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Gay and Lesbian Marriage
 Web Naughty Forums » Lesbian, Bisexual, Gay and Transgender » Gay and Lesbian Marriage


 User no longer registered.
Gay and Lesbian Marriage
Do you believe that Gays and Lesbians should be allowed to marry?

Please post your thoughts about this issue but please keep it polite.

Thank you.

 January 23, 2006, 09:17

 69 / male
 McGaheysville, Virginia, US
Re: Gay and Lesbian Marriage
I believe a marriage should be based on love , not what some lawmaker thinks .Sex , age , race or anything else should make no difference.Only the 2 people in love should have the choice to marry or not .
 January 23, 2006, 09:22

 53 / male
 millville, New Jersey, US
Re: Gay and Lesbian Marriage
o.k. I'll take the bait...Let the opinions fly! Hopefully thats all that will. Allow me to first voice my views on marriage itself. First and foremost: Marriage is an affair of church and state...legally binding contract, and approval in the eyes of god. Having no real concern for the whim of either, I am not anti- marriage, however, I more or less have no use for it( I hear grumbling, already!) Having grown up outside of the religious and legal communities, I have suffered their scorn all of my life and am not anxious to gain any acceptance, much less embrace the ideals they represent. I should think that the same were true for others that are on the fringes, such as gays and lesbians. From an economic standpoint I can understand the desire to be acknowledged by the state and have no problem with it. I do not, however, understand why any gay and or lesbian would seek this institution based on any moral or idealistic grounds, The fundementals of the popular religions that we currently have frown on them, I should think they would frown right back...
 January 23, 2006, 09:36

 53 / male
 millville, New Jersey, US
Re: Gay and Lesbian Marriage
*fundamentals*...come get me, KB!
 January 23, 2006, 09:39

 69 / male
 McGaheysville, Virginia, US
Re: Re: Gay and Lesbian Marriage
  QUOTE (darkmark666 @ January 23, 2006, 09:36)
o.k. I'll take the bait...Let the opinions fly! Hopefully thats all that will. Allow me to first voice my views on marriage itself. First and foremost: Marriage is an affair of church and state...legally binding contract, and approval in the eyes of god. Having no real concern for the whim of either, I am not anti- marriage, however, I more or less have no use for it( I hear grumbling, already!) Having grown up outside of the religious and legal communities, I have suffered their scorn all of my life and am not anxious to gain any acceptance, much less embrace the ideals they represent. I should think that the same were true for others that are on the fringes, such as gays and lesbians. From an economic standpoint I can understand the desire to be acknowledged by the state and have no problem with it. I do not, however, understand why any gay and or lesbian would seek this institution based on any moral or idealistic grounds, The fundementals of the popular religions that we currently have frown on them, I should think they would frown right back...

Like I said before , you have a way with words dude . I agree with this 100% , you put into words what I could not .
 January 23, 2006, 09:43

 53 / male
 millville, New Jersey, US
Re: Gay and Lesbian Marriage
only when I have time to consider them, I'm afraid...but thank you!
 January 23, 2006, 10:14

 User no longer registered.
Re: Gay and Lesbian Marriage
NO !!! I could go into detail, which would piss a lot of people off, but you'll find out for yourself when you meet. HIM...to each their own !!!

 January 23, 2006, 10:26

 54 / female
 Pawling, New York, US
Re: Gay and Lesbian Marriage
I am defiantly for legalizing it! No one has the right to tell us who we should fall in love with besides our own heart! Regardless of race, age, sex, intelligence, beauty, and anything else that falls into the category.

Maybe it's because in my heart, I do believe your born with a certain gene that absolutely plays a part in your strong desire for a certain sex, just as much as some of us are born skinny, fat, with big boobs , or little boobs, a nice tight ass , or NO ass at all(that would be myself ).

