49 / male Kamloops, British Columbia, Canada
Re: Re: I Need The Wisdom of an Old Cowboy
QUOTE (oldcowboy666 @ July 1, 2014, 13:05) You two need to get a room. I was thinking about what I told you and I didn't make myself very clear I would build those carins about every hundred feet or so, stretch the wire tight then just put stays in between,  I didn't to build one for every post. do you ever have to build take down fence that is a real pain in the ass. OCB
We don't need no stinking room...
I'm hammering through the rock , and making only small holes so the concrete work isn't that bad...9 more holes and I'm back in the timber ,and into good ground.
There is a fine line between stubborn ,and persistent.
July 1, 2014, 13:58 |
62 / female Bendover, Florida, US
Re: I Need The Wisdom of an Old Cowboy
He is afraud
July 1, 2014, 15:25 |
75 / male bennett, Colorado, US
Re: I Need The Wisdom of an Old Cowboy
afraud or afraid or both
July 1, 2014, 15:40 |
User no longer registered.
Re: Re: I Need The Wisdom of an Old Cowboy
QUOTE (Iwant2kssuallovr @ July 1, 2014, 15:25)He is afraud a Freudian slip?
July 1, 2014, 15:51 |
49 / male Kamloops, British Columbia, Canada
Re: Re: Re: I Need The Wisdom of an Old Cowboy
QUOTE (lonelyandhorny @ July 1, 2014, 15:51) QUOTE (Iwant2kssuallovr @ July 1, 2014, 15:25)He is afraud a Freudian slip?
Yah no shit !!
I'm a lean, mean ,red blooded ,testosterone filled , genuine square jawed , ex military machine...
I drive women wild with just a smile, I ride my horses into a lather , and take are of both of them when their done.
I can cook up a meal for you, round up the remuda, and put a 20 hour day in , and still have the heart,desire, and strength to pleasure you in bed.....
There was a day when three to one was still a fair fight, and I'd still come out on top...Fear was a thing that other men felt when looking into my eyes...
Then I met you...and Yah ,I'll admit...you scare me a little.
I'm also aware that the "I" is next to the "U" on the keyboard...
July 1, 2014, 16:42 |
75 / male bennett, Colorado, US
Re: I Need The Wisdom of an Old Cowboy
That scared me and i'm fearless. NOT
July 1, 2014, 22:34 |
72 / female Somewhere, Maryland, US
Re: Re: I Need The Wisdom of an Old Cowboy
QUOTE (oldcowboy666 @ July 1, 2014, 22:34)That scared me and i'm fearless. NOT
July 2, 2014, 07:13 |
49 / male Kamloops, British Columbia, Canada
Re: Re: Re: I Need The Wisdom of an Old Cowboy
QUOTE (Samib @ July 2, 2014, 07:13) QUOTE (oldcowboy666 @ July 1, 2014, 22:34)That scared me and i'm fearless. NOT
Now that was freakin' funny Samib...
July 2, 2014, 14:21 |
49 / male Kamloops, British Columbia, Canada
Re: I Need The Wisdom of an Old Cowboy
OCB....When you nail a shoe on your horses hoof, do you use a pitch gauge. If you do what angle of hoof do you aim for? I'm at about 35 to 38 %.
I've been told to use one, and I do have one, and I suppose getting all four feet the same is good for the horse.
I also have a horse with two black feet and two white feet, and he has a cronic hoof wall crack that doesn't bother him on the rear white one , but it just won't go away. I've tried all the repair ointments, glue, feeding him farriers formula, and gelatin...
July 3, 2014, 14:45 |
75 / male bennett, Colorado, US
Re: I Need The Wisdom of an Old Cowboy
My sixth attempet. Keeping the angle the same is important but the only time I used a gauge was to get what the wanted for heart bars. The cracks I have tried everything and finaly decided if it doesn't bother them leave it alone. I have even used then metal to span it the I short screw on either side and that nothing. I'd think you have been nailing on iron as long as you and crippled one you are doing it right. OCB
July 3, 2014, 21:02 |
49 / male Kamloops, British Columbia, Canada
Re: Re: I Need The Wisdom of an Old Cowboy
QUOTE (oldcowboy666 @ July 3, 2014, 21:02) My sixth attempet. Keeping the angle the same is important but the only time I used a gauge was to get what the wanted for heart bars. The cracks I have tried everything and finaly decided if it doesn't bother them leave it alone. I have even used then metal to span it the I short screw on either side and that nothing. I'd think you have been nailing on iron as long as you and crippled one you are doing it right.  OCB
Nope never crippled or quicked one yet...
I've tried banding them ,and stainless staples...I'll just let it be for now. He's the best of the bunch and I work him a little harder than the others.
July 3, 2014, 21:13 |
62 / female The Shore, New Jersey, US
Re: I Need The Wisdom of an Old Cowboy
OMG I read this whole thread.I seemed to have missed a lot.
First I want to say that I hope your horse is going to be okay. It broke my heart to read what that poor horse went through.
I know being from NYC many would thing bear is not something I come across but I actually had a house upstate NY and a brother that lives in the mountains in upstate NJ.I have had more than my fair share of bear encounters.I was on horse back in the woods in Pennsylvania (my house was near the border on NY and PA)and ran into a bear. It scared the hell out of me but I was lucky that the horse stayed calm and the bear was more interested in other things. He just looked at us then turned and wondered slowly away. I was afraid he would sneak up on us but fortunately he didn't.
