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this is just wrong, on all levels...(the names and locations have been changed to protect the innocent...)
a high school student suspended after posting what he called a sarcastic tweet involving a teacher has filed a lawsuit against a Minnesota school district, the superintendent and Principal the High School and the local Police Chief, among others.
the student is seeking monetary damages and other forms of legal relief, alleging that those named in the lawsuit violated his constitutional rights by suspending, expelling and forcing him to withdraw from the High School four months before he was due to graduated. the student also accuses the Police Chief of defaming him.
The lawsuit was filed in U.S. District Court Tuesday, asks that any references to the student being suspended or expelled be expunged from his record, and that the School District change its policies and procedures so no student will have to go through what he did.
the student found himself in the headlines in January of 2014 when he was named in a message on a website called "town Confessions' that asked whether he made out with a female phy ed teacher at the High School. When he responded with what he calls a sarcastic post that read "Actually Yeah", a town parent saw the post and called principal, who called the student down to speak with him and a local Police Officer.
the student was suspended for five days for causing damage to a teacher's reputation.Eventually that suspension was extended another five days, and then morphed into an expulsion.the student and his attorneys maintain that the post was done out of school, did nothing to disrupt school activities, or constitute a threat to the teacher or her reputation.
The plaintiff alleges that the actions of the defendants have forever linked his name with criminal activity, took away his right to privacy and free speech, inflicted mental anguish and negatively impacted his future educational and occupational opportunities.
He is requesting a jury trial.
June 17, 2014, 16:29 |
User no longer registered.
Re: this is just wrong, on all levels...(the names and locations have been changed to protect the innocent...)
for one thing, joking or not, it STILL caused damage to the teacher's reputation...even if the comment was made away from school. and...the defendant's in this case should file a law suit against the blogger as well, i mean seriously? what kind of idiot asks a high school senior if he "made out" with an adult teacher, and then posts it on the internet? when i first came across this story, i didn't read it close enough, and assumed that it said the blogger asked ir he had sex with the teacher, and i posted the same remarks except instead of "made out", i said "had sex"...someone else replied to my comment with "having sex and a kiss are two completely different things"...either way, it's still an immoral question to ask a high school senior, don't you think?
June 17, 2014, 16:36 |
49 / male Kamloops, British Columbia, Canada
Re: this is just wrong, on all levels...(the names and locations have been changed to protect the innocent...)
So your saying that making out with your Hottie High School Gym Teacher is wrong ?
It wasn't my fault Miss Reeves was hot...and she liked healthy farm boys.
June 17, 2014, 19:52 |
62 / female The Shore, New Jersey, US
Re: this is just wrong, on all levels...(the names and locations have been changed to protect the innocent...)
This has become an issue everywhere. I have issues with things being one sided. In some places the schools have all the power and can do things the public is not always aware of. For instance... Are you aware that a principal and superintendent can trace online activity even if a name is not posted and the activity is not done on school grounds or with school computers. For example. I had a situation where a kid was threatening to kill herself and it was being discussed on line from her own computer with my daughter at the time. My daughter didn't know what to do and didn't want to "rat her out". So I knew about the little known fact regarding access from superintendents and called the superintendent and had him track it to the child. In this case it was a good reason and great outcome. However, there are many cases where that power is abused. Keep in mind that these kids were on home computers on a social media having nothing to do with school.Now obviously I was thrilled that in that case the child got the help she needed but... In the same state there is a school that told all students that if they didn't delete ALL of their social media accounts immediately they would be thrown out of that school. In that case it was a private school so they were able to get away with having that rule. However most people were shocked to find out how the school was able to track the accounts without getting the information from the students or families. That's when things got out a bit more publicly that they have access within certain guidelines regarding their school district.And there was a school administrator in PA that got in trouble because he had been logging into students computers remotely and viewing them and watching all there activity as well. He made no apologies and said he "had the right!" Thankfully he doesn't anymore. But it is still in the courts as to how much access school officials should have.
