49 / male Kamloops, British Columbia, Canada
The Takers
Some of you know that I live on a very large acerage, and that helps me make my living raising cattle. The Government has been issueing permits all around my property, and on my Government range lease ,or Crown Land, for probably a century now..and they keep the cutblocks far enough back , so most wouldn't notice the destruction...and I've never said anything about it...I've never caused a problem. Today I was hand delivered a plan for 100 Mile Forest Products , a Division of West Fraser...To clear cut...all around my property. My homestead is on one corner of my 1400 acres.It seems if they have their way ,I will be looking at stumps for my lifetime...The regeneration , even with replanting is very slow here.... They will harvest a track of timber that has escaped their chainsaws further up the mountains, near a meadow, with a little lake, with a little cabin, named after someone very dear to me...To myself...this place is as sacred as a Church, or Tabernacle , and is prime Wild Horse, Mountain Lion ,Timber Wolf, and Mule Deer wintering grounds, and that will be taken away . I'm no tree hugger, I am somewhat of a conservationist, and the men coming here will only be trying to make a living...They will harvest the timber, scarify the ground with 3 foot hooks behind bulldozers, to promote natural seeding,...then they will leave, never looking back. They will just take, and leave...The country will be opened up to weekend warriors, their guns, their garbage,their forest fires, and all the other problems they bring....They too are Takers.....To fight this I will be up against a entire Government beurocracy, with unlimited time , and unlimited funds, taken from the citizens...I emailed the pencil pusher today that is in charge of the "Managed" cutblocks,...and in closing I asked "Haven't you taken enough from this area ?".....He answered " I will take the time to review your concerns".....Yah !! you bet..You just take your time ..
March 22, 2014, 03:09 |
User no longer registered.
Re: The Takers
you could always buy that ranch in Florida i guess...the scenery may not be as majestic, but i'm sure you'd find it quite beautiful in it's own right...if you know what i meaqn?
March 22, 2014, 05:41 |
57 / male wild and wonderful, West Virginia, US
Re: The Takers
Their version of dont call us we'll call you.
March 22, 2014, 11:53 |
User no longer registered.
Re: The Takers
I'm afraid that you have a large fight on your hands. Perhaps reminding them that if it's clear cut, they will promote mudslides. Not to mention the loss of wildlife habitat. You also may want to check and see how some of the anti-logging folks in Washington and Oregon manage to keep loggers out of certain areas.
I wish you good luck in fighting them.
March 22, 2014, 17:45 |
49 / male Kamloops, British Columbia, Canada
Re: Re: The Takers
QUOTE (WTFU @ March 22, 2014, 17:45)I'm afraid that you have a large fight on your hands.  Perhaps reminding them that if it's clear cut, they will promote mudslides. Not to mention the loss of wildlife habitat. You also may want to check and see how some of the anti-logging folks in Washington and Oregon manage to keep loggers out of certain areas.
I wish you good luck in fighting them. The Government has a mandate to protect Ungulet Wildlife Wintering Grounds, and watershed areas...Called UWG sites...that and archeological, subterranian streambeds are the focus of my defense....It is most definatley erosion sensitive due to the 800 feet elevation above my house, and barns....Freakin' Buttholes.....And I enjoy a good fight once in a while..it's in my nature.
March 22, 2014, 19:35 |
User no longer registered.
Re: Re: Re: The Takers
QUOTE (sybianwatcher1 @ March 22, 2014, 19:35) QUOTE (WTFU @ March 22, 2014, 17:45)I'm afraid that you have a large fight on your hands.  Perhaps reminding them that if it's clear cut, they will promote mudslides. Not to mention the loss of wildlife habitat. You also may want to check and see how some of the anti-logging folks in Washington and Oregon manage to keep loggers out of certain areas.
I wish you good luck in fighting them. The Government has a mandate to protect Ungulet Wildlife Wintering Grounds, and watershed areas...Called UWG sites...that and archeological, subterranian streambeds are the focus of my defense....It is most definatley erosion sensitive due to the 800 feet elevation above my house, and barns....Freakin' Buttholes.....And I enjoy a good fight once in a while..it's in my nature.
Glad to hear that and good luck.
March 23, 2014, 00:56 |
59 / couple Frozen Tundra, Minnesota, US
Re: The Takers
You are going to have a long hard fight. And you are the perfect man for the job. Someone that loves the land and animals. I wish you lots of luck. Keep us posted.
March 23, 2014, 05:05 |
62 / female The Shore, New Jersey, US
Re: The Takers
You might have a few options. When you can't fight the big boys with money and hot shot lawyers you have to go after them in other ways. I have done this and it works well. My mother went up against a huge NYC company that NO ONE has ever beaten in court until she did. There are ways....First get in touch with any group that is into conservation, animal protection, forestry protection etc.... Also contact some lawyers that do probono work based on these types of issues. My all time favorite thing to do because they can't stop it is get the Media in on this.Sometimes if you can't get the interest of a major network right away you need to start with a small town radio or newspaper guy that writes something and hopefully gets picked up by the AP. This is not as hard as you might think. Remember these guys try to get their stuff picked up so, if they think they have a shot they go for it! Make nice with some media guys that are into conservation. Explain how this will effect the environment, wildlife, fire issues, erosion etc. And of course get the equivalent of the environmental protection agency involved. Hopefully they can find a snake, bug or frog that is endangered on that land then that will stop these plans in their tracts! In the US if they find anything that is endangered they can't touch the property until they have a solution. Most times it's easier and cheaper for them to walk away. At very least it can slow the project down for years until something else can be found to do.Are they required to do environmental studies before the even cut a tree down like they are here? If you know of anything that is endangered over there then contact the group associated with it. Example: There is a huge push to "Save the wolves". Reach out to that group. They have lawyers and media contacts. If its another animal then they have a group too. Trust me there are more "causes" than you have hair on your head, and they all want to save that piece of land as much as you. Hope this helps.
March 23, 2014, 05:53 |
49 / male Kamloops, British Columbia, Canada
Re: The Takers
Hmmmmmm.....Yes , that helps....The problem with our Government is that they have placed more land into National and Provincial parks than any other nation in the world...combined..And they just love to point that out to everyone..You just gave me an idea. I was leaning towards Archeological defense , but I may have more than one avenue..Thanks
March 23, 2014, 14:35 |