There is a huge problem with bear at my brothers house. The come right up to the house and many times into homes if they can get in. I have video of a couple of cubs a few feet from me. I kept thinking I bet Momma bear is real close and I was right. When she figured the cubs had enough play time she came to lead them away.Last summer when camping I had a bear walk right by while we were cooking breakfast.He went to a cabin down a few from ours. I guess he liked the menu over there better. I know we have KILL and NO KILL areas in NJ. The general rule is in some areas if they can catch a bear in a residential area they either kill them or release them someplace else depending on where they were caught and if they hurt any humans or domestic animals.
My bother doesn't call about the bear that hangs out at his house because he knows they will kill him. They live in a "KILL ZONE" The one bear that is a regular, has been there for a long time and doesn't seen to bother anything except garbage cans. But you always get stupid people that leave food out or don't have the "bear proof cans" that you are supposed to have.Those people who invite bear to the area. When you live in an area that has wildlife you need to adjust your way of living to them. Those idiots that feed the bears normally wind up with a bear in their house at some point. I worry when they get used to people. It never turns out good for the bear or the people.
One night my brother and the bear had a bit of a standoff. It was still small as bears go at the time maybe 5-600 pounds.So my brother thought I'll make a lot of noise and it will run off. It was a great theory.So he is banging garbage can covers and screaming and looking like he escaped a mental institution. My mother, myself, his wife and kids are watching this from the house. The bear was between the house and where he was so he could not get to the house until the bear moved.So he is doing his noise dance and yell and the bear kind of sat on his hind legs. If it wasn't scary it would be funny. Okay, it's funny now because he is fine. It looked like the the bear was thinking "what the hell are you doing, you crazy human?". I guess he didn't find it too interesting because after a couple of minutes he just wondered away.
It's scary because you never really know what they will do. I feel bad that we take more and more of the places they live then get annoyed when they are around.I know in your case it's very different. I also know you respect the wildlife and only kill when you need to.
For the record I know a bit about rodeos as well. My ex was a bull rider.That alone should have been a warning that he was crazy! Not in a good way. I think he had one to many bulls roll over on him or kick him in the head.
I know a kid that got a horn in the groin while steer wrestling. Even as a women I cringed.
But I have to admit that there is something about cowboys that is just hot. (My ex excluded!)
July 5, 2014, 09:10 |
49 / male Kamloops, British Columbia, Canada
Re: I Need The Wisdom of an Old Cowboy
I've learned that bears are a little like people, they have their good days , and bad days.
If they are having a bad day, everything around them gets destroyed and ripped apart. Here there is the odd bear thats never seen a human, they come out of the high country and they get confused about thier surroundings and boundries.
I've been forced to destroy many of them ...but thats only when they are running right at me. I still have the scars on my left leg from one that almost died on top of me, and ruined a perfectly good pair of jeans and boots.
Black bears are the most trouble because of their numbers...Grizzlies can be a living horror show, but they are few. They are the top of the food chain and they know it.
For the record....There are so many cowboys here ,I do believe the local women have become immune to our charms.
It always amazes me to watch the young ladies from out of town ,get weak in the knees at a Rodeo.
I will admit....I have a pair of tight fitting Wranglers that are one size too small ,I wear to the Rodeo dance.
July 5, 2014, 14:09 |
75 / male bennett, Colorado, US
Re: I Need The Wisdom of an Old Cowboy
you pig!!! Just got word a good Rancher friend of mine committed suicide. No details yet but he was the real deal I know he was going a bad divorce but never thought it of him. Stay Strong Man OCB
July 5, 2014, 14:28 |
49 / male Kamloops, British Columbia, Canada
Re: Re: I Need The Wisdom of an Old Cowboy
QUOTE (oldcowboy666 @ July 5, 2014, 14:28)you pig!!! Just got word a good Rancher friend of mine committed suicide. No details yet but he was the real deal I know he was going a bad divorce but never thought it of him. Stay Strong Man OCB
Very sorry to hear that my friend...I'm stronger than ever.
July 5, 2014, 18:05 |
62 / female The Shore, New Jersey, US
Re: I Need The Wisdom of an Old Cowboy
Sorry about your friend OCB.
July 5, 2014, 23:01 |
75 / male bennett, Colorado, US
Re: I Need The Wisdom of an Old Cowboy
Thank you guys! But he was one those guys that seemed larger than life. That nothing could get to him, he could've kicked john Waynes ass.
July 6, 2014, 00:01 |
75 / male bennett, Colorado, US
Re: I Need The Wisdom of an Old Cowboy
Hye squatch, I just got a call from some sasquatch hunters and I told them a may have a lead, wanna make money?
P.S. They don't care if talks funny. OCB
July 7, 2014, 14:42 |
49 / male Kamloops, British Columbia, Canada
Re: I Need The Wisdom of an Old Cowboy
I've seen you on line here from time to time.....
I'm not sure if you can't communicate, or just choose not too.
Everyone give a holler to an Old Cowboy, who may not be feeling right, but is still in our hearts and minds.
You may be broke up and busted, but your spirit is willing ,and alive..
It is with the horse , rope ,and saddle with simplicity that we strive..
All we ask for in life, is a good eight second ride..
January 24, 2015, 15:29 |
75 / male bennett, Colorado, US
Re: I Need The Wisdom of an Old Cowboy
Iam alive and not very well but getin by . I WRITE AGAIN
February 1, 2015, 14:45 |
49 / male Kamloops, British Columbia, Canada
Re: Re: I Need The Wisdom of an Old Cowboy
QUOTE (oldcowboy666 @ February 1, 2015, 14:45)Iam alive and not very well but getin by . I WRITE AGAIN
Just took you awhile to pull your hat down tight....? Damn good to see you old friend!!
Just remember..It's not the years boy, It's the miles.
February 1, 2015, 16:17 |