74 / male Los Angeles, California, US
Not just your normal genie joke
There once was a girl who wasn't feeling very pretty so she went to a genie to make her pretty. The genie told her that to make her feel pretty, he would make it so that every time someone apologized to her her boobs would increase by one size.
So the girl is walking down the street and someone bumps into her and says, "Oh, I'm sorry," and the woman's boobs went up one size.
Then someone accidentally stepped on her foot and said, "I'm sorry," and her boobs got one size bigger.
Then she's walking down the street and a man from India bumps into her and says, "Oh my! A thousand apologies!"
June 29, 2015, 00:44 |
74 / male Jeffersonville, Pennsylvania, US
Re: Not just your normal genie joke
June 29, 2015, 07:56 |
62 / female Bendover, Florida, US
Re: Not just your normal genie joke
And men say boobs can never be too big.
June 29, 2015, 14:14 |