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auld lang syne
With a new year approaching...I've been thinking about some of our old friends we just don't hear enough from anymore....
So take a minute,look back and mention someone you've been missing....
Bawbie...we still think of you allot, and we hope your health is restored and that you'll pay us a visit...
Moonhowler...we just want you to be as happy as you possible can...we love ya!
(No need to mention bignasty, he finally showed himself last nite!)
LGS!!!! No other goth has replaced you here, and no other goth could ever come close!
December 23, 2005, 07:44 |
54 / female Pawling, New York, US
Re: auld lang syne
Somewhere we lost a fallenangel ...Hope all is well?
December 23, 2005, 07:51 |
User no longer registered.
Re: auld lang syne
allon....I see ya lurking once in awhile, I sure miss that drunken brit slang you'd lay on us after a long, long night at the pub...
armybody...oh man....now that guy could RANT!!!
December 23, 2005, 09:34 |
User no longer registered.
Re: auld lang syne
I'm saying HardRock and Moonhowler. (she deserves two mentions so shut up)
December 23, 2005, 12:37 |
User no longer registered.
Re: auld lang syne
I do miss HR such a wonderful caring man. Then theres Hothands, what a smooth talker and what the heck ever happened to Fucker. He hasn't been around for a while.
December 23, 2005, 12:51 |
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Re: Re: auld lang syne
QUOTE (curiousgirl @ December 23, 2005, 12:51)I do miss HR such a wonderful caring man. Then theres Hothands, what a smooth talker and what the heck ever happened to Fucker. He hasn't been around for a while.
Well I got a Christmas wish from MoonH.
December 23, 2005, 14:00 |
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Re: Re: auld lang syne
QUOTE (boredcountryboy @ December 23, 2005, 12:37)I'm saying HardRock and Moonhowler. (she deserves two mentions so shut up)
Mention often, mention repeatedly!
December 23, 2005, 14:17 |
69 / male McGaheysville, Virginia, US
Re: auld lang syne
thanks for the mention BCB , CG ,and chazzy. now how do I get some Va women to realize what a great catch I am
December 23, 2005, 22:00 |
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Re: auld lang syne
Send 'em my way...I'll tell 'em!!
December 23, 2005, 23:07 |
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Re: Re: auld lang syne
QUOTE (curiousgirl @ December 23, 2005, 12:51)and what the heck ever happened to Fucker. He hasn't been around for a while.
Last time I talked to Fucker, I believe he was preparing to enter the police acadamy...
December 25, 2005, 11:02 |
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Re: auld lang syne
EugeneOregon...a man with style, always wrote beautifully, whether it was just a PM note or one of his stories....
backfromaustin!! No one better to have an indepth insightful and stimulating debate with, but don't expect win!
December 26, 2005, 07:20 |
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Re: auld lang syne
QUOTE (Chazzy @ December 23, 2005, 07:44)With a new year approaching...I've been thinking about some of our old friends we just don't hear enough from anymore....
So take a minute,look back and mention someone you've been missing....
Now that we have quite a few Brits hanging out here, I sure wish Allon would log on, and visit the forums again...I sure miss how he would log in here after spending a few hours a local pub, and just let fly with all his adorable buzz english talking!! I miss you Allon!!
Bawbie, Eugene Oregon, Hardrock, curiousgirl, and so many more that I would love for us to all hear from again soon.
January 1, 2007, 01:39 |
User no longer registered.
Re: Re: auld lang syne
QUOTE (Chazzy @ December 23, 2005, 09:34)allon....I see ya lurking once in awhile, I sure miss that drunken brit slang you'd lay on us after a long, long night at the pub...
armybody...oh man....now that guy could RANT!!!
I have never saw you use that symbol before are you horny or what,,,I'm jealous
January 1, 2007, 06:21 |
64 / couple lake elsinore, California, US
Re: auld lang syne
i miss moonhowler. wishing her well -
January 1, 2007, 12:40 |
64 / couple lake elsinore, California, US
Re: auld lang syne
missing the tungmeister too! hurry back!!!
January 1, 2007, 13:17 |
User no longer registered.
Re: auld lang syne
I've missed y'all too
Just stopped in for a bit... the kiddos go back to school on Thursday, so hopefully things will get back to normal around here. To tell you the truth, I'm gonna miss havin' the little buggers around all day.....
January 2, 2007, 09:22 |
User no longer registered.
Re: auld lang syne
I sure think of Bawbie allot, last I heard from her she had just had brain surgery for a tumor, and I never heard from her again.
I insist on thinking of only the positve, that she's just fine but doesn't have a computer anymore, or is just too busy, or maybe she met someone special....I just keep thinking of positive good reason why I haven't heard from her, and pray that it's not becasue of something bad.
I still on occasion, send her a message, and tell her we sure miss her, and I hope that one day I will get a reply.
January 2, 2007, 15:43 |
User no longer registered.
Re: auld lang syne
How about CuriousGirl? I miss her cause she was only like 1 hour away from Cleveland and that somehow always gave me hope oh and she had a great butt And then there is my dear sweet Kathy B. Why do I always pick the heartbreakes?
January 2, 2007, 16:05 |
User no longer registered.
Re: auld lang syne
DarkMark...he does log in fairly often, but sure doesn't show up in the forums much anymore!
January 2, 2007, 18:58 |
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Re: Re: auld lang syne
QUOTE (Jessejames @ January 2, 2007, 16:05)How about CuriousGirl? I miss her cause she was only like 1 hour away from Cleveland and that somehow always gave me hope oh and she had a great butt  And then there is my dear sweet Kathy B. Why do I always pick the heartbreakes? 
I do the same thing, we're suckers for punishment
January 2, 2007, 19:00 |
User no longer registered.
Re: Re: auld lang syne
QUOTE (Chazzy @ January 2, 2007, 15:43)I sure think of Bawbie allot, last I heard from her she had just had brain surgery for a tumor, and I never heard from her again.
I insist on thinking of only the positve, that she's just fine but doesn't have a computer anymore, or is just too busy, or maybe she met someone special....I just keep thinking of positive good reason why I haven't heard from her, and pray that it's not becasue of something bad.
I still on occasion, send her a message, and tell her we sure miss her, and I hope that one day I will get a reply.
I had no idea I sure hope all is well with her.... let us know if you hear anything, ok?
What about HR? Did he get married yet??
January 4, 2007, 09:46 |
59 / couple Frozen Tundra, Minnesota, US
Re: auld lang syne
I miss RC. That nut ball could make me laugh until it hurt.
January 4, 2007, 10:49 |
User no longer registered.
Re: Re: Re: auld lang syne
QUOTE (MoonHowler @ January 4, 2007, 09:46) QUOTE (Chazzy @ January 2, 2007, 15:43)I sure think of Bawbie allot, last I heard from her she had just had brain surgery for a tumor, and I never heard from her again.
I insist on thinking of only the positve, that she's just fine but doesn't have a computer anymore, or is just too busy, or maybe she met someone special....I just keep thinking of positive good reason why I haven't heard from her, and pray that it's not becasue of something bad.
I still on occasion, send her a message, and tell her we sure miss her, and I hope that one day I will get a reply.
I had no idea  I sure hope all is well with her.... let us know if you hear anything, ok?
YES!!! I did finally hear from Bawbie!!! At times I feared the worst when I got no replies, but in all hope, kept sending her messages.
She's been with her mother for the past year recovering from her brain surgery.
I'm sure hoping she once again becomes a regular fixture here on the forums as she regains her health.
February 7, 2007, 14:56 |