63 / male Kimberley, British Columbia, Canada
Married, but just roomies
I am a married guy but the sparks have slowly died over the years and now it feels as though we've resorted to roommates and I am getting sexually frustrated from the lack of hot, passionate sex ! I am from the East Kootenays in British Columbia, searching for some "spark" by a woman or couple to play with, maybe re-igniting that once feverish, sweaty and always satisfying euphoria! Is there anyone out there locally willing to help? 3some .gif">
December 30, 2005, 07:44 |
User no longer registered.
Re: Married, but just roomies
I really don't know how your thread made it to page two without any replies, I think you've brought up a very good topic.....
I've made it no secret, that I feel marraige is a very real, serious, lifetime committment and divorce and extra marital affairs are definitely last resorts.
So I'm bumping your thread so maybe others couples will share how they keep the spark or put the spark back into thier marraiges.
And others can share how they use online contacts and cybersex to relieve their frustrations.
January 2, 2006, 18:26 |
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Re: Married, but just roomies
Well, speaking for one half of the happily married couple , I can tell you that the situation that you find yourself in is no way to live. Jack and I have an amazing relationship. We keep the spark going by talking to each other, about everything. Our deepest desires, wants and needs. It's important to have communication between spouses. Do you show her everyday that she is the most beautiful woman you ever saw? Does she tell you that you are handsome? It's the little things that keep the spark going. The big secret is to spend time with one another. That is how you grow with someone. If you don't spend time with each other, you grow apart. Even if it is just planning a quiet night together. Take the intiative and plan something special for the two of you. What you are looking for here is an "ego boost" and that is not going to solve anything. Talk with your wife, find out what she likes, needs, and wants...then tell her your thoughts. Maybe she is waiting for the same spark that you are trying to find.
Best of luck to you~
January 2, 2006, 18:47 |
User no longer registered.
Re: Married, but just roomies
Although I'm a single gal and dont have much experience in the 'married' category yet... I have to agree with Jack and Jill.. or so far, half of the happily married couple . Granted, I may not know so much myself what can keep a relationship going on for years and years to come but I know I wouldn't give up easily to make things work. I'd do anything from the little things to the big things to make (someday..whenever that comes) my guy happy and hope the same from him. My parents are divorced and are happily remarried. I'm glad they're in the position where they are now because they're happy and knows it will work between the spouses they're with now, and that's just more people for me to love in my family. Just by seeing my parents work things out with each other... makes me want to do that to the guy I will be with some day, only might i add I plan on keeping the bedroom deal going because its not out of the bedroom where things need to work, its in the bedroom too. But anyways, only thing is I have to make note, to the guy who would propose to me (if and when that would ever happen) that if he wanted me to marry him that this is a life long thing, till death does us part.
May not be much advise from the single chick here, but that's how I see how things should work out.. just need to make communications workout and along with communicating, there has to be complete honesty in that to even get sparks up and flying again.. so like J&J said.. try talking things over.. see what you can accomplish.. best of luck to you!
January 2, 2006, 20:02 |
User no longer registered.
Re: Married, but just roomies
good reply J/J - We have been married 19 years and the worst times were when we did not have time to spend with eachother (worked opposite shifts). However, I have wondered after reading your post - is there no way to get the feelings rekindled?? When we walk by eachother we almost always touch eachother - it could be just sticking a hand out to grasp for a second. Appreciate the other half - do your share of the chores and say thank you when they go out of their way to help - like taking our dishes to the sink with out being asked or opening a door. Also, you do not have to have a traditional date - we don't always have the funds. But, we go to Wally World by ourselves and he will whistle at me when he finds me or sneak a grab in or when we get the change I will steal it and make him chase me around the parking lot - you have to make your own happiness in your relationship. It takes a little effort but it is so worth it! Full body massage is always good!!
January 2, 2006, 21:02 |
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Married, but just roomies