62 / female Bendover, Florida, US
Things You Wish They Knew
Men..... what things do you wish women knew about sex and relationships?
October 12, 2014, 03:31 |
User no longer registered.
Re: Things You Wish They Knew
speaking for my own personal history, i wish my ex had understood that just because i put my arm arund her , didnt mean i always wanted sex, sometimes i just wanted to hold her for a litle affection.
October 12, 2014, 04:05 |
User no longer registered.
Re: Re: Things You Wish They Knew
QUOTE (lonelyandhorny @ October 12, 2014, 04:05)speaking for my own personal history, i wish my ex had understood that just because i put my arm arund her , didnt mean i always wanted sex, sometimes i just wanted to hold her for a litle affection.
Yep, same for kisses.
October 12, 2014, 04:21 |
49 / male Kamloops, British Columbia, Canada
Re: Things You Wish They Knew
I wish women knew that once in a while I need my space, and it had nothing to do with them or what they did...I'm fine with being alone with myself, and need it once in a while.
If I compliment them , take it as a compliment, and don't find flaws with themselves in the next moment.
I know women love sex as much as men do.....Don't try and hide the fact, and trying to make me jealous using another mans attention ,will never work out for all three.
They need to be all there for us while having sex, being distracted I find insulting , and I'd rather hear "No" than deal with that.
They need to know the importance of the blowjob, and like giving one as much as I like recieving one.
A man after awhile from not having sex, is like a river flooding it's banks,...The pressure from the swelling will find a way to release itself, using the easiest path possible to accomplish the task.
Simply laying there naked and expecting a man to be turned on ,after awhile in a relationship, is taking his interests, and him for granted.
........They also need to know that a good time having sex, starts with the eyes, and early in the night ...hours before the sex happens.
October 12, 2014, 16:50 |
62 / female The Shore, New Jersey, US
Re: Things You Wish They Knew
Funny,my best friend and I just talked about something like this tonight. We said as a sex we can sometimes be our own worst enemy.I think I have heard more most complain that women expect men to be mind readers and it drives men crazy. The other big complaint I have heard from men as a whole is that women try to change them. I agree.We were talking about how many women we knew and grew up with that still say things like "He will change after we get married, you'll see." or "He should know what I wan't, I shouldn't have to tell him."
Syb I get what you are saying but I think some things you say, you guys need to take ownership of as well. You can't expect women to love giving blow jobs if most of us have experienced the "Head shove" for the majority of our young sexual lives.I think those of us who do enjoy giving blow jobs were fortunate enough to have had men in our lives that were kind and patient and taught us instead of forced us. There are things I don't enjoy because of my past experience. I would think most people are the same in that regard. You also have to remember that most of us are taught that "good girls" don't do certain things. Blowjobs is one of those things. It's hard to switch from "Good girl" in public to "sex pot" in private for most women especially once children come into the family dynamic.I do agree about the compliment thing but that again is ingrained in our DNA I think. We are also taught not to be cocky. Self esteem is also a huge issue especially with young girls .
Not being totally engaged and just laying there I don't even understand how they do that. lol And who hides the fact that they love sex these days? As for making you jealous...That's a fucked up game. I fucking hate head games and anyone being man or women shouldn't play games.
Your needing space comment made me laugh. I like my space as well. But I hope Kam won't mind me telling you this. When we first started dating he had mentioned that he can sometimes "be a real dick" as a warning to me. When I asked what he meant he said "I sometimes like my space and can just go in another room and maybe read or do something on my own for a few hours." So I looked at him and was like "So when does the being like a dick come into play?" Apparently he also had women in his life that considered that a dick move. News flash!!! There is nothing wrong with that. We don't need to be joined at the hip.I think you guys just need to pick different women than the ones you had in your past.
I was married to a man that thought if I looked in his direction it meant he should fuck me . In his case...trust me that was not what I was thinking! (At least after things got pretty bad)
October 13, 2014, 06:21 |
49 / male Kamloops, British Columbia, Canada
Re: Re: Things You Wish They Knew
QUOTE (newbie1011 @ October 13, 2014, 06:21)Funny,my best friend and I just talked about something like this tonight. We said as a sex we can sometimes be our own worst enemy.I think I have heard more most complain that women expect men to be mind readers and it drives men crazy. The other big complaint I have heard from men as a whole is that women try to change them. I agree.We were talking about how many women we knew and grew up with that still say things like "He will change after we get married, you'll see." or "He should know what I wan't, I shouldn't have to tell him."
Syb I get what you are saying but I think some things you say, you guys need to take ownership of as well. You can't expect women to love giving blow jobs if most of us have experienced the "Head shove" for the majority of our young sexual lives.I think those of us who do enjoy giving blow jobs were fortunate enough to have had men in our lives that were kind and patient and taught us instead of forced us. There are things I don't enjoy because of my past experience. I would think most people are the same in that regard. You also have to remember that most of us are taught that "good girls" don't do certain things. Blowjobs is one of those things. It's hard to switch from "Good girl" in public to "sex pot" in private for most women especially once children come into the family dynamic.I do agree about the compliment thing but that again is ingrained in our DNA I think. We are also taught not to be cocky. Self esteem is also a huge issue especially with young girls .