I truly can't imagine someone purposely wanting to be flamboyant.
 January 23, 2006, 10:42

 User no longer registered.
Re: Gay and Lesbian Marriage
I'll do what I believe to be morally, religiously, and legally right for me. I'm all for letting everyone else make the same decisions on their own for themselves.

why not tell fat people they can't marry.. gluttony is something of a sin too i believe.

i wont even comment on my political opinions here.
 January 23, 2006, 14:08

 User no longer registered.
Re: Gay and Lesbian Marriage
of course!!!!
 January 23, 2006, 14:12

 User no longer registered.
Re: Gay and Lesbian Marriage

My own opinion is that marriage should not be a function of the government at all, any two people who wish to live together bound by love should be able to call themselves married. I find it laughable that, in a country which prides itself on separation of church and state, a marriage requires permission of the government through the license tax, and that the ceremony is normally performed by a religious authority. Shouldn't this make all marriage certified by a pastor, null and void?

The argument "homosexual marriage would erode traditional family life" has never been backed up with any facts; it makes a nice catch phrase and sounds quite literate, but including an example of exactly in what way homosexual marriage would destroy the family, would be a little more sensible. Those who argue this, never include facts, because apparently the facts do not exist.

I respect the opinion of those, who for religious and biblical reasons, do not believe in homosexuality or in homosexual marriage. The bible does state that it is a sin for a man to lie with a man, (in the Old Testament). I only hope they live the rest of their lives in accordance with such belief and are not whipping out "God" only for the occasion.

I am quite happy with my civil partnership, I have filed legal papers making my partner my heir and I have put her name on all of my deeds and accounts. My state does not allow homosexual marriage and does not recognise civil unions between gays, but we have found that by granting each other full legal power of attorney, filing our wills, living wills and by combining accounts and property ownership, we have created a defacto marriage. The only lack is a license ($35.00 in our pocket) and a quasi religious ceremony, which in effect would permit us to "file our taxes jointly" and nothing else.

 January 24, 2006, 04:34

 69 / male
 McGaheysville, Virginia, US
Re: Gay and Lesbian Marriage
 January 24, 2006, 09:08

 53 / male
 millville, New Jersey, US
Re: Gay and Lesbian Marriage
 January 24, 2006, 11:28

 User no longer registered.
Re: Gay and Lesbian Marriage
I don't think too much about it other than the fact that if the same-sex falls in love with each other and wants to carry it all the way to saying, "I do", more power to them. I, myself, would not feel right about it, but what I think is right or wrong shouldn't determine the fate of another's relationship. I do know a few that are into the same sex, but far as I know none of them have gone to marriage as of yet, let alone have a relationship with a significant other right now.
The only thing on my part that worries me the most, is just being cautious and know who you're with, due to my uncle who I had living in California way back when and he was gay and had died of AIDS. Only when I come to find out about it almost five years later, I was pretty ticked due to the fact that no one in my family talked to me about why he was sick.
Anyways, back to the point... they can't help who they love, they can't help who they feel comfortable with, they can't help who they feel all those things that lovers have, so if their heart, mind, and soul feel that they should be with the same-sex, no one should stop them from getting married. This isn't the old antique "everything was done this way, and that way and should always be that way, 1950's" era anymore.. so I say, listen, and respect and let them do what they feel is right.
 January 24, 2006, 14:59

 User no longer registered.
Re: Gay and Lesbian Marriage
might I add, you should be careful who you're with, same-sex gender or not... with the whole AIDS deal. Not just saying it's the gay /lesbians that has it... well you get what i'm saying.
 January 25, 2006, 09:10

 45 / male
 Melbourne, Victoria, Australia
Re: Gay and Lesbian Marriage
I'll marry you, ok.
 January 26, 2006, 10:27

 58 / male
 Milwaukee, Wisconsin, US
Re: Gay and Lesbian Marriage
I'm all for gay and lesbian marriage. By all means. And there are lots of folks in the Christian community who would agree. Christians have had a LOT to do with how GLBT people have been treated over the last, oh, two thousand years. And, basically, that treatment has been pretty bad. So some of us are trying to shake our churches up, to get them to change their attitudes.
 January 26, 2006, 15:37

