59 / couple Frozen Tundra, Minnesota, US
I love this time of year! Have the tree up and decorations out and will be spending time with family and friends. Now if I can just keep the cats out of my village!
What is your favorite thing about the holiday?
December 10, 2013, 21:36 |
User no longer registered.
the memories of youth, other than that, at this point in life, i have nothing nice to say about the holiday. bah humbug.
December 10, 2013, 21:52 |
User no longer registered.
Like LandH and many others. I remember great things about Christmas when growing up. Now--BAH!!! HUMBUG!! I still try to remember the "reason for the season" but it's increasingly difficult. I will add that I do like the fact that houses and trees have "poultry lamps" too :D
December 11, 2013, 03:46 |
65 / male State of Confusion, Pennsylvania, US
I'm with you guys (Sorry Ma). Fucking humbug.
December 11, 2013, 13:28 |
38 / female Kilkenny, Ireland
Aw no guys!!
You all would totally hate me right now so!! I open my mouth and vomit festive cheer at this time of year.
The best thing for me is getting to spend time with my friends and family. This year is extra special as my brother has been in Oz for the past 2.5 years. This will be my first time seeing him since he left Ireland (excluding Skype obviously). I'm super excited to say the least
December 11, 2013, 13:44 |
65 / male State of Confusion, Pennsylvania, US
Very cool Kate. Happy to hear about your reunion.
December 11, 2013, 13:48 |
User no longer registered.
i'm sorry for being a Scrooge. maybe if i could afford to buy my kids some really nice presents instead of haing to be cheap, and maybe if my family would remember the true meaning of the holiday, and stop the bickering long enough to celebrate, things would be different. but i"m the peacemaker in the family, i'm the only one that gets along with all the rest, and i've grown tired of trying to get them to all just stop, and get together for ONE dya, and remember the good times of our youth. especially since mom passed,and that was the first time n over 25 years that the whole family (minus my brother in Nebraska) have been together, it sucks when a family only see each other at a funeral. (and we all live within 75 miles of each other.)
the Holiday season means nothing i guess. sorry, that just my take on it.
December 11, 2013, 14:49 |
User no longer registered.
that, and the fact that Christmas has become commercialized. when the stores start setting up Christmas items as soon as Halloween is over? and you hear Christmas songs on the radio as even before Thanksgiving? i mean, i do enjoy the occasional Christmas Carol, but all day long? every day? this year even Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer made his famous flight before Santa even took the Turkey out of the oven for Thanksgiving...
December 11, 2013, 14:54 |
38 / female Kilkenny, Ireland
Re: Re: I LOVE!
QUOTE (Freensleazy @ December 11, 2013, 13:48)Very cool Kate. Happy to hear about your reunion.
Thank you. I'm actually too excited about it lol
And I'm sorry about your mum lonely...been there...and it's not something anyone ever gets over xx
December 11, 2013, 15:27 |
User no longer registered.
I'm happy for Kate too! Brothers are special people.
We don't focus on gifts, I earn amazon gift cards on a reward site or we would not be able to buy a thing but there's plenty enough giftcards banked up to send every one a modest gift basket of some sort.
I have cats so just the front porch is decorated, I keep candles and a big blanket on the cushioned swing and sometimes late at night I like to bundle up, light a candle for loved ones lost and just admire how crisp and bright the stars are in winter.
December 11, 2013, 18:49 |
User no longer registered.
Re: Re: I LOVE!
QUOTE (lonelyandhorny @ December 11, 2013, 14:54)that, and the fact that Christmas has become commercialized. when the stores start setting up Christmas items as soon as Halloween is over? and you hear Christmas songs on the radio as even before Thanksgiving? i mean, i do enjoy the occasional Christmas Carol, but all day long? every day? this year even Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer made his famous flight before Santa even took the Turkey out of the oven for Thanksgiving...
I heard Rudolph quit and became a drunk. That way his red nose doesn't stand out.
December 11, 2013, 19:32 |
User no longer registered.
i can remember my mom telling my nieces and nephews, and my kids, that the red light in the sky was Rudolph., when it was infact, just the lights on the water tower. all year long, she would tell them that Santa sent Rudolph to check up on the kids, that's hoq he knew which kids to put on the naughty list...it worked like a charm until they were about five years old. lol
December 11, 2013, 19:56 |
62 / female Bendover, Florida, US
LH, I would find some people more fun to hang out with. I got tired of just mom and I. If she chose to be a real downer, I had friends and family who are fun.
December 11, 2013, 22:47 |
62 / female Bendover, Florida, US
I love Christmas! I love the lights, music, and celebration. I love the Christmas shows. I love the true meaning of Christmas. It is not all about the giftsd. If you have food and a roof over your head , love in your hearts, then you are trulyl blessed.
December 11, 2013, 22:57 |
62 / female Bendover, Florida, US
Growing up, we never had money. We made our Christmas cards. We received clothes, socks, or even pencils for. Christmas. I know it was a long time ago. However, I never felt slighted.
December 11, 2013, 23:02 |
65 / male State of Confusion, Pennsylvania, US
Re: Re: I LOVE!
QUOTE (Iwant2kssuallovr @ December 11, 2013, 22:57)I love Christmas! I love the lights, music, and celebration. I love the Christmas shows. I love the true meaning of Christmas. It is not all about the giftsd. If you have food and a roof over your head , love in your hearts, then you are trulyl blessed.
You forgot to mention the Crown
December 12, 2013, 02:09 |
User no longer registered.
Re: Re: Re: I LOVE!