Not being totally engaged and just laying there I don't even understand how they do that. lol And who hides the fact that they love sex these days? As for making you jealous...That's a fucked up game. I fucking hate head games and anyone being man or women shouldn't play games.
Your needing space comment made me laugh. I like my space as well. But I hope Kam won't mind me telling you this. When we first started dating he had mentioned that he can sometimes "be a real dick" as a warning to me. When I asked what he meant he said "I sometimes like my space and can just go in another room and maybe read or do something on my own for a few hours." So I looked at him and was like "So when does the being like a dick come into play?" Apparently he also had women in his life that considered that a dick move. News flash!!! There is nothing wrong with that. We don't need to be joined at the hip.I think you guys just need to pick different women than the ones you had in your past.
I was married to a man that thought if I looked in his direction it meant he should fuck me . In his case...trust me that was not what I was thinking! (At least after things got pretty bad)
I've only spoke to you once or twice Newbs...but I remember clearly what you told me in confidence about your Ex, and nobody should be treated in such a way.
For the most part ,my partners have been good experiences, and I suppose subconciousley I was talking about my EX BITCH...I mean Ex-wife.
She did think I should be a mind reader, and she was very attractive , and was used to being the best looking girl in a crowd. For myself, being fortunate enough to have been with some very striking women, I've come to realize that ,although a woman is usually attractive if she catches my interest, they have to have more depth to them than just physical looks.
October 13, 2014, 21:10 |
62 / female Bendover, Florida, US
Re: Things You Wish They Knew
Never jealous? Right!
October 14, 2014, 01:57 |
62 / female Bendover, Florida, US
Re: Things You Wish They Knew
October 14, 2014, 02:04 |
62 / female Bendover, Florida, US
Re: Things You Wish They Knew
October 14, 2014, 02:11 |
62 / female The Shore, New Jersey, US
Re: Things You Wish They Knew
I don't think men and women are as different as so many think. I do think there are still women who hide some of these things because they still believe "It's not lady like".
In some ways men are simple creatures compared to us. Mostly I find that men are happy if they have a few things, Sex on a regular bases, food that they enjoy when they want it,enough freedom in their life to still have time with the guys or do things that interest him alone weather it be sports or reading a good book or whatever else his interest might be.
We as women in my opinion require a bit more than that. We tend to be more emotional. Guys are emotional as well but they feel comfortable and even feel the relationship is going well if they have the three things I named.We want more of a fairy tail. We want him to show his love. Many times publicly. Send flowers to work. YOU KNOW YOU LOVE IT WHEN YOU HAVE A BIG BUNCH OF FLOWERS ON YOUR DESK FROM YOUR MAN. IT TELLS THE WORLD "HEY! I HAVE A GUY THAT LOVES ME! (IN SOME CASES IT SAYS I HAVE A MAN WHO FUCKED UP AND IS TRYING TO MAKE UP FOR IT.LOL) But we want the fairy tail that we have been brainwashed into thinking exists.He is going to protect me, support me physically, emotionally and financially and he will be my knight in shining armor. He will carry me over the threshold and off into the sunset if need be.There was never any fairy tail that said he will leave his dirty socks and underwear on the floor and burp at the dinner table.
But if we get into the specifics of how we feel about about sex. I think more and more women these days are becoming more comfortable admitting they enjoy sex as much and some claim more than men do. As for dirty talk or saying what you like again, I think it's that women are taught it's just not lady like, however more and more women are becoming comfortable, changing that old mindset.Insecurities about are bodies are verbalized more than men do but they do have their own insecurities as you have stated in the article you quoted.We have all talked about this numerous times.I do think men also gauge there masculinity on their bedroom skills as well.Sometimes very misguided in what they think their skills are. Some guys think they are the best lover in the world and some think they are the worst. Truth be told that can be due to many things including women lying to them good or bad and the mind set that they don't want to hear about their true performance because they "Know" they are great or horrible.
You can find studies that show what ever you want but it really comes down to an individual thing in many cases. I have met women that have no self confidence and others who are as confident as they can be. Same with men. I also remember a time in my life when ever I got to "close" in a relationship, I would find a way or excuse to bail. I have even had people say "You are like a guy when it comes to relationships". They good thing is, I do believe things are changing and both men and women are getting real. They are starting to be more open and hopefully that will lead to not just better sex lives but better over all relationships.
October 14, 2014, 22:00 |
49 / male Kamloops, British Columbia, Canada
Re: Re: Things You Wish They Knew
QUOTE (Iwant2kssuallovr @ October 14, 2014, 01:57)
Never jealous? Right!
I believe I said..."I try not to be jealous" but it was a weapon in her arsenal she did use on a regular basis...
When a young buck cowboy, wants to lock horns with a veteran, who am I to say no?
I think it just fed her appetite for self importance, and ego, and it turned her on to see two sets of Wranglers fighting over her.
She was a challenge to have feelings for at the best of times.
October 15, 2014, 02:10 |
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