65 / couple crystal falls, Michigan, US
as in one of my cats, she is three now,trying to find out if she might be sick or in heat again. what I read so far sounds like she's in heat, but the but is wet no smell or color, shes licking and tooo cuddly, but in the air and sorta vocal. we had a few weeks ago a incidence were she look like she was going to have a litter,just plain fat kitty, the she got in babes bed and was covered in pus stuff, don't know if it was puke or diarrhea, didn't smell it either . more like old sex.we didn't find no new kittens anywhere. so we are still wondering on the wet rear end yet. and all that I read says she in heat?
September 23, 2014, 14:05 |
49 / male Kamloops, British Columbia, Canada
Re: pets
This may be a question that the women around here can answer better....but I'll give it a shot.
I have "Teaser Bulls" that are real good at throwing a cow into heat. They are very handsome and look at the ladies just right so they get horny just standing next to them over the fence.
Then the big guys move in and do their job...while the young ones stand and watch.
Horse breeding facilities have sometimes several Teaser Studs they keep to throw a mare into heat...Then a genetically appropriate stud is used to breed her.
If a male cat is standing outside the window trying to get her attention...she may be a little horny ,and in heat.
September 23, 2014, 14:21 |
65 / couple crystal falls, Michigan, US
Re: pets
I just changed the cat food to, to a urinary blend for the heath of their urinary track, have 3 boxes for them,so shes got a wet but, no color or smell.i read about the gland they have by the but and so on....
September 23, 2014, 20:57 |
49 / male Kamloops, British Columbia, Canada
Re: Re: pets
QUOTE (ashkats @ September 23, 2014, 20:57)I just changed the cat food to, to a urinary blend for the heath of their urinary track, have 3 boxes for them,so shes got a wet but, no color or smell.i read about the gland they have by the but and so on....
Urinary tract crystals are caused by the ash content in animal food.
The ash reacts to the eurthra carrying the urine when it's contracted or not being used between urination. The crystals grow on the lining and can be very painful....The ash content is listed by law in the ingredient list on the side of the bag.
What some vets will advise, is get the ash content on a expensive bag like "Urinary Tract Royal Canin," or another expensive brand,[some of them run $70.00 a bag] then go to a Big Pet Food store and try to match the ash content with a cheaper brand.
Urinary Tract crystalization , and it's after infections can kill your cat by shutting down it's kidneys, by blocking it's flow of urine, or just cause multiple infections.
An easy way to tell ,is if the cat will urinate on some hard surface making it easy for inspection, it will take a long time for the cat to complete the job...then in the puddle of liquid you can see the crystals with the naked eye.
They look like large crystals of pickling salt.
...and No...I didn't have to Google that info...I have some strange things tucked away in the veterinary part of my noggin.
September 24, 2014, 05:59 |
65 / couple crystal falls, Michigan, US
Re: pets
they also cling to the hair I read, her but been dry for too days now. she like to pee on plastic and the vinyl runner, shes not now but when she goes in they she likes to mark her spots. then she could be ready to screw every 4 weeks or so... I don't need kittens...
September 24, 2014, 16:58 |
62 / female Bendover, Florida, US
Re: pets
Well, the little dog caught the mouse that was living in my house.
September 27, 2014, 12:30 |
65 / couple crystal falls, Michigan, US
Re: pets
well at least their not bring them home like mine,saying grill mine with open pit on it...
September 28, 2014, 19:39 |
62 / female Bendover, Florida, US
Re: pets
Blondie. Thinks I have another rat in the house
September 29, 2014, 11:54 |
62 / female The Shore, New Jersey, US
Re: pets
I have male cats at my house but I do know that all cats are very sensitive to infections and can go from bad to dead quickly if not treated for things like infections or urinary tract issues.I know where I live we have low cost vet care for people if cost becomes an issue ( I only say that because I don't know your situation) I would recommend that you have your cat checked and treated if it is something before all your cats wind up sick. The cat we have at Kam's is female. When she went into heat,(prior to being spayed)it was very obvious and nothing like what you are describing. She also was less than a year old. I can't imagine why a three year old cat would not go into heat until age 3 unless something was very wrong.Cat's seem to have issues that always get serious if not treated but the good news is they also seem to get well pretty fast once given treatment.My kitten got VERY sick right after we had him neutered and I really thought he was going to die. Once they gave him meds and we forced some fluids into him a dropper at a time he turned around for the better and in about three days was almost completely back to being a crazy kitten again.Please keep us posted on your cat's progress. I have been told urinary tract issues can be very painful.
