62 / female The Shore, New Jersey, US
The mystery of the dress!
I don't know how many of you have seen this but there is a big deal being made about this dress that appears differently to different people(IN THE PICTURE ONLY).If you have not seen it do a search about "the dress that people are arguing about the color".It's really interesting.
The dress in the picture will "appear" white with gold lace to some people and blue with black lace to others. There are some other variations in shade and such as well. It turns out the dress in reality is Royal Blue with Black Lace.
I will try to explain this.(But you would be better off reading the science behind it if you really want to understand it)The reason some of us see it white and gold and some blue and black is because of the lighting and background in the picture have basically made a perfect storm for our minds to sort out the colors.So it's a color perception issue. Our mind filters out certain things and uses others things like light and shadows to determine what we see.
When we take pictures we normally do something called "WHITE BALANCING" to get the colors to appear correctly in the picture.Have you ever noticed that a computer screen or TV screen will sometimes show a color that you know is way off? That's kind of what our mind is doing with this picture.If it does white balance it correctly you see it one way and the other way you see it correctly. Normally we see it like we would if the color was a bit off on our TV or Computer but this picture is the extreme of that. And the funny thing is it if we were to change the adjustment just a bit we would be all be able to see it correctly. But because this picture has a "PERFECT STORM" of being off to confuse our minds it seems to have us divided as to what color combination it is.It doesn't mean you are smarter if you see it one way or the other, it's just how our mind decided to filter it out for us.
Changing the angle of how you look at the picture can even make it look a different color for some people.I am curious, please look it up if you can and tell me if you see it white and gold or blue and white or something else.
I saw it white and gold then changed the angle and saw light blue with brown then saw the video of the designer wearing it and it is definitely Royal blue and Black lace.
February 27, 2015, 22:16 |
49 / male Kamloops, British Columbia, Canada
Re: The mystery of the dress!
Yeah someone sent me that one as well.....I saw gold and white.
Eli said he saw brown and blue,....But he was dropped on his head by the doctor at birth because he was born with a tail, or something like that...
I think the impact made him colour blind.
February 28, 2015, 01:34 |
59 / couple Frozen Tundra, Minnesota, US
Re: The mystery of the dress!
The picture they had on tv I seen blue and black and Pa seen white and gold. another picture I seen it as white and gold.
February 28, 2015, 06:15 |
User no longer registered.
Re: The mystery of the dress!
i've seen white & gold, and Black & Blue versions. posted by two different people. my niece posted one versaion, and her sister-inlaw posted the other.
February 28, 2015, 17:08 |
62 / female The Shore, New Jersey, US
Re: The mystery of the dress!
This is one of those things that proves how lighting and balancing is important in photography. In this case the picture was for lack of better way to explain it on the edge of just wrong enough that your mind had to figure out how to filter the colors. Okay maybe I can explain it this way to those of you that have ever gone SCUBA diving. When you dive the deeper you go the more color you loose. I will paste a short explanation here....
Colors are different underwater. Colors are really nothing more than different wavelengths reflected by an object. Underwater, waves travel differently, and some wavelengths are filtered out by water sooner than others. Lower energywaves are absorbed first, so red disappears first, at about 20 feet. Orange disappears next, at around 50 feet. Then yellow at about 100. Green stays longer and blue the longest, which is why things look bluer the deeper you go. As long as the water is clear, that is. In murky water there is less light penetration and things tend to look greenish-yellow.
So this dress basically works the same way. The color of the item you see hasn't really changed but, your mind has to decide what to filter. Some of us see it as white and gold some blue and black and some other variations because, it is like being at the 20 foot mark under water and your mind is saying, "should I filter out this color or not it's right on the boarder?"
Hopefully that cleared it up for all of you. Just so you know the color issue is only in the picture due to the lighting and circumstances(Background, angle etc.).If you saw the dress in person in normal lighting you would all see it as Blue with black lace.(Unless colorblind)Think of it as the way you see certain colors under a blacklight. The color itself has not changed but the lighting made it look different in your mind.A kind of color blind.
March 6, 2015, 20:18 |
User no longer registered.
Re: The mystery of the dress!
Hubs and I got different results looking at the same photo at the same time...He saw the black and blue, I saw the gold and white.
March 8, 2015, 13:06 |
62 / female The Shore, New Jersey, US
Re: The mystery of the dress!
Same thing happened when my daughter and I looked at the picture. It just means your mind and his mind filtered it differently. The fun part of this is that to duplicate all the things you would have to duplicate to get a picture to have the exact same thing happen again would be hard to duplicate on purpose. The lighting, angles colors, reflections all need to be just at a perfect level for peoples mind to have to decide what way to go when it filters the way to show you the colors.One slight different would result in a very different result.One way to fix it so all people could see the correct color was to ether color correct the picture by light adjusting or take another picture with proper lighting.
March 9, 2015, 02:44 |
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