QUOTE (Freensleazy @ December 12, 2013, 02:09) QUOTE (Iwant2kssuallovr @ December 11, 2013, 22:57)I love Christmas! I love the lights, music, and celebration. I love the Christmas shows. I love the true meaning of Christmas. It is not all about the giftsd. If you have food and a roof over your head , love in your hearts, then you are trulyl blessed.
You forgot to mention the Crown
She may crown you.
December 12, 2013, 02:39 |
59 / couple Frozen Tundra, Minnesota, US
We never had much growing up and we struggled when our kids were little, but we always had fun. It was time for family we got together ate food played games and had a lot of fun. and we made a lot of our gifts. My kids are still thankful for the home made stuff. I am having a lot of fun with the grandson taking him to see santa making decorations. He has been making things to send to Great Grandma (my mom) as she very sick and now in the hospital.
December 12, 2013, 04:57 |
65 / male State of Confusion, Pennsylvania, US
Re: Re: Re: Re: I LOVE!
QUOTE (WTFU @ December 12, 2013, 02:39) QUOTE (Freensleazy @ December 12, 2013, 02:09) QUOTE (Iwant2kssuallovr @ December 11, 2013, 22:57)I love Christmas! I love the lights, music, and celebration. I love the Christmas shows. I love the true meaning of Christmas. It is not all about the giftsd. If you have food and a roof over your head , love in your hearts, then you are trulyl blessed.
You forgot to mention the Crown
She may crown you.
It wouldnt be the first time that she's wanted to do that
December 12, 2013, 12:56 |
User no longer registered.
Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: I LOVE!
QUOTE (Freensleazy @ December 12, 2013, 12:56) QUOTE (WTFU @ December 12, 2013, 02:39) QUOTE (Freensleazy @ December 12, 2013, 02:09) QUOTE (Iwant2kssuallovr @ December 11, 2013, 22:57)I love Christmas! I love the lights, music, and celebration. I love the Christmas shows. I love the true meaning of Christmas. It is not all about the giftsd. If you have food and a roof over your head , love in your hearts, then you are trulyl blessed.
You forgot to mention the Crown
She may crown you.
It wouldnt be the first time that she's wanted to do that
So, we should call you King Free or Prince Free? I sincerely hope it's not Queen Free.
December 12, 2013, 22:28 |
62 / female Bendover, Florida, US
You still love me!
December 12, 2013, 22:28 |
49 / male Kamloops, British Columbia, Canada
I love being around little children at Christmas....cutting down one of my own trees and dragging it home tied with a lariat to the saddle horn.
I don't have many decorations, but the ones I have all mean something to me.
I'll travel down to the coast and to my parents farm...which ever family decides to show up is always different every year....but I always show up, without fail.
Some day soon my parents will retire and sell that farm...that Christmas will be a tough one, but their lives will be easier then,...and I love that thought.
I love to see my friends on the safari down to Vancouver,...I'll stop along the way and say Hello.
I love hearing my Grandmother of over 90 years say....Frohlich Weihnachten..always makes me smile...
December 18, 2013, 03:35 |
59 / couple Frozen Tundra, Minnesota, US
I love all the goodies we make at Christmas, watching my Grandson open his gifts ( like when he asked for snakes we got all kinds and put them in a box. He got so excited he got SNAKES LOL) Listening to stories from family my father in law reading from the Bible. so many things
December 18, 2013, 03:51 |
User no longer registered.
Live snakes???
December 19, 2013, 12:07 |
59 / couple Frozen Tundra, Minnesota, US
Re: Re: I LOVE!
QUOTE (Chazzy @ December 19, 2013, 12:07)Live snakes???
No it was all different kinds of toy snakes, i think we had about a dozen.
December 19, 2013, 15:43 |
62 / female The Shore, New Jersey, US
We celebrate Christmas and Chanukah so it can be a bit overwhelming. I always had fun, especially when the kids were little. My brother lives in a log cabin in the woods and we used to go there some Christmas's and it was like a Currier and Ives meets Norman Rockwell holiday. So nice. The gifts were nice but honestly they never remember the gifts. They remember the funny stories and favorite cookies or other things about the holiday. My families favorite Christmas was spent in Mexico with most of our family and friends that live there.There were almost no gifts that year. It was the way we celebrated that was so wonderful. It's still fun but for different reasons now. We are watching our family grow and seeing my children start their own families and traditions. Kam's granddaughter is a year old so it will be so much fun with her this year as well. I try not to over spend because that just adds stress. Most stress we bring on ourselves.Chanukah was getting too big so we scaled back this year. But we kept all the fun parts. And of course we had potato latkas!
December 22, 2013, 04:49 |
65 / couple crystal falls, Michigan, US
i just love standing in line at supper wall mart, took forever to get out of rib mountain and have to drive back home on bad roads, and i was one of the ones in the ditch....baaa humbug
December 22, 2013, 05:44 |
58 / female Assume the Position, New York, US
I have always loved Christmas Trees - used to fall asleep on living room floor as a kid just loved to look at the lights - still do! It has always been about family & friends. Presents yes, but time with my favorite uncle, aunt & Cousins. The Cousins have not been around for a few years which makes me feel a void.
Was very nervous about this year - first year alone, Eve my son spent w/ his dad so I was trying to come up w a new tradition. Ended up being after church cocktail & movie.
BUT this year was the best Christmas I have had in probably 2 decades... time w/ a special friend, Christmas morning just me & my son, cousins at dinner, great nieces (lil kids make Christmas fun)
December 28, 2013, 16:37 |