that were tought to you by your parents, there parents,ETC. Cancer is brought on one day at a time by all the toxic crap we eat and expose our bodies to. Cancer can only live in a acidic polluted toxic environment. America is the leading country with cancer victims, why? because our doctors are controled and educated through funded programs sponsored by the food and drug admiistration. And their goal believe it or not is to sell medication and prescription drugs, to which they have a fudiciary responsibility to their stock holders, not the americam people. you better do some research your self instead of listening to our so called healers, who only believe in cutting off body parts and prescribing drugs.
October 21, 2004, 22:21 |
47 / female small town, Minnesota, US
Re: This one's out there....
I am going to get emotional now so please forgive me ahead of time...I have done nothing but research cancer for over the last year..Since being diagnosed with it...Some cancers are preventable..Some ARENT..I would suggest you go to the american cancer society page and read up on some of the things that are there...Most ppl think that we cause cancer ourselves and thats very untrue..
Do We Know What Causes Uterine Sarcoma?
We do not yet know exactly what causes most uterine sarcomas, but we have identified certain risk factors. A great deal of research is underway to learn more about the disease.
Scientists have recently learned much about changes in the DNA of certain genes that occur when normal uterine cells develop into sarcomas. Some of the observations are discussed in the section "What's New in Uterine Sarcoma Research and Treatment?"
October 21, 2004, 23:42 |
47 / female small town, Minnesota, US
Re: This one's out there....
I think personally society needs to be more educated on cancer topics...Before I got sick I weighed in at about 110 to 120 Very athletic..ALWAYS ate healthy..Never ate much junk...Cancer does not run in my family...In my reasearch I have found many interesting things..SOme ppl when they have babies their genetics ( the parents ) dont agree with eachother..It creates a chromosome or some shit that actually makes you prone to cancer..I will personally argue this topic till I have no fight left..Because I did NOT do this to myself..I was healthy till I got cancer..And thats when I got fat..and unhealthy..I think maybe you should do some research on cancer..ALL of them before you are so sure that its caused by something I did...It is in my genetic makeup..My children have been tested..and the bad mom I am I have passed it on to the daughter I love dearly....
I have had uterun cirvical ovarian tubal breast skin bladder and on and on and on..cancer hit me at a young age...And I have read anything and everything there is to read...I have lost part of both my breasts...My cervix and uterus and tubes and 1 ovary some of my liver spots on my skin...I can literally go on and on and on for hours and argue about this..I am sorry..But I believe you are wrong...VERY very wrong...
October 21, 2004, 23:51 |
69 / male Fort Gibson, Oklahoma, US
Re: This one's out there....
yeahbutt--I thought ladies love outlaws--O SHIT!!!
October 27, 2004, 12:44 |
57 / male Tecumseh, Michigan, US
Re: This one's out there....
Ok well,let's get this topic back to it's original intent,shall we??Tease,I'm sorry for all you have had to go through,so nothing against you but...let's make this thread about fun again,LOLSo anyone else like to be tied up Superhero/heroine style??Huh??Huh??
November 2, 2004, 07:57 |
User no longer registered.
Re: This one's out there....
I wanna be Nell, to someone who wants to be my Dudley DoRight!!
November 2, 2004, 22:17 |
57 / male Tecumseh, Michigan, US
Re: This one's out there....
For you Chazzy,I be Dudley Do-You-Right,how's that??Of course,if I find you tied to the tracks I might stop the train,but leave you tied up for a little fun first....never waste a good opportunity I always say!!
November 3, 2004, 07:10 |
User no longer registered.
Re: This one's out there....
You'd make an excellent Dudley ! Unless you'd rather play the part of Snidely Whiplash ! (Do I have my villian character right??)
November 3, 2004, 07:33 |
57 / male Tecumseh, Michigan, US
Re: This one's out there....
Why yes,yes indeed you have the villain correct,the lady gets a prize of her choice.I bet the long black moustache would um,tickle a bit down there if you're picking up what I'm putting down.Could be a bit dicey.But of course we could take his name to the extreme...and well,you get the idea.I really want the part of whoever gets to have the most fun with the girl...and vice versa.
November 3, 2004, 10:28 |
User no longer registered.
Re: This one's out there....
dudley who? what decade was that one? snidely? I like the long black mustache, but I have absolutely no idea what you are talking about other than the sexual part.
does this make me ignorant, or does it make you two old?
November 3, 2004, 18:39 |
57 / male Tecumseh, Michigan, US
Re: This one's out there....
K,probably the latter more than the former.It's a cartoon from the 60's(I think,maybe early 70's) called Dudley Do-Right of the Canadian Mounties.We're just turning good clean children's entertainment into something dirty,which I end up doing to alot of things.It's voices in my head(either one will do).
November 4, 2004, 12:07 |
69 / male McGaheysville, Virginia, US
Re: This one's out there....
dudly was on the Rocky and Bullwinkle show does that make me an old fart ?
November 4, 2004, 12:16 |
47 / female small town, Minnesota, US
Re: This one's out there....
I member that show..SO you cant be an old fart or I am too
November 4, 2004, 17:14 |