September 30, 2014, 03:07 |
User no longer registered.
Re: pets
They can be in heat with this weather?
October 1, 2014, 01:36 |
65 / couple crystal falls, Michigan, US
Re: pets
I thinks shes much better with the change of food, I screwed up and got the wrong type. as for her being in heat, she that all the time just the bout,dam male out on the deck in summer singing back to her , just like her, and she make her little pepper sound that are so cute
October 1, 2014, 04:49 |
49 / male Kamloops, British Columbia, Canada
Re: Re: pets
QUOTE (newbie1011 @ September 30, 2014, 03:07)I have male cats at my house but I do know that all cats are very sensitive to infections and can go from bad to dead quickly if not treated for things like infections or urinary tract issues.I know where I live we have low cost vet care for people if cost becomes an issue ( I only say that because I don't know your situation) I would recommend that you have your cat checked and treated if it is something before all your cats wind up sick. The cat we have at Kam's is female. When she went into heat,(prior to being spayed)it was very obvious and nothing like what you are describing. She also was less than a year old. I can't imagine why a three year old cat would not go into heat until age 3 unless something was very wrong.Cat's seem to have issues that always get serious if not treated but the good news is they also seem to get well pretty fast once given treatment.My kitten got VERY sick right after we had him neutered and I really thought he was going to die. Once they gave him meds and we forced some fluids into him a dropper at a time he turned around for the better and in about three days was almost completely back to being a crazy kitten again.Please keep us posted on your cat's progress. I have been told urinary tract issues can be very painful.
I would have put money on Kam being a Dog guy..
October 1, 2014, 14:06 |
62 / female The Shore, New Jersey, US
Re: pets
Syb, You are right he is not exactly a fan of having a cat or any animal to be honest. He said he just doesn't want that responsibility anymore and he likes the freedom that not having pets gives him. The cat was originally a kitten his daughter got without asking and she really couldn't handle the responsibility and cost with having a baby and a full time job and also moving to an apartment that doesn't allow pets. So I asked that he keep the cat. I love her. Obviously I'm not there all the time so he takes care of her when I'm in NJ. She definitely loves when I'm there. I swear I think she cries after I leave. He wont spend a few hours playing with her and petting her the way I do everyday. She is an extremely shy cat and needs someone with a lot of patients. He doesn't admit it but he does love her. I always catch him petting her when he doesn't think I'm looking. lol
October 4, 2014, 04:26 |
49 / male Kamloops, British Columbia, Canada
Re: Re: pets
QUOTE (newbie1011 @ October 4, 2014, 04:26)Syb, You are right he is not exactly a fan of having a cat or any animal to be honest. He said he just doesn't want that responsibility anymore and he likes the freedom that not having pets gives him. The cat was originally a kitten his daughter got without asking and she really couldn't handle the responsibility and cost with having a baby and a full time job and also moving to an apartment that doesn't allow pets. So I asked that he keep the cat. I love her. Obviously I'm not there all the time so he takes care of her when I'm in NJ. She definitely loves when I'm there. I swear I think she cries after I leave. He wont spend a few hours playing with her and petting her the way I do everyday. She is an extremely shy cat and needs someone with a lot of patients. He doesn't admit it but he does love her. I always catch him petting her when he doesn't think I'm looking. lol
You can't blame a guy for paying attention to a stray pussy if it crawls into his lap...
I have several cats and one is a house cat....Until this fall I've never had a mouse in my house, and that cat figured if he's in the house , he just belongs there.
That damn cat was sharing his food with that mouse.
If he'd seen him outside he would have been a noon time snack.
He's taken to sleeping at my feet for the last few years, and if he isn't inside for night, I'll spend an hour to find him....just don't tell anyone.
I've an image to uphold
October 4, 2014, 04:56 |
65 / couple crystal falls, Michigan, US
Re: pets
well mine wanted out, so I opened the door and she hit the brakes, there's and inch and a half of snow and drizzling too. took 3 trys and then she went out .
October 4, 2014, 18:09 |
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