In our own school district we had several issues. One was a "Slam book" They found a slam book that belonged to a student and tried to claim because within the book they said things like 'Jane Smith is a bitch that sleeps with anyone" that it is sexual harassment. I argued that 1)It was not meant for public view. 2) It was private property and just being on school grounds does not give the school the right to invade the privacy of the owner. 3) If you called someone a nasty name when they are not around to another person in a conversation that would not be considered illegal or harassment or the man I was be speaking to could have been brought up on charges by me 100 times over. They decided not to pursue the Slam Book incident with anyone involved and handed me the book when I demanded it.
They also passed a rule that says "If any student get caught at any place they don't belong or doing anything they shouldn't such as a party with underage drinking , even if the child themselves are not drinking or supplying the alcohol that child will be suspended as if they were and banded from all activities other than classes. All sports, plays, dances, graduation etc".... I went right to the superintendent and said "You can't enforce that, You know that." He agreed. He said that he was aware that a school district close to us tried it and lost in court. But the reason they put it in place was as a deterrent. He said it was in hopes to scare enough kids and parents from doing stupid stuff.The previous week we had parents supply their kid with booze and an big empty house then they went out of town while their son had a party. When they came home to a destroyd house with thousands of dollars in damages they wanted the school do take action.I think the parents are the ones that should have faced charges not just the kids.
We live in a world of Media overload. You can not punish someone for everything said or written until it rises to a level that is considered illegal and damaging. They only one to decide if it was at that level would be the courts. Personally I think if they didn't make a big deal about it to begin with. It never would have risen to that level so are they more at fault than the kid who ever posted the sarcastic remark or even the question?. Besides the problem with text, or writing in general is many times you can't tell the infliction so don't know if it's sarcastic or serious.I am sure we all can give examples. That doesn't mean lives need to be ruined. The kid never should have been so harshly treated and had his life ruined. I personally think the "ADULTS" should have handled it better. If they did, maybe the kid would have went on and said he was just being sarcastic because it was so stupid to begin with.
June 17, 2014, 19:56 |
User no longer registered.
Re: Re: this is just wrong, on all levels...(the names and locations have been changed to protect the innocent...)
QUOTE (sybianwatcher1 @ June 17, 2014, 19:52)So your saying that making out with your Hottie High School Gym Teacher is wrong ?
It wasn't my fault Miss Reeves was hot...and she liked healthy farm boys. i never said it was wrong, i said it was wrong of the blogger to ASK the boy, and then turn around and post it publicly on the internet, with out even thinking of the repercussions on the teacher or her reputation, whether it was just a peck on the cheek, or all out sex, or nothing at all. (and you ARE Canadian i hear that those "hot" teachers there are desperate...)
June 18, 2014, 05:34 |
User no longer registered.
Re: Re: this is just wrong, on all levels...(the names and locations have been changed to protect the innocent...)
QUOTE (sybianwatcher1 @ June 17, 2014, 19:52)So your saying that making out with your Hottie High School Gym Teacher is wrong ?
It wasn't my fault Miss Reeves was hot...and she liked healthy farm boys. so you're telling me that your gym class was taught by a sheep? just kidding!
June 18, 2014, 05:36 |
49 / male Kamloops, British Columbia, Canada
Re: Re: Re: this is just wrong, on all levels...(the names and locations have been changed to protect the innocent...)
QUOTE (lonelyandhorny @ June 18, 2014, 05:36) QUOTE (sybianwatcher1 @ June 17, 2014, 19:52)So your saying that making out with your Hottie High School Gym Teacher is wrong ?
It wasn't my fault Miss Reeves was hot...and she liked healthy farm boys. so you're telling me that your gym class was taught by a sheep?  just kidding!
Well her hair was very blonde and curly , and she did have those big brown eyes..
June 18, 2014, 16:16 |
54 / male London, England, UK
Re: Re: Re: Re: this is just wrong, on all levels...(the names and locations have been changed to protect the innocent...)
QUOTE (sybianwatcher1 @ June 18, 2014, 16:16)Well her hair was very blonde and curly
Ah, the good old days of pubic hair!
June 18, 2014, 21:40 |
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this is just wrong, on all levels...(the names and locations have been changed to protect the innocent...)