62 / female Bendover, Florida, US
How Long?
How long can you go without logging into your computer, social media?
How long can you go without sex?
How long can you.....?
March 12, 2017, 18:33 |
49 / male Kamloops, British Columbia, Canada
Re: How Long?
QUOTE (Iwant2kssuallovr @ March 12, 2017, 18:33)
How long can you go without logging into your computer, social media?
How long can you go without sex?
How long can you.....?
Well I guess I can go about a year without a computer
I'm back!
Everything seems to be working with my new system
March 13, 2017, 17:46 |
62 / female The Shore, New Jersey, US
Re: How Long?
Since I have been gone myself I didn't even know you were missing.Syb.
I have times I can't stand the social media thing so I go months.Other times I'll go on everyday .Usually for a reason.
Sex... If I'm with someone I don't like to miss more than a day maybe two. Unless I have something going on like I'm sick or something stressful. But then Kam takes my mind off what ever has me stressed and it's all good.
I will go days without my computer but then at some point realize I better check my email and pay some bills so I have no choice.
I am a bit of a news junkie so I guess that's the one thing that I really get upset and hunt down if I don't see the news everyday.
I will go 2-3 days of no sleep. NOT BY CHOICE!
I will go 2-3 days of no food..I forget to eat. I will remember when I smell food or if my blood sugar drops to low that DAMN I HAVEN'T EATEN!. Now that I am Diabetic this has become a big issue because my blood sugar will drop so I will grab something sweet to raise it thinking..I'll eat in a little while, but then forget again. Yeah it has caused me a few issues.Kam yells at me and tells me to set an alarm. I just get busy and don't think about food unless I smell it most of the time.
April 7, 2017, 22:54 |
65 / couple crystal falls, Michigan, US
Re: How Long?
better watch that blood sugar stuff don't want it too low and get glycemia any more the it getting too hight either. tha daily battle;. better to have 4 or 5 small meals aday
April 8, 2017, 04:57 |
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