 User no longer registered.
Re: Gay and Lesbian Marriage
I admire any two people who can sincerely enter a serious lifetime commitment, regardless of the sex of either. I'm so fuckin' tired of the "Oh well, WTF, why not, if it doesn't work out, we can always get divorced" attitude towards marraige... and after a few months, or years, they add to the increasing population of single mothers, and every-other-weekend fathers. I don't think that are too many children in the world, I just think there are'nt enough parents..
 January 28, 2006, 14:36

 User no longer registered.
Re: Gay and Lesbian Marriage
I am kind of on the fence with this issue. Gay /Lesbian marriage is not something that I believe is morally right (just the way I have been raised). However, I would support a friend or loved one making this decision. I believe that everyone has the right to find someone and be happy. So i guess that i just went around in circles.
 July 11, 2006, 21:36

 59 / couple
 Frozen Tundra, Minnesota, US
Re: Gay and Lesbian Marriage
I too am a little wishy washy on this one. I understand the benefits of marriage, for any couple, health insurance, life insurance, death benefits, social security benefits, etc... This should be the decision between two people. Not the two people and the government and the church. This is really none of my business. There is no real benefit for me, that I've seen. I work for and with several gay and lesbian people. I treat them the same as I do any straight person. What some one does in the privacy of their bedroom, is their business and not mine. Now as for the whole gay and lesbian issue, I don't feel it's right, morally, but I'm not going to bash you either. I'm, I guess for a lack of a better description, sorta main stream. I think it's OK for two women to be together, but the thought of two men together, kinda turns my gut. I guess no matter what, if the two people are happy, then more power to them.
 July 12, 2006, 01:29

 User no longer registered.
Re: Gay and Lesbian Marriage
i truely beleive that b/c it doesn't matter if ur happy n love ur partner as the same sex!!!!i consider all state should have same sex marriage!!!!!it not fair if it only for oppistre sex!!!!if noone don't like about same sex n they souldn't act like they r better or what does the bible says who cares as longest u happy n lover that person!!!
 August 11, 2006, 17:34

 80 / male
 phoenix, Arizona, US
Re: Gay and Lesbian Marriage

I personally dont believe that anyone on this earth has the right to tell you how to live your life. If that is what you want to do and you are not hurting or endangering any one else's life by all means go for it. We are all made by the same creator and will all face the same creator in the end. Do not judge anyone else unless you want to be judged as well.
 August 11, 2006, 20:01

 60 / male
 Bowl of Granola, Massachusetts, US
Re: Gay and Lesbian Marriage
Let's face it, the church group that screams the loudest in the Catholic Church. In my opinion, they do this for two reasons;

a. They are extremely worried that gay marriages might outlast the traditional ones. The term, "Death do us part" has litle or no meaning anymore. We have celebrities to thank for that. The church doesn't want to look bad when they see that gay marriage will eventually outlast straight marriages.

b. Government involvement is, you guessed it, the churches secret peace treaties. Separation of church and state, is a good ploy, but was never instituted. Throughout history, church and state have worked together shapeing laws and the churches influence has been running behind that clause for centuries. You only need to do the research. Also, the government sees this as an attack to their money flow. Accepting gay marriages, would mean allowing them to be tax exempt in the areas that were traditonally set for straight marriages.

c. Back to the Catholic Church and screaming the loudest thing. Has anyone noticed, that since the catholics have jumped on the band wagon, that the whole sexual misconduct thing between preists and young children, has taken a back seat? If you scream loud enough about something else and play on everyones fears, your own problems will eventually become drowned-out by comparison.

Let me finish by saying that, "I'm Catholic" but unlike my fellow catholics, I'm an openminded one. If being gay is truely an unforgiveable sin, then those folks will find out the ere of their ways at the pearly gates...
 August 23, 2006, 17:34

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